Exile Continued:

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 18. Mar 14, 09:58

"Loki this is Vixen do you copy ?".

"Roger that Vixen came the response we are transmitting the markers to you now we have one other inbound following your pattern so I suggest you make all haste".

Vixen smiled and locked her ship into the boarding pattern suspecting who was in the fighter behind her.

She had never docked on a Split carrier before and found the experience a little unnerving but was pleased when she saw the efficiency of the hanger crew who had her ship racked and stacked seconds after she had climbed out of the cockpit.
She was escorted to the bridge lift and was whisked upwards at a breakneck pace.
Gill met her at the lift entrance and escorted her to the Captains quarters so she could change out of her flight gear. By the time she returned to the bridge Vincent was in the chair and directing operations with the ease that only the truly competent could aspire to.

A crewman escorted her to an observation seat near his and she settled herself looking forward to seeing the base now that her construction teams had reported that the station was now fully operational.
Her forward team had sent word that the Talos operations were up and running and that the transition process had gone smoothly The Praetorian's had done all of the transport work she had needed and then some.

For the first time in too many Jazura she felt exited about what lay ahead of her. She felt the drives spool up and braced herself then as soon as they had entered Zyarth space they jumped again she had been expecting it, forewarned by her people but even so it was disconcerting.

As was the sudden target lock warnings that filled the bridge as they emerged from jump space for the second time and the base filled the main monitor view screen as Vincent altered course and took them into dock.
He spoke briefly to another of his people who nodded and then took his place in the chair.
Vincent approached her and gave her his hand to help her out of her seat then led her back to the lift with Gill at his side and took her down to the access ramp where the deck crew were already busy shifting cargo of the ship.

"I know you are just itching to get upstairs mom Vincent said but my people wanted to meet you first if you don't mind he whispered to her" as he led her onto the dock proper where Daks was waiting to greet her.

Dak's had taken the job of course and he seemed more settled in himself no longer worried by the pressure of the back stabbing world that was sadly the politics of the fleet these day's.
Daks directed them to the waiting transports that took them off the docks and into the heart of the station Claris was pleased to see the people the Praetorian had brought here were already using the parkland areas with children running about watched over by their parents who seemed at ease in their new homes the fact that she had helped to bring this about gave her an enormous sense of pride in her achievement's here and in Vincent who had helped her do it.

They stopped not at an admin building as she had anticipated but at a residential area where they got of the transports and met the people who were awaiting their arrival in the grounds in front of the housing complex.

She was a little nervous but Gill gave her hand a quick squeeze to let her know it was okay so she relaxed a little no a lot as Vincent began introducing her to his people. This she sensed was important to Vincent despite his casual manner he wanted her approval or at least her acceptance of those closest to him. It wasn't that difficult she saw the way they looked to him as a leader drawn by his sheer personality that she admitted came from Brin as did the way he treated them as equals even deffering to them. Then her heart stopped as she saw Onamu approaching her and the memories came flooding back and for a moment she was back in her Elite in Heretics end with the battle going on around her, her team ragged as they sought to follow orders to hold the line.

Onamu placed a glass in her hand "Claris long time no see" Onamu said simply embracing her, no forgiving her.

"Hey Onamu said it is past okay you raised a fine man Claris" she indicated Vincent who saw my distress but held back not interfering sensing that this was something I had to deal with.

"I had a choice then I whispered my eyes filled once more with the memories of that battle I made the wrong call" I admitted putting my shame on the table.

"Hell if you did Claris you protected your team you got them through it so don't regret the choices you made that day I would have done the same in a heart beat and you know it. So why don't we put that all behind us and leave it there still friends ?"she asked.

"Always" I agreed and raised my glass to her trying to put those memories away.
The day was more than I could have wished for to be honest Onamu had been a shock but I heeded her words and I met all of them Amber wing not just the pilots but the gunners all marines of course who looked to my son for leadership he did not want that of course he never had wanted to be the man but he was wether he wanted to be or not.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 18. Mar 14, 20:15

Claris watched the Sword exit the sector the next day going off to Gunne's knew what Dak's probably knew but she was not going to abuse their friendship anymore than she already had.

She instead tuned to the business to hand and was soon lost in the world she had chosen making deals and ordering her ships across the verse to make the deadlines expected of Talos.
So the days turned into weeks before she knew it and even though it hurt her to see Vince and Gil go of in The Sword that missile boat of theirs on an almost daily basis now she was always confident they would come back.

