If there is an X5 - Please redo the trading AI and faction

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If there is an X5 - Please redo the trading AI and faction

Post by W_Dragon » Sun, 29. May 22, 23:01

X4 is graphically on par with current game, but its system is older than my grandma

There is no way the main player is the only one cause huge change in the game universe.
maybe, we should make this game more like Patrician where we compiete with different traders and there are many of them.

factions system are not really important as of now, because their member cannot change the game stats.
In the future, we can choose to join a faction or be natural with them or create our own faction and let npc join. We should not compete with factions but compete with other NPC traders. Only by doing this, X series will be more interesting and challenging.

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Re: If there is an X5 - Please redo the trading AI and faction

Post by jlehtone » Mon, 30. May 22, 16:45

First, X4 has its own Forum ... although I don't know where developers are most receptive for ideas about future projects.

Currently, player does not compete with anyone, except perhaps the Xenon. While that is more than in previous games, some do consider even the "Xenon threat" a bad move; undesirable competition.

Player can't really cause "huge changes". The "plots" do, but even them are like you start in a sandbox and at some point you have chance to jump to another almost, but not quite similar sandbox. No option to jump back.

There is a design dilemma; some players prefer to be insignificant, some don't and want to feel important. Catering for both ... how would you do it?

Competition game is something quite different from sandbox. In competition the game sets a clear goal with "do or die" imperative. The game ends when the goal is reached. The challenge is to figure out how to "do", rather than "die". In sandbox the challenge is to invent yourself goals; the grains of sand are extremely simple and your imagination is the limit. The game (for player) ends only when you run out of ideas, so in essence there is no "win", just how long you can escape "defeat".

That said, the role of player and factions is not optimal, IMHO. The player is neither a faction nor a member of a faction. While that does give gameplay options that have been the "standard" of these games, one has to keep wondering whether the design could be better, had it different take on the role of player.
Goner Pancake Protector X
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There is no Box. I am the sand.

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Re: If there is an X5 - Please redo the trading AI and faction

Post by W_Dragon » Mon, 30. May 22, 23:09

Thanks for the reply jlehtone

you are right about competition part. but in Patrician III (IV), the system is well designed. the game itself is sandbox while add NPC to compete with you. If you have played Patrician game you know how that game works.

As for X series, game will be playable even after we have finished main plots. I wish in X5, the competition will be an add-on option. we can choose to see how our business grow compare to other traders, or we can just do our own stuff (the stats panel should redo, the UI is so bad.. ) At the game current state, after 500 hours of granding on average, the game will gradually become too boring to play

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