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Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 02:55
by JESS 246
Hi NovaCameron

I fire any guided missiles at fighters even the multi ones and even they don't always hit or kill and you think half a dozen missiles would kill any fighter.

I'm having other game issues that effecting the game like i can't trade with Mechanics and some some text problems in trade menus, think theres a mod conflict or one mod to many i am trying to sort out.

Oops! i am playing in hard mode if wondering but don't think that the kill fighters issue.

Its still a good mod as said in last post about guns maybe change them like you missiles.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 04:21
by NovaCameron
Multi ones are not designed for fighters, but drones. Light guided, even though they fire by two now, are more dogfight support. Use Medium Guided ones (Novas) as proper anti-fighter missiles, but never in a dogfight as they have large blast zones.

If a fighter gets in dogfighting range. You dogfight. Not fire anti-fighter missiles unless you can stay away from the blast zone or you have a low chance to miss.

Missiles are to kill fighters BEFORE they get to you. Or thin them out as they pass to a station or another target. Remember they have REALLY long ranges. If you can select them and have a red box, you can hit it with a missile. Once you get a targeting rectile? It is dogfighting range.

The mod doesn't touch mechanics or trade except arms dealers.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 07:20
by Freeman_79
Would it be possible to add a nuclear-like missile to XRebirth aswell for large capital ship engagement or to use against stations, similair to the Firestorm Torpedo or Hammerhead Missile in X3TC/X3AP ?
With a large explosion, very high damage and a shockwave effect.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 11:35
by Spieler195583
It seems like the constrictor is the only one in the free start. One possible difference between the starts might be, that you have some vanilla missiles aboard.
In my savegame I was able to find the new missiles via drop, but not able to use them, hope this helps a bit.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 12:16
by w.evans
Sorry, Spieler195583. You're right, and the mod doesn't appear to be altering the Skunk's macro properly.

With a new Aspiring Merchant game start, my Skunk appears to retain the old weapon connections:
save_006.xml wrote: <slot ref="weaponconnection3">
<cycle index="1" ref="missile_player_guided_light_macro"/>
<cycle index="2" ref="missile_player_guided_macro"/>
<cycle index="3" ref="missile_player_guided_heavy_macro"/>
<cycle index="4" ref="missile_player_swarm_macro"/>
<cycle index="5" ref="missile_player_swarm_heavy_macro"/>
<cycle index="8" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_macro"/>
<cycle index="9" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_heavy_macro"/>
<slot ref="weaponconnection4">
<cycle index="6" ref="missile_player_torpedo_macro"/>
<cycle index="7" ref="missile_player_emp_macro"/>
<cycle index="8" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_macro"/>
<cycle index="9" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_heavy_macro"/>
If you don't mind save editing, changing those lines to:

Code: Select all

<slot ref="weaponconnection3">
		<cycle index="1" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_v_crusher_macro" />
		<cycle index="2" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_meteorite_macro" />
		<cycle index="3" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_asteroid_macro" />
		<cycle index="4" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_comet_macro" />
		<cycle index="5" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_vulcanoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="6" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_plutoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="7" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_planetoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="8" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_nemesis_macro" />
		<cycle index="9" ref="missile_player_guided_solarflare_macro" />
		<cycle index="10" ref="missile_player_guided_starflash_macro" />
		<cycle index="11" ref="missile_player_guided_coronarider_macro" />
		<cycle index="12" ref="missile_player_guided_sunstalker_macro" />
		<cycle index="13" ref="missile_player_guided_novastar_macro" />
		<cycle index="14" ref="missile_player_guided_novapulse_macro" />
		<cycle index="15" ref="missile_player_guided_supernova_macro" />
		<cycle index="16" ref="missile_player_guided_pulsarbeamer_macro" />
		<cycle index="17" ref="missile_player_guided_quasarseeker_macro" />
		<cycle index="18" ref="missile_player_guided_gammaburster_macro" />
		<cycle index="19" ref="missile_player_swarm_spacegnat_macro" />
		<cycle index="20" ref="missile_player_swarm_cosmosquito_macro" />
		<cycle index="21" ref="missile_player_swarm_astrobee_macro" />
		<cycle index="22" ref="missile_player_swarm_etherwasp_macro" />
		<cycle index="23" ref="missile_player_swarm_celestialhornet_macro" />
		<cycle index="24" ref="missile_player_swarm_tristar_macro" />
		<cycle index="25" ref="missile_player_swarm_pentastar_macro" />
		<cycle index="26" ref="missile_player_swarm_heptstar_macro" />
		<cycle index="27" ref="missile_player_swarm_enneastar_macro" />
    <slot ref="weaponconnection4">
		<cycle index="1" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_v_crusher_macro" />
		<cycle index="2" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_meteorite_macro" />
		<cycle index="3" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_asteroid_macro" />
		<cycle index="4" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_comet_macro" />
		<cycle index="5" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_vulcanoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="6" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_plutoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="7" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_planetoid_macro" />
		<cycle index="8" ref="missile_player_dumbfire_nemesis_macro" />
should enable you to use the new missiles. You might want to look into this though, NovaCameron.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 12:29
by w.evans
I think that the problem might be that


