[MOD] Chill Mods Extravaganza

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[MOD] Chill Mods Extravaganza

Post by Chillmatica » Mon, 3. Jul 23, 23:05

I wanted to have a centralized jump point for the mods I've cranked out over the last month before I go do something else, with a little bit of story time of my journey modding this game so here it is. Full mod descriptions and features are on each mod page. It's been fun to learn! Still don't like XML. Big thanks to the modding community in the official Discord, Astrogrep, and VS Code auto-complete else this would have been a nightmare. Also Egosoft for the excellent game!

In order of creation, from complete noob crap to polished turd:

TLDR Links
Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations ... user+files
Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/id/chillmatt ... shopfiles/

Sector: The Deep
Adds two new sectors effectively providing a connection between Boron's inner area (Atreus Clouds) directly to Argon space (Argon Prime). This started my modding journey from the thought "it would be cool if an entire sector was foggy like the Boron SoD story line". It is kind of cool but shouldn't have done a sector that needs to consider Boron story progression as a first mod. This has a relocation patch to play nice with some other sector-adding mods.

Roaming Fleet
I enjoy flying around and doing combat more than managing the map empire, but making money from running missions pales in comparison to other methods so every game start I seem to fall into the same rut of making a ton of passive income miners and traders. This mod creates a new default order "Roaming Fleet" with the idea that you can make set-it-and-forget-it fleets that travel between two points and generate some income via combat. Bounties are paid for enemy ships destroyed and rep gain if the ship destroyed was an enemy of the sector owner it was destroyed in. There's a long laundry list of features on the mod page for this. Fun fact: some guy on Steam got mad that bounties weren't high enough for his liking so he went and downvoted all my mods. I was heartbroken.

War Pact
This mod is a bi-directional sync of faction reputation. You pick a faction that you want to ally with, it then syncs your reputation to whatever that faction currently has. From there it keeps it in sync, so if you go around killing that factions allies then you and your ally faction lose rep with them starting a war. If you use DeadAir Dynamic Wars mod, your rep also moves with the allys as well. Same with any story based rep changes. Someone had an idea that they'd like to ally with Yaki so I added that in and took it a step further to where if you ally with Yaki/Buc/Scaleplate, you also get their cover system that was used in the Terran plot so it enhances a pirate playthrough.

Privacy Please
This one is a simple diff to remove the weighting chance during Live Stream view that camera shifts to the in-cockpit view of the pilot or other NPC walking around. I usually use Live Stream view for checking out distant battles and found myself a little miffed when it changed to the NPC view. Cool the first couple times but nah. Left in the station/docking one though because NPCs running over to marshal landing ships is pretty dope. This mod also began the thing where I use old ladies in space for mod cover art. It makes me laugh.

Go Fix Your Face
Right-click menu option (thanks to SirNukes Mod API) that issues a Resupply/repair command on selected ships with some parameters. This is a vanilla order that Egosoft uses all over the place in an automated fashion in scripts but for some reason doesn't include it as a manual order in the base game. I imagine there's a reason that's over my head but I don't see it.

Head Hunter
This mod is a spin-off of the bounty function of Roaming Fleet. I wanted to take that idea and expand on it by having a bounty board consisting of ships that have blown up other ships in the galaxy, giving the player an incentive to hunt down active troublemakers and ones that are probably dangerous in some way. Plus the lure of sniping a friendly that has an attractive bounty and taking the rep hit. Xenon I's stack up the rewards pretty quick as you can imagine. My 13 year old daughter who doesn't like Sci-fi at all asked if player ships also get bounties so I just had to add that. There's a chance roll on an interval timer that the mod will send dedicated bounty hunters after the player's wanted ships. It will try and match up the hunter fleet composition based on what the player has, and then depending on the wanted value the ships will also have mods installed to up the difficulty. It was important that the hunters are created in the galaxy and actively travelled to where the player ship was last spotted and then hunt around the sectors instead of simply spawning them in the vicinity with an attack order.

Chill Turrets
I found out about the excellent Sub System Targetting Orders mod late in my 1k playing hours but I didn't need so many options or other functions. I typically do the same thing everytime: destroy enemy ship or station large turrets so my suicidal AI pilots don't fly into them then take out the engines. So this mod is based specifically on what I personally do without having to futz around with options. Just set and forget. Medium turrets behave how I think most people wish they did in vanilla by prioritizing incoming missiles first, then fighters, then whatever's in range. The large turrets I added the aforementioned priorities but also some line of sight ray casting checks to the turrets which seems to help with targeting since we can't individually address a specific turret's target. Finally I tweaked the targeting scan times to not be based on pilot skill. In my mind the targeting computer is running the turrets. Plus the scan time for 1-3 star pilots is surprisingly very high in vanilla.

Emergency Jump
Now I think I only make mods so I can come up with new cover art. Emergency jump will warp a damaged ship in-sector to a safe or maybe not safe spot and then immediately go for repairs if possible. This can help save your leveled pilots while also not being a sure fire thing either.
Last edited by Chillmatica on Sun, 9. Jul 23, 05:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [MOD] Chill Mods Extravaganza

Post by |K.O.S.H. » Tue, 4. Jul 23, 10:19

is Chill Turrets an extra command, or does it change the standard "attack enemy" command?
Wing Commander Mod - German Topic
06.07.11 - v1.1 RELEASED!

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Re: [MOD] Chill Mods Extravaganza

Post by Chillmatica » Tue, 4. Jul 23, 21:02

It changes the standard Attack Capitals and Missile Defence commands.

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