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Posted: Thu, 19. May 05, 04:15
by milling_hordesman
i'm assuming the message is warning you of a new enemy ship within the Alert Five radius. this message is normally sent when a new enemy ship of m6 class of higher enters the carrer's Alert Five radius. the only way i could see this happening is if the script "" is not in the same /scripts folder as the rest of the carrier scripts. the script should have come with the zip you downloaded from my server. make sure the file is in the right place, exit and enter the game, and restart the Alert Five command on the titan.

if this doesn't solve the problem, then i can suggest a way to simply keep the message from being sent. go into the script editor and find the script "mhordes.carrier.five". select this script (press enter) and go down to the line that says:

Code: Select all

043          send incoming message $message to player: display it=[FALSE]
and press the '.' (period) button. this should make the line turn gray. if not, then try the ',' (comma) button.

once the line has been grayed out, exit the script (press esc) and choose to save the change. then save and reload the game and restart the Alert Five script on the titan.

Posted: Thu, 19. May 05, 04:22
by milling_hordesman
if you're referring to the "XaiCorporation Fleet Support Ship Commands" software package, then i can assure you i haven't used that upgrade slot. the slots i do use will conflict with the following mods:

"XaiCorporation Trade Command Software MK1" ?
"Mark's Patrol scripts Fight Command Software MkIII" ?
"XaiTec Towing device"
"Reven's Hired Gunnery Crews (deprecated soon)" ?
"Hull Repair System"
"Xai Corp. Remote Install/Uninstall Software"
"Spacefly tracker by Sherool"
"XaiCorporation Fleet Commander Software" <--- if this is you, then you should be able to to use the Xai software even without it installed

"Xai Corporation's IFF Jammer" ?

"XaiCorporation Jumpdrive Command Software"
"Mapper by JumperBR"

Posted: Thu, 19. May 05, 06:19
by Kustom_Mayd
kool problem solved, but it wasnt an m6, it was TP, and their fightdrowns, so yeah, any way, its fixed now, thanks,

Posted: Thu, 19. May 05, 07:53
by Legion400
Nope i dont use any of thsoe scripts.

Looks like the problem is with me...again

Posted: Sun, 22. May 05, 14:40
by Kustom_Mayd
Hey guys,
if you were ever intending on an update, just thort id add that in my last post, there wasn’t a glitch, but just that, when ever the alert five was active in a M2 or M1, if an enemy ship deploys fight drowns, a message is sent maybe around every 0.5 of a second until its killed saying that its cum within 20,000k, and the M2, M1, is sending 4 fighters to intervene.
I had no problems as of yet with any other enemy craft, and I have double checked everything, so everything’s were its ment to be, (file wise), so yeah, when you said the message would only show when an M6 or higher entered the radius, fight drowns also set off this message,
sori if im dragging this on, but I guess if u dont no, how can u fix it right? :?
Thanks 4 the time,

Posted: Sun, 22. May 05, 15:59
by Kinnison
milling_hordesman wrote: the slots i do use will conflict with the following mods:

"XaiCorporation Trade Command Software MK1" ?
"Mark's Patrol scripts Fight Command Software MkIII" ?
"XaiTec Towing device"
"Reven's Hired Gunnery Crews (deprecated soon)" ?
"Hull Repair System"
"Xai Corp. Remote Install/Uninstall Software"
"Spacefly tracker by Sherool"
"XaiCorporation Fleet Commander Software" <--- if this is you, then you should be able to to use the Xai software even without it installed

"Xai Corporation's IFF Jammer" ?

"XaiCorporation Jumpdrive Command Software"
"Mapper by JumperBR"
That explains a couple of things I've noticed since installing your scripts (very useful, thanks) but I've also seen my 'Autodock' command go AWOL. Is this another conflict or have I just got another problem, do you think?

