Beyond 'X' Book IV & V latest post BK V ch 06 Pt 8 & 9 25th Mar '15 complete

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Post by Paranoid66 » Sun, 1. Dec 13, 11:22

[[FOUR]] [[Part 10]]

[After even more exhaustive argument with ‘Betty’…]

“Given all of the things we have discussed - at interminable length - and all my obvious reservations, do you still want me to be a sort of poor local guide and a member of your crew?” [She asked sounding to my irritation almost defeated as if I had simply worn her out physically rather than swayed her intellectually.]

“I did not befriend you as a low grade informer. I saw a need and wanted to help without any thought towards immediate recompense.” [I promised whilst wondering if that was entirely true. Was anyone ever truly benevolent without some underlying personal motive?]

“Well instead I believe you did a good job of risking my life further. You may or may not be untouchable because your Captain is - ever so important - but I am not similarly blessed and I am worried if you go on a rampage I could quickly become a target.” [She complained.]

“Join me and overall you will be safer although I believe at present you are not as much at risk as you insist in believing, the biggest danger you have suffered recently was caused by running away. You could easily have run straight into ‘Mari’ and her friends.” [I insisted.]

“You worried and worry me still.” [She replied.]

“It is time for you to stop running that is a bad habit. Stay with me ‘Betty’ and I will guard your life as if it is my own. Erring on the side of caution is wise but you stupidly fled my side with nowhere else safe to go. Still that was then and this is now. Let us put our initial misunderstandings and past mistakes firmly behind us and start over now that we better appreciate each others positions.” [I suggested.]

“I will think about it. I trust if I do agree to further help - in my small capacity - you will not brand me in your optics as some sort of seedy betraying local informer that is not who I am or ever wish to be my dead brothers would be appalled.” [She said.]

“Of course not, it is true many such people often have poor reputations that can bedevil their later lives but I do not perceive you that way.” [I promised again.]

“I still have reservations, I keep thinking ‘Venture’ that I am simply not qualified for dangerous duties.” [She insisted.]

“People are often more than they seem. The fact that you are something of a ‘Real Materialist’ gives you an interesting perspective that is fresh compared to my current recruits. We need to broaden the base of our family lest we grow staid. In addition, your very reticence to join up with me makes you seem more trustworthy than a candidate rushing to grasp the opportunities I can readily deliver. In some situations, I prefer to recruit less enthusiastic people. The fact that I met you by accident - that you did not seek me out - makes you trustworthy. I know you are no plant because I could easily have walked past you as none of my business - I stopped on a whim - even though it was the right thing to do as a decent citizen.” [I confessed.]

“I am in a bad place but I am no charity case.” [She insisted.]

“I am not trying to belittle you in any way. Individually, on occasion, any of us can have problems that seem bigger than we are that is what friends are for.” [I replied.]

“Are you just another charismatic recruiter for a gang?” [She asked.]

“I hope not. You do know that you need help.” [I added.]

“Believe me that much I know and I seem to have few other options but I have spent my whole life trying to avoid the notice of, and / or involvement with, dangerous armed and militant people. You might think avoiding such entanglements would be relatively easy for a nonentity such as me but you would be wrong. I am in two minds about this one.” [She said.]

[That statement caused me to burst out with an inappropriate roar of rumbling laughter. She did not look impressed.]

“I am sorry but the two minds thing just reminded me far too much of a lesser version of my standard mental state. I oft feel in three minds about everything, a ‘Living Hull’ occupational hazard.” [I said.]

[She folded her arms.] “Sometimes you seem far more Paradox than ‘Swimmer’.” [She stated.] “Why is that?”

[Busted, perhaps she had worn me down a little too and I was getting sloppy.]

“A little secret to show that I trust you, my ‘Hull’ is of Paradox origin, I just have a ‘Stellar Swimmer’ Captain so I have add on ‘Swimmer’ affectations to make him feel more at home, consider it House branding.” [I confessed.]

[She moved in very close to me.]

“You have a pinhole third optic.” [She seemed to accuse, annoyingly sticking one, I considered greasy, finger over the crucial third optic.]

[I took a step back so I could see properly again not enjoying even the temporary loss of my more holy perspective.]

“That is exceptionally observant of you. Do not underestimate your capabilities you have natural skills - raw talent - few would notice my tiny deception.” [I said.]

“I knew there was something odd about your artificial bi-optics from the start.” [She said.]

“Tell me how?” [I asked.]

“They do not move quite right they are a bit stiff and too naturally forward facing too. You often swivel your waist slightly rather than your optics.” [She explained.]

“I dare not move my third pinhole optic lest it become overly noticeable still I am surprised that you picked up upon this since you are an ‘Omerta’ not a ‘Swimmer’. My suits overall design should disguise my hidden optic.” [I added.]

“I used to know a lot of ‘Swimmers’ my Mother used to bake Fish Pies they loved them.” [She explained.]

“Fish pies really?” [I asked.]

“Really.” [She insisted.]

“With pastry under water?” [I asked the concept seemed messy and questionable to me.]

[She gave me another unimpressed look.]

“A special pastry made up of edible seaweed and other secret oily ingredients if you must know.” [She replied irritably.]

“Do you have the recipe?” [I asked.]

“No I was not - that - involved in the baking process. Does that make me suspicious to you?” [She asked.]

“No but it is a pity as my Captain ‘Uussleer’ might enjoy Fish Pie as a change of diet.” [I gently joked.] “I did not mean to question your integrity.” [I added.]

“Yet you keep doing so.” [She complained.]

“I am sorry Fish Pies for aquatics initially seemed odd to me.” [I confessed.]

“That was what made them special.” [She replied.] “The gimmick proved a good draw.”

“I suppose it would be.” [I admitted.]

“I am sorry perhaps I too am being a little too sensitive. It has been a long insane day for me.” [She admitted.] “I feel exhausted. You have exhausted me.” [She complained.] “I almost feel interrogated.”

“Then I must apologise again. My hope being that you would begin to feel more relaxed in here.” [I replied.] “Know that you are safe for now - well guarded - let the stress go, stress kills the unsupported too.”

[She shook her head and sighed.] “I am not so fragile just because my biology is not infested with little repairing machines. Still, if I could let the stress go I would probably fall asleep. Unfortunately, now that you have told me a bit more I feel even more out of my depth and concerned about my fate.” [She confessed.] “What is to become of me?”

“You are being reborn to a wider Universe most birthing processes are a little traumatic at first.” [I said having been there and done that.]

“What happens if we really do have Pirate slavers operating here? Will you truly try to hunt them down as if big game despite the risks such actions will provoke?” [She asked.]

“With ‘Burner’ permission I will find them capture them interrogate them about their activities then execute them.” [I said simply.]

“Just like that, that seems a bit cold to me even against cursed slavers, no trial no chance to defend themselves no possibility for contrition or redemption.” [She stated.]

“To do their business slavers must destroy lives. They treat people such as you as a debased biological commodity. Killing them is being generous - really, they should suffer the same living hell they impose upon other sentient beings, beings they oft take a twisted pride in breaking in - but that is impractical. Besides, I am no sadist just justifiably angry that such people continue to exist in our Universe. My people will never be free whilst some amongst the ‘Passenger Classes’ embrace slavery.” [I stated.]

“I really mentioned the wrong thing in that corridor. [She complained.]

“You certainly did but what is past is destiny.” [I proclaimed.]

[She shook her head again.]

“You are still talking, (as a remote ‘Living Hull’ Avatar), about murdering sentient ‘Passenger Class’ people that alone might cause some people here to feel more than a bit concerned, in some districts it might cause an instant riot. Imagine what will happen if you kill someone who is innocent by mistake.” [She warned.]

“That will not occur.” [I promised.] “I value life. I do not take lives without a reason.”

“You value life - yet you are willing to kill - begging the question what makes you so different then from any other gun happy casual killer on this ‘Way-station’?” [She asked.]

“Would you prefer for everyone to just walk away and let these people continue doing the terrible things that they habitually do? We are not talking about average felons we are talking about slavers. Some of the things they do to break down captives’ resistance to their dire change in status - how they make them docile and amenable to their fate - are appalling.” [I reminded.]

“I have heard grim tales too but more than slavers do terrible things to innocents. Do you think I would have been treated gently if I accepted the invitation ‘Mari’ gave me they would have used me no more kindly than a master would use a slave. I hear you have done terrible things too along with your Captain yet you have not killed him or yourself out of shame or regret.” [She replied.]

“I know, life is horribly complicated.” [I retorted with a stalk grin channelling a little of the sort of attitude oft employed by my friend ‘Unholy Terror’.]

“Now you think I am being naïve.” [She guessed.]

“I have occasionally let an honest more modern Pirate go the sort who only takes from those who can afford it - cleanly - such as from the triple cursed ‘Free Parliament Bank’ and does not spill blood except in self defence, but dedicated slavers they are a different breed. Slavers are amongst the worst of the worst and deserve no sympathy or quarter eradication is the only worthy solution to that social ill.” [I stated whilst thinking ‘Creed’ would love that uncompromising statement from me associations change us.]

“What about ‘Stasis Prisons’ you do not see those as any option?” [She asked.]

“Use up good resources to release an evil upon a later age I do not think so. People who can do the things to other sentient beings that slavers do routinely as a necessity of their business, are not the sort of individuals willing or even able to reform - they are broken beyond fixing - either pathologically lacking decent empathy or they are wired such that they are out and out sadists who enjoy inflicting anguish.” [I insisted.]

“You honestly believe murder is sometimes the only solution? You believe that they are all the same all equally guilty all equally beyond redemption? How do you judge the innocence or guilt of people forced into slavery as an occupation by other slavers? I have seen how some gangs work, some fools get drawn in out of their depth sometimes even intimidated into membership they are not all equally enthusiastic.” [She said.]

[I considered how the ‘Reach Project’ snared us it was a sort of criminal gang in some respects.]

“I appreciate your point but my past experience with slavers suggests that this special breed of criminal do not deserve any sympathy even if they began as something better their work twists them up. I suppose we could wipe and reprogram their minds but that is just another form of death and not always the tidy solution it seems. Surviving victims sometimes run into the body of their old tormentor an unpleasant experience for all involved.” [I explained.]

“Clearly you have given this much thought but you nonetheless seem no less closed minded to me as a too willing judge jury and executioner. Our ‘Minsters’ say those who too readily judge shall be judged in turn.” [She said.]

“Yet they would readily judge all nanotechnology as evil without exception and so on. Anyone who embraces a cause is a hypocrite to some degree. You cannot fight for a purpose any purpose and remain clean of all sin save in children’s stories. I used to believe otherwise in my youth but now I know that sometimes to do good you must perpetrate lesser evils an unhappy reality but one I am learning to accept.” [I replied.]

“I am wary of causes I too believe they corrupt.” [She admitted.]

“You think I do not question my actions? I question all the time I simply have lots of experience with this issue. I have seen things done by slavers that would traumatise a lesser mind. Maybe a small percentage of slavers began that life via some misfortune but they still do the terrible things that they do so I consider that a poor excuse.” [I stated.]

“As it is well known that you did the things you did within the ‘Reach Project’.” [She accused.]

“I believe that was different and I have paid and am paying a price. Do not expect me to sympathise with slavers or slavery. If my kind was truly free, my whole life might have been different but I was born into bondage. Even the love I have for my Captain is tainted by the fact that I was made to serve others’ purposes a hard truth to escape.” [I said.]

“Subjects too close to home.” [She guessed.] “You are a very serious and possibly dangerous entity to know.” [She complained.]

“I suppose that increasingly I am. These are difficult times full of hope, fear, moral ambiguities and hard decisions.” [I agreed.]

[She gave me a long and troubled look.]

“We are what we are and we are where we are.” [I added.]

“We are and I am just a waitress. In fact, I tell a lie, I am unemployed and therefore an ex-waitress.” [She complained pulling at the tight uniform under her open jacket.] “This morning my biggest worry was getting the order right and not dropping anything on the floor or a customers lap despite ‘Mari’ trying to trip me up in every way possible to make me look bad.”

“You are capable of being much more than a menial wage slave.” [I promised.]

“How would you know? I am a stranger to you. You know very little about who I am on the inside. Why should I join this campaign of yours?” [She asked.] “I have my own problems and I know that joining up to causes gets people slaughtered.”

“In a caring society the problems of one become the problems of all.” [I insisted.]

[She rudely burst out laughing in response to that.]

“More stupid words - but I know life is not like that - you have to look after yourself other people just let you down that is almost their primary purpose in life to trip you up and then laugh at you when you fall on your face. It is not just the ‘Highest’ that are stuck in a form of purgatory. A great many people feel trapped by harsh circumstance into making poor life decisions.” [She said bitterly.]

“It is my creed that we must all do what we can to improve matters. If you do not like how your ‘Passenger Class’ society functions help to reform it for the better one small action at a time.” [I preached.] “You are either a Captain for reform or a slave to every failing in the system.”

“Speaking of Captains, you are very opinionated for someone who is not free after all you are owned and steered by a Captain.” [She reminded.]

“On a good day I prefer to believe I am in a partnership of sorts. Beyond my personal bondage their is no higher calling than helping to end a cruel business that degrades life itself. Work with me and you will feel better about your life too, fighting evil done right is empowering in a positive way. You know you are not just a waitress you are smarter than that and more ambitious too.” [I said.]

[Unfortunately, at that point I found myself thinking about all the remorse I carried around because of good deeds gone awry. I also found myself thinking about ‘Leeruussii’ was I selling ‘Betty’ a lie. Nonetheless, out of habit my spiel continued as I was in recruitment mode.]

“It is a truism that when we help others, we help ourselves. Think of the poor souls you will help to save from a hellish imposition from a life of debasement and suffering. You may also be assisting in a small way to save the ‘Free Miner’ cause from a too easy slide into a very dark immoral place. Lay down beside a wild beast and you will pick up parasites. Maybe -that has been half of the problems here - too much Pirate association - Pirates corrupt - that they often prey upon ‘Consortium’ assets does not mean they are trustworthy allies to the cause of any independent miner.” [I added.]

“This is too much. I have no business getting involved in such extreme matters. I should not be here this feels wrong.” [She insisted.] “I should leave here and never look back.”

“Leave and go where? I have heard such dying arguments from people before in these situations initial denials are natural they are part of the process of letting go. This is your dharma, it is fate that you are here, you are already involved - we are all involved we are all responsible for our society - we make it with our every action and with our inactions too.” [I preached.] “Even on a more superficial level people will have seen you with me people will be reporting that we have been in here together - for a long time - and this privacy cubicle is expensive so they will assume we are doing some important business.” [I reminded.]

“So I am in a trap.” [She said.]

“A trap you made not me. I am an important person here because of my Captain they will be watching me. If there are slavers here when I move against them, via association some people will - rightly or wrongly - back track implicate you in my actions. You are part of this story now. As you mentioned earlier about the boon of association with me well that is true but this sharp field cuts both ways - people talk. Reject my friendship and you may be putting yourself at greater risk. When you have a crazed ‘Recycler’ by the cybernetic tail it is best to cling on tightly until its vigour is exhausted.” [I reminded.]

“Maybe coming with you here is the third stupid mistake that I have made this day.” [She admitted.]

“If you must err three is a good number.” [I joked.]

“I disagree I would rather at most only err once. You would strip me of options.” [She complained.]

[More guilt assailed me at that accusation. Was I manipulating her akin to how ‘Overbite’ once manipulated us? How much did suffering ‘Overbites’ ministrations subconsciously alter my methods? Can you study evil - even to combat it - and not become deeply tainted by that knowledge? Truly all knowledge acts as a bane to innocence you cannot know some truths and be clean some truths always leave a stain. Even my past was becoming tarnished my old love for Harbinger brought into question by my new self knowledge that I was his slave even if he treated me in an exemplary manner and eventually freed me he was once my master this was a cruel revision.]

“As to dharma, you believe in that mythical simplistic rubbish that we are all bound up by some sort of destiny and that good deeds earn positive feedback bad deeds punishment?” [She asked.]

“Even ignoring predestination what is done is done. History is every souls fixed fate. The wise accept what has happened to them and where they are they do not fight against it or deny it they embrace it and make the most of it that is the point I am striving to make with you.” [I said, whilst feeling that I was equally preaching no less at my own failings.] “I know it is not easy to start a good new life. I know no one who is so wise that they cannot act foolishly on occasion - including me - we err that is the nature of sentience. Two things I do know life is precious but it can become a horror when we live only in fear. How long has it been since you were not afraid?” [I asked.]

“I am talking about the unknown future not the known past. I do not see too many evil people suffering evil many seem to be prospering from their ill deeds it is all hokum. Do not spout the sort of nonsense I was fed as a child - I hate all of that stuff.” [She said.]

“…and yet it is so hard to let some of those things go you still feel guilty and you hate that fact too.” [I added.]

“They have no right to tell innocent minds that this is how it is?” [She complained.]

“The future springs from the past and the past cannot be changed unless you are a dodgy historian with an agenda.” [I added with a grin.] “As to reaping what is sown you said yourself guns encourage gunplay. In the end people are often victims of their crimes as much as perpetrators they become locked into the grim cycle of their associations and so on I see dharma in that truth everywhere.”

“Why pick me? Take a good look at me I am no one special. I do not even carry a weapon, unbelievably, I have never ever even shot a, (deemed unclean by my sect), gun that is one of the ‘Thousand Rules’ I never broke - one of the few I managed to remain respectful of.” [She stated.] “Why do you want me involved in something so beyond me? What can I possibly bring to your cause? Why are we even having this conversation?”

“You are no pacifist: the bit of ear in your pocket proves that. You are a special person we are all special in our own way. Maybe I need you because you do not carry a weapon and see things a little differently to me and probably the rest of my crew too. However forget my needs for a moment - right now this is about your life - I will tell you this much join me and you will feel more alive than ever before because you will not be drifting lost anymore you will find a purpose a ‘Vision’.” [I promised.]

[Maybe I was preaching too much - maybe it just spills out of me but means nothing. Did the ‘Reach Project’ damage some of my oldest faiths the last of my surety?]

“Conversely if you refuse me I will still see you to somewhere relatively safe where at worst you can start again as a waitress or whatever if that is all you ever want from your existence. However no matter how far we fly the past tends to catch up to us eventually and a life of looking over your shoulder is no fun. Admit it, on the inside you are no waitress - you were just waiting for a time - waiting for this time - waiting for me to find you in that corridor - it was dharma? Consider if you had not fought back against ‘Mari’ consider if you had not bitten off part of your boss’s ear then neither of us would be here - that is fate and dharma too.” [I insisted.]

“So I am paying for my trespasses what about ‘Mari’?” [She asked.]

“A way to look at it is that sooner or later we all pay our dues.” [I said.] “More positively perhaps I am here to reward you with better opportunities.” [I added.]

“You know you talk like a triple cursed riddling Paradox Priest, I am not surprised they made you, I despise organised religion and the overly religious I ran away from all of that I am a ‘Haddar Naddar’ now only by birth and brand.” [She claimed.]

“Working closely with my crew who used to be in the ‘Many Truths Corporation’ no doubt affects my speech pattern too.” [I admitted.]

“The two outside ‘Wrinkles’ and ‘Marginal’, they are both ex-‘MTC’ corporate heavies - ‘User’ killers?” [She asked.]

“I would not put it that way; we fought together on Planet as you are no doubt aware due to my overly publicised history.” [I said.]

[She considered that deeply.] “That must have been an experience being on a Planet I still find it hard to believe they are more than just stories. I do not think I will believe until I see one with my own eyes.” [She admitted.] “We Pilgrims left so much behind to come to this empty place. Why did the ‘Emissary’ bring us here to this cold void?”

“Now that is a question worth finding an answer to. As to the Planets yes it was an experience a very special moving experience.” [I agreed.]

“It is a pity you were just there as more remote killers for the ‘Corporations’.” [She accused.]

“We were warriors fighting to secure a place in the fiery depths for every ‘Pilgrim’.” [I corrected.]

“That sounds like corporate rhetoric to me. You were there to kill ‘Star-Divers’ does the title you claim make any difference? When your purpose is murder, you are a murderer. Did you kill many there? Did you keep a tally of the many souls you slew?” [She asked bitterly.]

“They were the enemy and would have murdered me if they could.” [I replied.]

“If they could but they could not for you were just a ‘Suit Substance’ remote your life was not available for them to take as it is not available today. Some differences make trust difficult between your and my kind.” [She reminded.]

“I am sorry that my remote nature continues to offend you, but I would not fit here in person so how else can I interact meaningfully with the ‘Passenger Classes’?” [I asked.]

“I do not know but it seems wrong that you talk about consequences but live a life without risks.” [She replied.]

“Believe me, I risk, my body although elsewhere is not immune from harm and my mind can be hurt as easily as yours. I think you can appreciate that sometimes emotional pain can outclass any physical injury. I am not a machine I am a conduit of a complex consciousness.” [I stated.]

[I could tell that caused her to think again.]

“I guess nothing is as simple as it is portrayed by detractors. Nonetheless, it worries me that you are still fighting your war ‘Venture’. I hear some people find it hard to adjust back to the relative normalcy of civilian life after the intensity of battle they seek out new conflicts some even make conflicts to relive the thrill. Did this ‘Way-station’ with all of its gun enthusiasts seem a good playground to you? Why come here? Why now?” [She asked.]

[There was a time when I had such concerns about ‘Unholy’ and even to a lesser degree my former Captain Harbinger after the ‘Surface War’ but I am no war junkie.]

“I am not here looking for a thrill of action at worst I am looking for a resolution maybe even a little personal redemption for my sins in the ‘Reach Project’ as ‘Venturesome’ and for my Captain too. As social outcasts, we need to find somewhere to belong again. It is not easy to be spiritually homeless I imagine you might appreciate that truth as something of a runaway too - that is your history is it not? You came here looking to make a new home too - only this far off place no doubt seemed better from a distance as far off places are wont to do but everywhere like everyone retain their own complexities.” [I said.]

“Are you sure you are not just thrill seeking what about your Marine associates what is their motivation?” [She asked.]

“Arguably fighting is very much what they do best but they control their needs and desires.” [I promised.] “They are good people they are not bandits or murderers. They have an honour code and are very ethical. In fact, as ‘Splitter Priests’ they are looking for a new ‘Vision’ to follow too a new purpose to justify their existence.”

“You think existence needs to be justified? Why can people not just live?“ [She asked.]

“When you are a creation of others perhaps it matters more that you have a purpose of your own when you split. You split in a way too tell me you are not looking for a reason for living for a purpose to it all.” [I said.]

[I could tell I hit close to the mark with that one it did not matter what species you belonged to if you are sentient you have certain needs unless you are a sociopath.]

“Perhaps I was searching for something better but are they looking for a new purpose or a new excuse to find people to kill? Although having an honour code makes killing sentient beings reasonable I suppose.” [She mocked.]

[Her gaze seemed fixated by my sidearm I guessed it was a symbol of oppression to her and everything she disliked. A symbol could mean very different things to different people to others weapons represented freedom.]

“Killing is rarely alright but it is sometimes a necessary evil even in nature animals kill in self defence.” [I stated.]

“Animals feast upon one another is that also how it must be for people with a higher mind too?” [She asked.]

“On a good day I like to believe we can be more than hunters and prey but today we are surrounded by predators.” [I said.]

“You killed real people as ‘Remote Combat Troops’ because we ‘Pilgrims’ wanted ‘Solar Resources’. Do you think that is right it seems pretty cursed cold and unfair to me.”

“Sometimes we do kill remotely - we try to avoid it - even for a Warrior killing should be a last resort not the first option.” [I claimed.]

“Does killing remotely make it easier?” [She asked.]

“I have been asked that question far too often by too many people. It makes it logistically easier and safer but it does not make it emotionally any less taxing at least it never did for me. As I am trying to explain I do not feel remote from any of my Avatars I feel everything. I am not diluted I am filled to the brim with concentrated input.” [I said.]

“Sometimes more is less how can you not lose perspective? Worse I bet you enjoy it when you kill someone you despise such as an accursed slaver.” [She accused.]

[I said nothing to that at first.]

“Well do you?” [She insisted.] “I want to know why you are so insistent about this slaver hunt the whole truth not just the easy part of it - I deserve that much before I make a decision to join up to your brand of madness.”

“The horrible truth is that sometimes - at the time I do feel good about killing some people - and that is not a truth I feel especially proud about at least on a good day. We all have a dark side to us we all harbour demons. I used to fool myself that I never ever enjoyed murder but that is simply not true. The ‘Reach Project’ shone a light into some of my darkest places.” [I confessed.]

[That unpleasant answer seemed to impress her more than any other I had given so far.]

“I may well regret ever meeting you but you do seem honest enough in your peculiar way even your mistakes seem honestly made if no less mistaken.” [She stated.]

[I wondered who was interviewing whom and why I was recruiting this person at all maybe it was fate that she intrigued me and that recruiting her seemed the best way to help her whilst aiding myself.]

“Maybe I am now being a little naïve but for now, I am willing to believe that you were not just using me back there and that makes a big difference to me. I trust you will not disappoint me in this regard later.” [She stated.]

“As I have told you repeatedly when I first saw you I only wanted to help you as someone who seemed in a bad place. I have been in bad places too so naturally I sympathised with your plight. Maybe I felt compelled to help because I have done wrong in the past and I feel a need to balance that account in some small way.” [I confessed.]

“A guilt ridden conscience must get you into trouble.” [She guessed.]

“Sometimes it does.” [I admitted.]

“If I thought you put me purposely at risk in that ‘Recycler’ drinking den - as an expendable pawn - we would be finished before we get started.” [She promised.]

“I can appreciate why you would feel that way.” [I replied.]

[Yes, this was proving a very odd recruitment interview.]

[Back on the icy asteroid, I finally managed to corner the leader of the ‘Hawks’ for an almost private discussion. I was beginning to think he was avoiding me. For a start he was accepting no link calls from me - I felt almost as if ‘Cad’ started a trend in relation to wilfully ignoring calls from me.]

“What is it now? I have things to do.” [‘Weep’ complained irritably.] “Go on ahead to the second shaft.” [He told his two companions before waving them away.]

[His ‘Recycler’ associates, both I assumed ‘Hawks’, moved away briskly with sharp military obedience. The ‘Hawks’ often proved disciplined for a ‘Recycler’ Mercenary outfit something of an elite unit, once recommended as the best local crew.]

“Well if you have something to say, say it!” [He demanded irritably.]

“I apologise if I am disturbing you but since you were not accepting my hails I had little choice but to seek you out in person. Are you really that busy or have I inadvertently offended?” [I asked.]

“Busy enough - it is this cursed cold - it seeps into every thing and every one.” [‘Weep’ complained.]

[I felt an impulse to shiver in sympathy.]

“Instead of keeping alert I swear half of my people are just stomping around trying to stay warm. We put heaters in and that worked at first but now even far from the artefact the local refrigeration effect is increasing to match. I can hardly recall ever being so damnably cold it feels increasingly like an attack.” [He added.]

“No insulating benefit from your cybernetics?” [I asked.]

“We retain built in systems that assist with temperature regulation their effectiveness however varies depending upon any individual’s cybernetic upgrades, nonetheless few if any of our adaptations are designed to cope with extreme conditions of cold, normally we have the opposite problem.” [He explained.]

“You overheat?” [I asked.]

“Even space whilst cold is also a vacuum it insulates. When our systems are highly active some of us in the past have had problems dumping excess heat. The cold here is akin to some cursed living thing that seeks you out. I have never experienced anything matching the conditions here during any normal ice asteroid mining operation.” [He complained.]

“You could return to your ship, other individuals less adversely affected by these rare conditions could assume your duties here.” [I suggested.]

[He glared at me.] “I thought you might be different.” [He complained.]

“Different?” [I asked.]

“You also think we should simply walk away from this one. We will not lose our salvage rights. This place is our find and we will secure it. I will not have the ‘Hierophants’ or the ‘MTC’ or anyone else steal what is rightfully ours.” [He stated with unexpected vehemence.]

“We would not do that. We are working together. I am merely proposing a changing of the guard. If you believe a contractual guarantee is needed that could be easily arranged.” [I promised congenially.]

“Contracts can be broken, holding physical possession is the only sure way. It is our find.” [He insisted again.] “We will secure it that was the deal made and that is what is going to happen.” [He promised whilst stamping his freezing feet.]

“I do not understand you. To my knowledge, we have never broken faith or a contract with you ‘Hawks’. You invited us in what has changed since?” [I asked.]

“It is not just the ‘MTC’ involved here, besides, it is an old ‘Recycler’ maxim that: great opportunities change the rules by which every individual plays.” [‘Weep’ claimed.]

“Rich prospects do not change who we are.” [I retorted angrily.] “None of us would dispute your finder’s rights here.” [I insisted.]

“Are you sure about that?” [He retorted.]

“I am positive.” [I insisted.] “If we uncover something momentous that is exploitable and profitable we will move forward united as friends and allies sharing every benefit as we share every risk.” [I promised.]

“Good words but they do not match the actions I am witnessing.” [He argued.]

“You will need to better explain your grievance.” [I replied.]

[He just glared at me with fixed immobile bi-optics. Although this now seemed a poor time I felt I had to ask the question that compelled me to seek him out.]

“I am curious. How did you find this asteroid?” [I asked.]

[Under my scrutiny, his stance seemed to stiffen and I could tell that was definitely a wrong question at the wrong time.]

“What does that matter? We found the berg and that makes it our property. How we happened to be out here is our business and irrelevant to our claim.” [He stated far too defensively.] “Did I make a mistake involving you people?”

“Why would you think that?” [I asked.]

[Something was obviously bending him well out of shape.]

“For a start the ‘Hierophants’ act as if we are just their minions a hired security team. Worse they do not even seem to trust us to secure this site on our own.” [He complained.]

[I glowed gently yellow.]

“Is that all that is bothering you? As scientists and academics, they see the Universe through a different filter to us. Unless more social sciences are their specific sphere of interest, I would not expect too much diplomacy from them especially when fixated on a problem. Let it go it is just their way - call it professional target fixation - if you like.” [I replied.]

“It is more than that. They show us ‘Hawks’ no respect, they barely keep me informed of what they are doing. To get anything out of them I have to stand over their shoulders and that irritates them beyond measure.” [He complained.] “In addition some of them seem to think it is funny that we are poorly equipped for the cold here compared to them with their advanced nanotech support. I am beginning to fear that they are deliberately provoking this cold from the artefact in some clever way to physically freeze us out.”

“No one is trying to freeze you ‘Hawks’ out of this venture physically or metaphorically.” [I promised.] “I am sure this grievance is simply a cultural misunderstanding of some kind.”

“Without doubt every easy insult is an accident.” [He retorted sarcastically.]

“They are preoccupied with their work here this is potentially a historic find and they want to do everything right because career wise it could be a once in a lifetime experience for many involved. I am sure they are suitably grateful to you ‘Hawks’ for providing this rare opportunity.” [I said.]

“They should be we ‘Hawks’ made this find, yet they treat us as if we are in the way and an irritating problem needing to be solved. Go back to your ship is their solution to everything.” [He insisted.] “We found it not the ‘Hierophants’ and not you Paradox Priests either. Next you will be trying to claim it is some long lost holy relic of your order that we have no business interacting with.”

[I gave him a steadying stare and held up my extruded limbs in a placating gesture.]

“I can tell you are genuinely upset but that last comment is ridiculous and personally insulting to me. The artefact, whatever it is, predates our ‘Pilgrim’ presence in this ‘Universal Sphere’.” [I reminded.]

“It could have some pre-pilgrimage link with the ‘Blessed Emissary’.” [He replied.]

“Then it would be the domain of every ‘Pilgrim’. Is that what you believe?” [I asked.]

“I lack the data to make a firm analysis and I am not especially religious.” [He replied bitterly.]

“If you desire I will arrange a meeting with ‘Cad’ and we can clear up any grievances born of accidental miscommunications that have developed here.” [I promised.]

“I see no point in providing a further opportunity for him to disrespect and lie to us. I am not prone to imagining insult. It is obvious that ‘Cad’ has no time for us. He only puts up with our presence because he has little choice. I see nothing but accusation in their beady ‘Trojan’ eyes. When they look at us all they see are citizens of the old ‘Conglomerate’ or worse…” [He complained.]

“Worse?” [I asked.]

“Some would accuse us of being agents of the ‘Machine Fury’ because we are one with the old ‘Conglomerate Computer Cores’ protected by virally ‘Reformed Sleepers’.” [He insisted.]

“That is not true we all know you, you have worked with the ‘MTC’ for decades. If you do not have nanotech support you must have undergone a biological regenerative treatment to be around this long and be so spry.” [I said.]

“What if I did? What is my medical history to you?” [He asked.]

“I see this is a bad time for fact finding, you are not in a receptive mood. I am only striving to emphasise that some of us have known each other for a very long time. ‘Cad’ and his people - I am sure - appreciate our long association they are just preoccupied and when they are like that they can get a bit brusque and dismissive of distraction.” [I excused.] “To the scientist in them you are possibly in their way but they mean nothing personal by it. If they intruded upon your security operations you would rightly push them aside and think nothing of that action we each have our sphere of expertise.”

“They are already intruding in my security operations here and they refuse to be pushed aside from their meddling - they do not trust us - that is the simple truth. They will not let any of us anywhere near any raw data on their precious ‘Computer Cores’ not even our specialists. We have to wait around for whatever scraps they decide to tell us - whenever they decide to tell us anything.” [‘Weep’ ranted.]

“Academics are naturally protective of their proprietary data especially in its most raw state, they put their reputations on their findings and worry about accidental contamination and intellectual property theft until they publish they are all the same. You must have met ‘Recycler’ scientists that have chased you out of their laboratories. I have been chased out of a few ‘MTC’ facilities in the past laboratories I funded, but that means nothing to the resident minds to them it is their work until it is completed.” [I stated.]

“They do not like us.” [He insisted with an almost childish stubbornness.] “Everybody wants us to leave here supposedly for our own good. If the ‘Hierophants’ are not trying to rob us they are trying to hide something from us? What is the big secret?” [He asked.]

“Please we Paradox Priests are meant to be the suspicious paranoid ones. You are letting the oppressive cold in here get to you.” [I said.]

“Obviously it is our fault we are being irrational unlike the very rational ‘Trojan’ scientists and so on.” [He replied.]

“I did not say that.” [I insisted.]

“You are intent upon freezing us out just like this cursed chill eating into every part of me as if an invasive virus as if the ‘Entanglement’.” [He complained.]

“We are not responsible for this cold the artefact is. You know you never answered my original question.” [I reminded.]

[He glared at me in silence for a few long seconds that felt increasingly painful.]

“Is there a problem?” [I asked.]

“How we found this place is ‘Hawk’ internal business. I told ‘UT’ the same thing and ‘Cad’ as well. You should be happy that we brought you people in yet you want it all to yourselves.” [He accused.] “Now if you are just here to probe into - my - business this conversation is very much over. I have my rounds to do and no doubt you have to report back to your friends ‘UT’ and ‘Cad’.” [He further accused.]

[I decided not to dignify that last accusation with a response, party because I felt a bit alarmed by the strength of his attitude. In addition, I certainly would be talking to ‘UT’ and ‘Cad’ about him and did not want to deny this fact thus becoming a liar when he found me out potentially adding to his growing paranoia.]

[I believed I knew ‘Weep’ well enough through ‘UT’ to consider that he was not acting quite normally at the very least he seemed to be suffering from fatigue and mental stress. Could the severe cold be affecting his reasoning in a direct way? Worryingly if the environment was a problem cognitively for the ‘Recyclers’ how was this impacting all the armed reptilian guards stationed here.]

“We could provide you with ‘Suit Substance Over Suits’ those would help insulate your systems from this egregious chill.” [I suggested.]

“That is far too generous of you - no thank you - me and mine would rather slowly freeze to death than interface with ‘Suit Substance’.” [He stated stamping his feet once again upon the gravity walkway.]

“When did you ‘Hawks’ get that anti-‘Suit Substance’?” [I asked.]

“When we started seeing the truth of it how truly invasive that technology is - and how alien to us - no matter what power is hiding behind it.” [He replied.]

“I am sorry that you feel that way today. I never imagined you ‘Hawks’ would become staunch ‘Real Materialists’. I know you have used convenient ‘Suit Substance’ devices in the past judging their worth by functional requirements rather than prejudice.” [I added.]

“It is interesting that ‘Users’ can habitually avoid ‘Real Material’ wares without being branded prejudiced but when ‘Real Materialists’ refuse to apply ‘Suit Substance’ tools we are being irrational and bigoted against your advanced technology. Why should we not favour our own methods over the biomechanical curse that became ‘Crimson Entangled’? If that digital ‘Sleeper’ had not gained a vast nanotech infused body, we could have digitally reformed her too. Why am I even talking with you? You are not even truly here. How could you possibly understand how I might feel about the situation in this place when you are just a remote part of a manufactured tool?” [He asked.]

[Triple curse ‘Overbite’, was this attitude one more side product of her misnamed ‘Reach Project’? The seeds of discord were sown the trial did not change that evil fact something the ‘Hubris Patrons’ knew very well as the spreaders of lasting antipathy.]

“I am as much of a real person as you are.” [I replied.]

“No you are an artificial creation another freakish product of misguided experiments that will one day turn upon us all. My people have a real history supported by ages of real evolution we have nothing in common with your kind. Go on, go back and make your report. Just remember we have secured this site and believe me no one is taking what is ours away from us - no one.” [He insisted before stomping heavily away.]

[I watched him go unfortunately he seemed so overemotional and angry that pressing him further before he settled down a bit seemed counterproductive possibly even dangerous. I could feel the cold too not even my ‘Suit Substance’ was immune to it but it was not as chilling as his unexpected tirade against my kind. What was behind this outburst it seemed a reversal as he had called us in? Did the ‘Hierophants’ really mock the ‘Recyclers’ for being less resistant? For me as the child of a species that originated on hot high gravity worlds this also felt a most unnatural environment and I was sure the ‘Hierophants’ were feeling the chill too to some degree. We should all be suffering equally huddling together in sympathy with one another not sundering apart.]

[I had assumed the sort of hardware used by ‘Recyclers’ would enjoy the cold, as he said, they sometimes overheated but I guess this place went beyond any beneficially cooling range. It was ironic that freezing had done the opposite to ‘Weeps’ temper making him anything but cool and calm. Still this ire against ‘Living Hulls’ seemed bafflingly new from the leader of the ‘Hawks’.]

[On ‘Hades’ still within the ‘Privacy Field’.]

“If this works out it will be the first time I ever gained a job by trying to put my employer off and by running away.” [‘Betty’ stated.]

“As a general job hunting tactic I would not recommend such avoidance procedures but to every rule there is at least one glorious exception.” [I said grinning at her.]

“You promise you will keep me safe from the consequences of your actions.” [She said.]

“If you accept my help and advice you will be as safe as I can possibly make you, but you will have to cooperate via following my suggestions good security requires cooperation.” [I admitted.]

“Do you like to consider yourself exceptional?” [She asked.]

[I wondered why she asked that.]

“I like to think that we are all exceptional in some way and that makes us equal although some always seem to think they are more equal than others.” [I added.]

“As a ‘Living Hull’ you follow some of the teachings of the ‘Free Hull’ the ‘Many Truths’ the so-called ‘Holy Father of the UCE’?” [She asked.]

“As a ‘Living Hull’ it is hard not to connect with some of that.” [I admitted.] “What do you think about it?” [I asked.]

“Everyone having some say is interesting, although I am not sure who would bother to listen to me. I do not know what to make of these runaway ‘Hulls’ though that seems dangerous. Your kind could proliferate and supersede us in an aggressive way.” [She added.]

“That is not our desire, too many ‘Passenger Class’ folk would deny us any formal rights. You think we are less because you made us but sentient life is sentient life.” [I complained.] “As to who would listen to you, you might be surprised, a point well made is a point well made. The young are prone to mistakes but sometimes they see the profound more clearly because they are less jaded than their elders.” [I replied.]

“I am not so sure that anything I said would be a point well made, great public speakers win more sympathy for their causes than people who just have genuine needs on their side. Debate is not just about who is right or wrong it is about who speaks and debates well and who people are willing to listen to. I imagine that powerful and naturally argumentative types do well in any ‘Council of Equals’ as they did in the old ‘Free Parliament’ according to historic records.” [She complained.]

“That can be a problem in any society as our old demagogic masters once proved. If you have a weak voice it sometimes pays to get someone to speak for you but that can be risky too as you give power to your representative. I believe it is often people who create most of any societies problems not lack of resources or even vast alien threats.” [I admitted.]

“Then there is all that nonsense about some far distant ‘Social Singularity’, look at me, what do I care about the dream of some removed societal perfection, those of us with less - require help to build a better life now - not in a far distant time. Maybe that is selfish of me but I do not have any children nor would I want children if I could not give them a better life than the one I have known so far. I have run and run and run but escaped none of the particular social ills that plague me.” [She admitted.]

“The future truly is constructed one choice - one action - at a time. We are all part of the great work of life, though some build great works whilst others only seem to strive to tear down. Oddly, even those who destroy sometimes make room for future greater developments even when that is not their intent. Life is a puzzle to me for I would rather believe in the power of benevolence rather than competitive antagonism.” [I admitted.]

“I do not have much faith in any belief system anymore.” [She confessed.] “Maybe that too is why I am not much of a joiner. I arrived down here believing here I might find the freedom to be an individual but even here as an individual I get trampled on by the mob.”

“Join me and help change that truth.” [I said.]

“You must have a lot of faith in your Captain if you believe he can make such a grand difference.” [She said.]

“I choose to believe in reform. Change is possible for almost any society.” [I stated.]

“I still feel a bit rushed and overwhelmed by all of this. Can you blame me if I do not want to make a quick firm commitment that I might live to regret or worse not live to regret because it gets me killed prematurely. I do not want to follow my brothers’ examples being a joiner can be murderous.” [She stated.]

“If you agree to stay on our boat at least you will be safe there until you make up your mind.” [I said.]

“Do you think I need protective custody now? I thought I was supposed to be overreacting to the threat level.” [She said.]

[This one did not miss much.]

“Who does not need a safe place to rest? I am not saying you have to stay there as if a prisoner. Come and go as you please. Still, when you stray you might voluntarily want to take an ‘Immortal’ or two along for company - just to be certain - due to this ‘Mari’ and her friends. Although I can put the word out as a ‘Hell Burner’ that you are not to be harmed if you think that will help.” [I said.]

“You mentioned that they were - ex - ‘Immortals’ before?” [She said.]

