Search found 35 matches

by Olazabal
Mon, 17. Jan 11, 01:45
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [MOD] X-Tra Ship/Station Pack - [V1.94 Available 3/9/2011]
Replies: 6374
Views: 914448

Cockpit views and moving parts

First of all I'm really enjoying the new Trails man. But since version 1.86.2 many cockpit views are messed up. All of them centered inside the ship. For example Buster, Heavy Osprey, Heavy Centaur. Plus the radars on the Heavy Centaur are moving in funny directions (inside the hull). Those bugs see...
by Olazabal
Fri, 14. Jan 11, 18:14
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: RRF (Race Response Fleets with Race Wars) 2.2 21/9/10
Replies: 1058
Views: 253981

I managed to handle a dozen of them with my Pheonix Destroyer. The challenge are the hammerhead missiles the RRF ships tend to use quite often, that limits a few of my turrets to missile defense. 35 M7 is a pain in the ass. Especially those M7Ms. So we are talking about 70 Big Ships. I guess I have ...
by Olazabal
Fri, 14. Jan 11, 14:53
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: RRF (Race Response Fleets with Race Wars) 2.2 21/9/10
Replies: 1058
Views: 253981

Number of RRF Ships limitation

I've played with this script moments ago and was wondering if every race has a limited number of rrf ships or are they unlimited? For example I just started war with the split and their rrf's started jumping in the sector. After I killed a few the following capital ships jumped out when their shield...
by Olazabal
Mon, 10. Jan 11, 01:36
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [MOD TC/AP] Combat Mod 4 - v4.16 17/06/13 - AP 3.0 Compatibility
Replies: 1338
Views: 209024

Taking advantage of beam weapons

Hey Guys, I've got a quick question: Since we now have beautiful beam weapons like the Ion Cannon and Plasma Beam Cannon, how can I make total use of the fire power without firing manually from the turrets? Are scripts like MARS or MEFOS enabling the turrets for continues fire? It takes 8 PBC's ca. ...
by Olazabal
Mon, 3. Jan 11, 22:28
Forum: X³: Reunion - Scripts and Modding
Topic: bob to bod
Replies: 4
Views: 2119

Hey guys, maybe you can help me with a little problem. I tried to decompile with X2BC and got the following error messages: DBOX2> Loading body aliases DBOX2> Error - Cannot open file C:\Program Files\X3TC Extended Mod\gmax\types\BodyData.txt DBOX2> Loading scene aliases DBOX2> Error - Cannot open f...
by Olazabal
Sat, 1. Jan 11, 21:18
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [Mod]Engine Colours + particle trails MK 2 Release V0.03 beta [12/04 CMOD compatible]
Replies: 105
Views: 18138

That's the best Triangle in X-Modding: You, Cadius and Paul. Who needs XTC anymore :wink:
by Olazabal
Sat, 1. Jan 11, 16:37
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [MOD] X-Tra Ship/Station Pack - [V1.94 Available 3/9/2011]
Replies: 6374
Views: 914448


Ozkar had this nice find from Buchio. I've had a look at his work and the ship concepts look amazing. E.g.: ... 8110&qo=97

With his models someone :roll: could create a whole new fleet.
by Olazabal
Tue, 14. Dec 10, 03:00
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [MD-Script] RSM - Random Sectors Management 1.5
Replies: 260
Views: 79014

ANH and editing RSM

Not quite. All sectors are revealed. I tried it with a different savegame and it worked fine within the stated 8 Jumps. The only difference between the saves was the completion of ANH. To prevent these problems from occurring again, I've edited the MD file a bit. I've restricted the number of spawni...
by Olazabal
Sun, 12. Dec 10, 20:17
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts and Modding
Topic: [MD-Script] RSM - Random Sectors Management 1.5
Replies: 260
Views: 79014


@ Ketraar You said the new sectors would be 3 - 8 Jumps away of the sector mentioned in the message. So far I had three messages: Menelaus Paradise Emperors Ridge Heart of Light The sectors spawned at: South of Queen's Harbour North of Elysium of Light West of Patriarch's Conclusion That is always m...
by Olazabal
Mon, 6. Dec 10, 01:16
Forum: X Trilogie Universum
Topic: [TC] Mein Piraten Rang steigt nicht
Replies: 67
Views: 9998

Hallo zusammen ich habe im Moment das gleiche Problem wie oke2000 und MrStupid. Ich hab einen Rang von ca. -180000 und der steigt nicht mehr. Sinkt aber. Hab leider nun mal mit Kill Missionen Geld verdient und dabei unendlich viele Piris vernichtet. Es ist ja schön wenn ein Egosoft Mod hier rein sch...
by Olazabal
Sat, 20. Nov 10, 00:19
Forum: Off Topic Deutsch
Topic: Deutsch oder Muslimisch
Replies: 34
Views: 3185

@ Boro Pi Lass mich vorneweg schicken dass, ich Deinen Posts entnehme dass wir grundsätzlich ähnliche Ansichten zur Wichtigkeit des christilichen Glaubens für die Entwicklung und Prägung europäischer Moralvorstellungen und Gesellschaftsordnungen haben. Weshalb ich Deinen ersten beiden Absätzen aus d...
by Olazabal
Fri, 19. Nov 10, 15:48
Forum: Off Topic Deutsch
Topic: Deutsch oder Muslimisch
Replies: 34
Views: 3185

Hi, Eben darum ging es ihm. Aber wahrscheinlich reden wir hier etwas aneinander vorbei. Dann passt das ja schon mal. Mir scheint, dass Dir die Definition der Scharia etwas unklar ist. Keineswegs. Aber darum ging es mir bei dem Argument nicht. Es ging nur ums Thema "entweder oder", darum dass Werte g...
by Olazabal
Fri, 19. Nov 10, 14:12
Forum: Off Topic Deutsch
Topic: Deutsch oder Muslimisch
Replies: 34
Views: 3185

@Dorsai & Boro Pi Dorsais Vergleich von Scharia und Homophobie in der Bibel hinkt deswegen, weil Scharia im muslimischen Glauben flächendeckend aktiv gelebt wird. Sein Vergleichsbeispiel allerdings nicht. Selbst Muslime die nicht fünf mal am Tag beten, nicht fasten, nicht nach Mekka pilgern und sowo...
by Olazabal
Fri, 19. Nov 10, 10:03
Forum: Off Topic Deutsch
Topic: Deutsch oder Muslimisch
Replies: 34
Views: 3185

Weil hier auch schon der Name Abdel Samad gefallen ist. Hat jemand von Euch die satirische Dokumentation "Entweder Broder" am Sonntag gesehen. Da waren Broder und Samad in Duisburg und wollten sich die Moschee ansehen. Leider wurde ihnen die Drehgenehmigung wieder entzogen. Und die feindseelige Stim...
by Olazabal
Sat, 9. Jan 10, 10:57
Forum: X³: Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude - Scripts und Modding
Topic: [MD-QUEST/MOD/SCR] "Der Yaki-Konflikt", "Im Dienst der Forschung" und "Das Finale"
Replies: 743
Views: 146550

Ich würde, nach allem was ich hier gelesen habe, den Mod auch gerne mal anspielen. Allerdings versuche ich nun schon seit zwei Tagen vergeblich ihn von RapidShare runter zu laden. Die Server sind anscheinend immer ausgelastet und deshalb für nicht zahlende Mitglieder keine Downloads verfügbar. Meine...

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