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Addon: Shipname + Homebase

Posted: Mon, 26. Oct 15, 14:46
by HashtagMC
On request from fliegender_Amboss (german thread) I wrote a small scripts that adds the homebase to a ships name:

[Homebase] Type


[Carrier 5] Argon Nova

  • Smaller than M6 (+ no fighting drone)
  • Special Software Mk1 installed
The command "Add homebase to name [HBName]" is in the "Special" command menu.

Attention: In order to use this script, the scripteditor has to be activated. This will mark your save with **modified**!

The script is available in German and English, a readme is included in the downloaded .zip-file. Download (

Greetings, hashtag

For scripters:
The t-files are 441103 und 491103. All my scripts use xx11xx (441101, 491103, ...)

Update V1.1

Posted: Mon, 26. Oct 15, 22:57
by HashtagMC
Update V1.1
Now in two versions:
  • A ships special menu
  • A carriers special menu, renames all ships landed on that carrier
Download link remains the same.

Updated download link

Posted: Sun, 21. Nov 21, 21:39
by HashtagMC
Apologies for reviving a 2015 thread, but on September 13, Google Drive deployed a security udpate that rendered all links previously shared invalid. Since then, file owners have had to grant access to every single person viewing the link, or generate new sharing links. I've just received an email asking permission to access the download for this file (thanks for the reminder, stranger) and have taken the opportunity to update the download link.

Kind of heart-warming to see people still use my old scripts :)

Anyway, without further ado, here's an updated download link: Click!

Let me know if it breaks again.