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New version of Doubleshadow's X2 Editor (0.36) available

Posted: Wed, 17. Nov 04, 03:45
by DeadlyDa
Update: Version 0.36 is now available at This update changes to look of the editor "launch panel", adds in a new and very useful feature where X2E will automatically load the files from the currently selected mod (either from the X2, or X2MM). There are also a couple of bugfixes related to cut & paste.

Update: Version 0.35 is now available at This update provides a couple of bugfixes, and adds a new feature.

The fixes include the ability to add lines to TShips (and other type files) from within the editor. (Using ptch07, you can now extend the number of ships in X2, and copy/cut & paste entries around within TShips. Very handy!)

The second fix corrected an obscure problem I encountered (created?) with the Galaxy Editor.

The new feature is a list of most recently opened files when you open a new file in either the Text orGalaxy editors. I don't know how I got along without it!

Update: Version 0.33 is now available at This is provides a few small bugfixes, and enables compatibility with the latest release (0.12) of the X2 ModManager. (The X2 Modmanager can now open typefiles directly from the .cat/.dat files, using the X2 Editor.)

Update: Version 0.32 is now available at This is a maintenance release to synch libraries with the new X2 Modanager, no fixes of changes to functionality.

Update: Version 0.31 is now available at This is a bugfix to correct a problem when addeding turrets.

For the hardcore modders out there, Doubleshadow has just posted Version 0.0.29 of the X2 Editor on his site. You can now access the BOD Viewer from the Editor (which you can also download from his site).

You will need to click on "Settings" and identify the path to the BOD Viewer. It's a little challenging to set up & use (unless you speak Russian :D ), but it's such a great tool for GFX modding...who cares, it's definitely worth the effort!

Get 'em both here...

Again, many thanx to Doubleshadow for this great tool!

Posted: Wed, 17. Nov 04, 19:03
by Burianek
if you don't mind, can we keep all posts related to ds' editor in this thread?
(it's the one linked from the tutorials sticky)
*edit* not anymore :)

Posted: Wed, 17. Nov 04, 19:31
by DeadlyDa

No problem.

My only concern is many people will not realize there is a new version available. Just because a topic pops to the top to the fourm doesn't maen anyone will read it...especially when the topic that is linked does not say anything about "new version available" on the subject line.

Ah well...since the information will doubtless be cross-posted on several of the other scripting sites, the word will still get out.

Posted: Wed, 17. Nov 04, 19:34
by Burianek
I just don't want to keep linking to different posts from the main sticky, too lazy ;)
I'f you'd like, I can link to this one since you own it and can edit the the title when new versions are released ....
you up for it?

Posted: Wed, 17. Nov 04, 20:04
by DeadlyDa

I fully understand and agree with keeping all information on a topic in as few posts as possible. I'll ask DS if he would like me to keep things updated. As much as I rely on his Editor, I certainly don't mind doing him the small service of keeping the version announcement current.

I do know that he is eagerly waiting for X2 to come out in his country (Czech Republic), so he can get a copy of the game, and register on this site...and get in touch with the rest of us on a regular basis.

As an FYI...he is also thinking about doing a ModManager. he hasn't committed to it, but given the quality of his Editor, I'd love to see what he could do in this space.

Posted: Thu, 18. Nov 04, 02:24
by Burianek
Ok, no problem. I've linked this thread from the main sticky rather than the other one.

Posted: Fri, 26. Nov 04, 00:45
by DeadlyDa
Another update for the X2 Editor from our friend Doubleshadow...0.0.31!

The new version fixes a bug when adding turrets...get it here ... o_0.31.exe

Posted: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 22:18
by madcaddie
Is there anyway to get the names and descriptions in txt files to show in the editor?

Posted: Tue, 21. Dec 04, 02:51
by DeadlyDa
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but the "Resource Editor" button takes you to a seperate editor that shows the names and descriptions.

When DS's utility first comes up, it loads all of the files in your "/t" directory (assuming you set things up correctly). You can then display all of the entries in a BoardComp Objects (ID=17).

Unfortunately, since the text is loaded into memory, it can only be displayed...if you want to change it, you still need to use a text editor (TextPad and UltraEdit work great).

Posted: Tue, 21. Dec 04, 07:11
by madcaddie
Thanx for the help I can't seem to open up those files I have all the pck files in the /t directory but I get an error when I try to open any of them I also get teh same error when I start the program and the editor tries to load them automatically

Posted: Tue, 21. Dec 04, 23:46
by DeadlyDa're sure you are running version 0.0.31? If so, and you have double-checked the settings screen to ensure you are pointing to the correct directory, then post the message you are getting.

PS: The "correct directory to use when setting up the editor is the one with your .cat/.dat files in it (or the one with the "unpacked" directories., if you are running a develpment environment).

Posted: Wed, 22. Dec 04, 15:57
by madcaddie
Ok here is the error I get and yes I'm using 0.31

Error loading resources:
File E:\Games\EGOSOFT\X2 - The Threat\t\44022.pck
Error: Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.
Source: <?xml version=1/0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Line: 1
Object descriptions and names will be unavailible.

Posted: Wed, 22. Dec 04, 22:17
by DeadlyDa
Sounds like a problem that is specific to that file. First, what is 44022.pck" That is not a vailid file name (needs 6 digits). There is a 445022.xml, which is from the Xai Factory Management System beta. However, the "t" files for FMS are not distributed as .pck's.

A couple of suggestions:

1) Move the offending file temporarily out of your path and fire up the editor. Does is still fail...and if so, on what file.
2) Try unpacking the file using the official mod kit, or OlisJ's X2Modder utility, and using the .xml file instead.

I have an occaisional PM/email dialog running with DS, so if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll see if he has any ideas.

Posted: Thu, 23. Dec 04, 06:53
by madcaddie
Sorry I meant 440022.pck and no I get the same error if I unpack it to xml

Posted: Sat, 25. Dec 04, 06:42
by DeadlyDa
OK...but what script/mod does 440022.xml come from?

Tell me what it is, and where to get it, and I will try to recreate the problem on my system.

Posted: Sat, 25. Dec 04, 07:37
by madcaddie
It doesn't come from any mod isn't this file from the stock game dat archives?

Posted: Sat, 25. Dec 04, 18:55
by DeadlyDa
The only "/t" files that come with the game are xx0001, and xx0002 (where "xx" is your langauge code..."44" for english).

The Bonus Material adds the xx0003 file. Anything else you see in your "/t" directory was added by a script package or mod.

You might try my earlier suggestion, and remove the offending file from your X2 Editor path.

Posted: Mon, 27. Dec 04, 06:09
by madcaddie
Thank you will do that and see what happens probally came from one of the weapons mods I installed.

Posted: Tue, 25. Jan 05, 19:17
by DeadlyDa
The initial version of DoubleShadow's X2 Modmanager has just been released.

As a result in DS having to update the libraries for the ModManager, he has released Version 0.32 of the X2 Editor...which is now available at This is a maintenance release to synch libraries with the new X2 Modanager, no fixes of changes to functionality.

Posted: Tue, 8. Mar 05, 23:28
by DeadlyDa
Version 0.33 is now available from the download links at the top of this thread.

This release provides a few small bugfixes, and enables compatibility with the latest release (0.12) of the X2 ModManager. (The X2 Modmanager can now open typefiles directly from the .cat/.dat files, using the X2 Editor.)