Posted: Mon, 23. May 05, 22:43
by milling_hordesman
s'okay. maybe some day i'll look into it. right now, i'm putzing around in Morrowind. for now, just disable that message and it's all good, i guess.

hmm... i wonder if it's detecting the drones over and over, or the ship itself? that's the oddest thing...

i would guess it's the drones, but why would it? ah, whatever.

edit: here, give this a try. drop it into your /scripts directory, load the game, stop the carrier's Alert Five command, start the carrier's Alert Five command back up, and see if it happens any more. it shouldn't but then what do i know; i haven't ever encountered fighter drones yet :)


your autodock commands, i have no idea. is that another plugin or do you mean the normal, in-game autodock? if it's a plugin, it's one i haven't seen before, and so there's a decent chance it's conflicting.

Posted: Mon, 23. May 05, 23:30
by Kinnison
milling_hordesman wrote:

your autodock commands, i have no idea. is that another plugin or do you mean the normal, in-game autodock? if it's a plugin, it's one i haven't seen before, and so there's a decent chance it's conflicting.
Yup, a plugin: it allows you to set a docking station for any capped ships (and any you own which are in space without orders) . Only works in the sector you're in when it's issued, and stops when you leave that sector.

Posted: Mon, 23. May 05, 23:33
by TSM
milling_hordesman wrote:s'okay. maybe some day i'll look into it. right now, i'm putzing around in Morrowind. for now, just disable that message and it's all good, i guess.

hmm... i wonder if it's detecting the drones over and over, or the ship itself? that's the oddest thing...

i would guess it's the drones, but why would it? ah, whatever.

edit: here, give this a try. drop it into your /scripts directory, load the game, stop the carrier's Alert Five command, start the carrier's Alert Five command back up, and see if it happens any more. it shouldn't but then what do i know; i haven't ever encountered fighter drones yet :)


your autodock commands, i have no idea. is that another plugin or do you mean the normal, in-game autodock? if it's a plugin, it's one i haven't seen before, and so there's a decent chance it's conflicting.
There is a script kicking about that does this

Posted: Mon, 1. Aug 05, 19:03
by mbthegreat
Sorry for the necromancy but I'm habing problems with this script, I ran the add ware script from the editor but there is no ware at the argon equipment dock in argon prime (only one i tried) have i done something wrong?

Posted: Sun, 11. Sep 05, 21:23
by Taki
mbthegreat wrote:Sorry for the necromancy but I'm habing problems with this script, I ran the add ware script from the editor but there is no ware at the argon equipment dock in argon prime (only one i tried) have i done something wrong?
If there isn't any conflict with some of your other installed "unsigned scripts" you shouldn't have to use the editor to make the ware avalaible .. it seems you hava a ware conflict that prevents MH's ware being avalaible.

Posted: Sun, 11. Sep 05, 22:43
by Taki
Oops forgot something...
Despite the ADV jumper 1.72 is an awesome piece of cake
(setting wingmen with auto jump .. you are in trouble somewhere ... just call them by a press of a key and they jump right next to you with that incredible sound .... NEATT ... my wingmen are 10 M3 Class Khaak Ship fully load with 3 beta kyon .. they can extractme from quite all situations :) ..
Anyways ... back to what is important, i have the regret to annonce i have discover .. a bug or a little glitch .. dont really know, it is a minor one but still...

Here it is!!

Situation: Player flying normally with a cohort of follower or wingmen set to protect or any other command that make your cohort to follow you.
All the cohort is set with an hyperbolic drive, enough energy or the SSTC and the auto-jump additionnal command set to on.

Trigger: Player flying normally through a jumpgate to the next sector

Bug: The cohort of followers dont follow the player trough the gate, instead they engage hyperbolic drive and go to the edge of the sector they currently are ( ie: coordinate x:250km y:250km z:250km) and start to follow player again so going back to where the player entered the gate and this AT NORMAL SPEED ( this will be long till they come back from that position )

Debugging and explanation:
I looked at the script to try to fix it myself, so i know why this is happening but dont really have a solution right now to fix it.
Here i go.
When you enter a jumpgate, any ships that have you as a target will see the distance between you and them going up real fast ( you are entering the wargate ) so as soon as that distance is above 15km, the auto jump command kicks in and the followers try to rejoin you engagng the hyperbolic drive. Unhappily you are not in the current sector anymore ( remember you just jump through the jumpgate ) so the AI followers still try to rejoin you ( you are in the next sector they are in) and go to the edge of sector.
Once their hyperjump is done, they realize the fact ( going back to the follow command ) you are in the next sector. As you are in the next sector ( jump distance = 1 ) they dont engage freejumping ( this is normal as it is scripted that way, and it is good ) and begin to rejoin you from where they are ( position x:250km y:250km z:250km)

This only happen when YOU are the leader and AI is the follower.