should be set to:


in their respective files.

or just using sel="//weapons" might work too since there don't appear to be any other <weapons> nodes. Simplifies it since you could use that xpath for all four ship macros.

ps. Yup, getting this in my debuglog:
debuglog wrote:[=ERROR=] Cannot match path '/macros/macro[@name='unit_player_ship_macro']/properties/weapons' in patch file 'extensions\MoreMissilesMod\assets\units\player\macros\unit_player_ship_a_macro'. Skipping node.
edit: Tested with sel="//weapons"
Bought a load of different kinds of missiles in the Aspiring Merchant start, and started firing them at a Targon Tracer. Missiles all fired. Was having a blast, until the station started firing back and the Skunk blew up.

I would suggest that the vanilla missiles be sort of translated into counterparts in More Missiles rather than completely removed. That way, the game starts and md-generated drops, such as in the plot, if any, would still produce missiles which would make sense in the context of the MoreMissiles mod rather than producing nothing. Just a suggestion though. Your mod, so your call.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 18:40
by Spieler195583
Thanks w.evans, you're right, I managed to get the missiles into the savegame. Then there is only one thing left I'd like to know, will the weapons dealers sell the new missiles? (currently they don't sell anything) Or is there anything I can do to make them selling? In short: Will weapons dealers reinit their warelists or will they not?

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 19:05
by w.evans
They did when I tried it, but that was a fresh game start. I don't know if they'll sell anything if the mod is installed into an existing game, and the Skunk's macro altered.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 19:19
by NovaCameron
No they will not. I will attempt to post a save edit list on steam and nexus, and here like I did for getting the ship to work. But wares require lots of edits. Probably this weekend.

Start fixes and missile edits soon.

I have decided not to include missiles in the starts.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 20:06
by NovaCameron

Fixed All Game Starts. (Missiles are excluded by design.)
Removed EMP missle from wares file. (If you have a save you will still have it. It will still be unusable.)
Decrease Dumbfire missile reload times slightly for higher ones.
Increased Medium Guided reload times slightly.
Decreased Heavy Guided reload times slightly.
Rebalanced Light Swarm missile blast 40-80m, increase of 10m per level.
Decreased Heave Swarm missile blast to 160m.
Rebalanced All Guided missile blasts to 15m per level starting at 45m.
Guided missiles have about 40% the blast of dumbfire to differentiate. (45 vs 100, ect.)

Posted: Sun, 18. Jan 15, 19:37
by NovaCameron
Future plans note from Steam:

Gun and ship changes will come after 1.00. Will overhaul every weapon in the game. Only thing really keeping me from moving faster is that the game isn't taking my missile trail textures. I have no clue why. If I can't change missiles trail textures how will I change bullet textures? A few more tweaks (0.00.5), new descriptions (0.01), and explosion optimization (0.01) will get me to 0.96. Trails would get me 0.98. Working ware files would get me 1.00, but I still don't know how to actually code them yet. Thinking of just making them inventory creation which would allow you to merge certain missile parts together to create missiles. Worry about station manufacture later.