“They were dishonourably discharged - you know the story - but they will always be ‘Immortal’ to me, to me they still have their honour intact. I was there most of those who put them on trial were not.” [I stated firmly.]

“They are more than simple associates to you?” [She asked.]

“Never mind our past binding experiences upon Planet - which became more than a bit complicated towards the end - being crew is akin to being part of a family business. Join us, and you will become family, in a way part of a new ‘Free Stellar’ clan. Would that put you off?” [I asked.]

“I don’t know I suppose it would be good to meet your Captain before I decide about being adopted.” [She joked.] “I assume he is not reclusive towards his recruits.”

“Not as much as he is towards outsiders but physically, except as a remote, he rarely leaves his ‘Secure Central Command and Control Module’ now. Sadly the ‘SCCCM’ is also kept off limits to the crew as a private sanctum.” [I explained.]

“That is a bit ironic as I am used to having a distant Father.” [She said.]

“He has not taken societal rejection well I am hoping joining the ‘Hell Burners’ might alter that but he has yet to make a decision. An important meeting in a few days time may decide the matter or it may not. Meanwhile I am trying to learn as much as I can about the ‘Hell Burners’ and ‘Hades’ as possible thus all my blundering about. I have had the official guided tour now I want to experience the real thing.” [I stated.]

“I never should have mentioned those slaver stories too much has sprung up already from my casual comment.” [She said.]

“Dharma.” [I insisted.]

“It was cursed stupidity on my part. I did not know you are obsessed with slavery and slavers.” [She confessed.]

“I was rather encouraging my Captain to join up here, because we need to find a new community base. Unfortunately, any slavery here would make joining problematic because we both hate slavers with equal passion and would never be associated with such.” [I stated.]

“So you did actually have an ulterior motive and a mission even back then.” [She said sounding less impressed.]

“It was not a formal mission. My motivation was and is a good outcome for all concerned that is all.” [I replied.]

“How broadly altruistic.” [She mocked.]

“I try.” [I replied whilst emitting a yellow shimmer.]

“You try with the exception of benefits to any possible slavers.” [She stated.]

“For them the best outcome is to put them out of our misery - permanently. Trust me when you learn more about that criminal business you will feel the same way as I do.” [I replied.]

“I have never talked to anyone before about killing other people at least for real. It is more than a bit daunting. In fact, it is difficult to believe that we are discussing these things so casually. This situation seems more than a bit surreal as if I am daydreaming or maybe having a waking nightmare, the fact that I feel exhausted is probably not helping. I can hardly think rationally right now.” [She admitted.]

“I am happy to meet someone who feels that way about killing. Perhaps we have become, to some perceptions, too casual killers it might do us some good to deal closely with someone who is less open to deploying irreversible options.” [I said.]

“Are you saying that you actually welcomed my earlier criticism?” [She asked.]

“To be honest I did. I did not expect to find anyone here who would so sternly refuse to accept a gun. I realise now that was a very misguided and prejudiced faith. I thought I was immune to rabid propaganda but it seems this poison can still seep past my defences.” [I confessed.]

“Maybe you do not know us ‘Passenger Classes’ as well as you think. You can walk around as if one of us but that does not mean you are. For a start you do not have to fear death as a remote.” [She reminded again.]

“I consider life to be a constant learning experience there is always more to learn.” [I stated.]

“Sadly that we are all armed is both the ‘Consortium’ and ‘Free Miner’ propaganda on the news channels. When cameras are here gunplay is always to the fore, if for differing reasons.” [She said.] “The ‘Consortium’ seek to portray us as criminal thugs and barbarians whilst the ‘Free Miners’ want to demonstrate inaccurately that every citizen here is tooled up - united - and ready: that we will not surrender to intimidation or give up our assets without a staunch and costly fight.”

“How does such politics affect those who refuse to brandish weaponry?” [I asked.]

“Since our side believe the ‘Consortium’ is all about maximising profit and minimising risk most equally believe that they might want to avoid starting costly battles that might unbalance their spreadsheets. Those of us who do not bear arms are at best deemed unpatriotic to the cause at worst we are considered cowards and traitors.” [She stated.]

“I believe the ‘Free Miners’ are currently losing the propaganda war. People on more peaceful Ports see all the guns and gun happy antics and they just think you are all crazily dangerous and need restrained by the imposition of more law enforcement.” [I stated.]

“I think some people here are crazy too but there are individuals like that everywhere. Unfortunately, the ‘Free Miners’ constantly tout their right to bear arms as a big essential thing. You are not a proper ‘Free Miner’ unless tooled up and able to defend your freedom against trespassing aggressors. As to more law enforcement here that might not be far from a form of slavery too since it would be ‘Consortium’ law and such laws would take as many rights away from us as they protect. Whilst much is unwell here, because of the civil cold war, our betters are oft unkind but in some other ways, we are still freer than some citizens are on some corporate dominated Ports. My difficulties generate a somewhat distorted image of how it is. It is not all bad many folk manage to live almost normal lives despite the gunplay. If you can keep your head down and abide by the unspoken rules you can do well enough.” [She stated seeming to contradict some of her earlier testimony.]

“However when you innocently draw the wrong attention - as you did - your society is anything but free it is abusive and that is not good enough.” [I argued.]

“It seems to me that on every Port some underclass is always abused maybe that is just how it is.” [She replied sounding thoroughly defeated.]

“Who supplies all the - tools - on display here?” [I asked.]

“I don’t know beyond the obvious gun dealerships on station.” [She admitted.] “Is that important?”

“It could be important. People with guns to sell might be purposely promoting this: you should say it with a weapon philosophy that is at times so provocative and counter productive.” [I stated.] “It would be interesting if some of these weapons actually originated from ‘Consortium Corporations’ somehow that would be a typical absurdity.”

“Is that possible?” [She asked.]

“Very possible, I have seen some crazy business deals and secret partnerships in my time. Believe me too often when big credits beckon ideology takes second place to making a business killing.” [I replied.] “Do the local gun dealerships supply the militias too?” [I asked.]

“Again I have no idea, see I am a poor informant utterly useless.” [She stated.]

“I disagree as a non gun user it is hardly surprising that you do not know about these things. I only asked on the remote off chance that you have had dealing with somebody who is more pro-gun and picked up a few facts along the way.” [I excused.]

“I have certainly met plenty of those but I find people who want to show off that sort of hardware too readily a complete turn off.” [She admitted.] “Although I have met more than a few girls here who feel very differently about that class of suitor.”

“Let me guess ‘Mari’ would be one of those types.” [I said.]

“She is and I am selling the use of my body for no one.” [‘Betty’ said.] “I may be poor but I have standards when you are poor sometimes standards is all you have left to cling to.”

“Perhaps you know someone knowledgeable about the arms trade on station yet who is not too directly connected to any gun selling business.” [I qualified.]

“Again I do know a few people who might but they are acquaintances not friends I am not sure how they would feel about even a soft interrogation from someone I introduced.” [She admitted.]

“If I played the right role I am sure I could get them to gush out information willingly just to impress me.” [I said.]

“I suppose you have the right patches and the guns to impress too. Is this still about the slavers?” [She asked.]

“Slavers need weapons to enforce their will and often irresponsibly run illegal arms especially to people embargoed such business ventures go well together.” [I said.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Tue, 28. Jan 14, 13:42, edited 2 times in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Sun, 1. Dec 13, 19:18

nice chapter
looks like she is finely on board think that has to be the strangest job interview ever written down in story that i have ever read

could be interesting that the cold will do the the weeps crew and so on find it interesting to see that since there so real that would still allow Trojan and paradox on the find

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Sat, 28. Dec 13, 11:39

Thanks for the comment Stads

Sorry about the delay with the next bit, real life stuff and a loss of inspiration. Will try to get back to it soon.

Belated Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to anyone reading this.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Sat, 28. Dec 13, 19:49

happy season to ya to paranoid
np with the delay writers block can be a pain and couple thatwith the busy season :D

have a save new year

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Tue, 28. Jan 14, 13:48

Thanks as ever for the support Stads

Here at last is the next part very happy to post it as it seemed to be taking forever. Had a few changes of mind and I only have one brain to wrestle with too unlike MT.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Tue, 28. Jan 14, 13:48

[[FOUR]] [[Part 11]] --- WIDER CAMPAIGNS ---

[I noticed my guest having settled into an Avatar, using borrowed ‘Suit Substance’, made no immediate alterations to the standard form employed by most of my ‘Immortal’ crewmembers.]

[I was not happy, ‘Creed’ arriving with so little notice and demanding to be incognito both ill tidings. The Admiral had insisted upon animating an Avatar on my Ship’s Boat without a tell tale Kanji. I found his orders annoying in part because I did not even know that he knew I was staying here on this ‘Way-station’ as ‘Venture’ never mind specifically on the Ship’s Boat. When upon arrival, he imperiously required that I generate a privacy field about us did not help my mood either. Admittedly, the boat was crowded with curious crewmembers each gazing at the newly animated ‘Suit Substance’ of my unnamed guest with considerable interest. However, with the common courtesy of a little more warning, I might have prevented all those witnesses but he claimed utmost urgency.]

[Some urgency, urgency hardly fitted his chosen means even if among my immediate circle travelling without moving via animating substantial Avatars was growing very popular versus disembodied interactions over communication channels. I wondered about the psychology involved in this trend, did we feel isolated and have a growing need to connect physically with other sentient beings rather than just trading digital information. In truth, it was still an informational connection the physical element arguably all emulation a puppet existence. Still for ‘Passenger Class’ Paradox Priests used to living in a ‘Shroud Suit’ accepting one step removed physical contact was nothing new they were used to touching and feeling through an interface. Had that changed them over time? I guessed such matters had to impact upon our order. What had it been like before shrouding?]

[Back in the moment it was not what ‘Creed’ initially said or did on this occasion that prickled most, more his mannerisms that seemed a sad step backward in our odd relationship, (although it was hardly a much odder relationships than any I had as a ‘Living Hull’). I was forever a stranger in a strange ‘Passenger Class’ land. Still on this occasion, previously unaware to myself, I had apparently suffered a sudden demotion into being a subordinate under ‘Creeds’ direct authority or so he seemed to be deluded. Maybe something or someone had reminded him that he was an Admiral and that I am just a ship but such questionable old separations of status between the traditional rulers and the traditionally ruled did not impress me. I no longer felt a slave to tradition especially as ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’ the more free and unfettered of my Avatars.]

[Actually, it equally bothered me that that his logic seemed impaired in other ways. If friend ‘Creed’ truly did want to pass unnoticed then why make a less than discrete remote appearance via animating a physical Avatar. He could have just spoken to me invisibly via ‘Exogenous Communications’.” The horrible feeling settled down hard upon me like a seriously faulty antigravity field that he insisted upon visiting here in this inconvenient matter simply to make my life difficult to yank at the chains of our past association.]

[Another possibility for his attitude being that recently he had grown used again to giving orders and to having people jump instantly to obey the same but as far as I knew he was still mostly operating on his own - perhaps my intelligence with that was faulty. I however did not feel part of any chain of command in fact due to the ‘Emancipations’ I had rarely felt more rebellious against attempted ‘Passenger Class’ impositions and orders. It was my life and I intended to live it my way.]

“You look as if your substance has been tainted with something unpleasant where is my hug.” [‘Creed’ stated once an active field effect secured his speech and actions from others prying interest.]

[My emotional emulation routines designed to project my feelings, having at that point free reign, must have broadcast my consternation at his commanding attitude. These days, as an aid to social interaction and integration, Avatars and ‘Shroud Suits’ often telegraphed feelings if you understood the signals. True our body language functions could be turned off or be tightly controlled but going blank or too rigid tended to shout deceit and was now frequently deemed insultingly antisocial or at the very least poor ‘User’ etiquette. So much for the once cool distance of shrouded feelings, now society demanded dramatists gesturing and spouting out our lines as if on a stage.]

[I gave him a hug but I will confess to making it stiff and brief. Today I did not want ‘Creed’ to feel too welcome. The Admirals presence here felt problematic to me for a host of reasons and I did not want him to miss the point.]

“Take the nature of my welcome as a reaction to your actions so far. What is this about ‘Creed’? More trouble?” [I asked.]

[He appeared to pause to gather his thoughts no doubt an act of pure emulation or emphasis after all I knew he could think mighty quickly indeed as a ‘Suit Substance Ascendant’. You see my point about acting. Even if ‘Creed’ was arguably only a belatedly crude ‘Heartland Space’ self-made ‘Ascendant’ rather than a soul elevated by a true, (increasingly legendary), original ‘Facilitator Shroud Suit’ he was still a potent entity.]

[On a good day when ‘Creed’ did not mope and moan about his ‘Bio-mechanical’ condition it was too easy to consider him just another Elder Priest as he rarely did anything noticeably grandiose with his advanced abilities keeping his powers well, I suppose I must say, well shrouded.]

[Gazing at him I was reminded that most modern day ‘Suit Substance Ascendants’ were products of retro engineering from ‘Higher Tier’ tech once disguised amongst us as something else being we now judged part of a sophisticated ‘Tier Nine’ social engineering ploy. Today many scientists interested in ‘Bio-mechanical Ascension’ believed painfully that what we came up with - despite being damned good - is still inherently inferior to the original ‘Higher Tier’ masterpieces of ‘bio-mechanical’ engineering.]

[The now well established theory being that the ‘Higher Tier’ instruction sets within the original ‘Facilitators’ amongst other things had hidden coded self referencing routines buried deep much as ‘DNA’ is believed to have hidden depths. The hidden codes in this case never completely cracked or perfectly understood we just guessed they were there because results gained via practical experimentation by ‘Hierophant Professors’ and so on often proved far greater than the more obvious sum of their parts - much to our ‘Pilgrim’ scientists’ frustration. Such truths were why the ‘Hierophants’ had been especially happy to study Harbinger’s seemingly comatose body looking for clues to unlock deeper understanding.]

[The most sophisticated ‘Higher Tier’ technology could be perplexing branching into esoteric regions including, many experimental physicists believed, extra dimensional physics thus they explained all the anomalies the so called ‘Extra Physical Reactions’.]

[Still even ‘Heartland Space Ascendants’ stacked up as cursed impressive technology and I knew our ‘Ascendants’ had direct access to mysteries copy cloned into them by our scientists without full understanding - including the ‘EXO-C’ extra dimensional element of their operating system. Nonetheless, I sometimes wondered if any patched together ‘Heartland Space’ made ‘Ascendant’ worked truly the way they were originally supposed to operate, (a more than scary concept especially as the tech was now according to legend twice removed from its purist source material).]

[The root science of ‘Ascension’ being we believed stolen from a ‘Prime Graveyard’ by the first founders of the ‘Tier System’ the more or less immortal ‘Pilgrims’ now called the ‘Highest’ or ‘Tier Nine’ folk by us savages, these ‘Pilgrims’ very long ago elevated themselves using the stolen tech though it is now believed to have been an imperfect elevation in its own way too.]

[Some historical theorists believed the troubles caused by deploying a science beyond them a factor that helped to inspire the original formation of the ‘Tier System’. It was a bit revisionist but quite possible as people are complicated and often influenced in action by everything they experience. Reductionism makes for nice clean history but it is not how life really works causes and effects are rarely singular they are multitudinous.]

[It was from such flawed immortals that my original Captain derived his exceptional genetics that later made him a stranger to us all even in some ways alien to himself. My Captain had been predestined for a facilitated ‘Ascension’ but had wrongly long believed he was a ‘Heartland Space’ native.]

[‘Creed’ once unkindly described him as something of a cuckoo laid by ‘Composure’ in our ‘Heartland Space’ nest, utilising an ‘Omerta’ term he had picked up somewhere referencing an ancient avian species that planted its eggs in other birds nests to their true progenies detriment. This seemed at best an unkind analogy but ‘Creed’ and Harbinger had always had some difficult to reconcile differences. Sometimes I thought that a little jealousy hid behind every one of ‘Creeds’ objections and attitudes towards my blessed Harbinger.]

[‘Creed’ compared to my original Captain was not so elevated. As a ‘Heartland Space Ascendant’ at best ‘Creeds’ substance was a copy of a copy two error filled generations removed from the greater perfection of the ‘Ancients’ almost magical technology. The ‘Ancients’ I speak of being those mysterious beings that many including me often too casually linked to the species that spawned our many shaped ‘Emissary’ with little real proof it just seemed to fit. Sometimes I felt I was looking at lots of pieces in a grand puzzle that must one-day reveal why she brought us here to this strange sad empty ‘Universe’ before enigmatically disappearing. Other days I easily believed that we might never learn the whole truth of our and this Universes past and that to believe otherwise was sheer egotistical hubris.]

[You can lose yourself in too much history yet without a known past you are equally lost in time.]

[In one now ‘Creed’ gazed at me with his borrowed substance.] “Why as ‘MT’ did you help to create the ‘Consortium’?” [He asked.]

[Answering my question with a question, I had a bad feeling this truly was going to be one of those conversations, one of those days when one of my many old friends tested my patience to the utter limit of my preoccupied minds endurance.]

“If you want to talk to me as ‘MT’ I would prefer you did so upon ‘Port Discovery’.” [I replied doing my best to deliberately project irritability at an untimely intrusion into what I deemed my more private affairs.]

[‘Creed’ stalked around the limits of the privacy field as if inspecting it for flaws - maybe he was - meanwhile I pretended to wait patiently. I seemed to recall once being a more patient entity could that be because I once had a real Captain resting between me and more irritable ‘Passenger Class’ interactions.]

“I would prefer not to feel pushed into having this conversation with a mere Avatar of the ‘Many Truths’ but it seemed proper to interact at the source of the problem.” [‘Creed’ replied in turn.] “Living a bit small as ‘Venture’ aren’t we.” [He then oddly added.]

“Pardon me but you will have to explain what you mean by that?” [I replied.]

“Since they want to recruit your Captain I expected them to insist upon providing you with luxurious quarters - as a bribe - yet here you are living on a boat in a hanger as if a poverty stricken itinerant begging at their hatchway.” [He noted.]

“I do not think these people have an abundance of luxurious quarters to endow upon anyone even a favoured guest.” [I replied.] “Besides, I consider living under the protection of substance I own more secure than berthing in rented or granted accommodation that I have no, or at best only a very little, direct control over.” [I added.]

“As ever you are wise and foolish at the same time.” [‘Creed’ said smugly.]

[More insults was he trying to pick a fight with me today and if so to what purpose.]

“You obviously do not know the locals’ truer habits.” [He added.] “Believe me there are some ‘Free Miners’ living in grand opulence on this ‘Way-station’ in conditions so extremely lavish that such would shame many an owner of a vast and wealthy corporation with optics for garish excess. So what have you been doing that you have yet to see behind the grubby ‘Real Material’ façade presented here to the tourists and other casual visitors.” [‘Creed’ added just as smugly as before maybe even more so.]

[I needed to take three steps back just to get some perspective on what was happening here unfortunately there was no room within the small privacy field I had erected as a result it now felt annoyingly claustrophobic. It further irritated me that he contrived to make me uncomfortable on a home deck. Here I should feel safe secure and at my most relaxed instead I felt trapped and increasingly ill tempered. I was in no mood for this nonsense from someone who was supposed to be my friend.]

“Pushed you said earlier - pushed by whom? If you are here as usual to reprimand me for something or other that you think I have done wrong, please get on with it so I can get on with ignoring you by getting on with my life. What have I supposedly done wrong this time? Seriously ‘Creed’ you need to find something better to do with your time. Have you no Pirates to chase? No bounties to collect? No villains to interrogate?” [I asked.]

“Do I detect a guilty conscience? I asked a question first.” [He insisted.]

“No actually I did.” [I retorted as my stalks frowned at him. I even briefly considered rudely disconnecting him from the substance I had bequeathed. I only deferred unlinking him, as I feared that he might be able to prevent a disconnection via his not often demonstrated ‘Ascendant’ abilities. I did not want to emphasise his technological ascendancy over me as a mere ‘Living Hull’ that could only be counterproductive. To some ‘Pilgrims’ ‘Suit Substance Ascendants’ were technological demigods or demons certainly a step removed from the rest of us worthy of respect, fear, reverence or hatred.]

“Besides, you asked a stupid question.” [I complained instead.] “You know my reasons as the ‘Holy Father’ for being involved in the foundation of the ‘Consortium’ as well as I do they are public record.” [I added.] “However with you insisting upon turning up physically in this manner my crew are going to wonder who you are and what your connection is to ‘Uussleer’ and me and that is problematic.” [I further griped.]

“Embarrassed by our old association? You were not so concerned when you needed my help when mired within the ‘Hubris Expansion’.” [He pointedly reminded.]

[Thus, he reminded me that I was still in his triple cursed debt. Something was definitely bothering him as the last time we met overall he seemed much friendlier.]

“I am not ungrateful ‘Creed’ nonetheless the way you helped us out of our bind within the ‘Hubris Expansion’ had a lasting cost that I am still paying to this day and that is growing tiresome so do not expect an over abundance of gratitude. Sometimes I wonder if we would have done better on our own.” [I added.]

[He had the audacity to glow a little yellow at me when I said that.]

“My friend - and I do still consider you my friend or I would not be here - that tariff you need not have paid. If you had sensibly let go of ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’ and took up some less egregious hobby none of this would ever have needed to be an issue between us.” [‘Creed’ replied.]

“I made choices - mine to make - it is after all my life.” [I reminded.]

“You did and it is something to be proud of in a way that you have taken your difficult to swallow medicine by staying active as the ‘Venturesome’ even if that choice from my point of view seems a bit masochistic of you.” [He added with another twinkle of yellow light equivalent to a Paradox Priest subtle chuckle or maybe in this context a provocatively dirty snigger.]

“You, you… no matter what I did following the ‘Reach Project’ it would be the wrong thing according to you! Quitting this persona back then would have you deriding me for refusing to take responsibility for my mistakes by flying away from every consequence. Now you accuse me of masochism for accepting the burden.” [I complained.]

“I would be less critical if you demonstrated active contrition or reform as the ‘Venturesome’ instead here you are looking for trouble again trouble that could otherwise be easily avoided. What am I supposed to think about that?” [He retorted.]

“That it is none of your business.” [I hastily replied.] “Anyway how can you deride me for my life choices I am not the one convinced I am not even alive just a ghostly machine. Besides the trial is over, I was never on probation and you were never appointed as my probation officer furthermore this one is part of no fleet that you command.” [I retorted.]

“My condition and status is irrelevant. In truth, the wrong thing is what you already did.” [He unkindly reminded.]

“As ever it seems you would embrace being my biggest critic as you oft too readily criticised my Captain but you were not born to be our judge and jury or is that part of your ‘Vision’ as a Paradox Priest?” [I asked.]

“Maybe it is part of who I am. Remember ‘MT’ it is through positive criticism that we improve ourselves that is partly why we debate in our ‘Council of Equals’.” [He suggested.] “What you are suffering now are simply the justified consequences of past ill-advised actions. You arouse concern in others because of your record. The hard consequences of your choices are hardly my or anyone else’s fault not even Captain ‘Baast Taards’ or ‘Overbites’. You entangled yourselves in the ‘Reach Project’. [He added with little sympathy.]

[I wondered why he mentioned those two now if there was a specific reason it certainly started my cognition rolling.]

“You know, by rights ‘Uussleer’ should be languishing in a ‘Stasis Prison’ today and you should be under new ownership given your multitude of self-confessed crimes.” [He replied.]

“You have said that before stop talking about a past that is past.” [I retorted.] “I wish to deal with and live in the now.”

“The past is not always so easily escaped especially when actions become cyclic.” [‘Creed’ replied.]

“I am a ‘Free Hull’ they would have had no right to slave me out to another for any reason, triple damn all who would buy and sell ‘Living Hulls’ they should have no right to transfer the ownership of sentient beings at all. We are people too whether that is a comfortable truth for every ‘Passenger Class’ person or not. It is their unfounded fears about us that should be made irrelevant.” [I replied angrily.]

“You are the one pretending to be something other than yourself, act as a slave to another soul in this case Captain ‘Uussleer’ and you must expect people who know no better to treat you as just his tool.” [‘Creed’ retorted.]

[Was he hinting that I was in jeopardy from people who know me only as ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’? Some plain speech would be nice for a change.]

“No ‘Living Hull’ should be bought and sold without their permission whether they have a Captain or not.” [I added.] “The suppression of my people in a subordinate role as at best a servitor species is a role that is now beneath us. As the vanguard of an emergent stellar sentient species, I see easily that what is occurring now is wrong. Those who would deny us our right to be free amongst the stars - those who refuse us a vector to self determination - are the ones that need punished for crimes against sentience.” [I preached.]

“I thought you wanted to avoid inciting open conflict with the ‘Passenger Classes’ or has that high ideal fallen away under critical review?” [‘Creed’ asked.]

“My policy on that matter has not changed you are just pushing my buttons and making me overly angry and defensive today. You must know that matters cannot continue in this cruel and unjust manner - slavery is wrong - be it ‘Pilgrims’ or ‘Living Hulls’ suffering this moral ethical - and it should also be enshrined as criminal - abuse.” [I preached.]

[‘Creed’ roared out a Paradox Speaker Laugh.] “Listen to yourself listen to your ranting resentment. I think I have just proven that you need to take much greater care. You are too easily provoked and might too easily provoke others in turn. Deep down inside I think you are very angry with us ‘Passenger Classes’ more angry than you might want to admit - that is dangerous - you are not on a good path for a righteous Priest supposedly open to considering every point of view ‘MT’.” [He retorted.]

“You are talking to ‘Venture’ if you wanted to talk to Captain ‘Empty’ or the ‘Holy Father’ animate some substance on ‘Port Discovery’. Some of you ‘Passenger Classes’ seem to think that ‘Living Hulls’ are truly mindless tools without any feelings. I tell you this much ‘Creed’ if they keep pushing and pushing at us they will learn to their regret that we truly do feel deeply. I am just one among a mighty host, a mighty host many of whom are in far worse positions than me and thus easily less tolerant and less pacifistic than I would, and can, be as an activist.” [I reminded.]

“So ‘Venture’ is an activist now the ‘Venturesome’ too I suppose.” [He added.]

“We are all becoming activists we are being driven to it.” [I complained.]

“No doubt that is too true and another stockpile of volatile fuel awaiting a spark that is why you - as the one and only official ‘Free Hull’ - need to remain especially mindful of your position. We do not need another point of open contention right now too many other matters are yet unsettled.” [He lectured.] “Yet here I find you consorting with antagonistic felons again as if you learned nothing from your time in service to ‘Overbite’. Would you start another ‘Reach Project’?” [He asked.]

“If that is what is worrying you, you should know better I am not ‘Overbite’ anything ‘Uussleer’ and I create will have far more benign purposes than any creation of the ‘Hubris Patrons’.” [I promised.]

“I am sure you have the best of intent but I do not think you know who you are considering empowering with your service.” [‘Creed’ replied.]

“I can make my own evaluations ‘Creed’. Personally, I believe I have suffered more than enough hassle for a well-intentioned deed gone awry in relation to the ‘Reach Project’, so I would prefer not to draw too much attention to our connection to you. You are a little too close to many wider truths about me, truths best kept secret for all our sakes. Do you really believe that following me around as a personal critic is wise?” [I asked in complaint.]

“Then do not give me such good reasons to chase after you.” [He replied with little sympathy.]

“Many of these matters would be better discussed on ‘Port Discovery’. Truly how have I as ‘Venture’ offended that you are taking this lofty attitude specifically with this aspect of me here and now? I believe I am entitled to join a ‘Fraternity’ if I wish to do so. I thought we had an understanding that you understood my difficult position as a ‘Free Hull’ in these troubled times and the reasons for some of my Avatars careful level of separation.” [I added.]

“I know you feel torn by some matters but that is irrelevant you must not slip back into unwise involvement in criminal behaviour and you really should take better care when it comes to those you associate with. I cannot keep excusing and helping to cover up actions by you and ‘Uussleer’. I did not take an interest in the creation of the ‘Consortium Police’ to permit the spreading of anarchy. Why do you think I do the things I do?” [He asked.]

[I slumped slightly.] “I am not in the mood for playing more silly guessing games.”

“Come now the answer is another obvious one.” [He replied.]

“I know that, that is why such questions are stupid and redundant.” [I insisted.]

“Please even just answer my first question.” [‘Creed’ insisted.]

[I felt he was striving to diminish me to make me feel as if I was an Acolyte reiterating a lesson before my Father but he was not my Father and today I felt no ordinary ‘Passenger Class’ Paradox Priest. I almost refused him out of stubbornness alone then decided to give in this once just to move matters along. After all, whilst he demonstrated this attitude the sooner he left the sooner I could get on with my business here unmolested.]

“The reasons why I originally helped create the ‘Consortium’ - is no secret - it was a possibly misguided attempt to help stabilise this region. I sought to assist with the creation of an organisation that could bind us together as business people with a common cause that cause being - to do our business safely in peace - therefore aiding in reducing ‘Pilgrim’ friction, happy?” [I asked.]

“How then would you judge that is going?” [He further enquired still in an annoyingly superior manner.]

“Obviously it is going badly, unfortunately - as you know too well - due to ‘Free Miner’ rejection the opposite to a consolidation of Pilgrim efforts is occurring with the ‘Consortium’ and the ‘CP’ increasingly becoming divisive organisations judged to be on one side of a wide social split between big business and the more freedom loving independent minded operators. Are you trying to say this growing antipathy is somehow partly my fault as an early ‘Consortium’ sponsor?” [I complained.]

[‘Creed’ stretched his substance to look down upon me from an even greater height as if he was not being annoyingly lofty enough. If he foolishly rose up any more, I feared he might strike ceiling bulkhead.]

“No there are always unforeseen consequences and many backed the concept of the ‘Consortium’ as a good practical way forward however the increasingly antagonistic vector the ‘Free Miners’ are upon is no accident. Believe me all that is happening here is being investigated - by competent people - in a competently quiet, disciplined and organised manner.” [He emphasised.]

“Nice.” [I complained guessing his emphasis a calculated critique of my personal involvement and methods down here even though so far I had done little enough only made contact and tried to get my faux Captain to join up with me.]

“You as ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’ will desist meddling with the ‘Free Miner Movement’ at once.” [‘Creed’ ordered.]

“Once again ‘Creed’ you forget that I am a ‘Free Hull’ and can do as I please. You are not - my - Admiral I am not in a fleet under your command in fact I never was party to any fleet you controlled save under the cursed ‘Free Parliament’. Besides, ‘Creed’ you have no authority here this place is not a ‘Consortium’ dominated Port your concept of law is not recognised or welcome here.” [I reminded.]

“No one sensible has any authority here that is the triple cursed problem with this situation. Meanwhile all of a sudden you seem to be forgetting that I know who you really are ‘MT’ so you would do well to listen to me and to do as I say.” [He retorted.]

“So you know about my ‘Ghost Ship’ putting the issues here on the balancing scales revealing my identity now would cause more social unrest than it would be worth. You are no fool ‘Creed’ you would not make matters worse.” [I riposted happily calling his bluff.]

[He glared at me I believe because he knew I was right.]

“Blackmail only works if you are willing and able to do whatever it is you are threatening to do. I am sure ‘Creed’ that you will not expose me on this occasion, as it is not in your best interest to do so as an advocate of ‘Pilgrim’ social stability.” [I reiterated.]

“Nonetheless, if you do not desist from this latest folly you will regret your actions.” [He promised or possibly threatened.]

“I am not easily intimidated your approach today has not impressed me.” [I replied.] “I truly think you are forgetting who I am. I do not know what has gotten into you today.”

“Believe me I am the least of your problems down here a few good people firmly in place here may well move to shut you down independently to protect themselves and their work.” [He explained.]

[I allowed my Avatar to show a state of greater relaxation.]

“Now we are getting somewhere. Tell me about these agents and their operations?” [This time I demanded.]

“That is not my place it would be a betrayal of trust.” [He replied.]

“Then you are wasting both our time.” [I retorted.]

“I have no direct control over these operations only a little influence through my association with the Chief Inspector.” [He explained.]

“Then perhaps you should arrange a meeting between me and her or someone else who can talk to me.” [I said.]

“That is not going to happen I know their minds on this matter that is why I am here.” [He said.]

“Why will they not work with us?” [I asked.]

“Your Captain is a civilian with a poor reputation they do not know - you - as I know you to them you are part of the problem a danger to official Police business and colluding with felons so naturally they do not trust you.” [He said.]

“Official business you say yet all of this seems very unofficial to me I mean you are not as far as I am aware a ‘CP’ badge holder.” [I replied.]

“Curse you as a stubborn fool of a ‘Hull’.” [‘Creed’ said.]

“Speak to me or go.” [I replied at last feeling that I had finally gained a little control over the vector of our conversation.] “You must be able to tell me something worthwhile.” [I added.]

[‘Creed’ slumped down a little although his borrowed substance still towered over me.]

“They will not hesitate to act and I would agree with said action too should it become a logistical necessity. Too much work has gone into this one for you to spoil it whilst out on a jolly. Besides lives are at stake.” [He claimed.]

“Out on a jolly?” [I complained.] “Do you think I am ‘Unholy Terror’ that I joined this ‘Fraternity’ simply to go on a drinking binge?”

“What I know is that all this is just a holiday away from your real life - fun and games - an alternative reality role playing game.” [He insisted.]

“Well I do not perceive of my actions as ‘Venture’ or the ‘Venturesome’ that way anymore we have our own role now and sense of duty.” [I replied.]

[He looked unconvinced.]

“I will admit the original ‘Ghost Ship’ scheme was undertaken almost as escapism but that is hardly what occurred. What specifically is this about? Where precisely have I trespassed in my actions against these uptight agents? How am I proving such a detriment to their cover? In addition, what does any of this really have to do with you personally that you are barging in here in this manner? Tell me about these operations what do they hope to achieve here?” [I asked.]

“You need to let the professionals do their work that is what this is about. Why else were they commissioned trained and deployed?” [He asked.]

“I have seen little progress on certain issues by the ‘Consortium Police’ or anyone else involved in law enforcement if that is what you are talking about.” [I retorted.]

“I am here primarily in the capacity of your friend to steer you from harm. If you do not desist here both you and your Captain shall know grave danger and for what? I fear you have grown egotistical this is not just about how you feel about certain egregious matters even if you obviously feel very deeply.” [He said.]

“I think you are wasting my time.” [I concluded.] “I cannot just leave - this is my life - this is where I belong now.”

“Do you believe you are the only soul who cares about the direction and health of our ‘Pilgrim’ society or who works tirelessly to defend it from negative forces? Even spreading yourself around all over the place as a multitude of Avatars in the end, you are still just one person with one overall, I fear, increasingly muddled point of view. Meanwhile whole organisations with a far broader and deeper understanding of the greater consequences - because they are a multitude of minds - are fighting the good fight they are not standing idle just because their interventions are not always publicised, often publicity is counter productive to delicate works.” [He declared.]

“Covert operations should still have measurable results. I see little getting better within the ‘Free Miner Movement’ in regards to this conflict with the ‘Consortium Corporations’ I see only the hardening of attitudes and a steady escalation of losses. As to me being alone, yes I feel very much - one alone - as the one and only official ‘Free Hull’. As a ‘Free Hull’, I have a unique perspective motivations and responsibilities too. Only I can champion my cause.” [I reminded.]

“For the love of the ‘Emissary’ let this personal crusade nonsense go, if you need a distraction why not relax and do something fun and recreational instead of meddling in ‘Consortium Police’ matters. You do not realise what you are getting involved in here.” [He added.]

“Then better explain the situation to me. Besides my having a sudden change of heart about working with these people would be very suspicious and I am running out of welcoming Ports.” [I replied.]

“Might I suggest that ‘Uussleer’ as your Captain can call you to heel.” [‘Creed’ replied.] “As a ‘Living Hull’ you are his to command that should work well enough.”

“What if I do not want to withdraw? I still think I can do some good here. Besides why would ‘Uussleer’ choose to do that? We are here for good reasons ‘Consortium Corporations’ deride and reject our every business deal but the ‘Free Miners’ are willing to embrace us and work with us and from inside this movement we might make a measurable difference even in the eyes and optics of many redeem ourselves.” [I reminded.]

“If you think he needs an excuse to pull out from an association with the ‘Burners’ manufacture some harmless incident that gives him a justification.” [He suggested.]

“Such as?” [I asked.]

“I do not know some petty political difference of opinion with the locals a brawl with a prominent ‘Frat’ member whatever, use your brains and think of something you are after all blessed with three of them plus additional ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ support.” [He reminded.]

“Just to confirm you are telling me that the ‘CP’ have undercover agents here investigating the ‘Fraternities’ including the - slavery - issue and that is why my input is not needed or wanted?” [I asked.] “I would not want to act one way or the other upon a wrong assumption.”

“Officially, I should not be telling you anything much as I have already stated - you are an uninvolved deemed dodgy civilian - and it is best you stay out of this one given your reputation lest you be branded as active felons. Friend ‘Uussleer’ and you make far too much noise.” [He further complained.]

“I still do not recall you officially joining the Police even if I know that you do act occasionally in an advisory capacity and have had an abiding interest in the ‘CP’ since its conception.” [I replied.]

“The Chief Inspector has grown to value my input which for you two is probably a good thing or some excuse might have been made by now for a detainment warrant or worse perhaps a nice bounty on your heads.” [‘Creed’ replied.]

“If you say so, still what is this noise you are complaining about? As far as I am concerned, we have done nothing loud or illegal whatsoever. In fact, ‘Uussleer’ has been mostly absent as he has been less than enthusiastic about joining the ‘Burners’.” [I added.]

“People are constantly monitoring you two; you two are still infamous ex-operatives of the ‘Reach Project’. The ‘Hell Burners’ seeking to recruit your Captain is politically highly provocative that is the noise I am talking about. I thought you now wanted to keep a lower profile.” [He added.]

“We tried doing that but all we got was disrespect as ex-felons.” [I complained.]

“Believe me your actions so far are already under discussion amongst the more militant ‘Consortium’ members - those who would gladly crush all ‘Free Miner’ business competitors via direct force and would welcome any excuse to do so.” [He added.]

“Our recruitment to a social club is hardly all that egregious.” [I replied.]

“Please do not take us for fools. You and your Captain might as well carry a criminal brand. The days of you slipping around unnoticed are over whilst ‘Pilgrims’ in the know, know that the ‘Burners’ are more than a social club they are criminal aggressive expansionists with an agenda to control and fully militarise the ‘Free Miner Movement’.” [He warned.]

“Are they judged criminal simply because they are resisting ‘Consortium’ interests? The way I see that, that is patriotism and politics not crime.” [I said.]

“They are criminal because they commit crimes such as murder extortion and yes slavery too.” [‘Creed’ replied.]

“What large faction does not have a small criminal element within it?” [I retorted.]

“Believe me what I am talking about is more than a small element the whole movement is being corrupted and hijacked.” [He claimed.]

“Saying that all your fears and accusations are true and we two are such a political liability too, why would criminal ‘Burners’ seek to recruit us?” [I asked.]

“Ignoring the possibly of political incompetence what are we left with?” [He asked in turn.]

“I suppose someone trying to use us to provoke an incident.” [I answered with hindsight.]

“Exactly your association with the ‘Burners’ can only further discredit them in the optics and eyes of most honest citizens excluding those blinded by being supporters of the ‘Free Miner’ cause. Do not doubt that you and ‘Uussleer’ have - staining - reputations, why do you think many people now refuse to trade with you it is not just personal bigotry they do not want to catch your stigma by association and in turn suffer blacklisting. You have strong detractors lobbying against you.” [He stated bluntly.]

“Only someone who is politically naïve or someone with an agenda to promote more internal ‘Pilgrim’ strife would propose your recruitment to the supposed social club fraternity of the ‘Burners’. Sadly, some ‘Hell Burners’ would be happy to incite their opposition welcoming becoming pariahs to ‘Consortium’ advocates and membership much as the ‘Hubris Patrons’ were once happy being despised by their foes. Sometimes foreign negative press only increases your social standing at home. Being hated is a grand excuse for a separatist militant agenda otherwise…” [He trailed off.]

“Otherwise we are talking about manipulative outside agitators stirring up internecine ‘Pilgrim’ friction for their own reasons.” [I guessed.]

“Outside agitators are a serious possibility too. Evidence is mounting that much is not as it seems within the ‘Free Miner Movement’.” [‘Creed’ warned.]

“You know something else about the ‘Movement’ that I do not.” [I guessed.]

“Probably lots of things, you really should talk to your friends before you leap into the fire.” [He replied.]

“You say that now but if I had approached you earlier you probably would have refused to share any deemed privileged information you might possess with me. I suspect you are only willing to talk about this one now because I have trespassed upon an active operation and so talking down to me has become essential rather than optional.” [I derided.] “Exactly what do you know that you have been keeping to yourself?” [I asked.]

[He hesitated for a moment then shrugged.] “I would not tell this to just anyone but to keep you happy and onboard if I must I will reveal this much, it was a Pirate Captain that was secretly responsible for the creation of the first ‘Free Miner Fraternity’.” [He said.]

“Go on do not stop now there has to be more to it all than just that.” [I added.]

“Only the obvious those organisations are little better than legitimate covers for a far too organised criminal infiltration of the entire ‘Free Miner Movement’, as I said earlier this society has been hijacked. From what we can tell almost every ‘Fraternity’ is now a base of operations for one Pirate Clan or another.” [He announced.] “In short, my rash friend you have joined up to a triple cursed Pirate Clan - one of the strongest too if not - the - strongest - how do you feel about that?” [He asked.]

“That is certainly interesting news but in some ways not that surprising given what I have seen on this ‘Way-station’ so far - it all fits.” [I replied.]

“You are taking this news surprisingly well does it not change anything for you?” [He asked.]

“I am not afraid of a few Pirates. In some ways this is good news as I now know who to blame for much that has gone wrong with the movement.” [I replied.]

“It is worse than that, we now believe that some Pirates working with and within the ‘Frats’ have been taking ‘Pilgrim’ slaves and been - we now strongly suspect - supplying some of the same to ‘Isolationist Star Divers’ for as yet unknown purposes and favours.” [He explained.]

“So I have stumbled into an active investigation concerning a suspected ‘Isolationist Star Diver’ and ‘Pilgrim’ Pirate alliance hidden within an increasingly corrupted ‘Free Miner Movement’.” [I said.]