I tried with an AI sets as leader with a command "Fly to sector.." choosing the next sector. Me with autopilot engaged with command "Follow" that AI leader and the bunch of followers sets to "Follow" that AI leader with autojump still engaged.... Result all that mess goes through the gate .. just fine...

I have some but they are not very usable or i dont know how to apply them
  • 1: Disengage Auto jump command on any AI following you when entering a jumpgate ( a pain in the *** )

    2:Make an AI the leader and order it to go where you want and set all the followers to "Follow" that AI leader
    The problem in this solution is that the whole group will go smooth through the gate but will not follow you if you engage hyperdrive and will travel at the speed of the slowest of the followers

    3: Put a fast M5 (or other ship faster than you are ) as a damper setting it to follow you without autojump engaged and all other AI sets to follow the "damper" with auto jump engaged
    The problem evoked at solution 2 is stil here as you use an AI as a "leader"

    4:Make AI use freejump even when jump distance =1
    I dont really like that idea

    5:MAke the AI Hyperjumping back to the gate ( not sure if it is possible
    and not quite a solution just a workaround )

    6:Add a check somewhere to verify that leader ( YOU) is still in sector before engaging hyperjump ( possible problem, hyperjump will take time to kick in )

    7:Check if destination position is somewhere between 220 and 250km at anytime -> abort hyperbolic drive
    This sounds the best option as you dont really often go yourself as far in a sector neither the AI. And this solution would not alter at all the regular mechanism of the current auto jump
    Though i dont know how to add that check but i'm sure MH can
    ( i can read a script and quite understand it ...but i'm not confident enough to mess with it... in fact i already tried :lol: All went wrong )
I'm sure there could be another solution better than mine
Feel free to express them.

I hope MH will find the way 8)
And this will make ADV jump the ultimate jump script

Now a good news, some possible enhancements for advance jumping:
  • 1:Possibilty for the auto jump command to engage hyperbolic drive or freejump drive if command is "move to position", with the added ability for a ship that dont have the freejump drive but have the hyperbolic one to engage hyperbolic to fly to the jumpgate and doing it again until final destination reached if the 'position" is in another sector( this will cost less e-cells than a freejump but journey will be a little longer)
    Hint: Action is "entering warpgate" dont know if it can be implemented

    2:Same as above but for the "Fly to sector" command with the added ability for a ship that dont have the feejump drive but have the hyperbolic one to engage hyperbolic to fly to the jumpgate and doing it again until final destination reached ( this will cost less than a freejump but journey will be a little longer)
Thanks for reading this long post

Regards to MH, his beta testers and Galaxy ( i hope i'm not messing with names ) for those incredible sounds we have when engaging and disengaging freejumping :)

Posted: Mon, 12. Sep 05, 01:36
by AdmiralTigerclaw
Since I helped MH with most of the work on the Adv Jumper system... I beta tested quite a few jump situations.

The bug with the hyperbolic drive and the instant jump sequence being used has been seen during testing of the autojump command. Now, the major problem was that after flying through a gate, the AI use their jumpdrives instead of following you directly.

We contemplated ways of figuring out how to implement the autojump sequence depending on how the player jumps, but we just couldn't figure it out. The best we've come up with is a forwarding check to ships assigned to follow player to initiate jump when the player excecutes a jump.

However we determined that there just isn't a command, or a simple list of checks to determine how to enforce the auto-jump when the player flies through a gate automatically.

Anywho... this bug is only a minor irritant if you employ the ADV Jumper package safely. Mainly, if you have an autojumping support team, we can usually assume you've got enough money that everyone is fully kitted with HDrive FJDrive, and SSTC, including the player. And that as such, the player would more commonly be using the FJDrive to go from place to place in a hurry rather than flying gate to gate.