Vincent staggered as they took another hit from the Osaka that was trying to get a fix on them He could hear Gill over his headset even now as her people were creating chaos over there. H e changed his vector avoiding the latest barrage from the Osaka when Gill called it in. and Vince turned about to retrieve his people the Chokaro was waiting in Nathans voyage but as the battle was still going on he had no intention of risking his people any further.
He transferred his people and was waiting for the battle to end satisfied that they had effectively cleared the sector when Hannah announced they had fish in the water, Marines who had just fought with Gill and her crew who had bailed at the last moment and were heading for the north Gate.
Vince did the math they would not make it. The base in Heretic's end had ben a primary target for the fleet on this op which meant the only chance for those Marines was the Asteroid belt.

"Stick sweep them up he ordered have bravo team ready to meet them but I want no firing unless absolutely necessary".

"Roger that Captain team bravo is in position awaiting your word sir".

I then ordered the Osako to jump for home I had thought to send it to the nearest shipyard but a gut feeling told me that would be a bad move we had got it with most of its weapons and I transported across a shield generator and enough E-cells to make the trip to it before we went to collect the men vainly trying to flee the system.

Once we had all of them I commed Gill and asked her to join me at the Brig where they had been placed.

I sat in the office overlooking the holding cells and asked for the leader to be brought to me.

The man was ushered in bereft of his combat rig but still maintaining his dignity as he was told to take the seat opposite me.

"Lt Phelan I am Captain Hallard"

"Sir we know who you are a damned mercenary"

I cut him off at that point "Lt Phelan the only reason you are here is because I admire courage. The base in Heretic's is gone I continued but you could not have known that when you attempted to take your people home.
I am a mercenary lieutenant but I fight as you do for my people.
I intend to take you home Phelan you and your men no conditions.

I let that sink in and saw the hope in the man's eyes not for himself but for his men.
Now as you will appreciate when I jump into the asteroid belt I will have limited options so I want you to announce that I want a prisoner exchange no more no less.
We will not attack unless fired upon so you will have to be very convincing Lt Phelan I am going to place my ship and my crew in harms way to do this so at least give me a reason to want to.

That had the man I was offering him a ride home no strings attatched and I could see he wanted to believe me all he had to do was see that I was being genuine.

Gill stepped in at that point she had just fought this man across five decks during the capture and she knew what buttons to push so he agreed reluctantly I must admit to make the broadcast. after that I had him escorted to the bridge and we prepped for the jump to enemy space.

Mal had his work cut out as we stabilised after the jump but the fact we did not retaliate caught some ones attention and a Yokohama came into range.

"Captain of the Cobra this is Arima of the Usc fleet please state your intentions here you are aware that we have you targeted".

"Arima this is Hallard of the Sword we are here to conduct a prisoner exchange no more and no less if you are wiling and tell your ships to stop firing at me we have not retaliated as I am sure you have noticed".

The screen went blank for a moment as the feed was redirected to the Captain of the Yokohama.

"You test me Captain but I can respect that what do you want my orders are to destroy you ?".

"I want exactly what I said Arima I have a bunch of your people on board and I have given my word that I will bring them here hell Captain we may be at war that does not mean we have to stop being decent to each other".

Something I said must have hit home as a Scabbard moved into transport range I sent Phelan and his men across first then got some of our own people back before I jumped for home.

"Hey you did the right thing" Gill said simply as I left to Marik to take us into dock we had taken a few bruises during the battle and it would take a few day's before the Sword was ready for action again.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 18. Mar 14, 22:49

Sorry some how I managed to put the wrong page in here which confused me as it must have done anyone reading:

The Osaka:

We dropped the Fleet people of at Black hole sun Outpost where they were whisked off the docks by the fleet intelligence people as soon as we had established a hard dock.

I left Mal to handle the resupply details and waited for the call I knew would be coming at some point.

I did not have long to wait an I had Hannah put it through to my office to see Braks on the Monitor he was not surprised to see me.

"Captain Hallard or would you prefer Sladon"

"Either name is fine by me Braks so let's skip all the dancing around and get to the point what do you want".

"As Direct as ever Vincent yes I do want something you capped an Osaka yesterday basically we want that ship it will give us an insight into the Terran technical abilities in ways too numerous to count".

"I have no problem with That Braks which is why I am not selling it for Salvage the ship is going to be reverse engineered and I have no problem with the fleet having access to it whilst that is being done, if you want your people on hand during the process I will wait here for them to arrive".