If anyone has tips about textures it would help. The tutorial helps me zero. I need details like, exact texture formatting, exact .gz compression data, NOT 'Oh just save it as the same format and compress into .gz' helps me none. Cause it does not tells me WHERE i can actually find that info. It also doesn't work.

Posted: Sun, 18. Jan 15, 19:42
by w.evans
I remember that your material_library.xml was being skipped because
material_library.xml wrote:<?xml version="0.1" encoding="utf-8"?>
should read xml version="1.0" ?

Looks like missile trail information. Mass replace 1.0 -> 0.1?

Posted: Sun, 18. Jan 15, 20:10
by NovaCameron
Nah, I fixed that. I got magenta trails with that error. This is something else... The trails just simply aren't there. Like it is failing to render it with the fx.

<emitter name="trail_missile_violet_dumbfire" type="trail_missile_violet_dumbfire">

Links to this:

<add sel="/effects">
<effect name="trail_missile_violet_dumbfire" duration="2.0" width="2.0" taper="0.5" fadestart="0.0">
<material name="trails.missiletrail_violet">
</parameters >

Which links to this:

<add sel="/materiallibrary/collection[@name='trails']">
<material name="missiletrail_violet" shader="shaderfx\high\XU_particles.fx" blendmode="additive" preview="none">
<property type="BitMap" name="diffuse_map" value="assets\fx\textures\missiletrail_lightpurple"></property>

The coding is right.... Just the texture doesn't show. I can point it to the original texture and BAM trails. So it is right but the texture is messed up...

Posted: Sat, 21. Feb 15, 22:13
by Ulcator

Im using the „MoreMissilesMod“
I tried to lower the prices for the missiles, because earning 100 million before DeVries, just by picking up missiles isnt what i had in Mind.
I used Notepad++ to open the dat file and cut the prices by 2/3. After saving, the Names of the missiles ingame are Lost – “TextolNofound”
The missiles themselves still work, just no names.
Up to Line 263 there is only Gibberish in the File

¿Wz|ÿ¦Ë¦a>>öô¬XËà÷hSû￾BJÿÞ ¿ ™￾ œž¿~‚χÊö´þ½ êÏÏKä|àNdç￾Fì-Ûçç# ª??T?äóô¼wÓï÷¦áü‡†2×-”"Üù³Ke|1¿@zkÓïçª5%ËÅw4 ýâ}ÏjQ¥89A>`ögÞÿç£?o?ÝIË Ô?ˆ¡^‘ð| E -XŸ￾s9 ˜þ •~ªÊÕ 1IŠŽ»_ßÏ -¯_çòíÁëá0ŽÏ”i¿pX ý£^ÿà $}6ÖP+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

After Line 264 there starts the proper Code.

How can I save the mod, so the names will be shown ingame properly?

Thanks a lot in Advance!

Posted: Sat, 21. Feb 15, 22:24
by w.evans
Hi Ulcator,

Oof. Never tried editing the .dat file directly, although I imagine that you'll have to edit the .cat file as well since the locations of particular files are in the .cat.

Easiest way to edit this mod would be to get a copy from the Nexus since you'll get the loose xml files that way, and it would be much easier to edit those.

If you like tweaking, it would also be generally useful to get the "X Rebirth Tools" from Steam. With that, you can unpack files from .cat/.dat files into loose files for easy tweaking.

Posted: Sat, 21. Feb 15, 23:48
by Ulcator
Thanks, downloaded from nexus and edoted the right file, now it works :-)

Posted: Fri, 26. Feb 16, 09:01
by phantum
any plans to update this?

Posted: Fri, 26. Feb 16, 18:06
by Reaperxvii
phantum wrote:any plans to update this?
it seems to be working with 4.0

**EDIT** The mod is NOT working with 4.0, no missiles show up at any vendor

Posted: Sat, 27. Feb 16, 06:11
by phantum
nor can you select them on your ship :o

Posted: Sat, 27. Feb 16, 07:31
by Reaperxvii
Actually...Mine just started working upon starting a new game on 4.0

try on yours and see if that works :?