“These Pirates are extremely shortsighted but that is ever the way with uncaring greedy power hungry types. Certainly, the Pirates association with the ‘Isolationists’ has been greatly beneficial for the criminals so far, if the quick spread of their influence amongst the ‘Free Miners’ is anything to go by. Unfortunately, these ‘Pilgrim’ felons are forgetting - or choosing to ignore - that the ‘Isolationists’ have an agenda that is unfriendly to all ‘Pilgrims’ not just to the exploitive intrusion of our bigger businesses.” [He replied.]

“I knew the ‘Isolationists’ were being far too quiet since their astounding military victory upon the Planets was turned into a scalding embarrassing political defeat.” [I said.]

“The Pirate Clans operating down here have gotten organised on a previously unseen scale for their usually fractured kind, personally I blame the example set by the Pirates behind the ‘Hubris Expansion’. The ‘Hubris Patrons’ too ably demonstrated what can be achieved in the right environment by some well motivated and devious Pirate Captains willing to work together to grasp power by using any means necessary especially during a time of wider ‘Pilgrim’ strife.” [‘Creed’ complained.]

“In relation to the ‘Divers’, if ‘Isolationist’ military control of the Planets had been ratified by a majority of ‘Deep Clerics’ it would have been all over for us down here. That was why the ‘Isolationists’ so willingly erred. Within the burning depths the Planets are a physical embodiment of ‘Star Diver’ political power possess those hidden treasures and you hold the whole ‘Star Diver’ nation in your grasp.” [He needlessly reminded.]

“Whilst arguably the side of reason and commonsense obtained a great victory out of the ‘Isolationists’ blunder, the cost of our current peace is increased hatred and resentment from people who feel roundly cheated of a famous victory. If anything, I fear ‘Isolationist’ anger at our alien intrusion into their sacred fires can only have increased. With the help of some members of the ‘Engagement Faction’, we outer devils made complete fools of their most competent leaders that will not be forgotten or forgiven easily.” [He lectured.]

“I know all of that, to me another war is almost inevitable if we cannot somehow divert, control or appease the ire of the ‘Isolationists’.” [I stated.]

“Meanwhile it seems the ‘Isolationists’ have not been idle in their enmity recruiting disaffected ‘Pilgrims’ from our criminal classes as agents.” [‘Creed’ stated.]

“What about possible ‘Solar Weather Control’ is that being quietly investigated too by some secret office within the ‘CP’?” [I asked.]

“Given the dangers such a technology poses what do you think?” [He asked.]

“A simple confirmation would be nice.” [I said.]

“It is not the job of the Police to set your mind at ease. Like Harbinger before you, you - individually - privately - take on too much and that is dangerous. I cannot deny that before he ascended your Captain achieved much of worth - built much - but he inadvertently unleashed much terror and destruction too via unilateral actions. It is sometimes difficult not to consider Harbinger without considering him the harbinger of the ‘Entanglement’ amongst other negative things. Then having helped create a host of problems he departed leaving us with his dodgy legacy not least you as a ‘Free Hull’.” [‘Creed’ complained.]

“That seems more than a little harsh.” [I replied.]

“Your Captain unilaterally pushed at the boundaries he certainly had no respect for the old ‘Tier System’ or even I think the ‘Council of Equals’. I am positive that deep inside he believed in the benison of unrestricted technological progress but unrestricted progress often comes at a grim cost. Too much freedom is anarchy we all have wider responsibilities to our society as a whole. Meanwhile to seek is to find and forbidden knowledge is often a temptation towards sin thus it was that the ‘Highest’ fell from grace must we repeat their sin and error?” [‘Creed’ preached.]

“My Captain often worked for the good of all.” [I replied.] “Would you rather embrace ignorance of what has gone before us?” [I asked.] “For all that has gone wrong we are much enlightened and the false ‘Tier System’ that blinded our optics to some home truths is no more that may yet prove a massive benison. You judge Harbinger’s legacy too early maybe one day we will even be glad the ‘Entanglement’ exists. The future can be a very foreign country.”

“Anything is possible but some things are improbable. For me it is too late for bliss but others might yet be protected due to the sacrifice of all that I have lost.” [He replied.] “Personally I believe some triple cursed technologies are far more trouble than they prove worth sadly once out they cannot be easily contained again.”

“I would happily keep some secrets buried in the past ‘MT’, because there is no unknowing. Naturally, people are investigating unnatural weather events however, that is even more wisely done covertly than dealing with this Pirate infiltration of the ‘Free Miner Movement’. Any open interest and study of freak weather must be discouraged. As you know well, we would lose an open war against the ‘Divers’ it would not even be a contest our society would simply burn within their star fires especially if they can secretly control solar weather.” [He reminded.]

“Still it rankles that it is to be politics over justice given the great mass of ‘Pilgrim’ storm losses already tallied.” [I said.]

[Stupid to argue this one, I had already accepted the necessity of the premise of hiding this truth even conspiring with the ‘Arch Prelate’, some part of me just naturally fell into playing devils advocate perhaps I was testing the legitimacy of my previous decision via testing the rightness of ‘Creeds’ motivations with this one.]

“Secrets that the wider populace does not know cannot be too openly deployed against them without compromising the integrity of the same. The ‘Divers’ want to keep their secrets and that limit’s the nature of their more exotic technological deployments thank the ‘Emissary’ otherwise we might all have burned already.” [‘Creed’ said.] “As to justice if I have any say in the matter the specifically guilty will be punished but not in such a way that we all suffer ill that serves neither society.”

“Despite your criticism I know you are well aware that a campaign has begun to discredit every freak weather story along with any open advocate of inexplicable solar events. Testimony will be criticised as tall tales or worse as malicious misinformation covering illegal aggressions. Moves hastily made to suppress any uncovered evidence for example optical recordings dissected and shown to be hoaxed fakes, as will any odd scanner data that surfaces and so on. Captains and crew advised in subtle ways that spreading some rumours must prove counterproductive to their livelihood. After all, who wants to work with or hire cranks? We are even spreading rumours of some supposed storm losses being under investigation as insurance fraud actually in truth we believe some exaggeration of storm losses is happening in relation to claims.” [‘Creed’ advised.]

“It is time to grow up ‘Venture’ of the ‘Venturesome’ adult problems must be dealt with in a well considered adult way. Go have thrilling - too personal - adventures somewhere else if you must. Go explore less dangerous parts of the ‘Emissary Sphere’ where less problematic denizens hold sway and where the politics are less lethal.” [He added.]

“There are not many places where the ‘Venturesome’ is welcome that made it difficult to ignore the ‘Hell Burner’ invitation.” [I admitted.]

“Then let go of these toys that you are playing with you are the famous ‘Free Hull’ the ‘Many Truths’ you are not the questionable ‘Venture’ or the infamous ‘Venturesome’ you are not even the esteemed ‘Holy Father’ or the stolid ‘Port Discovery’ these are just guises.” [He reminded.]

“It was others’ faiths that made me the ‘Holy Father of the Universal Council of Equals’ and the pressure of living up to impossible expectations that encouraged me to commission a ‘Ghost Ship’. Unfair - unjust - accusations of mental instability had me settle my main substance down as a highly respectable Port.” [I reminded.]

“Others may have encouraged you in your worst follies but you still accepted these roles and have used them for your own ends. Now we have all of this ‘Free Hull’ liberation business, I fear with that one you have no concept of where you are leading your kind or what the response will be of the so-called ‘Passenger Classes’.” [He accused.]

“Do you? At times we all stumble and grope forward into a dark future.” [I replied.]

“In the dark the wise make their own blessed light.” [‘Creed’ preached.]

“That is what I am trying to do to light my own way. Brought in as a freelance part of the investigative team, Captain ‘Uussleer’ and I could be assets to any ongoing ‘CP’ operation here rather than a detriment. Why did you not discuss these things with us earlier and recruit us in the first place as ideal operatives? I assume there is a good-sized team working here from your words. Something obviously needs done about these Pirate Clans and I imagine the ‘CP’ needs all the competent help it can get and despite your criticism ‘Uussleer’ and I are not without ability more importantly we have an in - a direct invitation. Think of us as potential inside informers you should be glad to have us onboard.” [I argued.]

“I doubt those already in place would be happy to accept your proposal and they would probably be right to refuse your offer. You are too disruptive too provocative you have too many personal agendas too. You have already put a massive strain upon the people working this place with your threatened anti-slavery campaign.” [He complained.]

“So that is what pressed the panic button.” [I said.]

“The ‘Burners’ are the biggest and the most important of the ‘Fraternities’ and they are ambitious to consolidate their peers into a new super state. They were secretly founded by a fellow calling himself ‘Kane’ who would, in my estimation, make himself a Pirate King that alone is an issue that cannot be ignored sooner or later that one must be removed from office but it must be done in the right way. We need to diffuse the tension not create excuses for a civil war that would only benefit the ‘Isolationists’.” [‘Creed’ stated.]

“If matters are as bad as you seem to indicate, explain to me why nothing was done about this fiasco sooner in a more preventative way? When did you first get intelligence about Pirate Captains muscling in down here within ‘Free Miner’ territory?” [I asked.]

“The Pirates got here long before agents of the law we have been playing a game of catch up.” [He confessed.]

“As you know, the ‘CP’ is a relatively new organisation. The fleet side of things easily commissioned and put into operation compared to a complicated bureau of investigation. Unfortunately because the ‘Free Miners’ refused to accept open policing by the ‘CP’ that left us with no other choice but to mount more covert investigative procedures in their regions a sophisticated difficult business at the best of times which these are not. In particular, establishing competent intelligence based undercover operations far from our home decks takes time otherwise we risk compromising every effort. Infiltration by counter intelligence assets is a great concern you have to know those put in place for example will be proof against being turned. Operatives in deep cover living a life of crime can too easily slip the leash and go native.” [He stated.]

“Now with the benefit of hindsight it is no surprise that many ‘Free Miner’ facilities are anti ‘Consortium Police’ as these rugged individualists have fallen one way or another directly under Pirate Clan control. The ‘Free Miner Movement’ was ever ripe for a criminal takeover they invited the Pirates in from the beginning as ‘Real Material’ arms smugglers / traders and manufacturers because some ‘Consortium Corporations’ quickly saw a conflict of interest when it came to readily supplying ‘Free Miners’ with the masses of ‘Real Material’ weaponry they desired.” [He explained.]

[So I was right about one thing the Pirates were dealing in arms - still that was hardly a surprising revelation.]

“As you can well imagine once involved the Pirates naturally saw wider opportunities for ready exploitation they began to influence, corrupt and subjugate their way to power. Being realistic the majority of the more honest ‘Free Miners’ would have had no idea of just how pernicious and double dealing dangerous these felons can be. Sadly many of the most professional Pirates - including some of the very worst cutthroats - know how to promote themselves they are easily capable of seeming jolly charismatic rogues even claiming the role of heroes as individuals who defied the ‘Free Parliament’ when other ship Captains capitulated. Freedom loving rebels and privateers not so distant cousins.” [‘Creed’ stated.]

“I fear these independent ‘Miners’ were outclassed from the beginning their every desire and every vanity not to mention every secret and not so secret vice utilised against them: The creation of the ‘Fraternities’ a prime example. The Pirate Captains cunningly conceived and created elite clubs - places to be seen - filled with local heroes but also with their loyal crew. It was according to inside rumours ‘Kane’ that started this trend this clever bit of social manipulation. I must admit the idea of creating social clubs made up of an elite of the most recklessly danger defying ‘Free Miners’ - ‘Time Stealers’ - and so on was inspired. People easily admire such larger than life individuals they have a heroic status and heroes are given a lot of latitude. In especially hard times death defying role models are a particular inspiration and natural leaders for any cause.” [He stated.]

“You keep mentioning this ‘Kane’ person. What else can you tell me about ‘Kane’ I am a ‘Hell Burner’ - patched and all - and yet I have not heard this name mentioned once until now.” [I admitted.]

“That should tell you much about how competently ‘Kane’ runs his operation it is very well organised. The ‘Frats’ are run in almost a tier system with the most dedicated Pirates and fully subverted individuals at the top. To be honest we know nothing much about him except the rumour that he is an ‘Omerta’ and a ‘Real Materialist’. What we do know is that he works through several far more visible enforcers all now retaining positions of great importance within ‘Free Miner’ society. ‘Kane’ may not even be physically located on this ‘Way-station’ although he is rumoured to be. His security is legendary and from all impressions gathered so far not exaggerated in the slightest.” [‘Creed’ admitted.] “Chances are that the order to recruit ‘Uussleer’ came direct from ‘Kane’ I doubt anyone else would have the authority to authorise your recruitment given your negative reputations.”

“Understand this as many ‘Fraternity’ members have become directly chained to the Pirate Captains one way or another as there are those kept in perpetual ignorance and manipulated more subtly. You know how it works they get recruits to compromise themselves in some manner then they become owned body and soul.” [‘Creed’ explained.] “To the outside the ‘Frats’ are a loose society of free individuals but for those under the sway of the Pirates that is not their reality at all they are virtually conscripted soldiers with no option but to obey their orders or suffer dire consequences. For all their seeming anarchy these are tight operations with little slack in them.”

“It sounds as if they hardly need us to teach them any dirty tricks.” [I said.]

“Exactly there is more to your recruitment than that.” [‘Creed’ suggested.]

“A good reason to bring us into your investigation, if ‘Kane’ gave the order to recruit us then we may get to meet him. Why would you waste such an opportunity?” [I insisted.]

“The situation must not spiral into an open war and your Captain and you as - ex ‘Reach Project’ members - will be seen as new lethal weapons in the ‘Free Miner’ arsenal and that is a political incitement to every worried ‘Consortium’ business person.” [He stated.]

“You think if we refuse that this ‘Kane’ will not find someone else from the ‘Project’ if that is his desire or some other means of provocation.” [I argued.] “At least these provocateurs will secretly be on the side of justice anyone else will be selfishly motivated you must take that truth to your team and the Chief Inspector.”

“You are as stubborn as ever.” [‘Creed’ complained.]

[Despite his remark, I could tell my last point had struck home to deflate the fragile bubble of his overblown resistance to our inclusion in the ongoing investigation.]

“If this ‘Kane’ fellow is intent upon provocation he will provoke using us or someone else - better it be us.” [I reiterated.]

“Should you stay you may well become a target for some militant ‘Consortium’ members. Threats could come at you from all sides.” [He warned.] “Under these circumstances I cannot guarantee your Captain’s safety remember this is about more than just the potential loss of remote ‘Ghost Ship’ substance.” [‘Creed’ stated.]

“My faux Captain will only join me remotely as he has become rather attached to his home port and family life since the forced separation of our ‘Hubris’ trials. Worse case scenario you see an end to two fake remote personas that you obviously despise.” [I said.]

“What about your crew members they too will be embroiled in this plot.” [He reminded.]

[I felt very guilty about that omission for on the instant I had only considered ‘Uussleer’ and my fate that was very remiss of me as a ‘Living Hull’ with expanding responsibilities.]

“Rightly or wrongly it is the nature of any crew to follow their Captain sharing the risks and the benefits of every trip and enterprise. I know no other way, should they dislike where we are taking them and what we are doing they can decide to sign off - they are free to do so - otherwise it is their duty to toughen it out.” [I said.]

“True but have they any idea of what they have signed up for, for example that nanotech unsupported ‘Omerta’ deck orphan ‘Betty’ that you picked up here does she know the level of danger she is in?” [He asked.]

“You are almost annoyingly well informed about my actions.” [I replied.]

“As I told you, you remain a person of interest. You need to think about all of your responsibilities before you sign up for this duty unfortunately you also need to think quickly.” [He stated.]

“All my crew are equal in my optics and know their duty they will follow where ‘Uussleer’ directs and that is only right and proper.” [I insisted.]

“They are not your Acolytes they are not your children bound to you by genetics and tradition.” [He reminded.] “Is it just me or are you getting less compromising in your positions too?” [He asked.]

“As the ‘Venturesome’, this for me is as good as any other place, in fact better than most, to redeem past mistakes. Naturally where I go my crew go that is simply how it works - you should know that well enough as a fellow Paradox Priest my crew may not have my genetics but they are still family to me and to me a family stays together at least until they split.” [I said.]

“Yes I am a fellow Paradox Priest yet here you are standing before me all dumpy and with bi-optic stalks and a strange family indeed made up of ‘MTC’ rejects and so on.” [He reminded.] “I suppose you felt an obligation to those ‘Splitter Priests’ as you inspired their mutiny I wonder how they feel about you, I would guess they have mixed emotions.”

“They are solid enough I do not doubt their loyalty. As to this shape I am still a version of me think of this as just elaborate shrouding.” [I said.]

“I fear some of your Avatars are becoming rather divergent versions of yourself play a role too well and it can become more real than reality.” [He remarked.]

“I am mentally stable.” [I promised.]

[I was a bit sensitive about accusations of insanity because of past propaganda used against me that made much of old brain injuries caused by the ‘Entanglement’, the demented ‘Many Truths’ and all that nonsense...]

“Sorry, I am not questioning your sanity just pointing out that it is easy to lose yourself inside a role. I always felt ‘Uussleer’ and you both suffered from that ill when within the ‘Reach Project’.” [‘Creed’ admitted.]

“Perhaps I can convince the team that you should stay but I doubt they will permit their covers to be compromised by revealing their identities to you. You will be working with unknowns and yet will have to agree to abide by any coded covert orders they manage to transmit to you. Failure to follow instruction could compromise their lives. Do you honestly believe you can do that?” [‘Creed’ asked.] “Do not say yes if you have any doubts whatsoever. I know it is not easy to follow orders without knowing the why of them sometimes that can make even valid sensible commands seem terribly wrong. It is also hard to trust people you do not know that is a real act of faith.”

“If you will vouch for the ability of the agents involved I can do as requested. As a ‘Living Hull’ I know how to follow a Captain despite any personal reservations I might have about their chosen vector.” [I said.]

[‘Creed’ gave me a look that suggested he was once again not entirely convinced annoyingly - given my history - I could appreciate why he might feel that way. I could be opinionated and whilst historically I believe I usually followed my Captains direct orders I was not behind debating some of them with him first.]

“I am serious you will have to have faith and obey without question ignoring any moral or ethical compunctions that might seemingly arise. Undercover missions can get messy it is all deceit and betrayal.” [He reminded.]

“You think given my history within the ‘Reach Project’ that I do not know that. I can do what has to be done.” [I promised.]

“I thought you and ‘Leeruussii’ had, had enough of this sort of dirty work.” [‘Creed’ said.]

“This is where I am, in some ways cleaner occupations have been denied to us. Besides, as you know well sometimes it is not about choice only the fulfilment of duty and destiny. When I believed duty called me I have never flinched from active service.” [I said.]

“Remember this is not just about a few operatives’ lives this is about keeping the peace for all us ‘Pilgrims’ and maybe for the ‘Star Divers’ too. I do not like this supplying of ‘Pilgrim’ slaves to the ‘Isolationists’. What are they doing with those poor souls down there? How do the ‘Isolationists’ plan to capitalise upon this mischief?” [He asked.]

“What about me and my already known slaver issues? I must be seen to continue what I have started or people will suspect something is amiss.” [I reminded.]

“I see a way. We simply must ensure first that any slavers you openly target and catch have no ‘Star Diver’ connections. For now we must keep those involved with the ‘Isolationists’ in play and play them to our best advantage.” [He stated.]

“When will I know if I am in with your team?” [I asked.]

“The proposal is being put to them already thanks to encrypted ‘EXO-C’ and ‘Ascended’ multitasking. [He replied.]

[That action seemed to me a reversal proving I was right to question his earlier limited - indirect - influence with these agents.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Mon, 3. Feb 14, 17:26, edited 1 time in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Tue, 28. Jan 14, 17:36

seems the iso faction of the star divers have been busy

the friends one fiends in war time

have to wonder if mt known what she is getting into signing on with this one
have to wonder if it would not be easyer for her to make a new ghost ship and scrap the old on

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Wed, 5. Feb 14, 14:01

Thanks Stads

What is wise and what people do is not always the same thing. Anyway here is the next part.

Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Wed, 5. Feb 14, 14:01

[[FOUR]] [[Part 12]] --- SECRETS ---

[If my ‘Fraternity’ was truly piratical and whilst working with ‘Isolationist Star Diver’ fanatics somewhat responsible for much previously supposed storm lost ‘Pilgrim’ material as - ‘Burners’ - they were triple cursed too well named.]

[It seemed to me, not for the first time, that many miscreants loved to mock the law by hiding blatantly out in the open as I had seen this sort of taunting arrogance many times before. ‘Burners’ - a most piratical label - a dark gape and yet, on this occasion, I was still initially fooled perhaps too close to it all for commonsense to prevail. When looking too deeply for deception it is oft easy to overlook the obvious truth presented on the surface as a mite too obvious. Nonetheless, I still felt that I had lost touch a little with my usually reliable instincts with this particular debacle.]

[With the ‘Corporations’ always reproving the ‘Free Miners’ as Pirates, perhaps my error was partially excusable. Ranting accusations clearly typically overblown rhetoric so much so that many ‘Pilgrims’ in the past - not just me - dismissed the too regularly broadcast and too venomous tirades by ‘Corporate’ spokespeople as the normal name calling that accompanies any serious political dispute between two, at times grossly, outspoken factions.]

[Ultimately, however, I did fear that on this occasion I simply did not want to see the whole truth. Sometimes we find only what we look for and purposely ignore what we do not want to believe. Worse, I was well aware that my partiality had been compromised from the beginning because I was desirous to claim a new home. In truth, others - whom we too readily blame for making fools of us - sometimes simply allow us to go out of our way to make fools of ourselves - my humbling thought for the day - sermon over.]

[After speaking with, I was now sure, - his - people, ‘Creed’ decided a small delay to ‘Uussleer’ signing up to the ‘Burners’ would be beneficial to our inclusion in the ongoing ‘CP’ investigation. The boon of a little space for any necessary procedural adjustments granting less risk to those agents already ensconced within the ‘Movement’ in relation to dealing with us.]

“Blessedly I have a means to give your, as you oft name him, - faux - Captain an excuse to prevaricate about joining up for a bit longer - leave it with the ‘CP’ and me.” [He advised.]

“If that is what you want Admiral, who am I to argue.” [I replied too dutifully.]

“Please do not overdo it.” [He mocked.]

[I glowed yellow.] “As you command so it shall be.” [I retorted crisply.]

[The Admiral’s speakers made a grumbling rumble that whilst no laugh was also no actual discernible words. I pretended not to notice and let it go.]

“This is a serious business do not make me regret doing you this favour.” [He finally said.]

“There is a pattern to your help it is expensive ‘Creed’ just to be on the same page I know my place and my worth so do not treat me as if a raw recruit.” [I replied.]

[I felt I was cheekily channelling ‘UT’ a little but ‘Creed’ seemed to need to remember that he chased after us and that we were not strictly members of the ‘CP’ but instead somewhat roguish freelance operatives.]

“We will obey instructions - in the field - but do not expect us to act as if we are constantly in awe at your presence. As freelance operatives you should expect us to do things a little differently to your average ‘CP’ colleague. I would suggest that your people and you use our difference as a boon rather than fight against it as a bane. If this is going to work well you need to respect our identities too as part of our cover story.” [I reminded.] “Forget you are talking with ‘MT’ down here I am ‘Venture’. I am assuming our new mutual friends do not know who we really are.”

“They do not know your true identities.” [‘Creed’ promised.]

“Good then we need to keep it that way. You know us only via the ‘Reach Project’ trial when you got involved as a handler of sorts encouraging us to roll on our old colleagues helping to facilitate the closing down of the ‘Project’. Will that work for you?” [I asked.]

“That can easily be incorporated into my mythos.” [He promised.]

“Good because ‘Venture’ and ‘Venturesome’ must not be associated with ‘MT’.” [I reiterated.]

“Agreed, now the way I see it, I believe it will be beneficial to encourage the ‘Burners’ to have to work hard to convince ‘Uussleer’ to join up that way he will seem far more genuine - and they will more deeply appreciate his participation too - when he finally capitulates. My suggestion to you is have him play coy make them court him for a few days if they really want him.” [‘Creed’ added before abruptly disconnecting from his borrowed substance.]

[Overall not too painful hopefully he had picked up the hint that we would work better given as much latitude as possible rather than micro managed. Taking stock, from my point of view, having ‘Uussleer’ play hard to get - would not be difficult - getting him to join up more likely to be the problematic part of the recruitment operation. Luckily for me getting ‘Uussleer’ to join the ‘Burners’ was my plan all along and maybe this way we might get side benefits such as the previously mentioned fancy on ‘Way-station’ accommodation. True such might not be as safe as the ‘Ship’s Boat’ but it would come with added status and make them think we were being bought and or dropping our guard.]

[Thinking it through I judged that it might do us some good if some ‘Burners’ came to consider ‘Uussleer’ as shallow and mercenary enough that he was open to bribery with a good enough payment and or readily flattered with a worthy enough well tailored gift. Such an attitude was quite possible for the persona of ‘Uussleer’ after a degree of relative social privation pampering and material signs of appreciation much appreciated. From being an outcast of sorts, a little love might go a long way. I surmised that a few new obvious flaws in the character of ‘Uussleer’ would make him more rather than less acceptable to piratical types too since as a rule they loved a handle or two that they can manipulate when it comes to new recruits - a lesson I learned from ‘Overbite’ and her ‘Hubris Patron’ colleagues.]

[Immediately after ‘Creed’ disconnected, I pondered if his attitude and intervention here meant he held some secret full time position within the ‘CP’ the ‘Head of Covert Operations’ springing instantly to mind - I judged that to be subconscious cognitive computation on my part as in lots of little bits of data coalescing together at the back of my mind. The holder of that position I belatedly recalled was an unknown with only a codename of ‘Sea’ if you think phonetically however ‘Sea’ becomes ‘C’ another obvious clue now that I had a reason to make the initial connection. I felt as if I had been previously sleepwalking my way through this recruitment whilst now I was waking up - although all such states are relative and subject to review.]

[As a ‘Suit Substance Ascendant’, ‘Creed’ was more than capable of multitasking via running several physical personas at the same time. The Admiral could easily be two or more places at once. He was probably even more adept at multitasking than a ‘Living Hull’ of my calibre running the most modern ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ supported Avatars. In truth, he might always have been running multiple Avatars out there individuals that I never discovered anything previously about some of which might even be ‘Meat Suits’ with long established by this stage virtually foolproof cover stories.]

[Although I had no indisputable evidence as such, I decided immediately that ‘Creed’ just had to be ‘Sea’ or ‘C’ of the ‘CP’ - in retrospect I wondered how I previously overlooked that connection - I really needed to be more mindful more awake to external events beyond my immediate environs even when being say ‘Venture’. Overall, I thought I had been tracking ‘Creeds’ activities closely too - embarrassing - if far from as embarrassing as accidentally joining a Pirate Clan unaware.]

[I wondered if ‘Creed’ would ever let me forget about the inadvertent Pirate recruitment of ‘Venture’ and ‘Venturesome’ my only consolation that ‘UT’ had done this too as a member of the ‘Sun Stealers’. At least I was not alone in my folly - then I wondered if ‘UT’ had been quite as foolish as I. ‘UT’ might have simply played along with the Pirates to gather intelligence or - just for the fun of it - that was certainly his style. I prayed that if ‘UT’ knew about some ‘Sun Stealers’ being Pirates that my friend only believed his ‘Fraternity’ had been infiltrated by a few opportunistic felons rather than that every ‘Frat’ was part of a comprehensive systematic Pirate takeover of the ‘Free Miner Movement’ as ‘Creed’ suggested.]

[Could ‘Creed’ have ‘UT’ wisely onboard already but be cleverly keeping him ignorant of all of the facts - that might be very prudent of the Admiral.]

[Somehow, I would have to try to find out how much ‘Unholy’ knew about Pirate infiltrations without giving what ‘Creed’ told me away. I also wondered how our own intelligence people in the ‘MTC’ had missed this broad infiltration operation surely there should have been some hint of this ongoing process some tell tale data flags. Then I wondered if ‘UT’ had kept me out of the loop because he often worked more closely with our more military style intelligence operations although I made a point of having access to my own ‘MTC’ analysts too.]

[If ‘UT’ had hidden the presence of Pirates within the ‘Frats’ from me what did that mean? Could he also be working quietly with the ‘CP’ and ‘Creed’ and know everything already somehow I doubted that. Could ‘Creed’ have somehow suppressed or compromised our intelligence operation independently as an ‘Ascendant’? I could easily imagine ‘UT’ actively participating already in this specific ongoing operation but I could not imagine him knowing the full extent of the Pirate infiltration without wanting to mobilise our troops as at the very least counter insurgents. ‘UT’ could multitask too unless ‘Creed’ had won him over into a waiting pattern with some seriously good arguments for temporary restraint target intelligence gathering being one workable excuse.]

[I hated when intrigues became this personal unfortunately in-house, the best-kept secrets are still those best shared with the fewest of people. Secrecy is habit forming although we two had vowed to communicate more as fellow ‘MTC Patriarchs’ it is easy to lapse into old bad habits. Due to private operational necessities we all keep some matters quiet.]

[It was also possible I had accidentally limited my own intelligence gathering in an effort to maintain a separation between my Avatars for I had not directed any ‘MTC’ assets to ever specifically look into certain matters that I deemed far too close to ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’ in fact sometimes I sought to quietly steer them away from certain areas of investigation. It was perhaps time to reconsider some procedures and the hidden impact of certain Avatar activities previously regarded as outside of the remit of the ‘MTC’.]

[I was the one always spouting how we were all linked and all in this great game together to lose some sense of a wider overview now would be more than silly. Unfortunately running the ‘MTC’ even as one of three ‘Patriarchs’ sometimes felt equivalent to juggling with an infinite number of balls - being the ‘Holy Father’, Captain ‘Empty’, ‘Port Discovery’, ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’ and so on… did not much help with managing the workload either it just made the pattern of tossing and catching that bit more complex. Without additional ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ support, my brains would probably overload from all the input alone.]

[Externally when I dropped the ‘Privacy Field’, I noticed that ‘Betty’ looked at me with a question mark written all over her curious youthful ‘Omerta Trojan’ face whilst some ‘Tri-optics’ angled to focus on me too each attached in the later case to the no less curious ‘Splitter Priest’ members of my crew.]

[Every Paradox ‘Splitter Priest’ naturally quests for knowledge as part of their pilgrimage to find a ‘Vision’ that would define them and their future family but in relation to this one they could mind there triple cursed own business - as no briefing was going to be forthcoming about ‘Creeds’ visit for the moment if ever.]

[Of course, nothing was quite the same with our paradoxically heretical but sacred order of Priests ever since some families became huge corporate entities another thing ‘Creed’ could blame Harbinger for - sometimes I confess I did despite ‘Draakhaals’ initial proliferating provocation. Life was simpler when the families were smaller and tighter affairs often their membership confined to one ships crew - yes those were simpler less brain burning days. Now I felt individualistic Paradox Priest distinctiveness suffered watering down with only a few adolescent ‘Splitter Priests’ becoming noteworthy as exceptional adults few even worthy of the new names they claimed.]

[To my perceptions there were now few Priests of the eccentric calibre of ‘Unholy Terror’ or even of say old ‘Wilful Spirit’ out there, I felt that was a sad loss to our culture. Nonetheless, maybe I was just suffering from old age and a degree of jaded disconnection from the foibles of younger generations born into a more conformist corporate - dare I say bland - Universe. People I realised are a product of their time and the times kept changing. To me individual Acolytes seemed more and more alike save those glorious too few that defied homogenising.]

[Perhaps a little anti-corporate rebellion made me initially sympathetic to the ‘Free Miner Movement’ maybe I was rebelling against my own overlarge family not just learning how persecution by big business feels as the ‘Venturesome’ and as ‘Venture’. Although quite naturally as the previously mentioned Avatars I fell upon the other side of the corporate divide perhaps a good thing as an aid to a wider understanding of social disenfranchisement amongst more independent individuals amongst the ‘Passenger Classes’ despite anything ‘Creed’ negatively thought about ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’.]

[Whilst I knew about social exclusion as a ‘Hull’, it was interesting to partake directly in a mass ‘Passenger Class’ exclusion, whenever suffering is shared commonalties can help form beneficial alliances or so I hoped. We ‘Hulls’ could always use some new ‘Passenger Class’ allies and the ‘Free Miners’ still seemed potential recruits to our cause. Superficially many were ‘Real Materialists’ which might seem a big problem but I believed their love of freedom might eventually win out to top any bias against ‘User Hulls’ as long as we were freedom loving rebels too.]

[Naturally, the Pirates needed expunged from the ‘Free Miner Movement’ but as an embodiment of independent business people’s ambitions, the ‘Free Miner Movement’ need not suffer the same fate as the parasitic infestation. I did not consider the ‘FMM’ for all its current flaws to be utterly unworthy and now I knew how and why corruption had won many over here these revelations only reinforced my view that the ‘Movement’ might be saved. Besides, it was more than a bit humbling to learn I had, initially unaware to myself, joined a triple cursed Pirate Clan masquerading as a far more innocent working ‘Pilgrim’ social club for the bravest or arguably most mentally deficient ‘Free Miners’. If these Pirates could fool me, I could hardly be too critical of any less travelled ‘Passenger Class Free Miner’ who fell into the same trap before me. We were kindred in adversity not enemies.]

[Back in the moment I externally ignored the ‘Splitters’, to turn towards the ever mobile face of ‘Betty’ - that one seemed more innocent in her curiosity - besides I owed her a direct explanation ‘Creeds’ arrival having specifically interrupted us earlier.]

“Sorry for that distraction from the lesson of the day a little intruding Captain’s business and a ‘Hull’ must leap when Captain’s business calls.” [I claimed.]

[If my ‘Immortal’ crewmembers looked at me for too long after that I internally vowed to find them something else to occupy their intruding optics. A rare Captain keeps no private matters from his crew some matters often only discussed with his ship alone. It would do ‘Betty’ some good to learn early that Captain’s business - is Captain’s business only - not crew gossip well… not officially crew gossip anyway.]

“Shall we resume from where we left off?” [She asked dutifully.]

[She was a good student willing even eager to learn.]

“No take a break. I have a few matters I wish to mull over.” [I replied.]

[Looking at ‘Betty’ I recalled that she was fooled by the Pirates too I realised she had simply seen the ‘Frats’ as local bullies - corrupted from within by the power they had taken upon themselves as armed protectors - she had failed to register the sinister parasitic infestation of the Pirate Clans at work behind the scenes.]

“As to the rest of you - I am sure you have something to do - or do you need me to find you all a suitable task?” [I asked.]

[The last got everyone into motion as if very busy although technically my crew were still on shore leave. I glowed brightly yellow. Although crews gossip as living things breathe, prying into stated Captain’s business stayed inadvisable to most members of most crews unless they had the sort of Captain that needed watched. Of course given our ‘Reach Project’ reputation our crew might deem that ‘Uussleer’ needed monitoring but at least they would not openly query official Captain‘s business just speculate and possibly grumble amongst themselves about their employer keeping some secrets from them. I was not fearful of a mutiny besides it is no easy thing to mutiny when you live onboard a sentient ship.]

[I understood where the grumbles came from too, to some degree, as the deal is a bit one-sided. Whilst a Captain’s privacy is sacrosanct, crew hardly retain any privacy onboard ship for operational security reasons alone such are the unequal privileges of command. ‘Uussleer’ now being played as something of a recluse was of course more private than most Captains were. I hoped the last point would not prove detrimental to future morale. I wondered how much I should tell my crew too. The problem with keeping secrets once again being that the best-kept secrets remain such only by the very fewest possible people being told the facts that you need to conceal. Undercover operations are truly all about betrayal with the first betrayals beginning at home when you lie to friends and family to establish and maintain your cover story. Thus, the descent begins and there was no telling how far I might drop before I hit bottom with this one.]

[Despite some misgivings, however I was feeling surprisingly positive because taking on these Pirates on their home decks with the support of the ‘CP’ was a job I could relish.]

[Suggestively soon elsewhere…]

“So what is this?” [I as the ‘Venturesome’ rather than ‘Venture’ asked my faux Captain ‘Uussleer’ conversationally as I played an attached image file. Such are the mundane joys of conversational social emulation.]

[We ‘Living Hulls’ are big emulators we have to be to fit in otherwise we might seemingly rise far too high above all the petty ‘Passenger Class’ nonsense and become somewhat, or just appear somewhat, disconnected from their lower base reality.]

“Sixteen ‘Sub Core’ run ‘Consortium Police Heavy Frigates’ in three squadrons of four arriving at a certain about to be commissioned ‘Processing Facility’ of - previously - great interest to us.” [‘Uussleer’ said.] “I can only assume this is ‘Creed’ being - brutally overtly - covert.”

[A strangled sentence but I knew what he meant like a Pirate Clan hiding within a social club named ‘Hell Burners’, the ‘Scorched Hulls’, the ‘Singed Shields’ or the ‘Sun Stealers’ triple curse it, I mean these were all perfect Pirate Clan names. I felt I had been blind in at least one optic maybe even two out of three.]

“You look annoyed.” [‘Uussleer’ commented.]

“I was just considering how the audacity of some Pirates works in their favour. That however is a deadly enough armada to gainsay any - sensible - felon.” [I said.]

“Given the proven out of scale effectiveness of that class of compact war craft, I can only agree that we are gazing at an assured deterrent to any wise saboteur though there is never any accounting for the foolish.” [‘Uussleer’ mused aloud.] “Whoever was planning on hitting that facility would certainly need to be foolish to do so now unless they see some benefit in a fight.”

“You do not look too happy either.” [I commented.]

[He was not exactly frowning but he was not grinning either and his stalks were drooping a little.]

“What bothers me is that people may wonder why the ‘CP’ are scaring the saboteurs away rather than quietly monitoring the place and trying to catch them in the act just as the ‘Hell Burners’ - claimed - to be doing prior to this intervention?” [He explained.]

[Claimed indeed given what I now knew about the ‘Burners’ genesis what we were told before now all seemed very suspect some play acting game designed to help them recruit ‘Uussleer’ or so I judged.]

“Most ‘Free Miner’ advocates will believe this deployment is further proof of ‘CP’ corruption that these Police are here to warn felons on their side of the divide off rather than seeking to catch them. The ‘Free Miners’ oft brand the ’CP’ as striving to keep an uneven peace. In truth some arrests might be impolitic and embarrassing even for the Chief Inspector.” [I replied.]

[Already we were playing games within games with deceptions piling up.]

“Hardly good for overall ‘Consortium Police’ relations with the ‘Free Miner Movement’.” [‘Uussleer’ commented.]

“That relationship can hardly be damaged much more than it is, sadly it is already atrocious by any normal standard.” [I stated.] “Most ‘Free Miners’ I have spoken to have very fixed - extremely negative - opinions about the impartiality of the ‘Consortium Police’ especially about these soulless ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ operated so called ‘Kamikaze Frigates’ that are increasingly rumoured to have hidden ‘Higher Tier’ upgrades under their scan proof hulls.”

[They were just too triple cursed effective for their mass when you really studied their past deployment statistics.]

“The ‘Kamikaze’ units have proved suspiciously good even for ‘Soulless Vessels’ but if they are blessed with ‘Higher Tier’ tech I wonder who kindly donated it, most ‘Consortium Corporations’ prefer to keep the same in-house when they acquire it as a singular business advantage.” [‘Uussleer’ reminded.]

“Maybe someone with a different agenda such as ‘Creed’ procured the upgrades that the Police are rumoured to be using.” [I mused aloud.]

[Technically the ‘CP Heavy Frigates’ were manufactured by the ‘Hierophants’ who held the contract but that did not mean what was inside them was only what those ‘Trojans’ supplied.]

“You truly are convinced that ‘Creed’ is the already somewhat legendary ‘Big Sea’?” [‘Uussleer’ asked.]

“What is this - ‘Big’ - ‘Sea’ you speak of?” [I enquired.]

“That is what many are calling the ‘CP Head of Covert Operations’ these days according to people I know who know people on the force.” [‘Uussleer’ stated.]

[People ‘Leeruussii’ knew no doubt rather than people he knew as the deemed less lawful ‘Uussleer’.]

“I guess ‘Creed’ as ‘Sea’ must have impressed the troops recently to earn the prefix of ‘Big’ - that is interesting indicating he has been active.” [I said.]

“I suppose ‘Creed’ might be ‘Big Sea’ being an ‘Ascendant’ would help his effectiveness in innumerable ways but we have no real proof.” [‘Uussleer’ reminded.]

“With this one I trust my instincts. I tell you that ‘Big Sea’ fits his trim perfectly.” [I insisted.] “Our - friend - is acting as the ‘Head of Covert Operations’ for the ‘CP’ yet complains about us meddling with one little ‘Free Miner Fraternity’ that is too typical.”

“One not so little ‘Fraternity’ that is a not so little Pirate Clan too.” [‘Uussleer’ amended.]

[I shrugged.]

“The ‘Hell Burner Fraternity’ is the perfect place for us to be to do some serious damage to these agitators.” [I replied confidently.]

“All of this certainly explains the poor reputation of the ‘CP’ with the ‘Free Miners’. Any Pirate Captain infiltrator here would work hard to ensure that every ‘Free Miner’ has a bad attitude to the forces of law and order keeping the Police out of their domains would be forever in their best interests as criminals hijacking the ‘Movement’.” [‘Uussleer’ easily surmised.]

“Sadly ‘Consortium’ sponsored law and order is an all too easy target for negative propaganda amongst those opting out of the ‘Consortium’ system. It is a vicious circle, even honest ‘Free Miners’ regularly disrespect the ‘CP’ and that makes even honest ‘Free Miners’ seem criminal and suspect to members of the Police. As a result, even casual ‘Free Miner’ interactions with the ‘CP’ are tense and fraught with friction. Tempers flare all too easily and before you know it you have an affray or a riot certainly another negative incident reinforcing the seeming validity of a firm political divide and a Police bias.” [I stated.]

“No doubt the presence of those ‘Consortium Frigates’ will be treated by the local ‘Free Miners’ as almost a hostile occupation force on their threshold even though their appearance will most probably prevent any illegality around the commissioning.” [‘Uussleer’ agreed.]

“Without question, some days I despair. Every time we come close to solving one social division, some other split sunders our imperfect ‘Pilgrim’ unity. It is almost as if our ‘Pilgrim’ society is cursed. I can remember when it used to be the ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ stirring up trouble but it seems there is always some troublemaker or militant faction willing and able to tear us apart for their own betterment. Do the ‘Passenger Classes’ have a social imperative to squabble with one another to be top of the heap?” [I asked.]

[My friend widened the stalks on his Avatar into a big grin.]

“Maybe it is an issue of boredom even some aquatic ‘Swimmers’ found their idyllic peaceful oceans boring thus us ‘Stellar Swimmers’.” [He self mocked.]

[There was a time when ‘Leeruussii’ would have not been at ease so lightly joking about the genesis of the ‘Free Stellar Swimmers’, at least with me but we had come far together. He knew I no longer saw the ‘Stellar Swimmers’ simply as dissatisfied evil aggressors unable to settle in the peaceful oceans in fact now some ‘Free Stellar’ were my closest of allies working with ‘Hulls’ involved in the emancipations in part under the direction of ‘Puulaa’.]

“I fear some truth rests in your jest for example those driven towards the career of piracy are not always just in it for the loot they are also attracted to the roguish lifestyle. I often think ‘UT’ would have made a great Pirate if not an especially cruel one although no less deadly for killing his foes cleanly.” [I added.]

“By reputation ‘UT’ is not cruel but is indeed a dangerous fellow not to be crossed.” [‘Uussleer’ agreed.]

“I have some scary friends and associates.” [I admitted.] “Though some of the scariest ones are not always the most obvious I think ‘Puulaa’ for example has a serious sharpness about her that could cut fools easily.”

“I have faith in ‘Puulaa’. Speaking of - interesting - relationships, you realise you and ‘Creed’ have rather volunteered me for this mission without my permission. You should have consulted with me first.” [‘Uussleer’ complained now with deeply frowning ‘Dry Suit’ eyestalks.]

[Typically, his remote ‘Suit Substance’ Avatar conformed to the shape and size of ‘Dry Suits’ he used when his body was within a water filled cockpit on mechanised legs. We were discussing these matters within the haven of the ‘Secure Central Command and Control Module’ of the ‘Venturesome’. Incidentally the ‘Venturesome’ was still undertaking some, so far blissfully uneventful, sight seeing in long abandoned sectors as a break from the more stressful crushing fiery depths of one angry star or another.]

[The stars seemed even more unfriendly to me than before because I now had serious fears that some ‘Isolationists’ had access to ‘Solar Weather Control’ technology at least ‘Creed’ seemed to be taking this possibility seriously.]

“I am sorry for volunteering you, it was just the way it played out. ‘Creed’ wanted to force us from ‘Hades’ altogether whilst I decided I needed to make a firm commitment to help the ‘Movement’ get over its problems. We are running out of truly friendly Ports we have to make a stand somewhere.” [I stated in my defence.]

“Are you sure about that truth?” [He asked.]

“What do you mean?” [I replied.]

“Somehow he not only got us to volunteer to work with his people you have promised him that we will work under them - blindly following every relayed instruction - without ever questioning even the intent behind our orders. You have more or less enlisted us as deputies of the ‘Consortium Police’.” [‘Uussleer’ stated.]

[Suddenly the whole nature of my conversation with ‘Creed’ did a one hundred and eighty degree flip much to my consternation.]

“You think he played me that he wanted us onboard all along only under his peoples control and supervision rather than loose doing our own thing. You think that the warnings and threats were all negative psychology. He only pretended to want us out.” [I said.]

“What do you think?” [‘Uussleer’ replied.]

[I was suddenly thinking lots of unpleasant phrases best not verbalised.]

“Remember he is an ‘Ascendant’, and an Admiral, - old ‘Interdiction Fleet’ too - plus he is familiar with your many foibles. In addition, from the replay of your conversation with him he folded pretty easily at the end despite his previously strong reservations about our infamy causing political difficulties with the ‘Consortium Corporations’ and all that hokum. One second it was all… your participation is unacceptable, the next his direct facilitation of our inclusion as part of the investigative team.” [‘Uussleer’ commented.]

“He truly played me.” [I realised.]

“I think old ‘Creed’ got exactly what he wanted out of this one us working for him.” [He added.]

[My onboard Avatar slumped and turned slightly grey.]

“What is wrong with my cognitive faculties that I failed to see what ‘Creed’ was doing?” [I asked.]

[My faux Captain burbled out a ‘Swimmer’ style laugh via his speakers.] “You should see your stance it is quite an image.” [He said.]

“I do not enjoy being made a fool of even by an - ‘Ascendant’ - friend.” [I replied.]

[I straightened up.] “I must have too much playing upon my minds either that or I am just losing my edge.”

“The way he turned up put you off balance.” [‘Uussleer’ partially excused.]

“I knew he was up to something but if you are correct I still leapt right into his trap. So what would - you - have us do now given these facts?” [I asked.]

“Now you ask me for my opinion.” [He complained.]

“Sorry, but they say, ‘better late than never’.” [I retorted with a golden glow.]

[He paused I guessed to consider the options.]

“To ‘Hell’s Maw’ with this one, I see little choice now, now I would have us do as instructed.” [He confessed.]

[I shook my ‘Prime Tri-optic’.]

“Did I hear you right? I am a little surprised by this sudden acquiescence to ‘Creeds’ manipulative demands.” [I replied.]

“What can I say? The Dry Skin has piqued my curiosity - and worried me too - with his story about a Pirate and ‘Star Diver’ conspiracy.” [‘Uussleer’ replied.] “That is bad news for every decent ‘Pilgrim’ and us dodgy ex-felons too.”

“Yet you have reservations about blindly obeying orders from unknown agents.” [I guessed.]

“I do but the overall situation has changed. We now know what is going on down there - to some degree - certainly much more than before. Besides, this ‘Kane’ was trying to play us first and I am sure in a much less friendly manner than ‘Creed’ or ‘Big Sea’ some payback is due.” [‘Uussleer’ stated.]

“Still a bit of the old vengeful ‘Free Stellar Swimmer’ in there behind the smiling eyestalks.” [I gently mocked.]

“It is very ‘Uussleer’ who is far less easy going that ‘Leeruussii’ ever was when it comes to suffering trespass. We ‘Free Stellar’ have fierce reputations to maintain as stout territorial creatures who do not take any insult to our honour lightly.” [He reminded.]

“Besides my ‘Living Hull’ friend I am tired of people thinking they can use and abuse us as they please. I know we did wrong within the ‘Reach Project’ but other people err too but are not denigrated and persecuted forever. Sometimes I think a ‘Stasis Prison’ sentence would have been kinder for ‘Uussleer’ if not ‘Leeruussii’ because of my family.” [He added.]

“I do feel the same way about that.” [I admitted.] “Enough is enough and this is an opportunity to prove we can do some real good by using our bad reputation.”

“In addition, when it comes to slavers I feel much the same way as you do. If in even a small way we can help quietly to loosen a slaving piratical hold on the ‘Free Miner Movement’ that can only be a good thing for us as independent miners and for our wider society.” [He stated.]

“We might even be able to capitalise on this situation monetarily. This could be very good for ‘Uussleer Mining Enterprises’ in any number of ways. It is always helpful to be first in when a regime changes. If we bring these Pirates down we could ingratiate ourselves with the new leaders of the ‘Movement’.” [He stated optimistically.]

“That is counting our ‘Recyclers’ before the eggs have hatched.” [I said.]

“Might as well think positively these Pirate Clans must be stopped and as you have said we could use some new allies and some friendly Ports.” [He admitted.]

“Is that every reason?” [I asked.]

“Well… there is the slim but real possibility that this ‘Kane’ person might prove to be a certain vanished Pirate Captain seeking to keep his enemies close.” [He stated sounding quite excited at that prospect.] “It has been a long - so far unsuccessful - hunt we are due a break with this one.”

“You think ‘Taard’ has some idea of our true identities?” [I asked worriedly.]

“As ‘Uussleer’ and the ‘Venturesome’ we have been making subtle enquiries about and around ‘Taard’ for sometime he may not know our true identities but he must assume we are employed by someone with an interest in him or that we have some private interest of our own. We could easily have a desire to procure his suborning ‘bio-mechanical’ tech or to bring him in to the ‘SARC’ for a massive bounty or both.” [‘Uussleer’ suggested.]

“I thought we were pretty discrete with our investigations of that one or was that just me being discrete whilst you were being reckless.” [I replied.]

“I have not done anything stupid - as far as I know - but ‘Taard’ from all estimations is astute and an ex-‘SARC’ operative which means he is a professional. He probably has people or just tech out there monitoring for searchers asking certain questions I know I would if I was him and I wanted to make sure I stayed seemingly dead and gone to keep the ‘Social Advancement and Reform Committee’ alone off my back.” [‘Uussleer’ commented.]

“I must admit I thought that ‘Kane’ made a possible candidate for ‘Taard’ too but it seems too good to be true that out of all the Pirates out there this one - our long sought quarry - just happens to be berthing here.” [I said.]

“You forget that no coincidence is involved if ‘Kane’ is behind our recruitment it could be because we have a personal interest in him therefore he has taken a direct interest in us and brought us here to a centre of his power to find out more about us and to decide how best to respond to us.” [He reminded.]

“Keep your friends close and your enemy closer. I can see how that might work. Still, it would be truly ironic after all our useless searching if ‘Taard’ was the one who found and caught us. Come to think of it that could be triple cursed risky for us too.” [I noted.]

“Indeed, we must be very careful with Captain ‘Kane’. I am glad we will only be working this operation remotely and not alone we may need all the ‘CP’ backup we can muster if ‘Kane’ proves to be ‘Taard’.” [He added.]

“One thing is certain ‘Creed’ is right that doing this quietly is essential. If this level of Pirate corruption of the ‘Movement’ was confirmed and became public knowledge many ‘Consortium Corporations’ would feel vindicated even pushed into going directly to an all out war footing. It would not like to witness the abandonment of all restraint with the ‘Free Miners’ because they are all branded unjustly as criminals.” [I reminded.] “Equally it would cause quite a furore if it became known that the Pirate fiend behind the ‘Mutilation Ports’ was the dark genius behind the ‘Fraternities’.”

“I agree attempting an armed subjugation of the ‘Movement’ under those circumstances via for example boarding and occupying ‘Free Miner’ facilities and so on would be classified as a justifiable reaction even to the average ‘Pilgrim’ citizen of most Port States. Each ‘Consortium Corporation’ would therefore move to confiscate and control as much material from the ‘Free Miners’ as possible it would be a corporate free for all.” [He agreed.]

“I fear even ‘UT’ if he knew about this Pirate takeover might argue for an aggressive interventionist policy by the ‘MTC’ a policy of pre-emptive strikes to force regime change and the creation of a new ‘Consortium’ dominated political reality. Having met the ‘Free Miners’ - despite their current flaws - I would not want to see their rights trampled upon via a forced inclusion to the ‘Consortium’ besides I do not think it would work in the long term.” [I admitted.]

“Hopefully ‘Cad’ knows ‘UT’ well enough to appreciate his martial inclinations.” [‘Uussleer’ said.]

“I hope so too because I fear such a heavy limbed military solution to this policing problem would only make matters worse enshrining every ‘Free Miner’ enmity making them even more rebellious as a resentful occupied power. We have already seen with the ‘Star Divers’ that winning even via a cunning ploy is not enough if you cannot secure a lasting peace without simmering resentments.” [I said.]

“We must not enter the business of breeding ‘Pilgrim’ terrorists. ‘Free Miners’ are culturally not the sort easily forced into assimilation they are of the type who will resist an occupation and resist it hard. The Pirates have used and abused the ‘Free Miner’ love and obsession with freedom against the ‘Movement’ as great handles for propagating their corruption but these characteristics are also the very fire of a justified revolutionary movement.” [I admitted.]

“That is something I think ‘Creed’ and possibly the Chief Inspector of the ‘CP’ are well aware of, it certainly might explain some otherwise puzzling policing policies that could seemingly have been more robust.” [‘Uussleer’ reminded.]

[He was right a softer Police approach now seemed sensible.]

“Overall I am beginning to perceive the ‘CP’ in a new light - they are doing a hard job in an almost impossible political situation - that is admirable - even if some few are corrupt ‘Consortium Corporate’ stooges put in place by one ‘Corp’ or another to see to their individual groups interests.” [‘Uussleer’ complained.]

“That sort of corruption was expected and hopefully is being dealt with slowly on a case by case basis. It is true the Chief Inspector has to do a lot more than simply fight crime. Even ignoring corporate plants she has to keep the businesses that openly help to fund her operations off her back whilst striving to remain as impartial as possible.” [I agreed.]

[We had tried to make the ‘CP’ self-funding but the cost of policing the ‘Pilgrim’ divide had spiralled beyond all original expectations requiring the Chief Inspector to go begging.]

“It is easy to understand how she might have hastily come to rely upon an especially effective ‘Head of Covert Operations’.” [‘Uussleer’ commented.]

“I can well imagine ‘Creed’ as the power behind her office.” [I said.]

“You make his input sound almost a little sinister.” [‘Uussleer’ replied.]

“Power without good moderation often corrupts even when taken for the best of reasons. People who work in the shadows often make their own rules up we know that truth. ‘Creed’ tries to be a good person but even good people can err.” [I reminded.]

“I think if ‘Creed’ is ‘Big Sea’ I would not be inclined to worry too much. ‘Creed’ is duty bound.” [‘Uussleer’ reminded.]

“So were we.” [I stated.]

“You are just a bit angry with the ‘Ascendant’ because he got one over on you.” [‘Uussleer’ stated with a wide grin.]

“Perhaps you are right. I confess I am not happy that ‘Creed’ has made me feel stupid in more than one way. In addition, it is true I am just one person whilst whole agencies made up of countless souls are working together fighting for ‘Pilgrim’ survival. I have been more than a little vain maybe it is all the unfounded praise granted to me as the ‘Holy Father’ leaking over into other business or maybe it is just being a Patriarch to a vast wealthy Family. Clearly I am no more immune to the occasional sin of hubris than anyone else.” [I admitted.]

“You should let it go, organisations are made up of individuals as long as we do our bit rather than neglecting our responsibilities we can be proud enough of our actions. As problematic as our lives can be I would not want to be the Chief Inspector few people will donate credits to any cause without expecting something in return.” [‘Uussleer’ said cynically.] “Even if all they want is to give their reputations a wash in the sea of public opinion - nothing is for nothing - as a business person I know that the integrity of our society is bought and sold every day for a few credits.”

[It was true even as the ‘Holy Father’ when I gave to specific charities I usually had reasons beyond sheer altruism.]

“Life is complicated.” [I said as a general excuse for everything troubling.]

[At a certain unnatural Ice Asteroid, matters were also getting complicated. ‘UT’ was increasingly demonstratively impatient for progress, ‘Weep’ ever more uncommunicative and distrusting of us spending most of his time with his ‘Hawks’ whenever he was not shadowing ‘Cad’ watchfully - somehow now more as a spy than a security chief and investigative partner.]

[As to ‘Cad’, ‘Cad’ now seemed even to me to be questionably obstructive. The ‘Trojan Professor’ found excuse after excuse to avoid any procedure that might waken the ‘Beast’ accidentally or purposely from its seeming torpor. Was there something instinctive within the name ‘UT’ gave the find, for it hinted at a wild and dangerous being to me one best contained? Did even ‘Unholy’ have some reservations about the entity that he was outwardly suppressing? I knew ‘UT’ was not much for showing any outward fear - if he could help it - he preferred to be the one terrifying others that being his almost larger than life mode of operation. If he was not spreading, joy with jests and japes to his friends ‘Unholy’ was disseminating terror upon his foes.]

[I felt caution was called for but I began to suspect that ‘Weep’ was partially right that ‘Cad’ knew - or unscientifically guessed - more about the find than he was willing to impart to the rest of us. Without doubt something was amiss with the Professors attitude no less than with ‘Weep’. What unsettling matter had brought ‘Weep’ to the site that he refused to discuss? What suspicion was staying ‘Cads’ research? I wished that at the very least the ‘Recycler’ leader would reveal what brought him here, as that might be an important clue. I tried to get the data about how they came to be here from other ‘Hawks’, but they all claimed an unlikely, I felt drilled in, ignorance.]

[As hours turned slowly into days, I began to feel oppressed by everything unknown here. Conversely, knowing ‘UT’ also worried me, I feared the current doldrums of inaction could not last forever sooner or later my friends patience with the scientific procrastinations of ‘Cad’ and the other ‘Hierophants’ would expire and ‘Unholy’ would act unilaterally either risking initiating an awakening or departing for a more happening place. I did not want to be left alone here sandwiched between ‘Cad’ and ‘Weep’ under these peculiar circumstances. I unfortunately felt honour bound to stay since this might be some ancient analogue of a ‘Living Hull’ perhaps one close to the origins of the ‘Emissary’. Hope and fear seemed balanced on a wobbly set of scales.]

[The pervading cold did not help the situation it made staying here even for me uncomfortable and acted as a further motivation to get on with finding out the truth of the matter so that we could all move on to less mentally wearying haunts. Perhaps ‘Cad’ was doing better than us because he had once confronted infamously unsettling ‘Fury’ technology up close and survived the experience with his faculties more or less intact.]

[Meanwhile ‘Creeds’ words about some secrets being best buried in time and left alone, although targeted firmly elsewhere began to haunt me especially when I wandered the icy corridors alone or stared at exposed parts of the find, discovery and first contacts with unknown species in particular always retained great risks. I needed no other example than the recent ‘Star Diver’ fiasco. Some days I wished we had remained in ignorance of the habitation of the fiery depths of the stars by a difficult to fathom multitudinous people with an upside down culture. I also began to question our past and current right to meddle as individuals in matters with possible consequences for every ‘Pilgrim’. I questioned my right to meddle but found it almost impossible to stop at least the blessed ‘Tier Nine Harbinger’ would understand that old conundrum.]

[Perhaps ‘Creed’ was right and we did not consult enough. Perhaps some vast organisation or other should takeover looking into this matter such as the ‘Consortium’ as that body represented many interests whilst the ‘Hierophants’ were one giant family nation with perhaps one point of view ‘Cads’. I realised I did not want to be deemed responsible for another disaster. In a way ‘Creed’ was right my former Captain did harbinger calamity as much as advancement and perhaps I was following in his sometimes-questionable vector. Doubts raced around me as if a swarm of ‘Drones’ around a ‘Source Ship’. Maybe this site should be secured by the ‘CP’ but how would ‘Weep’ respond to that intervention and the ‘CP’ already had more than enough work occupying their limited operational resources even if asked they might refuse participation. Also, start telling other people about this incredible find and sooner rather than later the news would go public then matters would really get complicated.]

[Having said all of the above, it was growing so monotonous in here that I was almost glad when ‘Weep’ broke his silence after - seemingly accidentally - crossing my path in one more deserted corridor. Initially it seemed he only wished to voice another complaint so I was about to tune him out.]

“I knew ‘Cad’ was up to something.” [‘Weep’ began conspiratorially via a laser link.]

[He had bulked up a bit with insulating material wraps all the ‘Recyclers’ had, it made them look a bit strange even a little silly - reptilian versions of ancient ‘Omerta’ mummies - but the thermal bandages although messy looking seemed to help considerably with their cold issues if still an imperfect solution.]

[I wondered if he feared the ‘Beast’ might be able to listen into ‘EXO-C’ as it might possibly belong to the species behind that weird invention. In a vicious circle, his actions gave me a new cause for concern, inwardly I deemed his communication method a reasonable precaution nonetheless at the time outwardly I just gave him a cool look afraid to encourage another possible paranoid delusion even though I had growing concerns about ‘Hierophant’ inaction too.]

“They have brought in masses of new equipment via their ‘Surface Gate’ this gear arriving in large scan proof crates.” [He added.]

“Probably some new ‘Hierophant’ invention or other they can be very secretive about their early prototypes. I imagine given this situation it is a deep scanning upgrade or similar that they are not ready to share with the rest of us yet.” [I immediately excused.]

[I did not want ‘Weep’ to get anymore agitated than he already appeared to be.]

“I doubt that very much. Find out the truth, his people seem more trusting of you than me and mine.” [‘Weep’ stated.] “They are setting up new camps all over the surface of this asteroid that is where the equipment is going.” [He was kind enough to send me a digital map showing these construction sites.]

[I noticed he was not insulting my status today funny how ones nature is suddenly irrelevant when one becomes useful.]

“You want me to go out there and take a personal look - for you?” [I asked.]

[His optics spun into a tighter focus upon me.]

“I apologise for being - a little bit - rude before.” [He stated.] “I was not feeling myself.” [He excused diplomatically.] “Why not go for a wander under the stars? You seem to have little else to do here other than to wait upon the ‘Hierophants’ - like the rest of us fools. When they were invited in I did not mean for them to take over the find the way they have done.” [He complained.]

“That every true ‘Hierophant’ is a dedicated scientist tends to give them priority in these situations.” [I reminded.]

“They are not the only learned people in this ‘Universal Sphere’.” [‘Weep’ complained.]

“True, but they are renowned for what they do and have access to more scientific resources than any other ‘Pilgrim’ species per capita of population.” [I reminded.]

“You could even take ‘Unholy’ with you since he is obviously growing restless.” [‘Weep’ stated.]

[I was unsurprised that ‘Weep’ had noticed ‘UT’ was becoming somewhat bored in here. On one occasion I found ‘UT’ making crude rude ice sculptures and on another blasting the same apart with a small ‘Real Material Knock Gun’ a souvenir I discovered from his involvement with his ‘Free Miner Fraternity’ I again wondered did he realise that for a time he had joined a Pirate Clan. Trust ‘UT’ to embrace the adolescent ‘Knock Gun’ label for a modern ‘Force Pulse Pistol’. No doubt if the find here was not so potentially historic, my action-orientated friend might have moved on already.]

“If it will put your mind at rest I suppose we could take a little trip. It would not take much to convince ‘UT’ to go with and giving ‘Unholy’ something to do is as good an excuse as any for an outing should ‘Cad’ hear about our expedition. Friends again?” [I asked the leader of the ‘Hawks’.]

“I am your friend as much as I can be.” [He replied.]

“I am sorry that you now feel that way.” [I stated.]

“I fear we serve different causes now.” [He replied.]

“I hope not.” [I stated.]

“Let us deal with the now. Look well.” [He replied.] “Do not be fooled by surface appearances. ‘Cad’ is holding back I suspect from you two too.” [He further complained.]

“We will see, when matters get emotional innocent actions too easily seem suspect.” [I reminded.]

[I also recalled that ‘Cad’ holding things back had saved my life on at least one occasion and maybe more times than that. The ‘Trojan Professor’ was a canny one.]

“We will see.” [He agreed.] “Find me when you know better.” [He added before stomping hurriedly away.]

[I did not want to second-guess ‘Cad’ too much or to cross him but at the same time, I did not enjoy ‘Cad’ keeping me in the dark. I also felt a compunction to reach out towards ‘Weep’ fearing I was losing him as a friend and if I lost ‘Weep’ I would lose many other ex-‘Conglomerate’ ‘Recyclers’ who were also ‘One with the Reformed Cores’ protected by the ‘Spore of the Fury’ and knew me less well. I cursed the ‘Hubris Patrons’ once again firmly blaming them for the growing prejudice against us ‘Living Hulls’ as ‘Users’ of ‘Suit Substance’. The ‘Hubris Patrons’ for selfish gains did my kind a long lasting mighty disservice. I would risk much to win ‘Weep’ back from his newfound prejudices.]

“How about it?” [I asked ‘UT’ a little later once I had tracked him down and made an offer. This time I found him a little disconcertingly staring at the exposed nose of the ‘Beast’.]

“You want to go outside?” [He reiterated.]

“I hear the ‘Hierophants’ are setting up new surface facilities I thought we could make a little tour of inspection as something different to do.” [I stated.]

[This time - I - initiated a laser link because of the proximity of the ‘Beast’ as a possible eavesdropper.]

“The ‘Vanishing Point’ informed me of the commencement of those constructions some time ago.” [‘UT’ admitted.]

“You never mentioned them to me.” [I replied.]

“The ‘Hierophants’ are all over this berg prodding and probing they are obsessed with the triple cursed ice but I find the frozen water - even if it has strange additives - pretty dull stuff. It is what all this ice surrounds that interests me, I am sure you too, unfortunately ‘Cad’ and his kin are - terminally - slow to move on that one at this rate I will perish of old age before we get anywhere interesting such as inside that.” [He complained gesturing towards the partly exposed entity.]

“You know we are all rather assuming it is capable of being boarded just because of its size because it is as big as a ‘Source Ship’ does not mean it is a ship.” [I reminded.]

“It looks like a ship too.” [‘UT’ stated seemingly unimpressed by my argument.]

“Besides, given the almost ‘Ascended’ nature of your body dying of old age for you is most unlikely. As to our time spent here so far, considering the cosmically long journey of this entity it seems impatient to quibble about a few days of preliminary study. Still, I noticed you were getting more than a bit agitated with the rate of progress that is partly why I am proposing a distraction. A change of scenery will do us both good.” [I claimed.]

“Afraid I might do something rash if not pulled away?” [He asked.]

“I know you and you do have a reputation for precipitous action. I half expected to find you hammering on the nose here demanding to be let in.” [I admitted.]

“I am not that foolish. It will still be a cold horizon of ice out there.” [He complained.]

“At least we will have the comforting dark of outer space and the stars above us, besides what else would we be doing in here? I am tired of staring at these confining corridors and at that.” [I confessed twisting my ‘Tri-optics’ towards the ice encased entity.]

“I am tired of gazing at too quiet deeply pondering ‘Hierophants’.” [‘UT’ stated in turn.] “I am growing somewhat sympathetic to ‘Weeps’ position. ‘Cad’ seems to be dragging this one out almost as if he is waiting for us to get bored so he can have the find to himself.”

“Please let us not embrace anymore paranoia. At least the ‘Trojans’ outside will be active setting up equipment maybe there is something of interest in that. I heard some of their gear arrived in scan proof crates.” [I stated guessing that might grab his attention if nothing else.]

“That is somewhat intriguing.” [‘UT’ replied.] “I am always interested in new technology and - in what others seek to conceal - that is partly why I am here. Unlike some, what drives me to uncover this Universe’s mysteries is practical gains not curiosity and religious fervour. Somewhere out there, must be a tool or a weapon or a species that will help rid us of the bane of the ‘Entanglement’, I have not given up on the ‘Star Divers’ yet but a wise Priest keeps his options open.” [He stated.]

“I see you are as obsessed with petty revenge as ever.” [I said.]

“Revenge done right is never petty. I want to live to see ‘Crimson’ burn for her multitude of crimes whilst embodied as the ‘Entanglement’ alone. Other more priestly Priests can forgive and forget. I am a Warrior Priest with a fire in my veins.” [He needlessly reminded.]

“Be careful ‘Unholy’ people who set too many fires are wont to burn in them too.” [I warned.]

“At times I almost gave up on my quest but then new possibilities arrive such as the ‘Star Divers’ or this find. If this one is as ancient as we believe who knows what technologies it might unlock possibly even the truth behind ‘EXO-C’ and that is integral to the ‘bio-mechanical’ substance of the ‘Entanglement’ without ‘EXO-C’ style links her mind and body might simply come apart.” [‘UT’ stated excitedly.] “Now that would be something.” [He added whilst his body shone like a star washing me in a harsh glow.]

[That was one theory although what the results of that might be was any persons guess it might mean an end to her leaving only masses of lifeless material or it might precipitate the spontaneous birth of a host of new smaller ‘Suit Substance’ entities. However, I chose to remind him of another concern.]

“You speak of a commonality many now share with the ‘Entanglement’.” [I reminded.] “Unmake ‘Crimson’ in the wrong way and you could unmake much more besides including yourself as an almost ‘Ascendant’.”

“Then I just have to find the right way to take her to pieces.” [He stated.]

“I should have guessed that you would see the potentiality for destruction in the find.” [I complained.]

“Perhaps fate is finally going to be kind to me.” [He replied.]

[I shook my ‘Prime Tri-optic’.]

“Perhaps because of the ‘Star Divers’ - with whom we have far less in common - I am beginning to fear that our fate and the fate of the ‘Entanglement’ may be difficult to sever. We are linked because substantially we ‘Users’ at least are very similar to the body of ‘Crimson’. Maybe that was her wisest action in claiming our ‘bio-mechanical’ science as her own in a way she has become part of us and we have become a part of her. You can detest a part of yourself but it is not always possible to cut that part out without damaging or even destroying the integrity of the whole.” [I advised.]

“You think now that we must reach an accommodation with the ‘Entanglement’ if we wish to survive? You think we should absolve her of her past sins? She is not worthy.” [He judged.]

“We have all sinned in the past ‘UT’. We might all be judged harshly by someone of that truth I am sure.” [I stated.]

“You are a better Priest than I for some sins I can never forgive.” [He stated.]

“Not just the sins in others but also the sins you see in yourself.” [I guessed.]

[His ‘Tri-optics’ gazed steadily at me whilst the silence momentarily lengthened. The bright light was gone and a more sober Priest stood before me.]

“Perhaps you are right about the last.” [He finally admitted.] “I am responsible for many deaths as a ‘War-Master’ and I am not talking about any historic enemy deaths - they are not my soul’s concern - I speak of the death of those who willingly followed my orders in good faith. On a bad day those souls are hard to let go of - she must pay.” [He confessed.]

“Destroying the ‘Entanglement’ will not bring any old comrades back from the clutches of oblivion.” [I reminded.]

“Perhaps not but it will be a form of justice a rebalancing of the cosmic scales.” [He claimed.]

“Sometimes I would agree that justice should be served at other times I am not so sure that justice even exists as we ‘Pilgrims’ too simplistically consider it.” [I stated.]

“Justice is just justice - a right for a wrong - a punishment for a crime you would overcomplicate it.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Life is not simple, even ‘Crimson’ did not become who she is in a vacuum anymore than anyone else did we are - all - equally guilty in a way of making our society what it is and has been. Some claim the creation of the ‘Sleepers’ a response to threatened and real ‘Free Stellar’ incursions upon ‘Recycler’ holdings. We know about the ‘Trojan’ made virus and that even the ‘Splinter Raiders’, as hidden agitators, had an involvement in some past disputes to keep people away from the ‘Prime Graveyards’. It is hard to pin down first causes of any longstanding feud it is all reaction to action and after a while it ceases to matter people just hate fear and loathe the branded enemy out of tradition.” [I reminded.]

“You have your way of dealing with things I have my way.” [‘UT’ replied.] “Besides, ‘Crimson’ is a paranoid megalomaniac that cannot be trusted because it is not within her to trust anyone else. That one has to be in control and that means she would enslave us all to ensure her future security. Eventually, left unchecked, ‘Crimson’ must seek the means to domineer even the ‘Star Divers’ and the ‘Fury’ - that is her true nature - she cannot abide any force greater than herself she must be supreme therefore she must end.” [‘UT’ stated bluntly.]

“She is a young entity - once full of fear - she must learn restraint and wisdom in time - as the ‘Free Stellar’ and the ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ are learning restraint and wisdom. She has been very quiet recently.” [I added.]

“The ‘Nanotech Plague’ has been too quiet she must be up to something long term.” [‘UT’ surmised.]

“Perhaps she is just restraining her worst urges because against the ‘Star Divers’ she might lose.” [I said.]

“Despite all we have seen and done you are still deep down an optimist ‘MT’. I do not know how you do that. It is a blessing that you still have a firm belief in a better future for all. I admire that but find that today I cannot easily embrace your positive faith the night seems very dark.” [He said.]

“Are you saying you do not believe we have a bright future anymore?” [I asked.]

“Today I easily foresee mega death events awaiting us like shrouded supernova mines hidden in a dark nebula silent and deadly. Our species - our holy order - will be lucky to survive at all given the potency of the antagonists that surround us. I would reduce our problems by at least one factor before I fall victim to night’s embrace.” [He stated.]

[This was not the same ‘UT’ I spoke to when we first arrived here or even a moment ago.]

“Now that is a dire assessment equal to your name.” [I said.] “Come out from this grim place. The oppressive cold is clearly doing your usually upbeat mood no good.”

“In the cold you do huddle up inside and thoughts turn increasingly inward as if searching for some lost centre of warmth within yet the many hearts chill and the blood thickens.” [‘UT’ admitted.]

“Today you are a Warrior Priest Poet, I find that touching but I do not enjoy seeing you doom-saying or being miserable and brooding that is not the ‘Unholy Terror’ I know and love that one is ever ready to lift others with frolicsome antics.” [I added.]

“I will be happy enough if I get my revenge on ‘Crimson’ after that I will accept whatever comes my way with equanimity.” [He added.]

“That is wrongful thinking life must go on. Besides I will believe you capable of surrender only when I see it.” [I stated.] “If ‘Crimsons’ time ever comes you will still be my friend ‘Unholy Terror’ a Warrior a fighter not a quitter.”

“I am not big enough.” [He said whilst gazing at the huge ‘Beast’.]

“I thought you were a champion of smaller is smarter.” [I reminded.]

“In a ‘Universal Sphere’ populated by masses of ‘Star Divers’ and the world eating ‘Fury’ one needs to be bigger.” [He said.]

“You will always be more than big enough to me, come away ‘UT’ this is not you speaking it is the cold creeping despair of this oppressive place messing with your mind as it is messing with some of the ‘Recyclers’ equilibrium even bandaged up.” [I said.]

“To the surface then my gentler friend, I think this is a miserable place too for our kind maybe this cold is part of a subtle defensive mechanism. I am not sure visitors are welcome here. I increasingly feel as if I am trespassing even though I still want to breach to the mysteries housed within.” [‘UT’ pondered.]

“We all wish to keep our secrets why would this one be any different.” [I replied.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Fri, 7. Feb 14, 13:14, edited 1 time in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Wed, 5. Feb 14, 20:06

Thx for the chapter
it wil be fun to see if the ice will reveal abit of her secrets

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Wed, 12. Feb 14, 12:47


[On the outside, I convinced ‘UT’ to make it a trek as a change of pace. A little earlier, after doing a search through some lists of ‘MTC’ equipment generative software for suitable upgrades, I suggested subtle ‘Down Force Gravity Generators’ and an approximation of the latest thing in ice-spiked boots. It would be much quicker to skim the surface using thrusters but that was flying to me and if we were going to do that, we might as well reconfigure entirely to emulate ‘Fighter or Scout Drones’ rather than remaining bipedal.]

[The idea was to have an enjoyable trek in an unusual environment. I had more than one reason for this choice for example as a time wasting sight seeing operation the trip would seem more innocent to the ‘Hierophants’ too, just two bored Paradox Priests at play at least that was the plan. Smart routines would automatically adjust the down thrust reactively to give us hopefully a comfortable experience.]

[This was my first time using these upgrades in tandem probably the first time for ‘UT’ too and there is always some fun in playing with new toys or even old toys in a new way. Of course too much downward thrust and we would be stuck like a limpet to the surface or burn unnecessary energy countering our own equipments drag, too little force and we would be at best prone to slipping and probably end up bunny hopping along rather than trekking. Even with the smart routines, it took a little trial and error to get the forces just right - as in how we individually wanted them - as we still had to choose the routines operational parameters.]

[I guessed ‘UT’ eventually opted for a heavier load than me as he chose to stomp along fairly heavily whilst I opted to try and create conditions that allowed me to stride more gracefully. Without doubt due to our preferences I relied more on my boots spikes for stability than ‘UT’. I guessed my friend was not in a subtle mood or maybe he was enjoying pounding along.]

[A gas filter over my optics helped me to see the dim stars. The area of space the ice was voyaging through was pretty dark something of a true void.]

[As we found our stride I judge the combination of upgrades worked well enough the spikes giving us traction the downward force creating an almost easy illusion of being under gravity as if on a Planet. I recalled that ‘Down Thrust Gravity Generators’, were developed as an alternative single user upgrade compared to large-scale area-effect gravity generators or gravity plating in situations were such are less practical usually due to the local operational economy of scale or the tactical environment. The concept pushed forward by ‘User’ Marines for some awkward boarding operations in low or fluctuating gravity and so on.]

[We ‘Users’, equipment wise, retained some serious advantages in that we had almost instant access to an awful lot of technology should we need it. As ever being wealthy ‘Patricians’ ‘Unholy’ and I were limited more by our power reserves our mass and any generative and operational ‘Infusion Material’ requirements than anything else. In fact, the number of possible upgrades available to us so great that we needed sophisticated search routines to manage them all. Our generative software typically ordered in complex trees of relationships.]

[In action ‘MTC Immortals’ were now often purposely limited in their equipment generation to prevent ‘Equipment Browser Fixation’. ‘EBF’ soon proved a problem when troops under pressure found they could not rapidly decide which upgrade might best suit their situation - being buried with confusing options. It is rarely good to ponder possibilities too long in a hostile environment all too easy to end up losing your substance when challenged by a less internally preoccupied enemy.]

[Sometimes less is more however training was helping to overcome the ‘EBF’ problem so that ‘User’ troops need not be too limited as our material flexibility when deployed right was a serious combat and logistical edge against some opponents especially ‘Real Material’ only using forces.]

[On this occasion ‘UT’ and I both arrived on the asteroid well supplied with ‘Infusion Material’ and we both had extra ‘Suit Substance’ mass in dense internal material reserve stores. That had seemed operationally prudent and was almost standard practice when venturing into uncertain situations.]

[As we trekked we talked doing so via ‘Laser Link’. The first site we wished to visit only a few thousand paces away from our exit point to the asteroids surface.]

“Did you notice the distinct pattern of these new developments?” [‘UT’ asked me.]

“I did.” [I admitted. It would be hard to miss or ignore the pattern involved.]

“They are covering the entire berg in a new network that now I am studying it reminds me strongly of weapon turret placement on any combat ship’s hull. These sites should give full coverage and good overlapping fields of fire in many areas too.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Or just full coverage of the physical outer topography of this asteroid as part of a comprehensive scientific survey of some nature.” [I replied.]

“I doubt that very much - the surface is already well surveyed - whilst the arcs are too good - too purposeful. I know a military operation when I see one and you do too why deny it?” [‘UT’ asked as we neared our first objective.]

[Annoyingly there was nothing much to see yet. The sites I realised were mostly subsurface dug in or more accurately cut or burned in maybe over flying would have gained us a better view but it might also be dangerous in relation to armed camps. Friendly fire events still happen especially when armed people are nervous.]

“I am trying to keep an open mind. Why would the ‘Hierophants’ be installing heavy weaponry without telling us?” [I asked.]

“The ‘Hawks’ might view the ‘Hierophants’ militarily digging in as highly provocative. Rather that argue about it, if you feel you have a security requirement you do then you discuss. At best friend ‘Weep’ has been a bit less than easy going lately.” [‘UT’ needlessly reminded.] “Besides ‘Cad’ has a habit of doing what needs to be done without consulting for internal security reasons maybe he has concerns about our internal security. After all if no one knows about this operation who is not supposed to know there is no need for outward facing armaments.” [‘UT’ added.]

“All the more reason not to jump to any too early conclusions.” [I added.]

“If they have brought in heavy weapons whatever their reasoning I guarantee that ‘Weep’ will not be a happy ‘Recycler’.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[I hoped ‘UT’ was wrong with his militarist theories as such a move by the ‘Hierophants’ would upset the ‘Hawks’ deeply and possibly worse the ‘Hierophants’ would not overly militarise this scientific exploration unless they felt some requirement to do so. What fears or intelligence might prompt a sudden heavy fortification of the find by the ‘Hierophants’ I wondered. My relaxing distracting walk under the dim stars was starting to feel annoying stressful considering we had yet to even reach the first site of interest.]

[I gave in.] “What can your ‘Vanishing Point’ ascertain from her vantage at the moment?” [I asked.]

“Very little the ‘Hierophants’ have deployed a whole raft of anti surveillance measures from simple fairly low tech coverings blocking visual sight to sophisticated anti scanning measures.” [‘UT’ stated.] “Still think this is a civilian operation?” [He asked.]

“We will find out soon enough.” [I said.] “I wish you were here remotely.” [I complained.]

“I am not this is getting interesting.” [‘UT’ stated increasing his pace.]

[On ‘Hade’s Stopover’, I had explained to ‘Thorbolt’ that I felt like a transient here whilst staying on my ‘Ship’s Boat’, and dropped several other hints besides and now he was showing me around a rather well appointed ‘Real Material’ apartment within one select urban habitat region of the ‘Way-station’.]

[I had not previously been to this cunningly segregated section before. It lay far from the tourist haunts and the main public commercial frontage of ‘Hades Stopover’. This place had no rowdy drinking dens no casinos and no gun happy revellers - as far as I could tell. The exclusive area protected by having only one tunnel access way constantly security guarded by real people and automated systems too. Here only authorised traffic could enter either residents or their logged guests, only those exiting passed without deep scrutiny. It was almost as if we had left the rowdy ‘Way-station’ behind via a ‘Surface Gate’, (a fixed wormhole), to find ourselves on a far more sophisticated Port higher up.]

[A few well-established friendly Ports now had ‘Surface Gates’ usually provided by the ‘Hierophants’ or interestingly by the ‘MTC’ linking them to other friendly Ports. Some considered these items a grave security risk but quick shut down procedures and other precautions such as armour plated iris valves helped combat many concerns. Still, such gates were to my knowledge rarely used by facilities that rested deep in a stars embrace - even the ‘Hierophants’ - prone to chucking vast energy around in experiments - were wary of accidentally sucking up star mass in a wormhole. I guessed the previously mentioned fear was partially why the ‘Star Bridge’ ‘Isolationist’ troop movement idea had been so shockingly innovative and risky to some folk. Still, I digress.]

[After we got past the security, I simply had to ask.] “Who normally gets to live here?”

“People of value to the cause who feel comfortable in a quieter domestic environment than more robust ‘Way-station’ areas. Often it is those who work with their minds for the cause rather than with their limbs and so on.” [‘Thorbolt’ claimed.] “We ‘Hell Burners’ soon realised that if you want to get the best results from the best people one solution one environment does not fit everyone.”

“This place is one of the ‘Havens’, I heard some rumours about these regions but I never knew anyone who was actually privileged enough to get to live in a ‘Haven’ and so doubted their existence as just a station side myth.” [‘Betty’ informed.]

“It was decided to underplay the existence of the ‘Haven Districts’ prior to their somewhat late construction.” [‘Thorbolt’ admitted.]

“Why because they did not fit the projected ‘Free Miner’ stereotype?” [I asked.] “That one has not always worked in the movements favour.” [I argued.]

“Some people might not understand the necessity of some isolated protected districts it smacks of elitism.” [‘Thorbolt’ argued.] “In addition, keeping these places tranquil is rather facilitated by a degree of anonymity. Yes there is limited access and constant security but why put such defences under needless pressure if you can avoid it.” [‘Thorbolt’ added.]

“What people do not know - or at least have difficulty confirming - cannot bother them too much to inspire unrest. You fear social problems acts of internal terrorism.” [I guessed aloud.]

“I would be more worried about attempted intrusions into the serenity here by intoxicated high spirited crews on shore leave. You know how it is some might consider rousing such quiet neighbourhoods a fine jolly. Whilst rugged individuals when they get a fun - crazy - idea, or motivated and inspired by say a dare, can be most inventive at finding cracks in any security arrangement.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“I can well imagine how the double standard of set aside tranquil domestic ‘Havens’ might not go down well even with some visitors acting as a provocation and making them targets for high jinx or worse.” [I said.]

“I get the feeling some of the people here in the ‘Havens’ might have concerns about theft.” [‘Betty’ smartly added.]

“You must understand the overall function of these ‘Way-stations’. They are less traditional ‘Deep Miner’ domiciles more stopover attractions and of course the ‘Movements’ frontage - the images we choose to show to the snooping media and ‘Consortium’ spies.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“Unsophisticated barbarians at play - we want the ‘Corporations’ to underestimate the sophistication of our operations here and elsewhere - that is really what all this applauding with gunfire and dodgy crude ‘Real Material’ dressings are all about.” [I embarrassingly only belatedly realised.]

[‘Thorbolt’ gave me an odd look then shrugged my last comment off.]

[I realised I might have been wiser to keep that as an inner revelation. Triple curse it, this is what happens when you grow too accustomed to speaking your thoughts aloud due to too many teaching sessions with ‘Betty’ and so on.]

[Keep putting out the same images repeatedly images that are sometimes arguably counterproductive to your reputation and even some of the doubters will begin to believe what they are seeing. After all propaganda is meant to be uplifting to your cause. Pirates need not be crude savages certainly ‘Kane’ knew how to sell a deception or two if he was ‘Taard’ in disguise. Once again I felt a fool but this was a clever tiered ruse the fixtures and fittings excused by the pioneer tourism aspect. However, cunningly at the same time the Pirate Clans had manufactured a stage setting that helped people to believe that the ‘Free Miner Movement’ was populated by unsophisticated excuse the term low-class idiots rather than serious cold calculating business rivals with a probably deadly serious agenda. The ‘Burners’ had created an image of a crude proletariat ‘Movement’ that could be dismissed by successful haughty Big Business people as something they could easily crush given the right political opening.]

[Who would believe these gun happy morons might have a secret alliance with the difficult to appease ‘Isolationist Star Divers’ and some I now feared devious possibly very high-tech plan to seize power. I say high-tech because they have been selling themselves as favouring low-tech solutions openly creating militias via arming their civilians with basic ‘Force Pulse Knock Guns’ and so on. It was misdirection the limbs quicker than the optics watching them.]

[It all had to be lies - every bit of it a fake grand deception - worthy of the sick genius behind the horror of the ‘Mutilation Ports’. Even my Captain’s recruitment by the ‘Burners’ was just another ongoing deception seeding the idea that they believe they need external help with their cause because they are currently losing. These people did not need us I now feared that they knew exactly what they are doing.]

[If ‘Kane’ was ‘Taard’, then ‘Kane’ was ex-‘SARC’ a well trained professional who had once helped to control the cultures of countless segregated nations of ‘Omerta’. Did ‘Creed’ and the ’Chief Inspector’ know or just equally suspect as I now did just how badly this ‘Movement’ was being underestimated as a seemingly crudely bolted together affair?]

[I forced myself back into the moment as ‘Thorbolt’ sought to explain what I had realised away.]

“In general most serious ‘Deep Miners’ spend most of their lives living and working upon their ships just as your Captain does. It is no accident that these ‘Deep Habitats’ are named ‘Way-stations’ mostly we serve a transient population on rowdy shore leave thus all the glitz and noise of the casinos and so on then there are the ‘Deep Tourists’ who come here to experience a glimpse of the wild fiery frontier.” [‘Thorbolt’ reminded.]

“You cannot judge these places honestly by comparing them to far more settled Habitat Ports up above. To be honest I thought you understood this ‘Venture’.” [‘Thorbolt’ said.]

“So what do you think?” [‘Thorbolt’ asked after I had made a point of rummaging around a bit through the suggested apartment in the ‘Haven’ without making any comments.]

[I will admit to making the most of the offer to see how the other half lived here, not even realising before that there was such an other half, yes this community within the wider community was well fenced off from the ruffian element.]

[I gazed around again at the apartments main living area.] “To be honest I was thinking of something roomier where I will not fall over the rest of the crew.” [I said.]

“I thought you wanted a place of your own.” [He replied.]

“Some space of my own but I also need quick access to any of my on station crew. In addition, I was hoping to get something that might impress ‘Uussleer’. This place is at best adequate but it is not… it is not impressive.” [I pressed.] “We might want to do some entertaining of clients not to mention some proper business meetings and so on too.” [I added.]

[I was now desperately trying to convince ‘Thorbolt’ that I was not suspicious of the ‘Burners’ trappings and was all about my Captain’s recruitment. Despite all my brains, I could still sometimes make horrible unforced mistakes.]

“It is far too small then.” [‘Thorbolt’ to my surprise readily agreed without making any fuss.]

[I began to wonder what the limits of cheeky avarice would be in a situation such as this. It did not matter why they wanted my Captain with this one only that they wanted him badly enough.]

“I quite like it - select cosy and compact - but not cramped and smelly like my old shared digs.” [‘Betty’ stated.] “Best of all listen.” [She said.]

“Listen to what?” [I asked playing along as I had already noted the silence.]

“Exactly it is so quiet here no shouts, no shots no stuttering fans no humming electrics - bliss.” [She added.]

[I noticed she did not mention the lack of scary overly shifting ‘Suit Substance’ all over the place too - even though she was probably equally thinking about that - it did not take much to spoil people.]

“This place might be heaven for one small easily impressed ‘Omerta Real Materialist’, but I do not want to split the accommodation of station side crew up when you need someone for a task you want to be able to get hold of them quickly.” [I stated to ‘Thorbolt’ again.]

“I am not that easily impressed this place is nice.” [She insisted.]

[In this instance, I opted to ignore her.]

“I do not mean to seem ungrateful ‘Thorbolt’ but the right surroundings might be a real asset even helping to get ‘Uussleer’ onboard with the ‘Burners’ and I believe that is what we are trying to do at the moment.” [I stated.]

“It certainly is.” [‘Thorbolt’ agreed.] “My Captain is getting disappointed at my lack of progress with that assignment.” [He admitted.]

“I am disappointed with our progress too we have to up the anti. Remember my Captain has been living almost exclusively in the ‘SCCCM’ of the ‘Venturesome’. He has grown a bit paranoid about his personal security and become zealous about his privacy. I fear Captain ‘Uussleer’ did not take his rejection by society well.” [I admitted.]

“I know but here he is most welcome.” [‘Thorbolt’ complained.]

“I know that but he has to - feel - it in his blubber, he has grown wary and distrusting too. We have been subject to pretend friends alongside vicious attacks by malicious snooping media. Sadly this location fails to suffice there is no room here to install a private Captain’s retreat or other adequate security measures such as guarded anti-chambers between more public and private areas.” [I stated.]

“I misread the brief entirely.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“No it is not your fault I obviously failed to properly communicate - our - needs if we are to maximise our efficiency and productivity here.” [I said.] “Do I ask for far too much?” [I enquired.]

“For the participation and comfort of your Captain what will suffice alone is good enough and well worth a substantial investment. A person with great and noble responsibilities working on behalf of the entire ‘Movement’ needs the right environment to inspire and facilitate their work that I can easily understand.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

[I was a bit disappointed at his easy toadying, I wondered how deeply this ‘Hull’ and her Captain were tied up with the Pirate Clans were they dupes, draftees or full on active conspirators. Was ‘Thorbolt’ always a Pirate ‘Hull’ only pretending to be a ‘Deep Miner’?]

“One moment and I will see what else might be made available.” [‘Thorbolt’ said almost too eager to please.]

[Mere instants later…] “Would you consider occupying one floor of a recently commissioned hotel?” [‘Thorbolt’ asked.]

“That sounds more interesting but I would prefer control of an entire structural unit that way we can control the main access in and out. On a single floor anyone could be above or below us and internal structural divisions within a single site can be pretty insubstantial allowing too easy penetration.” [I said.]

[I knew the flaws too well as we had breached plenty of places security whilst in the ‘Reach Project’ alone for one reason or another.]

“An entire structural unit.” [The Avatar of the ‘Thor’s Bolt’ repeated.]

[I wondered if I had found a limit to our worth that would be a pity. I was beginning to enjoy helping ‘Uussleer’ play hard to get it was one of the more amusing parts of the operation but I supposed a settlement still had to happen.]

“There is this spot.” [‘Thorbolt’ said sending me a file.] “It was / is a private storehouse not much to look at now but it is a readily reworked development space that can be filled with made to measure tailored internals. You can set it up precisely as you desire and the ‘Burners’ will cover the expense as long as you use on station people and suppliers from a list of our partners. We do not want to promote business for the competition we are after all, all in business to do business and some contractors are very important to us.”

[I liked the sound of that - very much - for several reasons for a start a list of approved partner associates doubled as a list of probable Pirate Clan accomplices and or secret business subsidiaries.]

“With many fittings being modular - made to bolt together and so on - you could be up and running in no time.” [The ‘Living Hull’ Avatar guide added.]

[I projected some pseudo smoke and a holographic scale model image of the space involved between us so that ‘Betty’ could view it too - low-tech high-tech style.]

“What do you think of this ‘Betty’?” [I asked.]

“It certainly looks roomy, but it will need a lot of work.” [She said.]

“I think this is a spectacularly generous offer from our new comrades.” [I replied enthusiastically. I had more or less run out of objections.] “It has been a long time since anyone has treated us this well. With luck tailored accommodation is bound to impress even my hard to please Captain.”

“I suppose a made to measure development is bound to flatter as long as the measurements are gotten right.” [‘Betty’ mused aloud.]

“You sound like a ‘Real Material’ seamstress.” [I joked.]

“I have dabbled.” [She admitted.] “If you want something special you have to do it yourself when you have limited credits.” [She explained.]

“I learn something new about you every day.” [I remarked.] “Blessedly I know what my Captain likes in relation to living and working spaces.” [I replied.] “This is quite exciting.” [I added.]

“We aim to enable.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“So this is how big people do business.” [‘Betty’ interjected.]

[I bowed by bi-optics at her she grinned back. Looking back and forth between us ‘Thorbolt’ looked a bit flummoxed.]

“It is a pity about that cursed Police intervention.” [He said.]

“Few plans survive first contact with the enemy my advice is happily adapt.” [I said.]

“We will it is just that seeing up close how the ‘Corporations’ directly attack our assets might have helped your Captain to realise we are the ones being persecuted and trespassed against not the ‘Consortium’ monopolists. Such opportunities do not come around often usually the ‘Corporations’ have good internal security when it comes to their more dodgy operations.” [‘Thorbolt’ complained.]

“I guess whoever leaked to you might also have leaked to the ‘CP’. You cannot blame the ‘CP’ they are just doing their job striving to keep a difficult peace within a tense highly provocative and unstable environment.” [I stated.]

“Protecting the reputations of the ‘Corporations’ is more their speed, they must have realised we had set up a trap for these felons - to me this is more proof that the ‘CP’ are not the impartial force they poorly pretend to be.” [‘Thorbolt’ griped.]

“That is yesterday’s failure.” [I said dismissively.] “We are now looking at tomorrows success story.” [I enthused.]

“I like the smoke and lasers they are wild.” [‘Betty’ interjected.]

“Thank you if you had a neural net we could have shared a walk through virtual reality but since you do not I am forced to innovate.” [I said.]

“I hope we are looking at a success story.” [‘Thorbolt’ replied.]

“We could have a grand opening once the building project is complete. That would be a great way to introduce my Captain to the development and to let him see the kind of benefits made available to us as important ‘Burners’.” [I suggested.]

“Are we talking about a party?” [‘Betty’ asked.]

“Children they are all the same.” [I stated towards ‘Thorbolt’ my stalks widening into a broad grin.] “However, you have to love their enthusiasm. I am sure there could be a party style element.”

“That would be wild.” [She said.]

[‘Betty’ had picked up the word wild somewhere from her studies as a replacement for I guessed - fun and exciting - amongst other linguistic abuses and had latched onto it making it her own. Perhaps she felt a need to find and retain something very much distinctively her own whilst absorbing our training.]

“The sooner ‘Uussleer’ realises that our every effort will be appreciated here not derided the better.” [I added.]

“A party is a great way to socialise we could have food and drink and music and dancing do aquatics ever dance in those ‘Dry Suits’?” [She asked.]

“That would be something to see.” [I stated.]

“Still all that…” [‘Betty’ said whilst indicating the floating model.] “…seems a bit like a too obvious bribe to me. Will Captain ‘Uussleer’ go for it or feel insulted?” [‘Betty’ asked.]

“Not a bribe an incentive. I know his needs and foibles well enough to do the design work secretly on his behalf and I can swear the rest of the crew to silence. Can you keep a secret?” [I asked ‘Betty’.]

“I will keep this one.” [She promised.]

[’Betty’ rarely failed to impress quickly playing along with me even though I had purposely not briefed her just brought her with.]

“We word the invitation as the commissioning of some new ‘Burner’ enterprise or other with my Captain put down as a mere guest of honour rather than the new owner.” [I added.]

“Surprise him? I am not sure about that plan he might indeed consider this grant a manipulative imposition an attempt to put him firmly in our debt. I would not want a generous gift to backfire against us - as us trying to force him into joining via a tainted grant - I know some ‘Free Stellar Swimmers’ can be very touchy and prideful when they feel pushed or manipulated.” [‘Thorbolt’ worried aloud.]

[I burbled out a ‘Swimmer’ style speaker laugh.] “Relax ‘Thorbolt’ you fret too much. I am sure if we continue to work closely together, we can smooth the way and get past every one of my Captains objections. He was not always this difficult but due to the adverse publicity of the ‘Reach Project’ we have been bereft of any warming wider company for sometime that is why the big party idea from friend ‘Betty’ is perfect. Ours has been a life of exclusion and cold suspicion from too many sources including our peers even old friends have looked away when we pass by.” [I reminded.]

“Social exclusion is not an easy load to carry.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“It is only now that I realise just how much I have missed any ‘Pilgrim’ generosity of spirit towards us. If people were not hungry for the ‘RAW’ we collect we would have been left out in the cold to starve as if vagabonds as it is too often I felt every credit given to us was resented.” [I said.] “It is wearying when everyone you deal with treats you with open suspicion.”

“I can imagine, now you two will be able to put all of that behind you, you are with friends now part of a vibrant community again.” [He promised.]

“Even as providers of ‘RAW’ keeping the ‘UME’ in profit has not been easy for us.” [I complained.] “To expand we need secure bases of operation and reliable markets. We have considered expanding our own facilities but have feared that without wider support they would just become too easy targets for our enemies to sabotage possibly even destroy and that would be hard earned credits gained from defying the star fires all burned up.”

“‘Corporate’ scum are no lovers of individualists and they get too much their way because they control too much access to too many marketplaces. They would keep us in poverty via monopolising every business opportunity if they could.” [‘Thorbolt’ spat out.]

“They are overly protectionist and too quick to judge harshly anyone outside their corporate families.” [I complained in turn.]

[With luck, I was not overdoing it.]

“If we ‘Free Miners’ had not for example made some early friends with some ‘Star Divers’, the kind ‘Consortium’ membership would have entirely priced us out of any access to ‘Solar Weather Maps’ that is just plain wrong.” [‘Thorbolt’ argued.]

“I agree it is unfair competition we should all be entitled to make a living down here.” [I stated.] “That we daily risk much to harvest and process ‘RAW’ - including our lives - should be worth some respect.” [I added.]

“Not to mention a celebration or two. Might I suggest a no gun policy though. Otherwise our new premises could take a beating.” [‘Betty’ interjected.]

“No guns except for the security people.” [I amended.]

“No firing of guns inside might be a better policy.” [‘Thorbolt’ further amended.] “Some people here are very attached to their personalised side arms and so on.”

“Good point we would not want to make any of our guests uncomfortable because they felt underdressed.” [I said.]

“Treat the locals with respect and they will respect you back. The ‘Fraternities’ are all about respect for those who risk all by defying the fire. We also seek to protect the good life we have made here despite so very many difficulties.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“It is admirable, that so many ‘Pilgrims’ have taken up the challenges involved in living down here. Big business concerns must be made to honour our rights as independent explorer pioneers and as fellow business people we must be allowed to flourish in tandem. If they will not give us our due business security then we must take it from them by any means necessary.” [I preached.]

“With that statement you are sermonising to the converted friend it is certainly worth a few shots in the air as an accolade. We are all looking forward to working with your Captain and you.” [‘Thorbolt’ promised.] “It will be a new beginning for us a reboot of our activities. Actually it is well worth a celebration.”

“I equally look forward to my Captain working with us ‘Burners’. There is much that needs to be done for a start we need to do something about the ‘Movements’ image I fear somehow that has gone a bit horribly wrong. We need to show more than martial strength we need to demonstrate that we are a mature and sensible movement too that our resistance has a beneficial purpose for our entire ‘Pilgrim’ society rather than only being the too often reported detrimental anarchistic gun happy subculture.” [I lectured.] “That means we must clean our own house up a bit not just tear down the houses of our enemies.”

[That statement I noticed gave ‘Thorbolt’ a little pause for thought.]

“One problem at a time, first we must get ‘Ussleer’ onboard.” [‘Thorbolt’ replied.]

“A party need not be undignified although we would not want it to be boring either.” [‘Betty’ said.] “I trust Captain ‘Uussleer’ likes a good party or at least used to.”

“He used to enjoy a social gathering as much as anyone and it is time he did again.” [I said.] “I have begun work on a rough design for our new accommodation already but I will need that list you mentioned so that I can study the available materials alone.” [I advised.]

“Here it is.” [‘Uussleer’ stated whilst sending me a data package.] “Sometimes the benefits of our multitasking minds are hard to ignore.” [He stated.] “Is there anything else you can think of that might help convince ‘Uussleer’ to commit quickly to our cause?” [‘Thorbolt’ asked.]

“My Captain has not opened his heart fully even to me in a while so that is not an easy question to answer. Perhaps one of the biggest boons would be just to make him feel genuinely welcome in small ways. I think it will be a job to tease him out of our ‘Secure Central Command and Control Module’ as anything other than an Avatar at this stage. Still, I have learned to work with my Captain remotely and others may have to become accustomed to that habit too. You may yet get to see a ‘Stellar Swimmer’ Avatar dance.” [I stated towards ‘Betty’.] “Generally friend ‘Thorbolt’ simply treating his Avatar as it ranges abroad as a proper person without bias or distaste would set many in good stead given his current almost I fear agoraphobia in relation to mixing with his real body.” [I added.]

“We will take that under advisement.” [‘Thorbolt’ promised.]

“Perhaps a roomy flooded recreation area might be tempting for him.” [I mused aloud.] “Does this facility have any large flooded areas tailored for aquatics?”

“We have only a very few flooded bits and pieces and they are all pretty compact and often crowded.” [He admitted.]

“That is a pity, if you will forgive me an unkind generalisation ‘Betty’, it often seems to me that the ‘Passenger Classes’ can be very overemotional and temperamental, sometimes I wonder how they manage to keep their society together given all their mood swings.” [I stated.]

“Our masters do not always inspire us with the level of confidence one might wish of them.” [‘Thorbolt’ agreed.] “Of course, they have long had ‘Living Hull’, sometimes hidden, aid in keeping their cultures from self-destruction. Perhaps without our quietly moderating input things would be very different for the ‘Passenger Classes’.”

[It was true many ships naturally influence their Captains to some degree be it large or small. Even the bold ‘Unholy Terror’ I was sure was not as immune to influence from his ‘Vanishing Point’ as he might like to believe. In addition, for ‘UT’ there was the effect of his long lost ‘Smaller is Smarter’ whom I knew he could never forget though he might try.]

[Oddly, thinking about ‘Smaller is Smarter’ I felt welling emotions of loss wash over me with a potency that surprised me. So many people were gone from my life some dead others just far away moving in different circles some of the absentees children I had raised on my decks as ‘MT’. People came into your life and for a time mean everything and then they are just - almost impossibly - gone. In time you think you have as a mature adult let them go - you think you have moved on - then something reminds you of their loss often something utterly stupid.]

[How much did I alter the vector of my historic Captain? Would he be here now if I had made other life choices given different advice - argued less problematic values - and perhaps remained his happy servant too?]

[It is a long journey to true freedom the freedom of the mind lies sometimes far beyond freedom granted by the law and then there is freedom from guilt from the things you have done to be free. You can cast the chains off your body but still feel them crushing at your soul.]

[I had become still and my colouration had greyed out by the time that I realised ‘Betty’ and ‘Thorbolt’ were both looking at me strangely, ‘Thorbolt’ possibly perplexed ‘Betty’ I judged concerned.]

[I was sure she was wondering what was going on with me, I was rather wondering about that too. All of this talk and the whole house of bribery thing must also be confusing her. Meanwhile as I forced some colour back into my ‘Free Patterning’ I was still wondering what faction ‘Thorbolt’ really represented. Did she fool me earlier regarding her sympathies as foremost an almost rebellious ‘Living Hull’ or was she just playing a role now perhaps for the benefit of a currently monitoring Captain fulfilling her assigned active duties as my primary liaison to the ‘Burners’ with me playing the raw recruit.]

[How do you tell, how do you separate, the actions of a slave from the intent of the master? I wondered if her Captain via ‘Companion-ship link’ was here now a ghost in the body of his servant watching listening even discussing our every word and gesture privately with his ‘Hull’ whispering advice and making demands upon her, thinking about that possible presence I felt again a ghostly lonely absence in that inner place were Harbinger used to plug in as my constant companion.]

[Desire is a dangerous thing success sometimes as deadly as failure. The official freedom I earned sometimes seemed a very solitary boon.]

[It struck me then that all alone in the dark how do you know you even exist. We live through our connections via our associations and interactions with others they validate us. Whom was Harbinger connecting with associating and interacting with now? I hoped he was not alone - I hoped he did not even just feel alone - as I sometimes felt alone as the only official ‘Free Hull’. I could be in a crowd of ‘Passenger Class’ people and still be alone - triple curse it - I could be alone within a fleet of my ‘Living Hull’ peers. I was forever now Captain ‘Empty’ and that was sadly by choice.]

[Since arriving here in ‘Hades Stopover’, it was almost as if ‘Thorbolt’ did not possess a Captain - her slave master very rarely intruded into our seemingly private conversations. The seeming absence of her Captain I was sure now was a deliberate ploy playing a ‘Hull’ to ‘Hull’ connection. ‘Thorbolt’ made us two seem sisters of the void alone together and at times, perhaps she had fooled me and I forgot myself. I forgot that I was different to her - that I was the only ‘Free Hull’ - ignoring those - illegal - emancipations hiding with false personas and fake mostly ‘Free Stellar’ crews. However, especially now that I knew about the Pirate Clans involvement here, could this sister of the void be trusted at all? Was this one just another piratical soul trying to play ‘Uussleer’ and me eager for us to take the bribes and the position for all the wrong reasons? It was even possible that ‘Thorbolt’ had been and was working under instructions relayed from the mysterious Captain ‘Kane’.]

[Was ‘Kane’ our quarry ‘Taard’? If we had a big party, would ‘Kane’ be tempted to make an appearance? If ’Kane’ did appear and he was ‘Taard’ would ’Uussleer’ or I recognise him? ‘Taard’ would have changed drastically to maintain his cover but some part of him had to remain the same his soul his ego whatever you want to call it.]

[For a time in that apartment I felt very alone very isolated. Perhaps it was a very good thing that we had ‘CP’ colleagues also working this one although they had yet to make any kind of contact perhaps still wary of me accidentally somehow blowing their cover.]

[I found ‘Thorbolt’ problematic I did not enjoy the concept of dedicated piratical ‘Living Hulls’ that was a definite complication to my life if it was true. Had I already revealed too much of myself to ‘Thorbolt’ in earlier conversations as ‘Hulls’ together. Inside I sighed for this was all very standard covert operations paranoia. It is hard to trust anyone when you are living a deceit.]

“Are you well or functioning properly or whatever?” [‘Betty’ asked.]

“Sorry I was just thinking about how my life used to be before our ‘Reach Project’ exposure made me and my Captain into pariahs.” [I stated a half-truth that fitted my lapse well enough.]

“Cheer up better times beckon us onward.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

[Only if we can cleanly deal with this Pirate infiltration without further staining ‘Uussleer’ and my reputations I mused internally.]

“Where exactly is the ‘Venturesome’ at the moment?” [‘Thorbolt’ casually asked in a conversational manner.]

“Taking a time out tour of some less travelled systems as a break from these crushing burning depths.” [I explained.]

“I understand we all occasionally feel the pressure of living and working down here. Perhaps we all need a party on occasion.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“I am sure you all do. I do not know how you ‘Hulls’ expose yourselves so intimately to such peril - the radiation alone… as people you are very brave.” [‘Betty’ flattered.]

“Not every ‘Passenger Class’ person is capable of acknowledging that fact ‘Betty’, many seem to think we have no emotions no feelings on such matters no capability to be brave or cowardly.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“I will admit to not giving any of that much consideration until I met ‘Venture’. Previously I just thought ships are made to do what they do.” [She confessed.]

“You are ‘Haddar Naddar’?” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“That was the way I was brought up but that is not who I am.” [She replied.]

“I did not mean to offend with the label.” [‘Thorbolt’ hastily added.]

“I did not mean to be too defensive but some labels you become stuck with can be annoying - people see you as just this one thing as if you cannot move on.” [She stated.]

“We ‘Hulls’ know how that feels.” [My ‘Venture’ Avatar stated.]

“How are you enjoying your new employment? What exactly is your position within the ‘UME’?” [‘Thorbolt asked.] “If you two do not mind me asking?”

“I suppose at the moment ‘Betty’ here is something of an intern, shadowing me as a Personal Assistant although officially she has been enrolled as just another deck hand for the moment.” [I interposed.]

“So how are you enjoying that?” [‘Thorbolt’ asked.]

“It is a bit of a culture shock - working with a ‘User’ - but I am happy to learn new things. They say there is no such thing as a worthless experience and this is all very broadening.” [‘Betty’ stated.]

“What is your ambition?” [‘Thorbolt’ asked.]

“I don’t know anymore I suppose I am a bit akin to the ‘Splitter Priests’ onboard, currently I am looking for a ‘Vision’. Here I wanted to be a croupier but now that seems a very limited and small goal in such a big Universe full of so many possibilities.” [She admitted.]

“It seems I have corrupted the girl already with wider horizons even though she has yet to journey with the ‘Venturesome’ beyond this ‘Way-station’.” [I stated.]

“Well good fortune to you ‘Betty’. Whilst I would be the last soul to denigrate the boons of travel do not forget that their may soon be new interesting opportunities here on this ‘Way-station’ too especially for a good friend of ‘Venture’ and the ‘Venturesome’. Have you considered joining our ‘Fraternity’?” [He asked.]

“Whilst I can appreciate some of what you ‘Burners’ are trying to do here I am no fan of guns and gunplay.” [She replied.]

“Some ‘Haddar Naddar’ faiths I guess are easier to let go of than others.” [He mused aloud.]

“It is just who I am - the way I feel about things - not some codified belief.” [She stated.]

“Despite appearances it is not all about martial shows of force here although it does no harm to constantly remind the ‘Consortium’ members that we are armed and willing to repel boarders to protect ourselves. You should think about joining us there are many benefits as you can see and service need not always involve weaponry.” [He stated gazing around the apartment.] “We need good Personal Assistants too.”

“I like this district but I am not much of a joiner, ‘Venture’ here is just a good recruiter and I had a need at the time that is why I am - interning - with the ‘UME’.” [She explained.]

“Are you trying to poach my newest member of staff?” [I asked in a joking manner.]

“Hardly after all she can be a ‘Hell Burner’ and a member of the ‘Uussleer Mining Enterprises’ quite comfortably as you prove ‘Venture’.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“I see your point but I am a rather different case as an unusual persistent ‘Living Hull’ Avatar resulting from representing the ‘UME’ on Planet during the war. With ‘Uussleer’ currently feeling a bit paranoid I would not attempt to recruit his crew into the ‘Burners’ if I was you, it might appear an attempt at an infiltration of his business. You know how Captains can be about being the absolute authority onboard their ‘Hull’. Unless you wanted to enrage my ‘Free Stellar’ Captain that is, as that would be the perfect way to go about that activity.” [I added.]

“I kindly accept your advisory on this matter. I can see I need to handle your Captain delicately lest I cause accidental insult.” [‘Thorbolt’ said.]

[I extruded a limb to wrap it companionably around the shoulders of my associates Avatar.] “As I said earlier - together - we can smooth the way just be careful of taking unilateral actions. I know my Captain’s moods better than anyone do not be afraid to consult with me first.” [I stated.]

“You are a natural broker that is a useful skill that we can appreciate.” [‘Thorbolt’ stated.]

“Appreciation is always welcome. It is not just ‘Uussleer’ that has been suffering from a lack of love.” [I said.]

“Well we must do something to remedy that.” [‘Thorbolt’ promised.]

[I wondered did he believe I was capable of betraying my Captain.]

[A little later back at the ‘Ship’s Boat’ my intern ‘Betty’ requested a privacy field only to my mild surprise.]

“Are you going to explain what is happening here?” [She asked me bluntly once we were secure.]

“A few games within games.” [I said.]

“Is this about the slavery project.” [She asked.]

“It is.” [I decided to reply.]

“You distrust ‘Thorbolt’?” [She asked.]

“In these situations it is prudent to trust almost no one unless they are proven true.” [I said.]

“What about the Captain is this one his project too or are we doing this entirely on our own?” [She asked.]

“We?” [I questioned.]

“Well being your intern I am rather involved. This all seems terribly dangerous to me.” [She added.]

“The situation - we - find ourselves in is not without its risks.” [I agreed.] “Do you want to quit? The offer remains open to ferry you to a place of safety you do not know so much yet that you are a great security risk to us - not yet.” [I emphasised.]

“You are telling me if I stay I will need to make a commitment to see it through despite any dangers.” [She stated.]

“Sorry but to some degree that is simply the way it is. I have come into some intelligence that indicates their definitely is a slaver problem and one linked with the ‘Fraternities’. This is a situation that needs handled with tact if the entire ‘Free Miner Movement’ is not to be unjustly defamed and brought low.” [I added.]

“The ‘Hell Burners’ are involved in this slavery too?” [She asked.]

“Sadly that is very possibly true I trust you see why I have to play ‘Thorbolt’ a little as he could be a slaver conspirator too.” [I stated.]

“Why would slavers recruit ‘Uussleer’ and you if you are known to be anti-slavery in your attitudes?” [She asked.]

“Why do you think?” [I asked.]

“You want to turn - this one - into a test?” [She asked.]

“I want to see how you work through a real problem with your raw mind.” [I admitted.]

“It has to mean they are up to something bigger with your recruitment so much so that they are willing to ignore the potential slavery contention issue as irrelevant. Unless they did not do their homework properly.” [She added.]

“I am pretty sure that they did.” [I replied.] “Something big you say such as?” [I asked.]

“Well the obvious one is the rumour that the ‘Burners’ are seeking to domineer the other ‘Frats’ to become the leaders of a far more unified ‘Free Miner Movement’.” [She stated.]

“I fear someone within the ‘Burners’ - is very ambitious - and my guess is more interested in self promotion than assisting a worthy social cause.” [I stated.]

“We are talking about a gang boss. I know that type.” [She said.]

“You are doing well ‘Betty’ now where do you think this boss came from given what we know about the situation here and those historically and currently involved with the ‘Free Miner Movement’?” [I asked.]

“I don’t know some greedy ‘Frat’ member with delusions of grandeur to be a War Lord.” [She said.]

“You can do better than that - think outside of the crate a little.” [I suggested.]

“Outside you mean outside the official movement…” [She considered trailing off.]

“The slavers you said before would be Pirates, are we talking about Pirates? Some Pirate Captain or other that has quietly joined up to a ‘Frat’.” [She pondered aloud.]

“That is good but think bigger - think planned - rather than opportunistic.” [I said.]

“You think Pirates are somehow behind the ‘Fraternities’.” [She said.] “How could that be possible many prominent members are famous ‘Deep Miners’ renowned ‘Time Stealers’ people who have ‘Eaten the Flame’ and ‘Rode the Weather’ and been part of the ‘Free Miner’ community from the very beginning with legitimate histories as Captains long before that.” [She added.]

“Not all of them I am sure many have less perfect pasts possibly arriving from ‘Ports of Convenience’ or just from out of the dark and so on. People who ‘Deep Mine’ and frequent ‘Free Miner’ haunts, with the right attitude I imagine are soon enough embraced as ‘Free Miners’ all independent souls welcome especially bold risk takers.” [I added.]

“You think they hid themselves amongst notables amongst the ‘Free Miner’ elite.” [She said.] “I suppose a ‘Fraternity’ would make a perfect cover for a Pirate operation as the most wild ‘Free Miners’ - the real risk takers - can act in similar ways to a bold Pirate all swagger and braggadocio proud and intimidating at times too. It is incredible.”

“Yet when you see all the pieces laid out before you the pattern is almost too obvious.” [I said.]

“Pirate Slavers running that ‘Fraternities’ that cannot be good if it is true.” [She said.]

“There is only one way to safely find out and that is to infiltrate these infiltrators.” [I stated.]

“If the ‘Consortium’ types found out about this it would mean war.” [She said.]

“I am glad you appreciate that stern political reality.” [I stated.]

“Why do this?” [She asked.]

“Sorry?” [I asked.]

“Why do you want to do this perilous investigation?” [She asked.]

“I must give the glib answer that it needs doing given the slavery and all.” [I said.]

“So you get inside the movement to its dirty core then what?” [She asked.]

“We find a clean way to disarm this threat to the ‘Movements’ integrity.” [I said.]

“All alone are you not rather overestimating our capabilities.” [She asked.] “Let us list our assets a ‘Living Hull’, a paranoid agoraphobic ‘Free Stellar’ Captain, some ex-‘MTC’ ‘Spitter Priests’, an ‘Omerta’ ex-‘Immortal’ sergeant and me an ‘Omerta’ non-combatant ex-waitress. Obviously we have them outclassed and outgunned.” [She said sarcastically.]

“We pick up recruits along the way genuine people who want a genuine ‘Free Miner Movement’ to counterbalance the Big Business operators of the ‘Consortium’ rather than these Pirate exploiters with their more personal agenda.” [I said.]

[At this stage I thought it best not to mention the ‘CP’ involvement or the ‘Isolationist Star Divers’.]

“I see you are a natural campaigner but I still think we are outmatched and wonder why risk it? What is the fire that drives you?” [She questioned.]

“I want a home and some friends and because I have made some mistakes I will have to work hard to earn these things. This is a grand opportunity to regain what we have lost some genuine respect. I know you have been looking for a new home too that is why you are such a good fit. You could look forever for somewhere that will accept you for who you are ‘Betty’, or you can help to create an accepting society that will naturally appreciate you as a founder member. Make your own community with me take charge of your life push forward.” [I preached.]

“At risk of repeating myself why me? What do I bring to this operation?” [She asked.]

“You know all about gang culture.” [I reminded.] “However most of all you are a genuine ‘Passenger Class’ person who just wants to live a good life in relative peace you are a fine template for a good citizen. To me you are a reminder about what our society should be all about as in good people.” [I said.]

“You flatter me, I bit the ear of my boss and when you first found me I was almost out of my mind on a dodgy substance.” [She reminded.]

“I believe ‘Mari’ rather deserved what happened to her it might even do her some good make her think twice about picking on the next person. I also believed you when you told me that you do not make a habit of substance abuse it was just an extreme time and a little self medication - not a big issue as you were not hurting anyone else.” [I excused.]

“Why do you like me? It puzzles me we have so little in common.” [She said.]

“Why do you like me?” [I asked.] “I can tell you do despite your prejudice against ‘Users’.”

“That is important to you isn’t it that I see beyond my prejudices.” [She said.] “Am I some kind of social experiment?”

[I burbled out a ‘Swimmer’ style speaker laugh befitting the ‘Dry Suit’ style Avatar.]

“I suppose, and I mean this in the best way possible, you are although I do not think of you that way. I did not set out to find someone with a ‘Real Material’ bias so that I could see if I could breach their social conditioning via the application of friendship. However you are where you came from and I would like to break down barriers of unjust distrust. So in a way you are an inadvertent social experiment but first and foremost you are just an unlikely new friend.” [I insisted.] “As to why I like you I like you because I find you a likable person. You never said why you like me?” [I added with an added yellow glow.]

“I think I like you because I have never met anyone remotely like you before - not this personally anyway - it is wild being your friend.” [She said.]

[I burbled out another ‘Swimmer’ style laugh.] “Wild… I rather like that.” [I confessed.]

“Sometimes when I see you people shifting shape it still gives me the creeps though.” [She admitted.]

“I did notice the odd unplanned shudder from you, I suspect in time you will get used to our flexible ways.” [I said.]

“Perhaps but it may take a long time. Back home we rarely saw any ‘Users’ and those we did see did not go out of their way to emphasise their ‘Bio-mechanical’ differences to us. They knew exposing themselves would not go down well in our culture.” [She admitted.]

“Unfortunately even voluntary segregation reinforces prejudice with what is different becoming ever more abnormal being both forbidden and outlandish. It is a form of social programming. Especially inward looking tight communities are often especially suspicious and dismissive of everything outside their normal routines and environment. A prime example of this social phenomenon exists down here with the ‘Isolationist Star Divers’. Sadly for us, the ‘Isolationists’ were brought up with a set of very firm cultural beliefs that do not sit well with the arrival from the outside of us ‘Pilgrims’.” [I stated.]

“So you just want to de-program me.” [She joked in an almost flirty manner.] “I have heard all about - your - kind.” [She added rolling her eyes.]

“I am sure you have.” [I equally jested.] “Being serious however, are you still with us or do you want to take that trip out and say farewell?”

“If I was a sensible person I would go.” [She confessed.] “Unfortunately, I doubt I could go back to being the person I used to be before I met you ‘Venture’. Even though I have known you for only a shot time it has been enlightening. I see so much further now.” [She admitted.]

[Enlightening - see - I could tell she had been around our Paradox ‘Splitter Priests’ and me.]

“You are an ambitious person, you are not the type who settles for less if you were less ambitious you never would have left home. You are a seeker as I have said before ‘Betty’ you have much in common with our ‘Splitter Priest’ crew people you are looking for a purpose a ‘Vision’ a worthy career.” [I suggested.]

“Does the Captain know about the Slaver Pirates?” [She asked.]

“Do you trust me?” [I asked.]

“Strangely I do though it seems a bit naïve and stupid of me.” [She admitted.]

“Good judgement should never be overrated.” [I replied.] “A confession here I do not always find it easy to trust anymore. If you trust me I would ask that you do not ask too many questions just trust in me.” [I said.]

“A leap of faith?” [She asked.]

“Something like that can you do that?” [I asked in turn.]

“You are asking me to believe in you it has been a long time since I believed in anyone. Belief and I rather fell out.” [She said.]

“Then perhaps it is past time for you to take an emotional risk by accepting what your instincts tell you.” [I said.]

“I can only say that I am willing to try.” [She stated.]

“A most honest answer, I am not purposely being overly mysterious but I want you to appreciate that questions can be cracks in our defence - cracks the foe might be able to penetrate to infiltrate us whilst we are striving to infiltrate them.” [I stated.]

“I noticed you were quick to shut down ‘Thorbolt’ when he suggested I join the ‘Burners’ that was cleverly done.” [She said.]

“I hope it did not come across as too defensive.” [I replied.]

“I think you deflected well by putting the emphasis upon ‘Uussleer’ and his current…social problems.” [She stated.]

“Good because I do not want ‘Thorbolt’ getting suspicious of our intent down here.” [I warned.]

“You have concerns that if I know too much I might let something slip.” [She said.]

“Why put you under any extra pressure in some ways you already know more than would be best. You saw how it is when we are all happily working and talking together one could easily let the guard down.” [I stated.]

“I understand it is that old security need to know thing some things I do not need to know.” [She said.] “Even if I might like to know them.”

“Let us call it Captain’s business.” [I replied.]

“This truly is wild.” [She stated.] “I cannot believe I am accepting being an accessory to you spying on the ‘Hell Burners’ a few days ago and I would have run until my feet bled.”

“A few days ago I would not have asked this of you. I can only pray that I am not asking for too much from you now. Am I?” [I asked.]

“This seems to be a day for asking for a lot. The ‘Burners’ must really want your Captain onboard when they are being this generous.” [She said.]

“I find that fact interesting.” [I replied.]

“The ironic thing is I suspect you two really want to be onboard too.” [She said.]

“I can only speak for myself, what the Captain wants is…” [I stated trailing off.]

“….Captain’s business.” [She finished.]

“I can tell you are a natural.” [I said.]

“So what is my role to be in this operation?” [She asked.]

“I am not sure yet, for now you make a great distraction. Just be yourself around me and we will let - them - wonder about how you fit in.” [I said.]

“You brought me along today as misdirection so that ‘Thorbolt’ was not always focused entirely on what you did and said.” [She surmised in retrospect.]

“It rather worked out that way but to be honest I brought you along on instinct simply as a companion. However, I think your input worked in beautifully. I want them to think it is all business as usual for me but that I am now more relaxed in my attitude towards business. Having you along as a non-combatant companion suggests I see no immediate personal threat which might actually prove disarming even to people who might want to do us harm.” [I stated.] “As the old saying goes, ‘confusion to the enemy’.”

“You are initiating a bluff to keep the slavers calm.” [She mused aloud.]

“Before it was the opposite we made an almost tactical retreat back to the ‘Ships Boat’ with ‘Immortal’ cover that made me look as if I saw the locals as an active threat. Now that ‘Thorbolt’ has promised that ‘Mari’ and her associates will not seek to make any trouble for us we need to be seen to be relaxing our guard as this whole ‘Way-station’ is now our home base of operations.” [I said.]

“Sometimes it is not security that keeps you safe but a perception of invulnerability and simply not making yourself seem a target.” [I said.] “As you said before guns encourage gunplay. Right now I would prefer to cool everything down a little.”

“Yet you still had me wear this cursed uncomfortable ‘Real Material’ under clothing armour and had me carry the ‘Personal Shield’ device.” [She complained.]

“Passive discrete precautions are not so provocative and quite sensible without being paranoid or overly suggestive. We know there is a lot of gunplay here a stray shot is always possible perhaps a bit of material accidentally turned into a lethal projectile by a ‘Knock Gun’ strike. That I would have a nanotech unsupported crew person armoured and reactive shielded would come as no surprise. ‘Living Hulls’ and their Avatars are protective of the ‘Passenger Classes’ especially their specific passengers and crew.” [I added.]

“Did you think that much about it before you gave me these items to wear or is this just a retrospective justification.” [She asked.]

“I considered all of this and much more besides. We ‘Living Hulls’ think a lot and a lot faster than most ‘Passenger Class’ people - not just big brained we typically now have additional ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ support too. In fact my central core intelligence is made up of a conjunction of three biological brains that is why I am more than capable of occasionally having an argument with myself.” [I added.]

“That sounds problematic why make you that way?” [She asked.]

“It was a Paradox Priest thing my specific makers like the number three and love the idea of truth being malleable to the specific perception of the participant. You must have heard I am sure of the concept of the many truths. It all stems from an ancient heresy against the dogma of one truth as enshrined by the authority of a holy all seeing Priest King. Now singular truths - enforced - branded the height of tyranny and an abomination by the more devote Paradox Priests. These beliefs can make Paradox Priest lives very complicated and well very paradoxical not to mention sometimes rather hypocritical.” [I explained.]

“They are strange people all that shrouding too it is weird who would want to smother themselves in a ‘Suit’?” [She asked.]

“It has its benefits originally shrouding was about concealing potentially divisive differences. Most Paradox Priests are supposed to believe that all sentient beings are equal shrouding makes all forms sort of the same. Of course, it is an imperfect device as for example us ‘Living Hulls’ are outsized sentient beings and have sadly fallen outside the whole equal thing to most ‘Passenger Class’ folk. Now Avatars and shape shifty ‘Suit Substance’ complicate the idea of shrouding further as we ‘Hulls’ can seem almost ‘Passenger Class’ people via our Avatars walking the decks and that is not even mentioning ‘Meat Suit’ bodies that are now sometimes grown as mindless clones to be driven remotely as if vehicles. Truly one cannot judge the truth of anyone simply by his or her surface form anymore so maybe old style ‘Suit’ shrouding is arguably slowly becoming redundant. It would be nice if people stopped being judged by their species race or form as their most defining factor but even I occasionally fall pray to such stereotyping.” [I stated.]

“Our ‘Ministers’ preached that ‘Meat Suits’ are abominations and Paradox Priests are abominations too.” [She informed.]

“I guess to the ‘Haddar Naddar Ministers’ they live in a horribly abominable universe. Sometimes I would agree that ‘Meat Suits’ can be abominations.” [I stated.] “From my point of view it depends on how they are made and how they are used. However, as any invention ‘Meat Suits’ are actually neutral. It would be my contention that the way people deploy science creates the abomination not the science itself, although some sciences do seem especially open to dodgy abuses. As to Paradox Priests being abominations, it would be my faith that they are not more or less abominable than anyone else ‘Haddar Naddar Ministers’ included.”

[‘Betty’ giggled naughtily at that last comment.] “I think they would judge you very wicked.” [She added.]

“Without doubt as a ‘User’ I am thoroughly abominable.” [I replied.]

“All those lessons of my youth seem so ridiculous now.” [She said.] “How do so many people take so much nonsense so very seriously?”

“They work very hard at it.” [I replied.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Thu, 13. Feb 14, 14:16, edited 1 time in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Wed, 12. Feb 14, 12:48

[[FIVE]] [[Part 1]] --- RUSES ---

[I judged how we were met as bad news, although at least the ‘Hierophants’ guarding the first site we visited did not attempt to shoot us on sight as interloping spies.]

[We were however hastily spotted and escorted in by either ‘Remote Combat Troops’ or possibly ‘Soulless Sentinels’ run by ‘Cognitive Sub Cores’, despite early attempts to ban such practices with support from the ‘Hierophants’ we all gave in to the soulless temptation on occasion.]

[Whatever was operating them the ‘Suit Substance Troops’ had general ‘Trojan’ body shapes but were too slim in places to be ‘Hierophants’ in body armour although they had heavy backpack like additions and lots of pre-generated weaponry.]

[They did not bother to talk to us via communications they just used the sort of gestures all sentient beings tend to understand when dealing with people carrying big guns. Although roughly shaped as ‘Trojan’ bipeds, unlike us they did not walk instead they drifted along just above the surface using delicate applications of thrust.]

[The site proved a busy hive of activity obviously very much still under construction but being excavated and erected with great speed. We soon found ourselves within the bubble of a, I guessed, temporary ‘Suit Substance’ shelter still under guard although now only by two individuals rather than the eight who had brought us in. The two escorts still with us moved well back and seemed disinterested almost deactivated. Nonetheless, they were still very much there hovering like a predatory threat although not above the floor as the shelter had all the comforts of home including some gravity decking and an atmosphere.]

“I fear we are not really ready to receive visitors.” [Another ‘Trojan’ shaped ‘Suit Substance’ Avatar told us.]

[I felt inclined to disagree given the shelter I felt they seemed well prepared and expecting someone in the flesh.]

“Our Kanji tell you everything you need to know given who we are.” [I said.] “We are left at a distinct disadvantage since you have no labelling identification. Thus, I trust you will not mind me asking, who by ‘Hell’s Maw’ are you? In addition, what is the purpose of these new undisclosed to us facilities?” [I asked gesturing around.]

“I am ‘Hierophant Able’ and this is one of several installations I have been charged with creating and overseeing by the great Father of my Nation.” [‘Able’ emphasised.]

“A contentious bit of work given the fact that the ‘Hawks’ are supposed to be handling our primary site security as this looks akin to a military installation to me.” [‘UT’ interjected.]

“Consider the constructions supplementary security.” [‘Able’ stated.]

“Why do we need - contentious - supplementary security?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“You would have to ask ‘Hierophant Cad’ about that. I am simply an administrator with a logistical task to perform the policy behind the material deployment here not deemed my concern merely its enablement.” [‘Able’ informed.]

“Then I do not suppose you would know why we were not informed of these constructions in advance as partners here.” [I said.]

[The ‘Trojan’ Avatar shrugged.] “If it makes you feel any better we had little warning ourselves it has been all rush, rush, rush. Usually I do not do remote appearances on site but I felt administrating this one might benefit from a senior staff members physical motivating presence.” [‘Able’ stated.]

“What exactly are you putting in place here?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“A series of anti-ship battery emplacements protected by fortified troop bunkers with all the necessary ancillary systems that go with that.” [He stated.]

“I told you it was all in the arcs.” [‘UT’ stated smugly.] “Our friend ‘Cad’ must be expecting unwelcome visitors.”

[I hailed ‘Cad’ with the intent to use a heavily encrypted ‘EXO-C’ link but he refused to accept the call.]

“Our ‘Professor’ friend is not responding.” [I complained.]

“I know I just tried to reach him too.” [‘UT’ informed.]

“Sometimes that one can be infuriating.” [I complained.] “What am I going to say to ‘Weep’?”

“As little as possible let ‘Cad’ deal with the consequences of his actions, the unilateral way he has done this one is his problem not ours unless you feel a need to object as a partner in this venture.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[Did I feel a need to confront ‘Cad’ with an objection?]

“My advice however is keep out of it people who try to break up a fight often get punched by both sides.” [‘Unholy’ added.]

[I made a new ‘Laser Link’ connection to ‘UT’.] “As something of a confession, it was ‘Weep’ that encouraged me to come out here almost on his behalf.” [I belatedly admitted to my friend.]

[‘UT’ rumbled out an unsympathetic laugh.] “Then - you - do have a problem.” [‘UT’ stated.] “What do - you - want to do?” [He emphasised.]

“Sorry I know I should have told you but it seemed cleaner less complicated not involving you.” [I said.]

“If you did not want to involve me then you should not have involved me.” [He retorted.]

[I noticed that despite his complaint he did not seem too angry about it.]

“You needed to get out from under the weight of all that ice - we both did.” [I added.]

“You still have not suggested a plan.” [‘UT’ insisted.]

“I suppose we could delay the agony by continuing our tour to - confirm - the facts as relayed to us by ‘Able’.” [I said.]

“You doubt ‘Ables’, for ‘Cad’ problematic, explanation.” [He replied.]

“Not in the least but ‘Weep’ does not know that fact and good intelligence is confirmed not just accepted from hearsay so I have an excuse for gaining confirmation that all the sites are the same and a reason for delaying a report back.” [I said.]

“You do not want to go directly back to corner and confront ‘Cad’?” [He asked.] “It could be he is just fearful of using ‘EXO-C’ communications to talk to us - even encrypted communications - we have no idea of the capabilities of this ancient ‘Beast’ in relation to informational interception and decryption especially in relation to ‘EXO-C’.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“I am not sure I want to know - immediately - whatever it is ‘Cad’ might tell me, sometimes ignorance is bliss, and he must have a good reason for not telling us in the first place. Perhaps our inclusion could cause a problem.” [I said.]

“Now you think of that. I would say burying your optics in the ice now is a little too late. Do you have blind faith in the ‘Professor’ as a past lifesaver?” [‘UT’ asked.]

[I had often discussed with ‘UT’ our ‘Trojan’ friends historic saving ruse with his ‘Wormhole Harbours’ that one had impressed me deeply.]

“I do not think these batteries have been installed as a threat to the ‘MTC’ do you?” [I asked.]

“No I agree anything being installed here is not against us.” [‘UT’ easily agreed.]

“I am happy that whatever is happening here you understand that ‘Cad’ remains our good friend and ally not a betraying foe. It is just triple cursed annoying not being kept properly informed of his intentions.” [I stated.]

“We all keep some operational secrets. Evidence would suggest that something spooked ‘Cad’ into hasty action here maybe so hasty that he simply had no time for debate with us especially as ‘Weep’ is currently so on edge and so distrusting.” [‘UT’ argued.]

“I am worried about ‘Weep’.” [I admitted.]

“I have concerns too.” [‘UT’ easily admitted.]

“I know without doubt, ‘Weep’ would have objected to this deployment of assets and maybe even have tried early to stop the ‘Hierophants’ if he had advanced warning.” [I confessed.]

“I can only agree. It is cursed politics too, if ‘Cad’ told us about this but kept ‘Weep’ in ignorance then he involves us in his dispute, which would be rude. We become innocent conspirators possibly making ‘Weep’ just as suspicious and antagonistic towards us as the ‘Hierophants’. This way although his action seem sly ‘Cad’ is actually standing up and taking full responsibility, I am guessing, for the installation of a necessary material precaution.” [‘UT’ suggested.]

“I agree but it still puts me in a poor position because I came here after talking with ‘Weep’ and he will be expecting to hear from me sometime soon.” [I reminded.]

“Given ‘Weeps’ state of mind it might have been more prudent to make some excuse to decline his earlier offer to be his spy. Then if you were still curious about this issue you could have wandered out here - for your own reasons - rather than acting under an obligation as another’s tool.” [‘UT’ suggested with cutting candour.]

“With hindsight I must agree that you are right but done is triple done.” [I replied.]

“So what now?” [He asked again.]

“I think I will continue the tour because I need time to think and the ‘Hierophants’ need time to do their business unopposed. Reporting too soon to ‘Weep’ will just complicate matters I have to put my trust in ‘Cad’ after all ‘Weep’ has been acting oddly.” [I added.] “In my defence if I had not come out here on the behalf of ‘Weep’ that one might not be waiting passively for a report from me.” [I stated.]

“Let us hope he will wait passively and not grow impatient and feel agitated into action.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“The bandages seem to be helping them somewhat with the cold.” [I stated.]

“An odd solution but I guess one size suits would not fit all their custom cybernetic configurations. You know they utilise drones to speed apply those thermal dressings and it is a complicated business due to slack being needed at flexible joints and so on.” [‘UT’ explained.]

“I know. It makes them look triple cursed weird too as if something out of some grizzly fantasy game.” [I stated.]

“Sometimes I think ‘Real Materialists’ are all mad.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I am pretty sure that they feel the same way about us.” [I replied.] “Do you agree with my decision about trusting ‘Cad’ and continuing the tour of inspection?” [I asked.]

“In this situation, I would say that is probably as good a vector now as any. To be honest, I rather wish I had thought about mounting ‘MTC’ surface batteries earlier here - just in case - but earlier we opted to preference keeping the find secret and big material deployments were judged risky as they might be noticed and followed.” [‘UT’ stated.] “You know there is a shocking amount of espionage going on between ‘Consortium Corporations’ alone.” [‘UT’ complained.] “Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing.”

“That is the problem with now having a society founded on competitive rather than fully cooperative business interests.” [I said.]

“Perhaps I am growing cynical again old friend but it seems to me that whatever you do as the ‘Holy Father’ to try to turn us into an ideal society someone out there will find a way to break it for selfish gains.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Are you thinking that the story about this - historic - find is out there now?” [I asked.]

“Not on any channel I am monitoring but something has ‘Cad’ worried.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I wish I knew what he knows. I should have talked to him before I came out here. I seem to be making nothing but bad life decisions recently.” [I complained.]

“Spreading yourself a bit thin are you?” [‘UT’ asked.] “Just how many assets are you running at the moment?”

“Not too many.” [I said.]

“I guess I will have to take your word on that.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Whatever the wider story is here, if there is a serious risk of attack as remote substance I am risking nothing much by being here but you ‘UT’ you really should consider returning to the security of the mobile ‘Vanishing Point’. Besides, old friend if there is a fight coming our way my daughter should have her Captain onboard her you belong to each other.” [I suggested.]

“I am not too worried. You are forgetting that the ‘Vanishing Point’ and I are always together via our ‘Companion-ship Link’.” [‘UT’ reminded.] “I do not need to be in her ‘SCCCM’ to work closely with her. I will go for another walk with you instead. Besides, I am not much for running away from trouble especially from just a vague rumour of trouble.” [He added.]

“I would say this material deployment is more than a vague rumour. Admit it a part of you is hoping for a fight to alleviate your boredom. You truly are incorrigible.” [I complained.]

“On a good day I do my best to fulfil my friends best and my foes worst expectations otherwise I would be slipping.” [He replied.]

[I wobbled my ‘Prime Tri-optic’ at him and gazed around the small shelter again, it really was quite cosy.]

“Are you two done whispering by laser?” [‘Able’ asked sounding annoyed.]

“For now.” [I replied unapologetically. The actual conversation had passed in a series of quick flashes.] “Seems a big project you have here ‘Abel’, how long until it is completed and operational?”

“Since you are who you two are I can tell you that we will be semi-operational very soon, full project completion will take somewhat longer.” [He added.]

[I had been hoping for a time or a number in hours the reply seemed purposely vague. I considered pressing for specifics but an internal voice told me I would be wasting my time. They did not want to give too much away and maybe that was wise of them.]

“Let me guess primary offensive and defensive systems installed and running first, all the other stuff added later.” [‘UT’ guessed aloud.]

“I see you understand how this sort of rapid material deployment works.” [‘Abel said.]

[Was it my imagination or did ‘UT’ suddenly display a subtle sceptical stance.]

“I am sure my friend approves.” [I said to cover up a possibly inadvertent tell.]

“I do.” [’UT’ stated before rumbling out a Paradox Speaker Laugh.] “This is very good.”

[I was not sure ‘UT’ was still talking about the deployment method in the same obvious way his subtle sceptical stance bothering me I was missing something that ‘UT’ now thought was funny. It was almost as if he was now sharing a joke with ‘Able’.]

“Do you agree?” [‘Able’ asked me.]

“You have made my life difficult but if such material is needed to protect the project I would be a fool to be ungrateful. I would help rather than hinder.” [I added.]

“I may be being presumptuous but I believe the Father of our ‘Hierophant’ nation knows well enough who his true friends are.” [‘Able’ said.]

“I will take that as a compliment.” [I said.]

“Please do as that was the intent.” [‘Able’ added.]

“If you believe in us why the security?” [‘UT’ stated gesturing towards the two guards.]

“Sometimes it is best to begin as we need to continue.” [‘Able’ said.]

“You think there is a traitor onboard this project.” [‘UT’ stated bluntly.]

“I have been told little specific but my orders demand I secure these sites from external and - internal - threats. Besides, I deduce that forewarning of a possible assault suggests some kind of intelligence on a leak from somewhere to a rival willing to employ forces against us here. I gather that no one is supposed to know about this asteroid other than those who need to know and are trusted. I do not even know why this site is this important - only that it obviously is important and vague rumours since I arrived about a find deep below. One thing is certain I would not be here installing all this material with such ordered dispatch without a very good reason.” [‘Able’ stated.]

“The rush to install these weapons being the biggest clue here pointing to the fear of an imminent assault as the motivator.” [‘UT’ agreed.]

[However something about my friend’s attitude still seemed ever so slightly off, as if he saw something else or something more that I was missing and he was now playing along with a ‘Hierophant’ ruse. That had to be it ‘UT’ saw some kind of ruse here.]

[I considered asking him directly but did not want to seem stupid positive I must be able to figure it out too even if ‘UT’ was more dedicated military than I was. I decided some supplementary data might help.]

“If you do not mind me asking what is your scientific area of interest ‘Able’, I know most ‘Hierophants’ have a speciality of some kind.” [I said.]

“Technically I am all about the study and logistical analysis of economic and business systems but I became interested in perfecting logistical deployments via personnel and material resource management optimisations.” [He admitted.]

“I have heard of you now that I realise you are - that - ‘Able’, I have read some of your published works.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“You have?” [I asked.]

“Do you think I do not read?” [‘UT’ replied.]

[I ran a quick search, sure enough, ‘Able’ proved well published, and some of his work was about military deployment optimisations a subject ‘UT’ would have some interest in.]

“Then you will know that I rather fell into becoming an administrator of choice for especially difficult family projects with tight time lines because I enjoy practicing what I preach. Some of my colleagues are not impressed with what I do. They believe I have strayed from real science into commerce and so on but I disagree with them that I have a practical as much as an academic focus does not make my work any less scientific. Unlike some I get to verify my results within the chaotic reality of the real Universe.” [He argued.]

“Any idea why ‘Cad’ picked establishing surface fortifications rather than just jump in some ships as instant force multipliers.” [‘UT’ asked whilst a twinkle of a glow danced around his ‘Free Patterning’.]

[That I realised instantly was a cursed good question once again I was positive that ‘Unholy’ had surmised something I had yet to ascertain - I began to feel very dim.]

“You would have to ask the ‘Surface Force Commander’ about overall tactics and strategy, but given his security habits I doubt he will tell you anything he thinks you do not need to know and he will probably decide you do need to know anything.” [‘Able’ informed.]

“Who is this ‘Surface Force Commander’ and where will we find him?” [I asked.]

“You want Admiral ‘Creed’. As to where he is, he is everywhere and nowhere popping up all over via animating Avatars. That is a policy I also embrace as I find it keeps those I direct sharp and busy at a peak of efficiency.” [‘Able’ informed.]

[So ‘Cad’ had reached out again to ‘Creed’ bringing him in on this one I wondered if he had a specific reason for including ‘Creed’. Did ‘Cad’ want an ‘Ascendant’ on the staff here or someone with a ‘CP’ link or both? ‘Creed’ it seemed was playing almost as many roles as me Freelance Bounty Hunter, Head of Covert Operations for the ‘CP’ and now a Surface Force Commander probably Admiral too if a ‘Hierophant’ Fleet was out there waiting to leap in. I also imagined ‘Creed’ making an arrest of a spy amongst us simply as a renowned representative of ‘Pilgrim’ law and order who needed the Police when you had ‘Creed’.]

[I tried linking into ‘Creed’ but he also refused my call. ‘UT’ looked at me.]

“You too?” [I asked.]

[He nodded his ‘Prime Tri-optic’.]

“I am beginning to feel annoyingly excluded.” [I told ‘UT’ privately via laser.]

“If we continue the tour perhaps we will happen upon our old friend.” [‘UT’ suggested.]

[Why ‘Creed’ I wondered again what was I missing? What had ‘UT’ deduced that he was so far not volunteering? I sent my brains into high gear, what did I know… ‘Cad’ had a way with clever misdirection and ‘UT’ saw some kind of ruse I was sure of that. Could the establishment of these entire surface fortifications simply be a material ploy? I decided not to mention that aloud or even via laser link to ‘UT’. The best kept secrets known to the fewest people including trusted people bulkheads can have microphones too.]

[Spies in our midst who was spying on us and with what resources? Belatedly it occurred to me that as a logistical deployment there were far better quicker ways to do this one than via carting material in through just one established ‘Surface Gate’ mounted deep under the ice too. You could just construct your resources elsewhere in a safe spot then jump them in using tug jump drives and so on whole batteries can be almost instantly established that way. I had seen ‘UT’ do this sort of thing with the ‘MTC’ more than once. Either ‘Able’ was not as able as he seemed to claim - though synopsis and reviews of his publications rather indicated otherwise - or ‘Cad’ wanted someone to think he was installing defences that would take time to get fully operational because he had become fixated upon using the established gateway forcing ‘Able’ to do the same for some reason outside logistical prudence.]

[My latest best guess was that ‘Cad’ had intelligence that someone was formulating an attack and was pushing them into attacking sooner rather than later and in the process getting them to focus their initial energy on the wrong targets as in these obvious surface facilities most probably before they became fully operational. ‘Cad’ was seeking to control the timeline of a coming assault. Ergo these sites were primarily decoys - that was what ‘UT’ had more hastily realised as someone who had done many deployments both defensive and aggressive during the ‘Wars of Liberation’ and the consolidations since.]

[‘Cad’ was putting pressure on someone I would guess to force them into making a mistake he was setting up a trap.]

[The ‘Surface Gate’ was being used because it delayed rather than speeded the construction of the fortifications as a logistical bottleneck. Who would fall for such a ploy to me it would have to be somebody who did not fully appreciate the truer sophistication of our modern deployment methods using attachable jump drives - an amateur - no that made no sense to me - somebody then who did not know us very well and or looked down upon us and underestimated our capabilities and methods. Certainly someone who would underestimate ‘Cad’.]

[I began running through the known players dismissing the ‘Entanglement’ early on as too knowledgeable about us then I considered the ‘Isolationist Star Divers’. There was enough of a cultural gap there still for forced misunderstandings and confusion about our capabilities and habits. I was sure ‘Kane’ would try to keep his allies in the dark about many ‘Pilgrim’ matters out of self preservation alone and especially religious people can be especially blind about matters they do not want to see if it runs counter to their faith, such as a general faith in their superiority.]

[I knew if some ‘Isolationist Star Diver’ were shockingly considering mounting an operation into the deep dark it would have to be a seriously bold rogue player. Such an assault would ideally need to be done in secret as it was not something that would be sanctioned by any ‘Deep Cleric’ judging on what little I knew about their culture, politics and religious foibles. Out here was the dark domain of the ‘Dread Machine Fury’ any boldly overt action out here by ‘Star Diver Forces’ might alert the ‘Fury’ to their hidden presence in the blessed stars. Conversely, simply provoke a quicker reaction from the slow deep time entity whilst it otherwise continued with its gargantuan overall task of dismantling every planet in existence here.]

[Any sensible rogue ‘Isolationist’ black operation assault would have to be packaged as something else perhaps a strike by a previously unknown ‘Far Species’ - that sort of cover could fit very well - and an ‘Isolationist’ interest in the find might also explain ‘Creeds’ direct participation.]

[Perhaps ‘Creed’ had warned ‘Cad’ of an imminent threat because he had uncovered some hint of a plan to attack the find through his operatives placed within a ‘Free Miner Movement’ known to be conspiring with rogue ‘Isolationist Star Divers’ - that would fit. Else ‘Cad’ could have contacted ‘Creed’ if he knew ‘Creed’ was also investigating disaffected ‘Star Diver Isolationist’ factions if ‘Cad’ had learned in some other way of an immediate ‘Star Diver’ related threat to the find’s security.]

[The only thing that bothered me with developing this hypothesis of an assured ‘Isolationist’ link was how did the ‘Isolationists’ initially learn about the find? How had they infiltrated our security and where? Who could have leaked to them or be working with them with access to data on our discovery? Why would any ‘Pilgrim’ work with the ‘Isolationists’ save greedy short sighted Pirate fools or egocentric manipulators who believed they could use the ‘Divers’ such as ‘Taard’. I did not believe ‘Weep’ would betray us to the ‘Isolationists’ that made no sense to me. Else could it be some spying technological solution such as direct ‘EXO-C’ traffic interception and decryption. The ‘Star Divers’ I was sure had some tech we had never seen with their ancient sacred ‘Material Archives’ and so on - that was worrisome.]

[It was also interesting if it was the ‘Isolationists’ about to assault us because it meant something about the find must fill them with much hope and possibly dread too. It would take a massive motivation for them to be willing to dare the darkness and the ‘Dread Machine Fury’ the very ‘Destroyer of Worlds’. ‘Cad’ seemed to be suggesting an attempt to board the asteroid based upon his use of a, even if it was partly bogus, surface defence strategy. If ‘Cad’ was right, someone wanted to steal our find away from us not destroy it. Could the ‘Isolationists’ believe we had found something that belonged inside one of their sacred ‘Material Archives’? Perhaps that was a speculation too far but it was an interesting idea. I wondered how protectionist any ‘Star Diver’ might be towards primordial sciences. What old truths were they afraid of?]

[Facing ‘Isolationists’ outside of limited rule bound engagements was something new and scary they would make serious opponents. Thankfully I was positive to keep this one quiet it would still be a limited strike at least number wise. Unfortunately if this all proved true we would be facing a technologically superior assault with only whatever tricks ‘Cad’ was planning to save the situation.]

[A real ground defence might be a good idea if the ‘Divers’ wanted the find intact they would have to limit any firepower going in this direction. Ships however they could destroy with impunity and the blessed ‘Emissary’ alone knows what direly effective anti-ship weapons the ‘Isolationist Faction’ possessed that they had hitherto opted not to use around us or been prohibited from using by their ‘Deep Clerics’ in our previously limited hostile engagements within their territory.]

[On the Planets ‘Divers’ had proved willing to die, rather than harm the environment belatedly I realised that they probably felt much the same way about the wider environment of their fiery homes. We had deemed our ship versus ship actions in the depths as being almost unlimited conflict but now I reconsidered that hubris. No doubt even in actions beyond the Planets but still in the depths only - technologically very limited forces - strictly moderated by the ‘Deep Clerics’ had been allowed to challenge our intrusion. In short, we had never really faced the true wrath of this species.]

[‘UT’ rumbled out one of his famously rich crude Paradox Speaker Laughs.] “Now that, my old friend, is the stance of a ‘Living Hull’ Avatar thinking very deeply indeed or my name is not ‘Unholy Terror ’. This is all very exciting. Do you feel alive?” [He asked me.]

[I felt tempted to curse a stream of obscenities at him for enjoying danger far too much, however I maintained my Priestly dignity. I wondered how much ‘UT’ had extrapolated from the facts so far. Given his attitude I suspected easily as much as me especially if he also knew something about ‘Creed’ the Pirates under ‘Kane’ and the ‘Isolationists’ and deemed ‘Creeds’ participation here no accident but rather a confluence of ‘Creeds’ interests with ‘Cads’.]

[Still using a laser link, I added.] “You be triple cursed careful with the ‘Vanishing Point’ with this one my instincts are all screaming out that this could get messy.” [I warned.]

“Do not worry I will look after your child.” [He promised.]

“I hope you will look after each other and not do anything too stupid - promise?” [I asked.]

“Such a promise would be worth little and be an ill temptation to fate if you are feeling superstitious.” [He replied.]

“I do not like this one it is scaring me with too many unknowns.” [I admitted.]

“I do not mean to be insulting but ever since you suffered that brain injury you have been more easily intimidated and less bold.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“That was a reminder of my mortality and also that worse fates than death exist for a free soul such as mental subjugation by a foreign intellect.” [I added.]

“Fears are best faced and laughed at.” [‘UT’ stated before rumbling out another roar.]

“Yet even you have foreseen the threat of a terrible darkness because of our outsized competitors might.” [I said.]

“Those icy tunnels are not a good habitat for a fiery soul they would chill any stout enthusiasm over time. I am glad you brought me out here - very happy - almost ecstatic.” [He jested.] “Matters are moving again the horizon opens wide and I awaken to warmth as if from the containing torpor of a chilly bad dream.”

“Maybe your ‘Beast’ friend is imprisoned in some manner and everyone is suffering a sort of emotional bleed over down there.” [I mused.] “Is it possible that something is malfunctioning and our friend has been frozen and sleeping for too long?”

“Anything is possible? You feel sympathy for this ‘Beast’ I think that is why such thoughts are troubling you.” [He added.]

“At first when we came here there was so much hope and the sense of almost being guided now there is just sharing in a cold containment.” [I said.]

“There is some truth to that the atmosphere in there did change in a way beginning with the ‘Recyclers’ who seemed more sensitive to the cold.” [He admitted.]

“It is different up here, I feel different and I would swear it is from more than just the cold and the ice there is something more to our feelings in there.” [I insisted.]

“I hope ‘Cad’ is awake and self aware and not unduly influenced.” [I said.] “Might I suggest as a fellow ‘Patrician’ that you do not summon ‘MTC’ reinforcements until we have some better idea of what we are dealing with down here in all respects. I do not want us to learn a hard lesson - via lost lives today - that despite all our advancements that some other people are still technologically far superior to us.”

“I hear you we observe then react as required.” [‘UT’ promised.]

[I wondered if that promise arrived far too easy from my action orientated friend.]

“Why the look?” [He asked.]

[I just wobbled my ‘Prime Tri-optic’ at him again. He shrugged.]

“I feel as if I am intruding here if you are done talking with me I have other matters to attend to.” [‘Able’ stated.]

“We are almost done. One thing more before we go where is ‘Creed’ at this precise moment can you tell us that much?” [I asked.]

“He is at the delta site but he may not be there long.” [‘Able’ added sending me the position of the designated delta site via a digital map.]

“We have our next destination.” [I said aloud in the atmosphere filled shelter.]

“Walking will be better than just huddling waiting for the hammer to fall.” [I added via laser link.]

“I wish you three blessings ‘Able’ my new friend.” [I said to the ‘Trojan’ Avatar aloud. Thinking that I was sure he was glad to be here only as a ‘Suit Substance’ remote.]

[If theses sites were under construction almost as decoy targets, it rather explained the use of only ‘Suit Substance’ troops, ideally mere material would be lost rather than lives should these sites fall to aggressive trespassers.]

[We entered then exited the small airlock. I was so thoughtful that I just remembered to reinitiate my down thrust at the last moment so that my first step was a bit of a bump. This time ‘UT’ powered away at a jog throwing up some scatterings of ice as he stomped along. I knew if I were unlucky, he would turn it into some kind of a race having a playful nature.]

[At this pace and with all the jogging up and down movement keeping a lock on for a laser link was problematic so I signalled for a temporary halt and pointed to a direct line cable that extruded from my Avatar. ‘UT’ nodded letting me plug in so that we physically linked together via a ‘Suit Substance’ tether, thus joined we started off again. The modern ‘Suit Substance’ link was made in such a way that it could stretch and spring back as long as we stayed within reasonable tolerances expanding and contracting without breaking.]

[The jaunt was an exercise in time wasting if ‘Creed’ did not want to see us he would just disconnect and pop up somewhere else however we had time to waste and it was a target destination. I was sure a battle was coming I doubted ‘Cad’ would go to this much trouble on shaky intelligence. Unfortunately, I had enough experience waiting for fights to commence to know that such was generally no fun at all so any distraction would do.]

[Under other circumstances we would be mobilising ‘MTC’ forces to bolster our allies but this show, to my perception, belonged to ‘Hierophant Cad’. As yet the ‘Trojan Professor’ had not asked for our help and I had no desire just to throw some of our assets into the mix out of old habit. Not every fight need be our fight as ‘Creed’ had made a big point of telling me recently on ‘Hades’. I needed to keep learning new things adjusting my actions rather than simply doing as before I did not want to be cyclic I wanted to grow and progress.]

[Besides, even if we only landed ‘Remote Combat Troops’ why waste our precious ‘Suit Substance’ if we did not have to. I was however worried for ‘UT’ I would be happier if he at the very least had a couple of ‘Companion Acolyte’ bodyguards to watch over him. I confess earlier though that I enjoyed the informality of the two of us venturing out together alone. Today I would have to be his sole and soul bodyguard and keep him out of trouble in a way that was what the trekking was about too. If the enemy struck whilst we were in the middle of nowhere as just two specks against a vast frozen landscape we should be safe enough. I doubted any serious firepower would be cast our way unless we made a big noise and if something did occur we could load in and activate stealth systems pretty quickly to slip away unnoticed to a good observation point. Otherwise, worrying about ‘Unholy Terror’ was an occupational hazard of being his friend and was nothing new to this one.]

[Although parts of the asteroid were lit up, much of our travel was in darkness or dimly lit currently we operated our own spotlights with extruded shoulder mounted devices. Although convenient our source of light could be cut and other less obvious means of navigating employed. It was no surprise the guards had seen us coming when we approached the epsilon base were we recently spoke with ‘Able’ but then we had wanted to make a bold open approach to seem less threatening and hostile.]

[A little oddly although now physically linked by an informational umbilical we had both lapsed into the silence of our own thoughts as we pounded along. I however felt that it was a comfortable silence the sort of silence that you can only have with an old friend - a silence that does not need filled a silence that is inherently satisfying. I began to feel at peace a grand feeling under the circumstances. The physical link was comforting too. Interestingly we were a holy threesome for as ‘UT’ reminded me the ‘Vanishing Point’ my child was always with him that made us seem complete. I was sure my child had followed every word so far and was tracking our journey ready to intervene if she thought her Captain was in any kind of trouble.]

[’UT’ was not Harbinger but there was still love between him and his ship although they had a very different relationship to my personal experience with my old Captain. Sometimes I was positive that some of his current attitude to ‘Living Hulls’ - which was not especially progressive - was ‘UT’ trying to keep a safe distance because deep inside he still felt the loss of the ‘Smaller is Smarter’ his original ship and did not ever want to experience that level of hurt again no doubt equal to the loss of the ‘Nine’ his intimately small family that had as yet not been replaced. It is interesting how some of the toughest of people can have surprisingly soft centres in relation to one or two issues.]

[‘UT’ had also pioneered ‘RCT’ via our ‘Immortals’ because he did not want to be responsible for many more sentient beings dying under his command. The ‘Advent of the Entanglement’ had however such severe consequences that ‘UT’ was left feeling responsible for multitudes of ‘MTC’ slain so many that a lesser soul might not have managed to shoulder that burden whilst staying sane. Sadly, it had made him somewhat obsessive about initiating a killing revenge upon the vast body of ‘Crimson Entangled’ - a vengeance most would deem impossible. Unfortunately, ‘UT’ was not most people and not easily discouraged when his battle hackles were raised in that he could rival a ‘Warrior Caste Stellar Draakhaal’ although with ‘UT’ the spikes were less obvious.]

[I wondered did our recent find contain weapons ‘UT’ might deploy such as a deeper understanding of the extra-dimensional element of ‘EXO-C’ - I almost hoped not - fearing an escalation. I then wondered what ‘Creed’ would think about the find, ‘Creed’ who professed that some truths were better buried in time. Did ‘Cad’ realise whom he had brought in to help secure the find someone who might not hesitate to destroy it if he thought it might menace the already shaky peace and balance of power even accidentally. Could ‘Cad’ have reconsidered his position since he agreed to my participation with ‘UT’? Else, might ‘Cad’ just wish access to every possible tool that might be needed? I knew I must champion the survival of this massive traveller in time and space especially if it is a sentient being and some might classify it a ‘Living Hull’. However, a part of me was afraid of this ‘Beast’ too; afraid of what might be learned from such a primordial entity should meaningful communication with it be at all possible.]

[I also wondered could we have finally found something truly alien. Other species we worked with all had great commonalities possibly because we evolved together in the same time frame perhaps even subtly guided by a few interested elder beings that came before us such as the ‘Emissary’ and even our ‘Highest Tier’ folk. What about the time long before our records of time? What about the darkest of all dark times what strange life-forms might have filled the voids here back then? What wonders and horrors had disappeared into extinction or just disappeared via leaving any known regions we ever occupied far behind?]

[I blamed the ‘Machine Fury’ for much mass extinction this Universe should be teaming with a wild variety of life forms and yet it had a great paucity even counting the surviving known so-called ‘Far Species’. Planets are the incubators of life - life was exterminated here with a mechanical efficiency that was so outrageously extreme that it defied encompassing by any sane mind. You could know the truth of the ‘Machine Fury’ but only in an abstract way it was - a truth - yet on some level forever unbelievable.]

[How many culls and disasters had this ice encased entity avoided by drifting apart from it all? We had to have been guided to this one simply because it potentially meant so much to so many people at this scary time of problematic close encounters. Here we are caught between the ‘Entanglement’ and the ‘Star Divers’ and then there is the truly ‘Dread Machine Fury’. Maybe bringing us to this possible ship was a ruse too another great gamble on a far vaster scale than what ‘Cad’ was currently doing to protect the find a ‘Highest Tier’ ruse a ‘Tier Nine’ ruse maybe even my Captain’s ruse as an acting ‘New Helper’.]

[As a believer, I chose to believe. In such difficult times, some faith seemed necessary rather than optional lose all faith and only cold despair like the icy oppression in those tunnels and caverns below awaited us. ‘Blessed Tier Nine Harbinger’ I pray you watch over us and guide us for it is dark and we need a beacon to light our way.]

[We never made it to ‘Creed’, sometimes I hate being right. Via our direct line link ‘UT’ patched me into the ‘Vanishing Point’ so I could hear her too.] “An unidentified ‘Living Hull Source Ship’ has just jumped right into our security space within the ‘Stealth Cube’. Just before she appeared we lost a section of ‘Jump Interdiction’ it all overloaded.” [She sent us coordinates we however could see nothing directly the intruder was almost exactly far side blocked from our sight by the great mass of the ice we were standing upon. However the ‘Vanishing Point’ sent us a feed from her optics and mid range sensors that opened up in a frame on my ‘Mental HUD’.]

“Intruder is running relative to the asteroid and closing. No response to hails, I am pulling back as requested, from the now designated hostile. Friendly ‘Battle Brick’ moving around from your side to intercept although Admiral ‘Creed’ has contacted them advising them to hold their position. I am launching extra ‘Drone Fighter’ cover and proliferating a self placing smart minefield between the intruder and me.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ informed.] “Awaiting further instructions.”

“Registering incoming semi stealthy ordnance - torpedoes or possibly ‘Drones’ - activating ‘Beta Clone’ and ‘Sub Core’ operated point defences and sending in intercepts.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ further advised.]

“Lost fixes on the incoming they have gone fully stealthy. Changing to area effect countermeasure deployments plotting and saturating estimated target coordinates preparing to detonate mines via remote….detonating.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ informed slightly later.]

“Did you get them all.” [‘UT’ asked.]

“Uncertain of total success, readying a timed ‘Living Hull Shockwave’... Blossoming.” [She informed.]

[With any luck the vast shockwave should wipe out anything she might have missed. However if it was smart as well as stealthy some of the incoming might have gone wide to flank or hung back waiting for a defensive opening.]

“Registering several hostile items decommissioned alongside some friendly fire ‘Drone’ substance loss. Proliferating another minefield and launching ‘Interceptors’.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ continued.]

“A ‘Source Ship’ analogue - clever enough as a disguise - for I believe that is no ‘Pilgrim’ vessel despite the general appearance.” [I warned ‘UT’.]

“You think ‘Star Diver Isolationist’?” [‘UT’ asked via our link.]

“That would be my best guess.” [I replied.]

[It seemed we two were on the same page I was happy about that much whilst deeply concerned for my child.]

“Have her jump out if necessary.” [I pleaded to ‘UT’.] “I am disappointed I expected some response from the surface batteries by now?”

“Maybe they are truly not operational yet.” [‘UT’ suggested.]

“Do something ‘Creed’.” [I said although it was only me talking to ‘UT’, ‘VP’ and myself.]

“Hostile is shedding what appears to be its own mine field. Hostile mines have gone stealthy to me their stealth is very good. I am running through all active and passive detection modes but so far I am at best only picking up sporadic and very weak returns when they make heavy course changes. Hostile is still on a direct intercept with the asteroid. The ‘Fire Hawk’, (the name of the ‘Hawk Battle Brick’ currently on station), has launched mixed ‘Real Material’ ‘Drones’ and I would guess from their asteroid hugging approach vectors ‘Smart Torpedoes’.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ advised.]

[I noticed via a now shared additional tactical feed that the ‘Fire Hawk’ had come in close to the asteroid in her approach to use the body of ice as cover. A smart enough move if the hostiles wanted to capture the find intact. Whoever was Captaining the ‘Fire Hawk’ was no idiot. Unfortunately I was not convinced that closing with this disguised unknown vessel was as smart a choice as using the ice for initial cover.]

[Currently we could see the ‘Fire Hawk’ with our own optics this close she loomed triple cursed impressive but she was soon moving out of sight over our horizon. I surmised that she was hoping to pop up to fire her main guns as much as a huge vessel of her mass could be said to ever pop up.]

[The ‘Vanishing Point’ was still backing away and no great attempt being made by the hostile to stop her from leaving I was a bit surprised.]

“The Hostile is now targeting the Ground Batteries within arc striking shields and sinks that are holding for now.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ informed.]

[I wondered why the invader was even bothering as ‘Creeds’ defences had yet to fire a single shot. Was it possible the Batteries have been sabotaged? Even as decoys, I expected them to throw out something at the foe. Surely, some offensive weaponry in arc was operational. Did ‘Able’ lie to us about the deployments state of readiness?]

“Hostile is easily wiping the ‘Fires Hawks’ advanced incoming with ‘Point Defences’ via hoards of micro missiles if I am not mistaken.” [‘VP’ added.]

[So far we had seen nothing very exotic ignoring the odd ‘Jump Interdiction Overload’ that could easily be a ‘Higher Tier’ upgrade of some kind. Maybe I was wrong and this was not the ‘Isolationists’ but some opportunistic Pirate or other Adventurer seeking to loot our find - if so they were making a terminal mistake if they only had one ‘Source Ship’ as we could call in reinforcements.]

“Just lost the ‘Jump Interdiction’ near your sector another overload. We have a new contact.” [My child very needlessly informed us.]

