Restart Plot Task SAVEGAME EDIT?

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Trajan von Olb
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Restart Plot Task SAVEGAME EDIT?

Post by Trajan von Olb » Wed, 2. Aug 23, 12:00


I need to completely restart a Boron Plot quest. So far I have only accepted this quest but have not done anything. It is the highway building task, which was bugged when using "No Super Highways" - in the meantime this has been fixed by the MOD leaving the quest highway alone. However, it is necessary to restart the task WITH highways...

How can I manipulate the savegame to delete the quest? Specifically:

1. how do I unpack the savegame?
2. how do I find the quest (I play in German, do I have to find out the English name to search for it)?
3. what exactly do I have to do with it?
4. how do I repack the savegame?

Thanks for answers.

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Re: Restart Plot Task SAVEGAME EDIT?

Post by euclid » Wed, 2. Aug 23, 12:38

Concerning 1. and 4.: Saved games can be opened with 7z and there is no need to re-pack as the game will do that automatically if you save it again.

I do not recommend to alter the saved game in any way, in particular attempting to remove any ongoing mission not only because it leaves many traces in your saved game but also because it may have triggered other cues. However, if you insist on trying then a "sound" way would be to find the mission cue (check the unpacked files) and reset it via a short script.

Cheers Euclid
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- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Metaphysical Foundations of the Science of Nature, 4:470, 1786

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Re: Restart Plot Task SAVEGAME EDIT?

Post by Mystershow » Wed, 2. Aug 23, 15:46

As euclid said it's not a good idea to modify save

But you can unpack them with 7zip

Then you can read the xml with notepad and modify anything you need

But since it'll propably be a huge xml file (especially with mods) it'll be slow and tedious to modify

You propably can find the quest under the name something like :

Code: Select all

name="Boron's Highway"
I don't remember the correct name, look at your mission

Then you can modify the xml, I have an example with a split mission where I have a bug

Code: Select all

<mission id="233400" active="1" priority="20" name="Suspicious Split" description="In order to influence Split politics and society, you need to be well connected within the realm. With the patriarchal court being too aloof and isolated to interfere, you aim to learn more about the Free Families.[\012][\012]Dal found a Split who regularly travels to and from Split space, often under different names. He ought to be well connected and a helpful associate to have. Make contact and find out what he knows, and where his allegiances lie." icon="briefing_fau_t_nnt_01" caption="Nau t'Hnt" faction="player" type="plot" level="easy" rewardtext="A Friend among the Split" abortable="0">
		<objective step="1" type="embark" text="S-Sized Ship"/>
		<objective step="2" type="talkto" text="Suspicious Split" active="1"/>
		<objective step="3" type="transport" text="Suspicious Split"/>
	<objective step="[b]2[/b]" type="talkto" text="[b]Suspicious Split"/>

If I wanted to reverse, try to set active ="0" or modify the active step like going back to step 1 so something like this

Code: Select all

		<objective step="1" type="embark" text="S-Sized Ship" active="1"/>
		<objective step="2" type="talkto" text="Suspicious Split"/>
		<objective step="3" type="transport" text="Suspicious Split"/>
	<objective step="[b]2[/b]" type="embark" text="[b]S-Sized Ship"/>
Any way I don't know if it would work and as said, modifying save isn't a good idea since it can corrupted everything

For the repack, you have to use gzip otherwise the game won't recognize the save and the easiest way to do it on Windows is using Git bash (

Then right-click on your unpack save > "Git Bash Here" > enter the command "gzip save_XXX.xml" and press enter

You'll have a .gz

I did try for a bugged quest I had but it didn't work so you can try but unfortunately, it's propably better to reverse to an older save

Trajan von Olb
Posts: 551
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Re: Restart Plot Task SAVEGAME EDIT?

Post by Trajan von Olb » Wed, 2. Aug 23, 21:52

Thank you very much!

The quest is at point 1 - nothing has been done. The question is, if I cancel it, how does it retrigger?

The problem is that you are supposed to meet at the highway construction site, but the highways have been switched off by nosuperhighways. Now they are switched on again by an update of the MOD, but they are already there. But they are supposed to be built first.... When the quest is activated, there is no yellow waymarker. Hmmm....

Well ok, maybe I'll skip the first step and set the 2nd quest to active. Or I'll make the quest cancellable. Well let's see...

Greetings Trajan
Mein Traum vom Glück ist der Traum von einer anderen Menschheit. (S. Lem)

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