Anywho... glad to hear you like the sounds. Would you believe some of them came out of Battleship?

Posted: Thu, 15. Sep 05, 17:43
by milling_hordesman
ah... hunh. interesting. so let me make sure i understand this correctly:
- when entering a gate, the player ship actually moves to the edge of the sector map before being "placed" into the next sector
- because the player is is temporarily at the edge of the sector, wingmen set to autojump with hyperdrives will lock that point at the edge of the sector as their destination and engage hyperjump to travel there
- by the time they hit the edge of the sector, following ships see that the player is now in the next sector and turn around and go into "fly through the gate" mode, not using hyperjump to get there

also, this situation occurs when the player is on autopilot or when they manually fly into a gate?

well, if this is the case, i could see a solution:
1) perform checks involving the leader ship's distance to a gate. if the leader gets within, say, 1km of the gate in the "flat" plane of the gate and no more than, say 200 meters to either the front or back of the gate, then the leader sets themselves in a special state where the follower's auto-jump scripts do not trigger jumps for about 5 seconds or so. this should give the leader time to travel to the next sector and the wingmen to begin docking with the gate. exact times and distances would need testing.

thanks for the regards. i give my own for you being able to sort through my code :p

the sounds are entirely thanks to AdmiralTigerclaw (with only a little timing work done by myself), and it heartens me to see that he's still active in the X2 community :)

for future reference, if you do find more bugs, PM-ing me will send a notice to my hotmail account, which i check... well, weekly, maybe. i'm always interested in finding ways to improve my work.

i'll take a look at this problem in particular once i get home today, maybe set up a few test situations myself so i can see what the exact behavior is.

EDIT: okay, i've done a little twiddling, and the result is: ships will no longer auto-hyperjump to a target within 1.5km (the radius of the ring) of a jumpgate. 3 seconds after the target leaves the vicinity of the gate OR whenever the target leaves the sector, ships will go back to auto-jumping as usual. this only affects auto-jumping ships that might jump to a target that is within the radius of a jumpgate or who have just recently left the vicinity of a jump gate.

i write it off to the inaccurate nature of trying to calculate jump coordinates that close to a fixed jumpgate ;) the updated files can be found at my FTP site. any currently active auto-jump scripts should restart themselves after installing the new version, so hopefully it'll just be a clean unzip, replace the old ones, and keep going.

as always, if something else seems to be adversely affected by this update, please let me know so i can fix it :)


Posted: Tue, 27. Sep 05, 13:56
by RagX
Just a quick Q:

Which scripts have you tried with your adv jumper script that you're sure doesnt lead to problems? I'm still not keen on looking for conflicts in scripts I choose, and so I hate to un/reinstall everything when I do find a serious conflict :shock:

Posted: Wed, 28. Sep 05, 05:10
by Burianek

Posted: Wed, 28. Sep 05, 06:32
by StormSinger
The only real problem I've had with AJ is if my trade ships have it set to Freejump and they try to jump before clearing the dock. I lost 12 ships consecutively before I went outside and watched what was happening.

Even the few that made it, eventually trashed themselves in a similar fashion. Otherwise, I love the script.

Posted: Wed, 28. Sep 05, 16:11
by AdmiralTigerclaw
What version are you running? The latest version should do a collision avoidance move before it jumps. (IE, it will teleport a few meters away.)

Posted: Wed, 28. Sep 05, 16:51
by nuclear_eclipse
I have the same issue even with the latest versian (1.72/1.73). THe problem lies with giving the ship a Subspace Displacement Drive, and then setting the ship on Auto-Jump. The moment the ship leaves the station, it initiates the Freejump command, and stops dead, even while still inside the docking tube. This results in the tube closing on the ship and causing it to explode.

Posted: Wed, 28. Sep 05, 17:01
by RagX
so we need some sort of wait for them to clear the tube into clean space (about 10 seconds flight time should do even for the slowest TS), start autojump, cleared it, and cancel the wait.

I'd love to program in the wait thing, but I dont know how :oops: