remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

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remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Wed, 27. Jul 11, 19:44

remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

<Var/String> = A string or variable containing it, that is used as id of a custom encyclopedia article.

Removes the article that has was added by one of the add article commands (see the Related Commands section below) and has the as <Var/String> specified id.


remove encyclopedia custom article: id='test'

In case there is an article with the id 'test' in the custom section of the encyclopedia, this will remove it.

Related Commands:

add encyclopedia custom article: News, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: Information, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: History, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: Stories, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>

Command Location:
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    remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

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[TiP][49] 304849

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sat, 1. Oct 11, 13:02

remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

<Var/String> = Eine Zeichenkette oder eine Variable, die eine enthält, die als id für einen selbsterstellten Enzyklopädieartikel genutzt wird.

Entfernt den Artikel, der von einem der "add article"-Befehle (siehe dem "Verwandte Befehle"-Abschnitt unten) hinzugefügt wurde und die als <Var/String> angegebene id nutzt.


remove encyclopedia custom article: id='test'

Für den Fall, dass es in der selbsterstellten Kategorie der Enzyklopädie einen Artikel mit der id "test" gibt, wird er mit diesem Beispiel entfernt.

Verwandte Befehle:

add encyclopedia custom article: News, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: Information, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: History, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>
add encyclopedia custom article: Stories, id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, text page=<Var/Number>, text id=<Var/Number>, timeout=<Var/Number>

Zu finden unter:
  • »» Other
    remove encyclopedia custom article: id=<Var/String>

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