Old Fan Fiction Question

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Old Fan Fiction Question

Post by mcjomar » Wed, 25. Sep 13, 21:17

Much of it hosted on the kiwi.nu x universe fanfiction site.

Specifically, many of the stories, including the notable Rogues series by Steve Miller, and the Traders Tale series by S Haworth, refer to a selection of sectors labelled X8, X10, or some other X# number setup.
This is also in Crunn's Dark Haven fiction.

Where did this come from, and why is it there?
It's from prior to full release of X2 The Threat, that much is clear, as the khaak (until later on some of the books anyway) do not make any appearance at all, or have limited involvement at best.

Was it part of a fiction competition, with limited/sketchy info?
Or something else?
Is there a historian around here with info on this?
SHA Vice Admiral

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Captain Chris sTc
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Post by Captain Chris sTc » Sat, 28. Sep 13, 19:39

I'm pretty sure It's just sectors made up.

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Joined: Thu, 3. Feb 05, 17:14

Post by mcjomar » Sun, 6. Oct 13, 22:54

Hmm maybe.
Although a lot of the names in Final Dominion made it into X2 as sector names, while the use of X8, or X4 or whatever as sector names seemed to be quite a thing.
Makes me curious how that all got tied into the games.
SHA Vice Admiral

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