Online savegames between sessions

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Online savegames between sessions

Post by Voxchao » Mon, 20. May 24, 16:50


I finally get some time to play the Boron dlc. Last time I had to stop, I played in an online savegame to participate on the first multiplayer session. Of course, to make things complicated, I opted into public beta (7 beta 5 currently). I still can load my online savegame, and played for a bit. Autosave tracked my progress. However, autosave doesn''t seem to write into the online save slot. I then tried to save manually: I can only save into offline save slots! I searched to forum whether:
- online saving is unavailable in public beta
- playing in the online save slot between sessions actually has effect on anything?

I understand that ventures are deactivated in beta versions anyway. Is the best way to continue to play the beta in offline save slots and convert to online when 7.0 is released (if applicable of course)? Am I missing something perhaps?


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