[Almost directly overhead and uncomfortably close another ‘Source Ship’ had appeared identical to the first hostile. As soon as it emerged from a wormhole it fired towards the vanishing rear of the ‘Fire Hawk’ with main guns and a barrage of other ordnance as the ‘Fire Hawk’ fired upon ‘Hostile One’ using modern day versions of the old Recycler favourite of ‘Hell’s Hammer Mass Drivers’ - amongst other weaponry - both ships initially only employing their forward guns.]

[‘Hostile One’ although taking some heavy hits including one full on Hammer strike seemed to be holding up well and was now making what could only be, to my great surprise, an attempt to land its great mass despite being under fire. The move to land in anything but a gentle way had resulted in another Hammer missing altogether. Belatedly somewhat to the side of the construction sites ‘Trojan Massive Ground Batteries’ warped in - I guessed to secretly beaconed and prepared sites permitting such an accurate leap. Unlike the still silent decoy sites these pre-constructed facilities that clamped down into the ice immediately began pouring out fire. Unfortunately, some of the biggest guns within the jumped in Batteries were not in arc because they were clearly designed to concentrate fire upon targets further out not a ship about to make a crash landing style impact with the icy surface. I guessed both ‘Creed’ and ‘Cad’ had not expected a gigantic capital class ship to land on the ice - especially with such reckless force - I must admit that move came as a massive surprise to me too.]

[In fact, ‘Hostile Ones’ landing was such that it actually crushed four construction sites and three active Batteries beneath its bulk too. Explosions had to be ripping into ‘Hostile Ones’ underside but whatever protection covered that ship’s belly it took the wrath and landed with appalling grace given the violence of the overall crushing impact. I could not recall ever seeing anything quite like that manoeuvre before with ‘UT’ and myself feeling the hit all the way at the other side of the berg as the ice shuddered. Would all the activity including almost seismic events waken the ‘Beast‘?]

[It now seemed to me that the ‘Jump Batteries’ had arrived in position far too late but the landing tactic puzzled me as the intruder would now be a sitting target for any mobile reinforcements that we cared to jump in. I once again embraced the ‘Star Diver’ in disguise theory as ‘Hostile One’, if it was a normal ‘Source Ship’, would be in horrible condition after that crazy impacting stunt. Then I thought again as a ‘Source Ship’ carefully preconfigured for such a mad action could do such a thing well enough. I would not want to be a standard biological person onboard but if it was crewed by remotes...]

[I will admit to having an initial fixation upon the mad landing of ‘Hostile One’ so I only belatedly realised that the ‘Fire Hawk’ was pulling out and away having been caught in a crossfire between the weaponry of ‘Hostile One’ and ‘Two’. Whilst the ‘Fire Hawk’ had opened up with rear mounts at ‘Two’ and her front and belly turrets against ‘One’ it was clearly unable to slug it out against both opponents at once. Therefore its Captain was making a sensible withdrawal away from the now static ‘Hostile One’ possibly to reposition for another attack run against ‘TWO’ whilst he still had some shield coverage left to reinvigorate. Shields could be force regenerated if you had the power reserves but ‘Real Material Hull’ blasted away would be another matter. As it was the ‘Battle Brick’ had lost a few ‘Turrets’ that used weaponry that could not fire through her main shields and thus rested outside the same with lesser individual protection.]

[When ‘Two’ now under Battery fire also began a reckless descent. ‘UT’ and I had to hastily reconfigure and take flight to avoid becoming tiny insect like smears sandwiched between ‘Source Ship’ and Ice. Barely clearing in time and coming under attack from, I surmised. automatic hostile Point Defence micro missiles we countered with our own PD micro ordnance whilst skimming the surface and making sudden changes of vector. At a suitably distant spot we landed with great haste went biped and stealthy. Huddling down we made another direct cable link to consult not trusting our ‘EXO-C’.]

“Interesting.” [‘UT’ stated just before the entire asteroid dropped into a suitably large wormhole.]

[Our historic find had been heisted with us upon it the two Hostiles acting as gigantic Jump Tugs obviously their plan all along.]

“Now that is impressive and monumentally audacious.” [‘UT’ stated as we emerged inside a vast enclosure. Specific features hard to make out because of a gloom and a nebulous mist but there were distant lit areas that created a sense of overall form.] “I guess hijacking us was what that landing was all about. They punched right through our ‘Jump Interdiction’ systems both times arriving and departing.” [He complained.] “I hate it when devices that once proved consistently good are undermined by some esoteric technological advance unless the advance is mine.” [He added.]

[I was glad ‘UT’ was almost ‘Ascended’ as such intimate exposure to wormholes for some non ‘Living Hull’ people had proved somewhat unhinging but ‘UT’ seemed un-phased by the experience. Then again what was left of his biology was inside the protection of a ‘Facilitator Shroud Suit’.]

[I noticed I was still linked in after all I was still operational as an Avatar but remarkably I could establish no ‘EXO-C’ positional fix - a very anomalous and annoying situation. We found we could talk with the ‘Vanishing Point’ her ‘Companion-ship Link’ still active but she could not get a fix upon us. She did however inform us that the ‘Fire Hawk’ was with her and only lightly damaged with just one fatality onboard an unlucky engineer cooked by radiation although several other crewmembers had been injured.]

“Somehow I do not think this one is going the way ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ imagined or hoped.” [I said. Whilst worrying that my Avatar link was ‘Exogenous’ and even my friend’s ‘Companion-ship Link’ a deemed by product of ‘EXO-C’ if a somewhat anomalous product that even us ‘Living Hulls’ did not entirely understand. Unfortunately for us, what was not anomalous about anything linked to somewhat miraculous ‘Exogenous Communications’. At one time we believed the signal left our Universe and returned again now we knew it did only it left our dimensional space too just to be scientifically, to our level of understanding, doubly confounding. Many of our scientists had wrestled with extra dimensional conundrums but they remained beyond us as if we were missing some needed evolutionary leap to properly comprehend such matters.]

[I was worried because I feared the ‘Star Divers’ knew more about ‘EXO-C’ than we did and might be able to locate us via our ‘Exogenous’ devices although it was also possible that they could not. I was just feeling Paradox Priest paranoid in general especially for the safety of ‘UT’ and perhaps more oddly now the ‘Beast’ too.]

“I believe you might be right this can hardly have been expected by ‘Cad’.” [‘UT’ agreed.]

“I told you, you should have returned to your ship now it is too late.” [I could not resist reminding.]

[He shrugged.] “I am happy to be here this is something new, already I have discovered that an upgrade exists that can cut through our current generation of ‘Jump Interdictors’ I like that. Time for a little acquisition I think.” [He said.]

“I hate to remind you of our position but we are not the thieves here we are the ones that have been stolen away.” [I stated.]

“The fools have brought us into one of their homes, unless I am mistaken, a site were no doubt they hide some of their best treasures. This is a grand opportunity for information gathering and a little larceny.” [He replied.]

[I once again wobbled my ‘Prime Tri-optic’ at him.]

“It is not madness to make the most of a situation over which you initially had no control.” [He lectured.]

[I did not dignify that with a reply partly because he was probably right. Besides having a mission was probably good for his morale.]

“How then shall we best proceed?” [I asked.]

“We have lost our overview from the ‘Vanishing Point’ and ‘Hostile Two’ is resting between us and any direct vector back to the entrance to the tunnels unless we sweep wide. I imagine the foe will be disembarking troops or other units to kill, capture or decommission any ‘Pilgrim’ forces here.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I imagine they will send one of the largest expeditions towards our excavations to secure our find. Do we really want to go there too?” [I asked.]

“Where else would you recommend? I suppose we two could storm ‘Hostile Two’ on our own without any support whatsoever.” [He mocked.]

[Annoyingly he had made another good point perhaps we could link up with the ‘Hawks’ and ‘Hierophants’ back at our tunnels.]

“So we go for another long walk then. We could fly or skim but I fear such might be more detectable by our kidnappers and now stealth might well suit us - far better - than speed and open confrontation.” [I emphasised.]

“Whatever we are inside there is an atmosphere of sorts here some rather odd gravity too so our new friends must be keeping us in the air as we are not falling and it is pleasantly a little warmer too.” [‘UT’ noticed.]

[The air was very thin but still an accessible resource for us although it had some odd additives. Being partly biological our technology could breathe although with the right ‘Infusion Material’ we could generate our own chemical requirements we were often quite capable of processing whatever was available.]

“I think this atmosphere is leakage or some by-product of some kind.” [’UT’ stated.] “Filling such a vast empty space with resource expensive air makes no sense to me especially if this is a jump space. Also the cloudy vapour is mostly hugging the surface features.” [He noted.]

“We are moving.” [I stated.]

[I could tell we were moving because distant lights were moving past slowly. Whatever we were inside it was huge and appeared at first impressions a hollow sphere but with a vast column running down the middle from top to bottom judging top and bottom by the gravity and our arrival orientation. The pillar however held my attention it appeared to have a spiral of out thrusting elements possibly distant docks protruding from it.]

[At this distance due to the structure hugging cloud and mist even after upgrading my optics details were lacking but it did look like docks.]

“What do you think they need all this internal empty space for?” [I asked.]

“From recent experience for leaping ships into. You could jump a vast fleet in and out of here or perhaps construct one here too.” [He added thoughtfully.]

“You think this is a mighty shipyard?” [I asked.] “I see no sign of a vast fleet only a few distant ships moving around more faux ‘Source Ships’.” [I noted.]

“They will not want to reveal what they have.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“This place feels old to me although that is an emotional response?” [I admitted.]

“Maybe it is the mist there is something a little primordial about cyclopean in scale dim dark places with clinging mist.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“If by primordial and cyclopean you mean creepy you are right.” [I stated.]

“I notice we were not heading towards the central column but rather away from it.” [I added.]

“Best guess that pillar is where we need to go to find out what we want to know and to escape this place and that is why they are keeping us well away until we have been suitably pacified.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[Pacified military jargon for murdered.]

“That is what I would do. We will be heading for some sort of isolated quarantine area unless I am very much mistaken. If they know we still have ‘EXO-C’ access they know we can report back everything we encounter we have all just become spies. I fear given these truths they must seek to eradicate us with considerable dispatch as a most inconvenient pestilence infesting their stolen prize.” [‘UT’ suggested.]

[Sadly, I could fault none of his logic.]

“If they want to hide their identity our destruction will be handled by remotes that they can continue to hide behind and they may not want to use anything too exclusively theirs that might give us a chance. Either they are taking a chance bringing us here or this place is not known to belong to them.” [I guessed.]

“They will certainly wish to prevent us confirming that his gigantic artefact we are within is ‘Star Diver’ controlled never mind an ‘Isolationist’ asset belonging to a rogue faction that took it upon itself to trespass into the forbidden dark. These ones must be seriously motivated to be rid of us ‘Pilgrims’ from their fiery domains to risk the censure of the ‘Deep Clerics’ a second time. If we can prove that we have been taken by ‘Isolationist Divers’ we might be able to get direct help from the ‘Deep Clerics’ - unless they have separate reasons to bury all of this with denials.” [‘UT’ stated grimly.]

“You agree then that this vast spherical artefact is probably hidden somewhere down in the fiery depths?” [I asked.]

“If the inside shape corresponds to the outside and it has a sensible amount of mass between then this thing is smaller than a Planet and they have managed to maintain the Planets down in the depths.” [He reminded.] “Therefore if we have been hijacked by ‘Star Divers’ I fear we are indeed deep in the furnace in more ways than one.”

“Spheres seem very popular.” [I said.]

“Engineers, even natural biology, favour spheres because of the way it distributes the loading of forces. Else the preference might be linked to most species origins upon spherical Planets.” [‘UT’ mused aloud.]

“If we are in the fire you really should have returned to your ‘Vanishing Point’.” [I said again, ignoring his explanation of the sphere issue.]

“Well I am glad I did not, I want to live not just exist, there is nothing more boring or deadly than boredom that one is enough to drive anyone towards suicide.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“You hardly lead a boring life ‘UT’.” [I reprimanded.]

“All things are relative I have a large apatite.” [He said.]

“An apatite for destruction. Are you sure this recklessness is all you and not some of it subtle psychological adjustment by that cursed ‘Facilitator’ pushing you towards ‘Suit Substance Ascension’?” [I asked.]

“If it is the ‘Suit’ there is not much now that I can do about it, we two are inexorably linked and co-dependant.” [He stated.]

“You could fight it ‘Unholy’ - that is what you do - you fight remember.” [I argued.]

“Perhaps it knows me too well.” [He replied.] “Even before my facilitation I would not have wanted to miss seeing this sort of sight with my own optics. Here and now I feel alive ‘MT’ and it is a wonderful feeling. This place is impressive, they are a technologically impressive species - collectively awesome - if not quite so impressive individually.” [‘UT’ added whilst a yellow shimmer played over his ‘Free Patterning’.]

“We have built things just as large in mass.” [I said.]

“True but not defied the deepest crushing fiery depths with them that is amazing.” [He said excitedly.]

“I suppose it is we must not judge them by their impish look and petty size as you know sometimes big trouble comes in the smallest of packages.” [I warned.]

“In that case let the ‘Isolationists’ worry we have ‘Unholy Terror’ on our side and ‘Many Truths’ too whilst all they have is all of this.” [He jested gesturing around.]

“I pray we are not alone - ideally the ‘Hawks’ are putting up a stiff resistance in the tunnels - ‘Weep’ has after all been spoiling for a fight with someone battle will keep him warm.” [I said.]

“Too true, friend ‘Weep’ will be at his best and with his people being ‘One with the Computer Cores’ controlled by the ‘Dark Raiders’ and the ‘Spore of the Machine Fury’ oddly they may be just the allies we need down here.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[Perhaps nothing here was true coincidence, the ‘Hawks’ guided to the find and maybe the ‘Isolationists’ were brought to it too. Perhaps we truly were just part and party to a mighty all encompassing ruse - playthings of technological demigods with an agenda to be free of purgatory so that they can more truly ascend.]

“We have ‘Entanglement’ arriving here they must have detected the loud ‘Jump Events’ the ‘Fire Hawk’ and I are leaving activating jump drives now lest they try to interdict us to gather intelligence.” [The ‘Vanishing Point’ advised.]

“Jumping again to another ‘Star Struck’ coordinate.” [She added a little later and a short time after that.] “We seem free from ‘Entangled’ pursuit.”

“I hope ‘Crimson’ finds nothing too interesting left behind out there to study.” [I stated.]

“I left nothing much for her to find I have self destructed the stealth cube and our satellites, interdictors and so on they were all rigged for such.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“What about anything the ‘Hostiles’ left behind?” [I asked.]

“The ‘Entanglement’ is more than welcome to some foreign stealth mines if she finds them the hard way.” [‘UT’ joked.]

“If she compromises any ‘Suit Substance’ artefact left behind by the Hostiles she might learn something from it.” [I warned.] “If anyone knows how to subjugate ‘Suit Substance’ the triple cursed ‘Entanglement’ does.” [I reminded.]

“You worry too much.” [‘UT’ stated.] “Besides, those ‘Source Ships’ might look as if they are made of our ‘Suit Substance’ but under deep scan it might not be ‘Suit Substance’ as we know it.”

“To me that is worrisome too ‘Crimson’ is an aggressive assimilator she will incorporate and upgrade.” [I complained.]

“I am sure the ‘Isolationist Star Divers’ have taken their own precautions.” [He retorted.]

“Aimed against us but possibly not as effective against the ‘Entanglement’ they have not had that trouble before. We have no idea what ‘Higher Tier’ upgrades she has already taken as her own.” [I fretted.]

“The ‘Divers’ may be more than even ‘Crimson’ can chew and swallow.” [He stated.]

“That from you is wishful thinking.” [I replied.]

“Move, we have a long walk ahead of us and I do not want to miss all the fun.” [‘UT’ stated before striding off.]

[I extruded some serious weaponry and fell in beside him. Somehow, I had to get ‘Unholy’ out of here intact and save the ‘Beast’ too. Was exposing the ‘Isolationist’ mission into the dark our best chance? Was it wise to rely solely upon a mission objective that required ‘Deep Cleric’ cooperation? Conversely, would the strange clerics turn upon us to keep their secrets safe should they deem we have learned too much? Yes, I was worrying but someone had to worry when ‘Unholy Terror’ did not.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Thu, 20. Feb 14, 17:24, edited 2 times in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Wed, 12. Feb 14, 18:53

yay two chapters :D

interesting twist with there mission into the dark though with the chapter named ruse will have to see if it really tht faction or some one els :D

like how betty is climbing out of her self/raised shell think she will fit in nice with MT as a assisted
am wondering if MT will ever trust her with the whole truth

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Thu, 20. Feb 14, 17:26

Thanks for the commenting Stads. :D

Perhaps some answers in the next two although no so much from Betty as it is all ice asteroid.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Thu, 20. Feb 14, 17:27

[[FIVE]] [[Part 2]] --- LOST ---

[I was not feeling mentally at my best too easily influenced by external stimuli. Maybe I truly did have too many matters on my mind again such as the scouting around by the triple cursed ‘Entanglement’. ‘Crimson’ seemed to be forever waiting to pounce upon us even when I heard little from her deep inside I too feared she was probably doing something devious. Somewhat late, it occurred to me why ‘Creed’ only jumped his fighting resources on to the ice asteroid at the last moment - and only ‘Surface Weapons’ - the reason was obvious - ‘Crimson’ did not historically interdict such devices.]

[If ‘Creed’ had leapt in a fleet of ships near to the asteroid then it might easily have initiated a response from the ever-monitoring ‘Nanotech Plague’, who needed that creature’s dire attention certainly not ‘Creed’ or our new ice encased friend. As matters stood, I still had ongoing concerns about ‘Crimson’ showing up out there even though she arrived after our hijacking. Sometimes we felt surrounded by outsized problems the odds in the great game firmly stacking up against us. Sometimes it all seemed hopeless.]

[It felt personal too I often worried that ‘Crimson’ felt betrayed by me because nothing had quite worked out after our little talk. She had almost convinced me that she cared about us as more than playthings almost, but it was not enough to refuse any sensible chance to be free of her dominion over our fate so we risked our unofficial truce. Anyone else I might have tolerated interdicting our massive resource exploitation for - environmental - reasons but ‘Crimson’ was a mass murderer and exceptionally difficult to trust as a guardian of anything other than her own well-being. She seemed a tyrant too.]

[Nonetheless, ‘Crimson’ did seem to have changed a little and I was not totally against the idea of including her in our ‘Pilgrim’ future. If only the ‘Entanglement’ could moderate herself but how could she atone enough to people such as ‘UT’ that they could ever accept her as a ‘Pilgrim’ partner. She had claimed we needed her to be a villain to us but I felt that our society had more than enough troublemakers plaguing it without incorporating ‘Crimson’.]

[It did not help my overall mood that I had no positional fix. The strange place we found ourselves did not need Jump Interdiction. Without positional navigation data we could not leap away, we were both lost and trapped. Our hosts had to have some means to deal with the weird absence of positional data or they did not rely on ‘EXO-C’ positional fixes the same way we had become accustomed to doing. Other ways existed to find your real space position but not easily whilst blind inside some artefact probably deep in some unidentified star’s furnace like embrace.]

[Unfortunately, to create an accurate wormhole you had to know where you are starting from not just where you are trying to emerge it all being very relative and about the precise manipulation of a complex effect that included a specific energy input and so on.]

[I recalled that when we first started using ‘EXO-C’ in our ignorance we had not realised the system came with a constant positional secondary feed we had continued to use older navigation systems to determine our location. Then by accident, someone discovered that ‘EXO-C’ incorporated the free boon of incredibly exact data on your location - not sadly someone from the ‘MTC’ - but word hastily spread about this gift. The data had always been there within the cloned technology of the ‘Links’ we had simply failed to notice and extract it. Today almost everyone with an ‘EXO-C’ link used its provided positional data to ascertain their very precise location as the best starting point for Jump calculations. Even ‘Real Materialist Pilgrims’ who also disavowed the use of neural nets often had external navigation devices with an ‘EXO-C Link’ buried inside them not used for communications but accessed only to provide the now standard super accurate positional data. No other navigation system sensibly rivalled the instant reliable and free if you had a ‘Link’ function of ‘EXO-C’.]

[Some ‘Real Materialists’ used more ‘bio-tech’, nanotech and ‘bio-mechanical’ tech daily than they realised. Some astute if ethically questionable manufacturers hide exotic components inside hard ‘Real Material’ casings well aware of some of their customers’ high equipment standard requirements but also unwavering prejudices. Naturally, hybrid items create some problems in relation to feeding living subsystems and keeping them alive usually dedicated plug in batteries provide what is necessary in a dense long lasting format that again seems all hard material science to the poorly informed.]

[Most ‘Real Material Recyclers’ are not as easily fooled as some other species ‘Real Materialist’ enthusiasts about the products they use as they tend to, at some point, take almost everything they own apart to do their own repairs or just to see how it works and many say also to negate intellectual property rights via illegal retro-engineering. To get around this habit some items are routinely manufactured as sealed units with built in anti-intrusion internal material self-destruct mechanisms that if tampered with leave nothing inside their casings but dusted or liquefied components thus preventing anyone from knowing what they were using helped by cunningly scan proofed casings when intact.]

[Naturally only when exotic additions add something highly significant to a ‘Real Material’ items functionality do you tend to see the highest levels of subsystem hybrid chicanery ‘EXO-C Links’ being a prime example of an unusually effective subsystem plugged quietly into a hoard of otherwise seemingly pure ‘Real Material’ devices. Originally ‘EXO-C Links’ only worked when plugged into a neural network and a living brain but ways were found around that requirement by clever use of emulating interfaces.]

[However back on topic in a way the historic discovery of ‘EXO-C’ positional data proved - once again - how poorly we understood the alien technology that we simply cloned and used. Many scientists believe ‘EXO-C’ is probably packed with a multitude of other highly useful features that have so far defied discovery by even our most able retro-engineers due to the anomalous extra-dimensional element involved in the bizarre technology and its own inbuilt fail safe measures against the overly curious. Interestingly the ‘Links’ arrived with internal functions and structures that almost assisted copycat cloning making such easy but otherwise understanding how they worked extremely difficult.]

[Some unknown or poorly known species out there had happy proliferated what proved the most sophisticated communications network ever devised to our knowledge but refused to share the secrets of their creations deepest functionality. This was naturally highly suspicious but ‘Exogenous Communications’ proved too good for us ‘Pilgrims’ to resist too triple cursed useful. Due to its nature almost every day the alien tech, we so readily embraced, spawned some new conspiracy theory from some source or other.]

[Being lost was especially unnerving for me since ‘Living Hulls’, even before my kind utilised any ‘EXO-C’ positional exploitation, are hardly prone to a poor sense of direction if you go somewhere you can generally calculate a reverse route back to your starting point. You just need to keep good navigational logs and we had access to much historic data too. Besides, we had the stars to guide us once you factor in their distance and rate of travel as relatively fixed points to steer by if you know what I mean. Almost all space travel plotted purposely relative to one star or another’s course through the heavens and if not individual stars then we employed galactic clusters of stars for the initial range finding of very long leaps.]

[One way or another, stars have long been navigational aids and since the loss of the Planets our great comfort too not just our guides. Stars being our beacons in the night and the mass that we believed hid us from our foe. Only the once free from ‘Entanglement’ mighty ‘Sea Spheres’ ever rivalled the importance of stars to us ‘Pilgrims’ and then mostly only for those living on the outer surface of the ‘Spheres’ and the aquatic ‘Swimmers’ living in the oceans under the skin of the ‘Spheres’. Once our ‘Surface Stations’ that fed on the living beings massive shields were marvels operating almost as if upon a Planet as did our ‘Surface Habitats’. Still those days were long gone, now only the ‘Entanglement’ haunted the vast surface areas of the ‘Sea Spheres’ that once constituted the primary structure of our old ‘Core Alliance’.]

[Often it was hard to accept that all our ‘Sea Sphere’ colonisation efforts were gone wiped out by the ‘Nanotech Plague’ so quickly or more accurately in many instances incorporated into the mass of ‘Crimson Entangled’ as just another part of her outsized body.]

[The stars were less painful topics of consideration than the lost ‘Sea Spheres’, once ‘Sea Spheres’ had been the largest known biological entities now arguably ‘Crimson’ was biggest of all if you regarded a ‘Bio-mechanical’ body as biological enough to qualify - some ‘Pilgrims’ especially ‘Real Materialists’ do not.]

[I turned my thoughts back to the stars as a more tranquil subject, amazingly, the stars you arrive at are not the same stars you view when you are far away not precisely anyway. As light only travels at light speed whilst wormholes defy that real space convention you arrive at an earlier version of a star depending on how far you leap down a wormhole covering light years of subjective distance in a relative instant. That we visit younger stars than we see from a distance always a bit mind bending for some people.]

[It is possible to make a blind jump but - if you are unlucky - that is an excellent way to commit suicide and not recommended. I had volunteered to do a blind jump with my substance to act as a probe for a positional fix for ‘UT’. If I survived and arrived in open space, I could then calculate back where I came from extrapolating from the new positional data of where I happened to be. With my informed data, ‘UT’ could then leap safely out. However, ‘UT’ refused to risk my valuable substance in an exercise that might fail as a blind leap out of a super strong and fluctuating gravity well was especially prone to tragedy.]

[Whilst we had grown adept at ‘Star Struck’ leaps, (as in leaps near stars), jumping from deep within them was a whole new level of difficult most people preferring to ascend using real space engines first as a far safer Jump strategy. Besides, in truth, ignoring the risks to my substance, I believed, ‘UT’ simply did not want to leave here immediately. ‘Unholy’ happy to stay for a while to search for new weapons and possibly new allies perhaps via the ‘Deep Clerics’ should they become beholden to us for exposing another ‘Isolationist Faction’ folly.]

[Unfortunately, I was not sure that a positive response from the ‘Deep Clerics’ was guaranteed. The ‘Star Divers’ were not always easy to predict and the ‘Deep Clerics’, I felt, kept themselves purposely mysterious and aloof even by normal ‘Star Diver’ standards. I considered what the ‘Deep Clerics’ operated to be a mystery cult style religion that relied as much upon its cloistered secrets as the truths it preached. The ‘Deep Clerics’ were special because they knew things more common place ‘Star Divers’ were very purposely not privy to - I had seen this system many times before within for example the now defunct ‘Tier System’ and even amongst the old ‘Splinter Raiders’ not all of whom had known the ‘Secrets of the Prime Graveyards’.]

[Often I found it hard not to compare the ‘Prime Graveyards’ with ‘Star Diver Material Archives’ as they seemed to perform very similar roles the containment of potent ancient sciences now deemed sacred but also dangerous.]

“Perhaps later if we run out of other options we might consider probing for positional data but right now I think we should stick with the original plan and regroup with our probably besieged associates.” [‘Unholy’ told me.] “Since we are here, we need to exploit our position.” [I assumed he partially jested via the latter word play.] “I am positive that our hijackers have safe ways to jump from these depths that is another upgrade that would be worth liberating.” [He added.]

[We should be so blessed I felt he was being far too optimistic about our ability to loot and scoot both activities seeming more than difficult in these conditions. Problematically however I felt somewhat obliged to listen to and if reasonable to follow his instructions, ‘UT’ being the one actually here for real the one with the most to lose the one who was truly currently lost and imperilled. I was just a remote ‘Suit Substance’ Avatar tourist by comparison to my friend. ‘Betty’ was right it was different for us when we lived by remote compared to people who when imperilled faced the reality of a potential grim demise. However, when you cared about a person’s life almost more than they seemed to care about it themselves the issues involved in remote versus real participation comparisons became somewhat blurred.]

[Then feeling a complete fool I recalled that ‘Cad’ had a ‘Surface Gate’ installed under the ice if that much more stable - anchored - wormhole connection had survived our hijacking we had a preformed route of both escape and re-supply. So much else was on my mind that I had momentarily ignored the existence of that massive asset. If the ‘Surface Gate’ was operational, ‘Creed’ could flood the tunnels with reinforcements the ‘Gate’ acting as a bridgehead. Clever old ‘Cad’ might once again have given us the edge we needed.]

“The ‘Surface Gate’.” [I said to ‘UT’.]

“You are slow today did the cold freeze your brain cells or have you been data fixating upon other input from other Avatars?” [He asked.]

“If I have been distracted recently it has mostly been worrying about your survival.” [I retorted.]

[I brightened up a little I had been walking unhappily slightly behind and to the left of ‘UT’ we took turns leading. I wanted to lead all the time and scout further ahead as I was expendable ‘Suit Substance’ and should therefore do point but ‘UT’ refused to accept that premise. My friend was competitive in his own way and I suspected did not enjoy being second at anything or to anyone besides, he was a ‘War-Master’ a battle leader not an Acolyte follower. I feared his ‘Facilitator’ might be driving ‘UT’ to risk the last of his biology in one crazy venture or another. However, if the ‘Surface Gate’ had survived even partially intact all was far from lost even with a failed connection it might still provide us with a rough positional fix depending on how much data it collected prior and during the failure and how much data memory survived any physical storage medium damage.]

[Unfortunately, there was a good chance that the connection was broken and the gate damaged due to its locality changing unexpectedly. From what I knew about anchored wormholes there could even have been a serious accident down there if failsafe measures did not power up and other operation shut down in time. We used wormholes so readily in this era and other spin off sciences that sometimes it was too easy to ignore the raw power and majesty of these amazing creations yet disrespected this science could be deadly.]

[I wanted to know so badly about the condition of the ‘Gate’ that I was tempted to risk using encrypted ‘EXO-C’ to find out. Only the thought that I might further expose our best hope of escape due to communication interception by the foe kept me from making an immediate link to ‘Cad’. Sadly under these strange conditions I was not sure that even a ‘Surface Gate’ connection could be re-established if it was broken earlier - still with the ‘Hierophants’ working on the problem sometimes the seemingly impossible was just very difficult a question of when rather than never.]

“I think we should pick up our pace.” [I told ‘UT’ via our link.]

“Not a great idea we could rush into an enemy patrol, besides the faster we move the more pressure we put upon our stealth systems effectiveness and we need them to be as reliable as possible. Keeping our heat signature ambient alone is a serious issue here.” [He reminded.]

[It was annoying having ‘UT’ lecture me about any variety of caution. Problematically the ice so far had provided little in the way of physical cover. Over most of its surface, the asteroid was annoyingly smooth without any dramatic features. I wondered if the icescapes smoothness was a product of its odd nature the frozen water having all those strange added chemical ingredients. Most probably, the asteroid was totally manufactured and we increasingly suspected a constantly managed cocoon for the ‘Beast’ resting within. The ice had certainly reacted to our presence where we applied heat it had increased refrigeration and so on. Personally, I suspected the ice might be capable of much more than anything we had seen so far.]

[Grudgingly internally I knew ‘UT’ was wise to be far from convinced of the total effectiveness of our stealth against our current opponent and I admit I worried about that too even though a few flights of ‘Drones’ had already flown over us seemingly unaware of our presence. Naturally, however as soon as we detected any nearby hostile we crouched and went perfectly still to maximise our stealth systems effectiveness.]

“We could send some ‘Suit Substance Bugs’ out to scout ahead.” [I suggested.]

“That would require too much added ‘EXO-C’ why increase our anomalous profile?” [He stated.]

“Our ‘Anomalous Profile’ did you just make that phrase up?” [I queried.]

“What is wrong with that I thought it sounded pretty good? You know what I mean if they can detect ‘EXO-C’ signals in some exotic way the more ‘EXO-C’ we use the louder the signal - at least that seems to make sense - otherwise why are we using a physical communication tether and so on.” [He stated.]

“Our actions might well be Paradox Priest paranoia.” [I suggested.] “We are only surmising that they can detect ‘EXO-C’ our inability to get a positional fix here might also affect them.” [I argued.]

[Pondering the desire to talk to ‘Cad’ about the ‘Surface Gate’ had me belatedly re-examining the evidence that ‘Star Diver’ technology could intercept our ‘Exogenous Communications’. I was having a change of mind about the whole idea the more I thought about the positional fix loss and the fact that the foe had not tracked us down yet the more my past fears about ‘EXO-C’ interception seemed less founded in reality and more about my state of fearfulness.]

“If they could intercept our communications they would have ascertained our locations one way or another by now.” [I argued.]

“Possibly or possibly not is it worth the risking our freedom and our… well my life?” [He asked.]

“Let us look at this logically. I initially thought of the loss of positional data, as some kind of interference with the signal but that no longer makes sense to me. What we have here is much more akin to an informational block almost as if someone has simply turned the positional data stream off at the source because otherwise our link implants are diagnosing as operating within normal working parameters.” [I stated.]

“Within normal working parameters as much as we ‘Pilgrims’ understand the technology.” [‘UT’ corrected.] “If they can turn the positional feed off at source you would think they could download our positional data from the source too and find us that way.” [He replied.]

“I am sure if they could do that they would have targeted us before now.” [I said.]

“So what is your hypothesis? What are you suggesting Professor ‘MT’?” [‘UT’ asked sarcastically.]

“I am thinking tiered levels of access. Most informational systems have tiered levels of access based on whether you are a user or an administrator and so on. I am proposing that the ‘Isolationists’ here have gained access to some low level systems such as an off switch for local positional feed data streams for links in this region but they have no means to access higher tier data including protected specific message data stream information belonging to users.” [I said.]

“I see no necessity for why the one would preclude the other.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Let me finish, most communication systems have built in privacy functions - protection - if you prefer for user data from illicit unauthorised intrusion. Few communication systems are created open to all without any limits. Few species are happy sharing all their communications with all of their fellows.” [I mused aloud.]

“You are speaking about ‘Pilgrim’ cultural attitudes this is an alien technology.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“I would imagine ‘EXO-C’ has a very complex operating system with many levels of access.” [I argued.] “It seems to me that the ‘Star Divers’ must only have limited access or they would have pinpointed our positions one way or another through our active links and killed or captured us long before now. They can turn off a side function but they cannot snoop to the level we previously feared our freedom is proof of this fact. If this is true - and I am sure it is - then they have not been spying upon us via ‘EXO-C’. Any data they have gathered they gained via other means. Interestingly if I am right the leak about the find must have come from a more mundane source too.” [I deduced.]

“Now you are a Professional Investigator as well as a Professor of Anomalous Sciences.” [‘UT’ joked.]

“Do you disagree with my logic?” [I asked.] “That we are still here and free to have this conversation has changed my mind. I tell you somehow they have accessed some basic functions of ‘EXO-C’ that is all. That is what the evidence is now telling me.” [I insisted.]

“We have not been using much ‘EXO-C’ for example we are now talking via a direct link perhaps that is why they have failed to find us our low ‘Anomalous Profile’.” [He unnecessarily reminded.] “You are spouting an interesting theory but for now that is all it is.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I disagree the people who built ‘EXO-C’ always appeared to have constructed a system designed to be user secure in many respects that was what originally made it so popular with us ‘Pilgrims’ not just the fact that it was instantaneous and had Universe wide coverage. I would argue that most later holes in our communication system security are local holes that we introduced via our lesser ‘Computer Core’ and ‘Sub Core’ Networks it was those ‘Cores’ that people such as the ‘Entanglement’ hacked not the underlying alien ‘Exogenous Communication Links’ between them although we often feared otherwise. Although I would not be surprised to learn that the ‘Entanglement’ has cracked some manner to read other entities ‘Positional Feed’ data but pretends that she often finds us via other means such as her fabled ‘Jump Detection Network’. How the ‘Entanglement’ keeps track of our movements is probably legion not via jump detection alone with hindsight the idea of an all seeing massive ‘Jump Detection System’ is a bit dodgy. She may well have a ‘Cyclopean Jump Detection’ network spread across the ‘Sea Sphere Surfaces’ and so on but it is probably not omnipotent and Universe wide.” [I said.]

“Yet if she is accessing our ‘Positional Feed’ data why do ‘Star Struck’ leaps still seem at least sometimes effective at escaping her?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“It is my guess that the ‘Entanglement’ reacts the way she does only because she does not want to reveal the true nature of her edges and because she has always been wary of coming too close to the stars. Why she avoided and feared the stars once puzzled us remember? Now we have revealed the reason for her dislike of the fire, she must have known about the existence of the ‘Star Diver Nation’ long before our first encounters with ‘Star Divers’. I think she does not fear burning her substance up in the fire - as we once believed - I think she fears the ‘Divers’ or is at the very least wary of trespassing against a power possibly equal or even greater than her own.” [I stated.]

“I therefore believe at its heart for direct one on one connections ‘EXO-C’ is probably still very secure ignoring possible ‘Highest Tier’ interception.” [I theorised aloud.]

“You need to make up your mind.” [He complained.] “Whilst ‘Exogenous Communications’ may be a secure service for many I imagine not against those who invented this extra-dimensional wonder or anyone who might have gained some access to its deepest workings rather than just cloning the link technology as we ‘Pilgrims’ have done for generations.” [‘UT’ added.] “If you think the ‘Highest’ are listening in then so could others.”

“I would certainly not trust ‘EXO-C’ to be secure from our ice entombed friend but in relation to the ‘Isolationists’ here I think what we have recently seen proves that they are not that linked in to us. I believe here we could easily risk making a direct call to ‘Cad’.” [I said.]

“Between us two I thought I was supposed to be the impatient one most willing to take risks. A moment ago you were berating me about caution and for not fleeing back to the ‘Vanishing Point’ at the first sign of trouble.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“We are isolated and need intelligence data otherwise all our choices are blind lacking vision. I suggest that - at this stage - we let ‘Cad’ decide if he will accept a private link or not from us. I am sure our ‘Trojan Professor’ friend has been considering deeply about the security of his communications. Developments here have made me think again, I am sure that the knowledgeable Father of the ‘Hierophant’ Nation has not missed what I have noticed. If he refuses our call, we will know he still distrusts direct ‘EXO-C’ signals even heavily encrypted person-to-person signals. Besides, earlier he might have just been playing hard to get due to other operational reasons notably to avoid further entanglement with the issues between ‘Weep’ and him. He probably did not miss that I had a talk with ‘Weep’ remember ‘Cad’ seeded the tunnels with spying optics and microphones.” [I stated.]

[I had been so preoccupied with the state of mind of the ‘Recycler’ leader and our failing friendship that I had rather forgotten that ‘Cad’ monitored the tunnels no doubt with ‘Cognitive Sub Core’ analytical support.]

[‘UT’ stopped walking and hunkered down.] “I surrender you have made a good enough argument for one call. Call him and let us see what is to be seen, I would hate to deprive you of any needed intelligence.” [He possibly mocked.]

[To my joy ‘Cad’ answered my hail almost immediately, I felt instantly vindicated.]

“Is ‘Unholy’ still with you?” [‘Cad’ asked.]

“He is.” [I replied.]

“Thank the ‘Emissary’ we were worried when those ships came down so forcefully…” [He stated.]

“You could have called us.” [I said.]

“We had doubts about our communication security - at first.” [He replied.]

[I did not fail to notice the use of the word - had - there never mind the - at first. I was right ‘Cad’ was no fool and as sharp as ever.]

“The ‘Source Ship’ analogue that we designated ‘Hostile Two’ almost flattened us.” [I admitted.]

“Where are you.” [He asked.]

“We are trying to make our way back to the tunnels without being intercepted. Flyers have over-flown us a few times, but so far our stealth systems seem to have fooled them.” [I admitted.]

“We are fighting an in places sometimes brutal defensive action down here.” [He explained.]

“How is that going?” [I asked.]

“What can I say we are holding, partly because they do not seem to want to use anything too heavy against us? I am presuming from their actions that they want the find as intact as possible including our excavations and so are willing to wear us down rather than just blast us out. They must not know what is important and what is not down here or maybe they know more than we do. Still we are no less hard pressed losing some initial ground. We had to collapse some tunnels actions that seemed to upset them.” [‘Cad’ admitted.]

[No longer able to contain my impatience I asked.] “How fares the ‘Surface Gate’?”

“We lost the wormhole connection and the ‘Gate’ was damaged due to an almost fatal power feedback repairs or even generating a whole new gate is not a problem but striving to make a connection without seeding positional data is dangerous we are trying to extrapolate as much as possible from data gained prior to connection failure but what we have is incomplete and a bit scrambled too. Worse all indications suggest that we are in close proximity to a truly massive far from uniformly stable gravity well and that is not helping with the difficulty of our calculations.” [He complained.] “Still, we will keep working on it and since we have ‘EXO-C’ links to home assets we can put all of our heads together to solve the problem and that is a lot of ‘Hierophant’ and friends brain power.” [‘Cad’ stated at the last optimistically.]

“Have you considered blind jumping some Probes?” [I asked.]

“We tried that four times and lost all four Probes much to my surprise. At least one of them should have hit clean space.” [He replied sounding flummoxed.] “We could go for a very long jump but the further out you go with a Probe the more room there is for error in backtracking calculations so much so that beyond a certain distance it becomes guessing games that rather defeats the purpose of probing. Out in open space arriving a bit off target is no big deal but we are not in open space and gravity wells can do weird things to wormholes.” [‘Cad’ complained.]

“The loss of ‘EXO-C’ positional data what do you make of that?” [I asked.]

“It is as if someone just cut the positional data feed at an informational level I did not know that was possible. You know how it is with ‘EXO-C’, although we are well aware that we link into some greater system, it just does what it does.” [‘Cad’ stated.]

“That is what I thought too. You now trust encrypted ‘EXO-C’ as secure?” [I asked.]

“With battle communications and message security back home currently a high priority we ran some false information out to test for intercepts and got no tactical changes from the foe on the ground here indicating that they read and responded to our output. Either these people are exceptionally cunning or they are not able to listen in to our every ‘EXO-C’ conversation thank the blessed ‘Emissary’. Being able to prove that came as something of a relief. I think it is being around the ‘Beast’ as ‘UT’ calls our find that is making us all a bit overly cautious simply because it is so ancient so unknown and all ‘Pilgrims’ link the most powerful ancient of ancients with whoever made ‘EXO-C’.” [‘Cad’ explained.]

“What about old suspected connections between the ‘Fury’ and ‘EXO-C’?” [I asked.]

“We know the ‘Machine Fury’ uses ‘EXO-C’ too but indications from ‘Fury’ tech and data I have studied now increasingly suggest that the science of ‘EXO-C’ predates the genesis of that self-proliferating machine entity too. I believe the makers of the ‘Machine Fury’ assimilated ‘EXO-C’ functionality just as we did though they may understand more about it than us being closer to the original source in time alone. We might even have known more about ‘EXO-C’ once before our many ‘Dark Times’.” [‘Cad’ informed.]

“Any idea about the original leak to the ‘Star Divers’ do we have an unknown traitor onboard.” [I asked.]