That surprised Braks I could tell he had thought he might have to use a bribe, threats or pressure to gain access to that ship which he was right would give the Fleet a massive boost as to their knowledge of the Terran tech they faced every day and I had just given him access to it no charge or conditions well except for the fact that access would be through me directly I did not want the fleet moving a large force anywhere in Zyarth's let alone near home base.

Braks smiled as he took it in not just the offer but my unspoken terms as well.

"Very well Captain Hallard I will have a transport meet with you at the outpost you are docked at you are doing the fleet a great service Braks out".

"Well that went well I suppose Gill said as the link shut down you do realise that the Osaka is worth what a hundred million as a prize".

"It still is Gill so you get to put that on the trophy board but we can't just have that ship sold for salvage this way we get all the Terran tech ourselves as do the fleet, they know who we are Gill and have done so for a while we just have to demonstrate we haven't gone rogue on them.
Giving them access to that ship is the only way we can prove that and it is something I think we have to do".

Gill took a moment for that to sink in then nodded her acceptance before we went back to the bridge and waited for that transport to arrive.

It took a whole day after they did so for us to get all their gear stowed aboard and quarters arranged for them after which we Jumped for Zyarths then home.

I moved the Sword into dock all to aware we had taken some damage and wondering what the butchers bill would be for this at least we had not lost anyone but it would be two or three day's before we were ready for another op.

Daks confirmed my assessment as we docked and had his people swarming on board as soon as we had locked into the berth he directed us to. He also arranged for the Fleet personnel to be given quarters and access to the Osako which was already in the process of being reverse engineered.

The weapons had been stripped out of her and taken into storage after our people had a taken a good look at them.
Once I had everything set I ordered the crew to stand down and gave clearance for shore leave.

I waited for the mass exodus to end before handing over the ship to the dock team who assumed positions on the bridge to oversee operations whilst we were in port.

Daks comm'd us before we left telling us to be ready for a dinner with Claris later which I acknowledged before leaving the ship and heading for the housing complex.

Our home was set in one of the parkland areas near the core it was a larger residence than I had wanted but both Dak and Gil had told me I had to be able to cater to distinguished guests who would expect such facilities personally I thought it was too grand but Gill had transformed it into a home for us with a small set of inner rooms that were exclusively ours.

We got of the transport at the entrance and sent it on its way but we did not go in instead we just walked through the park enjoying the moment exchanging greetings with people who knew who we were but didn't make a big deal of it we knew most of them of course and had been to their homes as guests and later friends as they accepted us into the community that had developed here.

"Credit for them" Gill said as we relaxed on a grassy bank watching the kids play near the pond.

"Nothing really Gill I am just enjoying the moment watching those kids and our people and realising how incredibly lucky I've been".

"It wasn't just luck Vince you made this happen so don't short yourself you have a tendency to do that you know, now how about we go home we do have a dinner to be at tonight and Claris will not forgive us or you rather if we are late".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 19. Mar 14, 11:04

Gill was right of course and reluctantly I took her hand and we went home I was pleasantly surprised that there were no urgent messages for me to deal with. I checked the fleets status surprised to see that Onamu had taken command of the Panther which was even now patrolling the sector.
The Dominator was off in light of heart giving the local Sec defence support and Talos corporation had been busy in system as well building stations and arranging freighters to ship their products.
It seemed my mother had decided to expand her operations beyond that of shipping alone and now the sector was swarming with freighters that were headed to and from the south gate.

"Hey enough Gill said shutting down the terminal we are on shore leave Vince".

She was right of course but sometimes I could not help myself she curled into me on the couch and we just relaxed as the hours passed wanting nothing more than each others presence.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 19. Mar 14, 19:33

My mother of course had not relaxed as was clear by the time we reached her residence it the Talos section of the station the forecourt was filled with transport pods shuttling backwards and forwards to the docks.

Claris met us at the door and began to introduce us to the people she wanted me to meet making it clear to everyone that the Praetorian were backing her or rather Talos Corporation.
She even had Dak on hand too emphasise her point though I could tell he was as uncomfortable with this as I was.

I bit my tongue though and circulated trying to be pleasant to the business types I met who I would rather have thrown out of an airlock than speak to they weren't all that bad some were there with genuine deals that took serious consideration both for my people and the Talos corporation. those I made a note of on my data pad but as the evening wore on I got to be testy about this whole thing I was about to leave when I was taken aside by a steward and escorted to a separate area where Claris was holding court.
She could see I was angry and she knew why I was not some puppet she could throw on the table as and when she wanted. Fleet had made that assumption with Brak's and I had turned them down flat as I was about to do to Claris.

"A word mother I whispered taking to her to one side out of earshot of her guests, you ever do that to me again and you are history Claris I am not some trophy or prize you can stick up for people to see if you ever do that again you are gone you your people everything is that clear ?".

Claris could see he meant every word and saw what it was costing him to say it but he was right she admitted to herself she had done everything he had accused her of and he had a right to expect better of her.

"Alright Vincent she said at last I screwed up and for that I apologise yes I did want you to be on show tonight but not for business Vince but because you make me proud and I wanted people to see that I just did it the wrong way please forgive me".

Vincent took that in the apology and everything else he had not wanted to do it but a line had to be drawn and Claris knew now where that line was.
He escorted Claris back to her guests giving no sign of what had passed between them these were the people she had wantedmhe to meet not the sycophants in the rooms beyond but the true movers in her world .

The dinner when we finally got to it was fine but Claris signalled she wanted to speak with me and told me to go to a bar here on station where I would find better company sensing that I had no time or patience with the people at the table. We made our apologies siting operational requirements and left them to it which they accepted easily enough. They were here to talk with Claris not me so I was glad to be ushered to the waiting transport and down to the bar she had suggested.
The place was busy with freighter crews enjoying their shore leave so I led Gill to a table way at the back of the room where I found the reason my mother had sent us here Carl did not recognise me as we walked towards them but Glisa did and she practically threw herself at me Gods Vince we've been so worried for the longest time she cried I took her hands and guided her back to her seat gently aware at once that she was pregnant and that within a few weeks I would be an uncle.

"Glisa I said up front this is Gil who is also your sister in law we are married by all the rules that count. Carl I said remembering Zyarth thanks for the offer of support. So how goes it with the Venture Carl you are a long way from Argon space".

"Hell Vincent you probably know the ups of that better than I do but mom called me and told me there was profit to be made here and we are doing just that so tell me bro what are you doing here ".

"Lets discuss that some where more private" I suggested signalling the bar manager to tag a transport for us

Gill took them into the house proper giving me a chance to get rid of the monkey suit my mother had wanted me to wear earlier.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 20. Mar 14, 08:17

I joined them on the terrace and poured my self and Carl a whiskey Glisa just had a juice as did Gill so I bought a pitcher to them then sat back enjoying the night sky view.

"So what's the deal here Carl asked I mean I know this has got to be costing you ? how much is mom charging you for all this".

"I am not charging him a credit Carl" mother announced as she joined us I was glad she had come and handed her a glass of wine as she sat next to Gill.

"Talos corporation and me have an arrangement I told Carl, and it is one I want you to take part of instead of putting your people on trading docks costing you too many credits when you take difficult jobs I want you to use the facilities here. we will charge you I admit but it will be a fraction of what you have been paying and this is not charity Carl we are offering the same deal to a selected number of free lance traders like yourself people we need to be honest this system is starved for trade Carl but I intend to change that as does Talos I indicated mother now is your chance to get in on the ground floor as it were before things really kick of so think it over let me know what you decide you want to do".

That got him I know the no strings part plus the fact he had to be worried about Glisa which I had exploited shamelessly I will admit but the deal was genuine we already had some trader families setting up homes in the upper tier.
I left it at that point I had made my pitch and he would decide if he wanted the deal without me pushing him so we just settled back and relaxed talking about things as family which I had missed to be honest it filled a need in me I hadn't known was there till I saw it tonight. I think Carl felt the same way as he opened up and told us some outrageous stories of deals he had made doing cargo runs from one end of the verse to the other.

The evening had to end at some point much as I did not want it to so mom took them back upstairs to their ship leaving me and Gill alone watching the sun rise as the station slowly rotated bringing it into view.

"Hey Gill whispered we really need to get some sleep because in a few hours from now you are going to be busy there are the repairs to the Sword to start with and a hundred other things that we are going to be asked to look at wether we want it or not so come on lets go to bed while we have the chance Vince I am shattered as I know you have to be".

She was right of course and we had barely finished breakfast or rather brunch when the calls started coming in. I gave up after dealing with the first dozen or so and we made our way back to the Sword.

Sorry people if you are reading thanks to an on going problem with being able to post a fresh update please look for Exile continued part II sorry for the hassle.

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