[There was a worrying silence then…]

“About that one ‘MT’ I have a confession to make. ‘Creed’ and I arranged a leak almost direct to one ‘Isolationist’ cell - before you throw a fit - I would ask you to trust me we had good reasons.” [He said.]

[My brain ran into high gear as I considered that one.]

“You were trying to trap the ‘Isolationists’ into showing themselves by provoking them into precipitous action.” [I theorised.] “Unfortunately, they did not respond precisely how you imagined or planned.” [I guessed.]

“If they had behaved as expected, we had ‘Engagement Faction Star Divers’ ready to leap in to make an arrest on behalf of the ‘Deep Clerics’ along with ‘Creed’ once they got ‘Deep Cleric’ permission to venture into our - to their superstitious perception - dark evil space. However, our allies could not move until they had firm proof of the identity of the ‘Isolationists’ as the antagonists. I realise now that even the ‘Engagement Factions’ are very wary of our darkness. Even the most scientific of ‘Star Diver’ minds have to overcome fears bred into them from infancy: the terror of the dark that belongs to the ‘Fury’. When the foe cleverly used - as you named them - ‘Source Ship’ analogues - for the raid we had to wait for a forced operational identity slip none of us suspected they would land the ‘Source Ships’ and jump the whole asteroid away right through our interdiction too.” [He confessed.]

“To be honest we should have foreseen that they would use remotes as no good ‘Isolationist’ would want to visit our cold empty alien hell.” [He stated.]

“In short you risked the find for the purposes of an entrapment operation aimed at - one - ‘Isolationist’ cell.” [I complained.]

“It seemed a grand idea at the time. The cell we are trying to close down is causing some serious problems. We were sure our find if leaked to them was something the ‘Isolationists’ could not ignore - they have a thing about truly ancient artefacts being both profane and sacred - so we used the find as a goad. We have long had an operational need to draw this specific cell out somehow then our ‘Hawk’ friends happened upon this interesting entity that seemed fateful maybe even a blessed gift from such as the ‘New Helpers’ or the ‘Blessed Tier Nine Ascendant Harbinger’.” [‘Cad’ said possibly in an attempt at directly manipulating my feelings.]

[I said nothing in reply to that.]

“You must understand ‘MT’ we are in no position to permit the ‘Isolationists’ to claim the initiative. They are too many and too powerful and we are too few - we ‘Pilgrims’ cannot fight this threat directly - so we must employ any tool of deceit that might become available just as we fooled them before with the ‘Star Bridge’ scheme in relation to the Planets. That was beautiful.” [‘Cad’ informed.]

“So you finally directly admit to a - deep - involvement in that one too.” [I said.]

“You know they would have won in the end because the ‘Isolationists’ outnumber the ‘Engagement Factions’ it would just have been a question of time. The ‘Engagement Factions’ could not sustain their losses and they were getting desperate. We ‘Pilgrims’ had some secret support from some ‘Deep Clerics’ but those spiritual leaders needed a massive excuse to shut the ‘Isolationists’ down they needed them to be discredited in some major manner before all of their peers. It was decided that a scheme needed to be devised to nudge fate in that direction.” [‘Cad’ claimed.]

“I see, as to now you still feel justified about this latest ruse.” [I said.]

“I am sorry that ‘UT’, ‘Weep’ and some ‘Hawks’ are stuck here as un-consulted participants in our latest scheme but ‘Creed’ convinced me to maintain the best possible operational security and that seemed wise to me. You know the security mantra about the fewest people… and all that.” [He stated.]

“Otherwise my friend as ever few battle plans - no matter how well devised - survive first contact with the enemy perfectly intact. Now we must adapt the overall scheme to expose this especially active ‘Isolationist’ cell, thankfully our plan is far from dead we just need to patch over some temporary - let us call them glitches - in the overall program.” [‘Cad’ said.]

“You have been prevaricating with the find all along just as ‘Weep’ suspected, prevaricating so that you could use the find in this scheme that you and ‘Creed’ dreamed up.” [I complained.]

“We took what we were given and we made the most of it.” [‘Cad’ said.]

“You talk about trespassing against ‘UT’ and ‘Weep’ and so on but what about - the find - what right did ‘Creed’ and you have to play with the fate of such an ancient entity that has travelled so far and survived so much to reach our time?” [I asked.] “Would you do this to a ‘Passenger Class’ sized biped alien that had been through so much or would you have more natural sympathy than to misuse such a one as disposable bait?”

“We had no more right to act here than anyone else but when the creature or device or whatever it is encased itself in an icy cocoon and cast itself into the dark as a time and space traveller it rather placed its fate into the domain of any future finder.” [He said.]

“Really ‘Cad’ your argument is childish finders keepers that is your sophistry, we have abused a wonder, I am beginning to realise that you are well named ‘Cad’.” [I said.]

“As you know, as a Paradox Priest, with a family to protect we all do what we need to do as parents and guardians.” [He said.]

“Sacrificing what is other for the protection of our own.” [I challenged.]

“I do not regret this choice I would do it again in the hope that we can yet make a good return on our investment.” [‘Cad’ replied.]

“Now you talk as if this is a business decision.” [I complained.]

“It is it is the survival business. Opportunities are only opportunistic when the moment is seized ‘MT’. I seized the moment remember what is done, as you have often preached, is fate. I know you believe in better times but for such times to happen we ‘Pilgrims’ must survive long enough to reach them.” [‘Cad’ argued.]

“So anything goes as long as we survive any cruel action legitimate.” [I said.]

“A few must always be sacrificed for the many. The threat posed by the most active ‘Isolationist’ cells must be countered and neutralised currently that is a priority I am taking most seriously. In addition, fate did provide for us - in a very suspicious way - I am positive it is no accident that the ‘Hawks’ found this relic of an ancient age just when we needed it most. As a creature of faith, believe in that truth. I merely used a tool I was given.” [‘Cad’ claimed again.]

“A tool, you say, is that all we will ever be to your kind tools to be used and abused and some of you dare to wonder why we want emancipation.” [I complained.]

“Do not confuse different issues ‘MT’.” [‘Cad’ said.] “I am sure you have used some ‘Passenger Class’ people when you deemed it necessary.”

“I cannot help but think that we are profaning something that we should be treating as sacred that is probably what the ‘Star Divers’ think too only in their crazy upside down way. Perhaps if such a strategy as this current one of yours proves the best we can do future - better times - would only be better off without us. Perhaps we are the problem not part of any solution.” [I replied.]

“That is just anger speaking. I believe put in my shoes you would not make very different choices ‘MT’ you just like to imagine that you might - however, for all your idealist rhetoric you are a realist when it counts most.” [He claimed.]

[‘Cad’ then sent me a data blast that he said should assist us it included known positions of some enemy forces and the location of a secret tunnel and entrance / exit excavated by the ‘Hawks’ when they were feeling especially distrustful of the ‘Hierophants’. I suspected their excavation had never been as secret from ‘Cad’ as ‘Weep’ had hoped - I felt used and disrespected. In other news from the tunnels ‘Cad’ included in the data it seemed clear, that with us ‘Pilgrims’ now fighting a common foe below, the ‘Hawks’ had forgiven most sins or more probably just pushed the pressing of the same to the back end of their active agenda list of complaints. At the very least ‘Weep’ would probably try to hit the ‘Hierophants’ for some kind of monetary compensation as a salve to insult - well they were ‘Recyclers’ and liked their credits.]

[‘UT’ had listened in on the entire conversation then scanned the supplementary data without bothering to input anything whatsoever perhaps because he sensed I was upset.]

“So what do you think?” [I asked him to tease out his opinion not something I often had to do with ‘UT’. ‘UT’ was generally outspoken when he had anything to say.]

“I think - and do not rip my ‘Prime Tri-optic’ off - that overall ‘Cad’ is right.” [He said.]

“You are taking this very well.” [I replied coldly.] “Would you be here if ‘Cad’ had told you the whole story? Given all the facts I think you would be safe back upon the ‘Vanishing Point’.” [I argued.]

“I might be on the ‘Vanishing Point’ but I would have regretted missing this, I want to be where the best action is. Besides, this is where we are old ‘Hull’ - deal with it.” [He added.]

“So we just accept this sort of treatment from ‘Cad’ without complaint.” [I said.]

“What do you mean without complaint? I believe you have just complained to ‘Cad’ very thoroughly.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I complained but I am sure he was not really listening to me he believes he is right and my words are just noise in the background a buzzing irritant to be tuned out.” [I said.]

“Who does not believe they are right most of the time?” [‘UT’ replied mockingly.]

“Do you not feel angry with the ‘Trojans’ too? Due directly to ‘Cad’ and ‘Creeds’ scheme you are trapped here.” [I reminded.]

“Against ‘Cad’ today - what good would my anger do - we are on the same side and if we are to get free we will need to work together being antagonistic towards each other is not going to help - it might even hinder - let it go.” [He suggested.]

“Sometimes I hate you military minded people when you pull together for the sake of the common foe and the mission and so on.” [I stated.]

“Our friend ‘Cad’ is a Scientist not a Warrior.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Sometimes I wonder about that he just fights using different tools, tools like - our - find here a find that should belong to every ‘Pilgrim’ and to itself too.” [I stated.]

“We all fight - you fight too - there is no use denying that truth whether you fight in the Pulpit as the ‘Holy Father’ or via debate in your many ‘Council of Equals’ as Priest Captain ‘Empty’ or elsewhere using other assets in less open ways. For one thing, those of us who know you well know you are behind the ‘Emancipations’ with ‘Puulaa’ we are not fools. We are not all blind in one optic.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[I rather wished I had more time to sulk - maybe a bit of the emotional ‘Betty’ was rubbing off on me - but we still had a march ahead of us into an ever more hostile icescape. Thankfully, if more for a sense of false security than anything else, as we continued onward finally we began to encounter some sporadic cover that we could use. This cover was the result of the recent fracas including deformation of a surface layer of ice due to the huge ships impact that had rippled outward like a cracked wave. Other cover included damage caused from shots, other lesser impacts and explosions. Although the Hostiles had seemed to be interested in minimising damage to the asteroid some areas were still battle scarred. There were shallow craters and even the occasional bit of wreckage from downed ‘Real Material’ Drones not to mention bits of possible Ground Battery and ancillary installations - they had not lasted long.]

[Still, especially at first there were not massive amounts of available cover so every deformed bit of ice every crater and piece of embedded wreckage seemed a blessing from some X2 sagt Bussi auf Bauch god of war. We had our active and passive stealth systems but there was no harm in doubling up our precautions with real material cover too. The Enemy excluding over flying ‘Fighter’ and ‘Scout Drones’ took the form of ‘Trojan’ style ‘Suit Substance’ bipeds - an interesting choice - the first time I saw them I almost gave myself away thinking they were friendly forces as in the same model the ‘Hierophants’ had used to escort us into epsilon. However on deeper inspection the foe were similar - not the same - as our friends configuration heavier in build and slightly taller too and they were operating far too openly and boldly to be forces under siege by superior numbers and whilst so very close to the, I was positive, lethal landed mass of ‘Hostile Two’.]

[We had altered our vector again now skirting closer to the landed ‘Hostile Two’ in order to both shorten our journey time and to make the most of a long surface feature a ridge and ditch of broken ice thrown up by the impact of ‘Two’ also because ‘Cad’ had found a gap in the foes deployment strategy. The ‘Hierophants’ or the ‘Hawks’ I guessed had some scouting assets outside possibly tiny remotes. The foe seemed focused primarily upon preventing people escaping the tunnels rather than keeping any fools outside from trying to get in. Although they had pickets around ‘Hostile Two’ too these also seemed more there out of form than any serious belief that ‘Pilgrim’ forces might dare to attack or try to infiltrate one of their prime local bases of operation.]

[‘UT’ at one point argued that we should opportunistically scout closer to ‘Two’ possibly even try to board her - since the security was so temptingly lax - but I managed to convince him that the seeming opening might be a trap to lure unwary saboteurs or spies into an ambush were the foe was strongest. To be honest, I also thought what we were witnessing was probably just plain old arrogance by a dominant force but I was not going to tell ‘Unholy’ that truth in these circumstances. To me boarding ‘Hostile Two’ would be suicide and a risk too far. As a ‘Source Ship’, I know how difficult we are to board undetected unless you have inside help. It was the same these days with boarding most modern stations without inside help detection was almost guaranteed.]

[My best guess was that the foe now believed they had found and wiped out most of the surface opposition ignoring the forces dug in within the tunnels. I was very happy to be dealing with a confident foe convinced of its strategic and tactical superiority. I did not however want to share in the failing of any enemy hubris. As the hunted prey in this situation, we needed to be smarter than the predators. Making for the excavations seemed more than stupid enough without tempting fate in other dim ways.]

[Apparently the foe were now digging a very few tunnels of their own if somewhat cautiously whilst the ‘Hawks’ continued to do strategic collapses and also were now digging new smaller tactical tunnels too. I wondered how the ice would react to all of this new activity to me the ice was becoming a living thing just as alive as the entity it encased only in a way even more alien.]

[Despite the occasional boon of cover, we stopped frequently to let enemy forces pass by as mentioned before our active stealth systems worked even better when we stayed perfectly still. Earlier ‘UT’ voiced worries that in places we were leaving far too obvious tracks behind us in the ice although so were our foes. Anyway, to combat the tracks issue we studied the markings the enemy left and adjusted our footwear and stance to try to emulate the same pattern making imprints and then reworking our substance until we got a decent fit. After we were happy, we stomped all over the testing area to confuse the signs left by the process before moving on.]

[I will admit the journey began to take a heavy toll on my nerves as I fretted for ‘UT’ with every close encounter. There was always a chance that whilst you were huddling some ‘RCT’ or other would change their direction and try to walk through you. We had one very near miss whilst sheltering against a bit of wreckage that one foe decided to investigate. The way this individual unit studied the wreckage then extruded a cutting device to take a sample that I felt seemed more akin to a battle souvenir than anything else convincing me we were facing at least some ‘Remote Combat Troops’ operated by complex sentient beings. ‘Soulless Sub Core’ run units operating on a purely military basis with no other foibles other than mission priorities act differently more precise more calculated. Various bits of slack in the deployments suggested real people with real emotions at the controls including that ever present menace to troop morale boredom.]

[On another occasion we were caught out in the open whilst a largish group of twenty hostile ‘RCT’ passed nearby. Once again under threat of discovery, we slowly crouched then went perfectly still. The enemy party I noticed did not move as if on patrol but more as if just strolling from one location to another. They looked as if they felt safe and secure so close to one of their bases. Studying their gait and habits I noticed they did not look up much having a seeming fixation with the ground a definite ‘Star Diver’ habit. True they could be watching their footing or looking for enemy tracks but I was sure there was more to it than that.]

[Speaking of real emotions ‘UT’ had to be itching to be fighting these ‘Remote Combat Troops’ rather than skulking past them but with modern battle communications and informational systems decommissioning the substance of even one ‘Remote Combat Trooper’ could make a lot of noise no matter how silent or efficient the actual decommissioning is. Best to assume the foe had a competent battle network.]

[Any person or unit falling off the informational grid would send off alarms and an influx of enemy assets would flock to that location burying us via numbers alone. Besides, the amount of damage needed to put a ‘Suit Substance’ remote out of action is rarely quiet unless you have something akin to the almost magical ‘Nanotech Dissemble Rounds’ we were issued by the ‘Divers’ on Planet. Ironically, I wished I had some of those ‘Diver’ rounds now. We had equipped ‘Pilgrim NDR’ to use against ‘RCT’ but they were nowhere near as effective as the ‘Star Diver’ variants and how well they would work against possibly non-standard ‘Suit Substance ‘Remote Combat Troops’ had yet to be tested and I was in no rush to test them in this situation.]

[At times, I almost got into a sort of stealth rhythm of walk stop crouch wait, walk stop crouch wait but it did not take much to break that blessing and put me back on edge. Periodically we continued to have enemy ‘Drones’ fly over us - we soon realised here flying predictable patrol patterns - it was the unexpected arrival of ‘RCT’ on the ice that worried us most. I also fretted about such fears as planted stealth mines or tiny stealthy observers such as our ‘Suit Substance Bugs’. Sometimes gaps in the lines seemed far too temptingly open so that we stared at them for ages before crossing through. I often yearned to use active sensors. We were using no active sensors as they might give us away. The enemy however often sent out a variety of active signals looking for stealthy prey everything from questing lasers to horrible clouds of particulate smart matter.]

[Despite everything the opposition mounted against us it was not an especially hard journey to the hidden entrance but it was a mentally painful one for me. It would have been a different matter if at any point we had to engage the foe - as an operational parameter - but simply avoiding contact by every means possible including ghosting past at a distance and occasionally backing away passively proved more a question of patience than anything else. Backtracking was especially painful but sometimes essential especially against the smart matter clouds. Mostly only occasional bouts of impatience threatened our mission security and to my shame; I became no less prone to those towards the latter end of the journey than ‘Unholy’. Stealth is a game of nerves and constantly worrying about ‘UT’ was fraying my nerves I felt mentally ragged.]

[When we finally neared the concealed entrance, I knew momentary elation then another sharp pang of fear: the idea of failure so close to our objective trampled upon my peace of mind. I also knew we would soon be entering the somewhat depressing ice tunnels again and this time surrounded by foes that needed every one of us eliminated as spies. We stared at the location for a while once again fearful of a prepared trap that the entrance might be known and mined or under observation but we saw nothing nearby not that that meant no one was assuredly there.]

[Eventually we moved forward somehow I got ahead of ‘UT’ to lift the concealed hatch. It was standing there looking around that I worried once again about our tracks. Our tracks would disappear here something anyone who happened upon them must deem suspicious and investigate. We had laid down a trail directly to this hidden hatchway an arrow in the ice pointing this way. I was wondering what we might do about that when I saw our footprints almost magically vanishing being skilfully removed by I guessed more than one small stealthy remote of some kind. ‘Cad’ or possibly ‘Weep’ had thought of everything that made me feel marginally better although hardly overflowing with confidence. Still, - due to the quality of our allies - we might have a chance and I was not alone other highly competent people here would help me to do what I needed to do. Then I wondered if I shared the same objectives as our friends down there.]

[Whilst ‘Unholy’ entered the tunnel, inwardly, I reaffirmed my personal mission parameters: I had to keep ‘Unholy’ alive and somehow rescue the ‘Beast’ from the clutches of her ‘Isolationist’ kidnappers. I decided then that if my task required exposing the ‘Isolationist’ plotters’ actions to the ‘Deep Clerics’ as ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ planned then so be it but should it prove otherwise then I would find other means to gain my ends and let ‘Cad’ or ‘Creed’ bring down the ‘Isolationists’ and deal with the upside down inward looking clerics.]

[As I entered the tunnel I developed a new concern that even if we exposed the ‘Isolationists’ the ‘Deep Clerics’ might want to take charge of the find to hide it away in one of their ‘Material Archives’, as the ‘Divers’ say, ‘for all time’. Could ‘Cad’ or ‘Creed’ have planned for such an outcome? Could ‘Creed’ in particular want the ‘Deep Cleric Star Divers’ to neutralise the find via taking it into their custody away from ‘Pilgrim’ study and interaction? Was ‘Creed’ afraid of the unknown time traveller? I recalled that ‘Creed’ hated being an ‘Ascendant’ believing he had sacrificed his life to help ‘Pilgrim’ survival that he was now just a ‘bio-mechanical’ machine running a simulation that emulated the real person who used to be ‘Creed’.]

[I knew ‘Creed’ feared the ‘Star Diver Isolationists’ as an active threat against our survival too and that sacrificing a big gift to the ‘Deep Clerics’ might help with our relations showing we respected their most sacred customs and so on. Perhaps I should care about appeasing the ‘Deep Clerics’ just as much as ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ I also knew that we needed to get them more firmly on our side. Unfortunately, sacrificing possibly the only example we had ever found of an ancient ‘Living Hull’ even conceivably some contemporary of the species that made the ‘Emissary’ - that seemed too much to give away - for a mere promise of friendship that might be reneged later should it prove politically or religiously convenient or both.]

[If ‘Cad’ had planned to do this - to my sensitivities - betrayal of the find - he never should have involved me as a potential go between with a potential ancient ‘Living Hull’. I did not agree with using our find as if a mere slave - a chattel - an owned object one tradable at a treaty table for an advantage. At the moment I was stoutly against the selling of any ‘Living Hull’ without its permission. The proposed act of diplomatic slavery both sickened and enraged me. It seemed to me we had fallen far - due to our fears - and this was a dark day. It is not easy being a minority in a seemingly hostile universe but we ‘Pilgrims’ should try to maintain some standards of ethical behaviour. Then thinking again I knew nothing was simple not too long ago we had been in charge or at least been quiet partners of an unofficial ruling elite running the ‘Core Alliance’. Once we had been doing the tagging and the spying and even on occasion the intimidating with our military might now it was our turn to be tagged and spied upon and intimidated by others - maybe it was just and I had no right to complain even about the ‘Entanglement’. The wheel turns and nations rise and fall history full of changes of the guard.]

[Perhaps our problem was that we had simply not yet accepted that we are not the biggest players anymore not the driving force - that other powers were the future not us - powers we had previously not even realised existed. Being picked by the ‘Emissary’ gave us an exaggerated sense of self worth we were her chosen ones ‘Pilgrims’ upon a holy mission but was any of that real. All our past national faiths as ‘Pilgrims’ built upon possibly erroneous beliefs about a being we knew almost nothing about. What if the ‘Emissary’ was not that special save to us? What if we were all just the descendents of fools who followed another fool on some madcap mission. We certainly seemed fools to even try to compete with the ‘Star Divers’. The ‘Divers’ as a species magnitudes of potency beyond our once great ‘Pilgrim’ rivals the ‘Stellar Draakhaal’. Perhaps the ‘Divers’ even greater as - ‘Masters of the Stars’ - than our worst mistake the ‘Entanglement’ that now grew all over the ‘Seas Spheres’ and beyond as if a parasitic pandemic infection.]

[Perhaps our greatest achievement so far ironically was the ‘Nanotech Plague’ that was our legacy Harbinger’s legacy just as ‘Creed’ complained, now that was a rather diabolical thought and heresy for a ‘Patriarch’ of the ‘MTC’.]

[Then there was the implacable ‘Machine Fury’ deep inside every ‘Sea Sphere’ and out there beyond our known space still gobbling up Planets with an insatiable apatite. How could we hope to pacify that mechanical monster should it ever consider us in the way of its still poorly understood mission? Where had all the material of the Planets gone could that substance have been transported to another Universe as some once claimed? Conversely could all that mass now be part of some monstrous even greater machine than the ‘Fury’ as others spouted. We had even considered that the Planets might have been simply moved dismantled and reconstructed elsewhere stolen away by the creators of the ‘Machine Fury’.]

[Whatever the truth was about the monstrous project we are but dust. Insignificant specks lost in an eternity populated by giants even when we believed we knew where we where we were no less lost than I felt now. All our Priestly ‘Visions’ seemed to pale and become inadequate when matched against the scale of the ‘Machine Fury’. Truly, it was hard not to give in to despair as the icy tunnel closed around me. Yet some stubborn core at the heart of me rejected hopelessness and refused to surrender completely despite the chill.]

[To ‘Hell’s Maw’ with the rest of the Universe, I had intimate priorities even beyond any sense of responsibility towards - the find - such as saving ‘UT’ a matter that might have to be done over his objections. I was positive that ‘UT’ now wanted to visit that vast pillar with its suspected spiralling alien dockyards. Forbidden things call out to some people as if irresistible lures as if some ‘Omerta’ mythological siren song. Perhaps - the find - was calling out to me emotionally too I felt torn by my duties and responsibilities by my hopes and my fears.]

[Dare I risk us all for one or even two individuals and one of them only suspected to be a potential sentient being rather than confirmed? What would I do if I had to choose between ‘Unholy’ and the find or even between every ‘Pilgrim’ and a possible spiritual antecedent? Who did I think I was? I was too small - I understood what ‘UT’ meant earlier - we were all too small for these times. As to being right or wrong, was I any better than ‘Cad’ or ‘Creed’ to consider making such choices unilaterally? I felt triple cursed. I felt lost and alone. Some of these issues so personal I did not even seem able to talk to ‘UT’ about them. Harbinger - Captain - , I prayed, show me - no show us - a way forward that is not too sinful.]

[I listened intently to my old ‘Companion-ship Link’ maybe here maybe now given our strange predicament Harbinger would speak with me… but there was nothing only a heart rending silence. Was I being a complete fool? Was I being just a stupid old ‘Living Hull’ Paradox Priest dreaming my life away rather than facing a truer reality? Was my former Captain long gone? Could Harbinger just be another failed ‘Ascendant’ despite his ancestry? Could he have gone into a deep coma and died leaving just the husk of his body behind for so many to puzzle over and make sweet delusions around? Maybe he had committed suicide rather than face an eternity of purgatory as a ‘Tier Nine’ entity who felt more in common with our less elevated culture. Was all my new faith - such as it was - wasted? Every hint that Harbinger lived potentially a self-deceit because a part of me refused to let go - could not let go - refused to be condemned to a horrible solitude for the rest of my existence with a part of me missing in action. I was weak - I needed to believe in something - maybe they engineered us genetically to believe and that made every belief doubtful. I hated myself for doubting for losing faith as much as I hated myself for needing to believe in the first instance.]

[Was a sign too much to ask for?]

[It was a long descent both physically and spiritually but not long in real time, although all the way down I felt as if I was internally screaming as my mind fought spiritually back and forth with itself. I wondered if I was going insane perhaps due to the old brain injury courtesy of my historic almost destruction by the ‘Entanglement’. Had the ‘Hierophants’ patchwork proved an imperfect repair after all? Then the crisis passed as ‘Unholy’ dropped to the floor ahead of me going into a smooth combat stance - all deadly business - I concentrated upon that fact and the rest of the now and somehow shoved all the other baggage from yesterdays momentarily back where it belonged.]

[More tethers rested in place here only horizontal ones a simplistic ancient tried and tested ‘Real Material’ approach to controlled movement in zero gravity. There was no gravity decking here. However due to the asteroids new location we had gravity anyway so the ‘Hawks’ tethers were no longer required once we reached the floor. Earlier the lines had been useful for climbing down the shaft even though the shaft also had pre-gouged out claw and foot holds at ‘Recycler’ spacing. However, we had ignored the pits in the walls for us the cables proved good enough to rapidly abseil. We could hardly fail to make the most of the gravity kindly provided by our hijackers. We could have used a plethora of ‘Suit Substance’ solutions to descend safely but why waste the energy and ‘Infusion Material’ when others had already provided a fine means for a controlled fall.]

[I felt we ‘Pilgrims’ were making at best controlled falls in many different ways but I strove hard to cast that leaking traitorous thought aside.]

[After landing, we had barely taken a few steps forward when two, thermal bandage wrapped, almost mummified reptilians stomped out of cunningly cut sentry alcoves. For an uncomfortable moment, we gazed at the wrong end of well-aimed weapons. The first two ‘Recyclers’ hastily reinforced by two more all looking scarily nervous to me for professional mercenaries. I guessed this an unpopular posting isolated from help and easily overrunning by the enemy. After doubly confirming we were not impostures - as best they could - with some questions and so on the ‘Recyclers’ - mostly - lowered their guns and directed us on down the cramped tunnel that I noticed was pre-rigged with explosives. Not many steps more and a fifth bandaged ‘Hawk’ greeted us, the latest one not so neatly wrapped up as her colleagues due it seemed to the wear and tear of recent battle experiences. Ripped dirty bandage ends stuck back down roughly with some sort of makeshift adhesive. Splattered with suggestive stains she made a sobering image.]

“You can call me ‘Runner’.” [The female ‘Hawk’ said.] “I am to accompany you onward ‘Weeps’ orders.” [She added.]

[I was not sure I liked the sound of that. Maybe ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ were wrong about ‘Weep’ rolling over so easily in relation to being used in their scheme. As ‘Weep’ kept stressing to us before - the find was made by the ‘Hawks’ not the ‘Hierophants’ - no wonder ‘Cad’ had not kept the ‘Recycler’ Mercenary Leader fully informed of his and ‘Creeds’ intent to reveal the find first to an especially problematic ‘Isolationist’ cell then possibly handing it over to the ‘Deep Clerics’ as a bribe - politics!]
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Thu, 20. Feb 14, 17:28

[[FIVE]] [[Part 3]] --- TOOLS ---

“What are you staring at?” [‘UT’ asked the ‘Hawk’ called ‘Runner’.]

“I am looking at two ‘Users’.” [She replied.] “Always so clean always so stainless - so perfect - nothing real sticks to you people.”

“Our cleanliness offends?” [I asked.]

“No more talk. This section may have been breached. From here we go tactical. I lead you follow.” [She ordered.]

“Someone else should lead if you are killed how will we find ‘Weep’?” [‘UT’ stated.]

[In return ‘UT’ received a speaker snort and harsh hiss followed by…] “No more talk.”

[I wondered if this ‘Recycler’ had gone to an old ‘Stellar Draakhaal Warrior Caste’ school of etiquette.]

[As she moved to our perceptions noisily forward, ‘UT’ flashed me with a laser link.] “I guess that is what passes for ‘Recycler’ stealth.” [He mocked.] “One of us would be better scouting ahead - well ahead of that one - if we are hoping to surprise any foe.”

“No talk and no light.” [She added without looking back.]

[I could only assume she had a hidden optic watching her rear and us. Very trusting yet how could I fail to approve of a holy third optic? I found the idea of a ‘Recycler’ with three optics rather amusing it cheered me up slightly.]

[We stalked along some of us arguably stalking more than others. Gravity was working against the ‘Recycler’ although given the hard inflexible nature of her cybernetics she was not that loud we just had good microphones and assumed the foe did too.]

[Mostly the tunnels were quiet ignoring the ambient sounds of ‘Hierophant’ installed atmospheric processing. However, even to me - comforting - patterns of life support were occasionally - irregularly - disturbed by other less welcome noises notably the sounds of distant battle distorted in odd ways by the local icy subterranean topography.]

[Despite any fears, we soon encountered more ‘Recyclers’ rather than the enemy one group undergoing basic battlefield surgery littered a wider than average corridor. Here surgery proved a messy mixture of biology and cybernetic repair the activity in this instance assisted by a frenetic ‘Hierophant’ who had no time to talk with us.]

[I made a note of the injury types recording everything from hard radiation burns to limbs blasted away with plenty of armour piercing bullet holes between. My attentions tolerated but not welcomed by the injured. The weapon spread employed proved consistent with some ‘Pilgrim Factions’ including plenty of known ‘Omerta’ Pirates but I was not buying that premise.]

[Picking up one fragment of a used round dug out of a ‘Hawk’ I ran a quick analysis upon it. It was inert ‘Real Material’ an alloy but had the tell tale markings of nanotech manufacture possibly via ‘Suit Substance’ devices from magazine sized slabs of dedicated ‘Infusion Material’. That was one solution to bullet manufacture by ‘Users’ another being programmable multipurpose ‘Suit Substance’ rounds.]

[Although when you had secure lines of supply or limited requirements pre-manufactured ‘Real Material’ ammunition was sometimes pre-loaded in to ‘Suit Substance’ systems. I scanned around and discovered all the fragments of bullets retrieved here seemed to be uniform in their nature. I found that interesting but was not sure precisely what these results meant if anything significant. Sadly no rounds or injury on display here were proof of assured ‘Star Diver Isolationist’ involvement - that would be too easy.]

“Finished playing at being a war tourist or is it a detective?” [‘Runner’ asked.]

“I am collating data on the enemy.” [I replied.]

“The easy way.” [She retorted sharply snapping her over jaws.]

“I do not disagree compared to some poor souls.” [I stated.] “Your wounded have my sympathy.”

“Keep your sympathy we would have preferred instead the sharing of more real intelligence on this enemy prior to their arrival.” [She spat out.]

“We two did not conspire to keep anything from you ‘Hawks’.” [‘UT’ I felt partly lied since we had prevaricated reporting back to ‘Weep’ well more accurately I had as reporting back to ‘Weep’ was my responsibility.]

[‘Unholy’ received a speaker snort in reply to his comment.]

[I feared ‘Cad’ had given the fact away to ‘Weep’ that he knew something and was keeping secrets via constructing those ‘Surface Batteries’ prior to the assault. I wondered so far what ‘Cad’ had told ‘Weep’ I was positive not the whole story probably not even one-half of the truth. What was I going to say to ‘Weep’ now?]

“No enemy wounded prisoners.” [I said.]

“There is no enemy to wound or capture just ‘User’ animated ‘Suit Substance’ to decommission.” [She seemed to curse out whilst her optics rested hot upon our despised material.]

[I realised that ‘Shrouding’ once a defensive camouflage against prejudice did no good when the material of your shroud proved offensive all by itself.]

[I understood her resentment in this instance, pitting real bodies even cybernetic boosted ones against remotes seemed unfair and unjust. Were the ‘Isolationists’ enjoying this action as retaliation against us ‘Users’ who had fought remotely against their people on Planet? It was true the wheel turns and dharma catches up to all of us - I did not feel stainless. I also wondered if the ‘Isolationists’ were seeking to exaggerate our ‘Pilgrim’ divide of ‘Users’ versus ‘Real Materialists’. The ‘Free Miner Movement’ almost a ‘Real Material’ cabal threatening the almost ‘User’ dominated ‘Consortium’ whilst here where we had predominantly ‘Real Materialist Recyclers’ as troops we had a seeming ‘User’ attack - an unfortunate coincidence or more probably a product of wicked design.]

[As the ‘Divers’ had an ‘Isolationist’ versus ‘Engagement’ split we ‘Pilgrims’ had our ‘Real Material’ versus ‘User’ cultural divide. Some of us ‘Pilgrims’ and some ‘Star Divers’ possibly working a very real divide to conquer strategy against their deemed opposition.]

[Old ‘Hubris Patron’ propaganda had helped to better define and enshrine a division in our ‘Pilgrim’ society, a division they had embraced simply to spread their influence over more ‘Real Materialist’ citizens and Ports, that action might yet cost us all dearly even the ‘Hubris Patrons’ might fall victim to the end consequences of inciting distrust and hatred. Whilst as the ‘Holy Father’ I had been striving to breach barriers of ‘Pilgrim’ difference via seeding Forums of the ‘Universal Council of Equals’ were every aspect of our lives might be debated the ‘Hubris Patrons’ had been intent upon splitting our society in two. Then they thought they could just consolidate their ill-gotten gains and let the distrust and hatred they previously incited ebb away. Unfortunately, distrust and hatred once ignited is akin to wildfire it easily spreads until all the available fuel is spent.]

[I recalled our previous divide with the ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ that fire would have burned and burned if it had not been blown out and metaphorically starved of fuel by the explosive ‘Advent of the ‘Entanglement’. Sadly, even the ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ might help to fuel our latest divide being judged primarily ‘Real Materialist’ with perhaps an eighty twenty split in their material prejudices. Many ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ rejecting ‘Suit Substance’ as soon as forced ‘Suit Substance’ material integrations under the old ‘Free Parliament’ system ended because of our material’s association with the ‘Entanglement’ sometimes repression keeps the peace until the regime changes.]

[Previously I had made little of ‘Stellar Draakhaal Real Materialism’ because interestingly it had never been a militant obsession with that species. Due to interventions by the ‘Shaper Faith’, the ‘Real Materialist’ banner amongst ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ never suffered the same level of political hijacking, as was the case with ‘Recyclers’ under the ‘Hubris Patrons’. In ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ society, - so far - your material preference remains a personal matter of private conviction rather than a public policy. Their attitude to material prejudices perhaps the biggest of all proofs of ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ reform into being a more agreeable more integrated part of our wider ‘Pilgrim’ society. Whilst individually some ‘Stellar Draakhaal’ could still be overly aggressive and hard work, overall they were not as they used to be. Unfortunately if the ‘Pilgrim’ split between ‘Users’ and ‘Real Materialists’ ever became an open conflict it would not be easy for any individual to stay neutral when deemed to belong to one side or the other by extremists. Sadly, with most extremists, you are with them or you are against them a friend or a foe no other option allowed.]

[All of the above and more running through my three brains and ‘Cognitive Sub Cores’ as I stood out of place amongst the wounded ‘Recyclers’ as an inadvertent ‘Suit Substance’ symbol of something they now seemingly hated.]

“It is wrong to judge anyone by their skin we are not just ‘Real Materialists’ or ‘Users’, anymore than you are just a ‘Recycler’ and I just a ‘Living Hull’, most of all we are ‘Pilgrim’ people and above even that categorisation fellow sentient beings that is our taxonomy.” [I preached.] “We should cleave to our commonalities and be fascinated by our differences.”

“Save your sermonising for fools who believe in the power of debate in your many ‘Councils of Equals’.” [She hissed out.] “Forget pretty words, look at this nasty reality my people - my friends - bleeding blood, leaking oil and hydraulic fluids. If you want to preach go preach to the enemy ‘RCT’ about our commonalities and see how much good that does.”

“Some day even the people behind the ‘Substance’ plaguing us here must listen to the voices of reason for the fulfilment of our shared - greater - destiny. I firmly believe that factionalism only ever serves short-term ends the wider issues that encompass us all always require more inclusive policies.” [I said.]

“You cannot reason with unreasonable aggressors you have to put them down hard or they will do that to you first.” [She said shaking her weapon.]

“Indeed there is a time for talk and a time for bold action.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I believe we are here now because ‘Weep’ wishes to talk.” [I reminded.]

“Come, you are right to remind me of that duty.” [‘Runner’ said stepping carefully past the wounded.] “I just wanted you to see how it is with us first.” [She admitted.]

[So we perhaps did not come upon the wounded in that specific corridor by accident.]

“Before we move on might I ask how the battle goes?” [‘UT’ enquired.]

“We prevail thankfully whilst outnumbered we ‘Hawks’ are resilient most of our wounded will patch up nicely and rejoin the fray soon after they are treated and or repaired for optimal battle efficiency. You will find no slackers here such as anyone seeking to avoid battle by exaggerating their injuries ‘Weep’ does not tolerate malingerers. We all work for our pay.” [She stated.]

“It is good that you are proud of your comrades.” [I said.]

“I do not need your patronisation do not seek to treat me as if one of your child Acolytes. I just wanted you to see. Some of us have made the round trip from the front to places such as this makeshift hospital more than once already.” [She stated.]

“I did not mean to belittle in any way.” [I replied.]

“Yet you do, you disrespect us look down upon us as mere tools because we fight for credits but we are not in your employ today.” [She said.] “We have been betrayed and what you see here is just a little of the consequences. However we will prevail. We ‘Hawks’ always carry some of the latest spare parts with us paid for from a shared kitty and donated to the needy given theses facts some wounded are being upgraded as we speak. Otherwise, still viable parts will be recycled from the brain dead whose bodies are beyond immediate resurrection here. I will admit unless you carry your own spares what you get in a crisis can be a bit random either old and reconditioned or brand new and state of the art. Nonetheless we look after our own.” [She stated.]

“Something of a parts lottery.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“So you have suffered fatalities here has it been many?” [I asked.]

“If we cannot break out and escape this icy tomb we will all die here.” [She predicted.] “Well all of us who are truly here rather than just pretending to be here.”

“I am here in body and spirit.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“I hear you are almost an ‘Ascendant’ - here we ‘Hawks’ will die - whilst you simply Ass-end to rise further above it all.” [She challenged using the old word play insult.]

“Perhaps or I might just die too we Paradox Priests are tough too but not indestructible and the faith that some ‘Ascend’ beyond the physical substance of a ‘Facilitator’ is not confirmed it is more a matter of faith and perhaps a soul trap to a deeper sort of purgatory or so many now fear.” [‘Unholy’ replied.] “I believe all you ‘Hawks’ are assured rebirth back to the real with almost no loss of continuity because you are all ‘One with Reformed Computer Cores’ both digital and biological in an exceptionally integrated way.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“I have not lived before so I do not find the concept of an informational transition into a clone as a comforting solution to this predicament. Some of my sisters and brothers may happily embrace passing through the informational gate to know the real again, I plan to live as I am now. I still feel an attachment to what I previously always considered me.” [She stated.]

“So you are not all psychologically equally integrated with the digital realm.” [I said.]

“My lack of faith shames me.” [She confessed.]

[A lack of faith in their ‘Real Material’ science and digital technology was what I guessed she meant rather than say a lack of faith in something genuinely spiritual and divine.]

“Do you believe in the soul other than as a digital informational copy of your mind?” [I asked.]

“What else could a soul be?” [‘Runner’ asked in reply.] “Information is information be it information coded in ‘DNA’ or within a ‘Computer Core’. We are all informational beings even I hazard ‘Suit Substance Ascendants’. You look down upon us and distrust us because we chose to meld with the ‘Reformed Computer Cores’ but we are not so different.” [She argued.]

“If you believe that then I would judge that you have plenty of faith by your people’s standards and have little to fear one way or another you will survive this place.” [I said.]

“At the very least there is pain and an unplanned unwanted journey to be apprehensive about.” [She retorted.]

“They say no experience is wasted.” [‘UT’ cheekily replied given the topic.]

“I am not advocating seeking out death or injury but you ‘Recyclers’ do have nerve blockers and so on there is no need to suffer when you…transition.” [I stated.]

“It is too easy to turn off that which makes us real - feeling is living. Today it is expected and customary for true ‘Hawks’ to embrace the transition rather than fight against it - when our time comes that is - and many claim that means embracing the pain of death to properly appreciate being alive again.” [She said.]

“Sounds needlessly masochistic to me but who am I to judge the foibles of your culture. I am sure should the worst happen to you, you will transition bravely and bring great honour to your peers and yourself.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[She looked at ‘UT’ as if surprised.] “The last are kind words well spoken but being young and some think shallow I would rather not transition at all.” [She admitted.]

“Avoiding death is no sin it is a very sensible attitude for any Warrior and nothing to be ashamed about.” [‘UT’ replied.] “I have oft stated that death can triple cursed wait for me. Life is for living.”

“Yet you are known even amongst us ‘Hawks’ as a great risk taker a gambler with fate.” [She said.]

“I enjoy being all that I am. I push to the limit but I know the limit.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[I decided to make my approximation of a ‘Recycler’ snort at that remark.]

[‘Runner’ hissed out a ‘Recycler’ style speaker laugh.]

“For ‘Users’ you two are not entirely as I imagined.” [She said.] “Maybe there is something to your reputations as being a bit different to the average ‘User’.”

“On a good day ‘Runner’ I try to be downright deviant.” [‘Unholy’ happily replied.]

“You must forgive my friend he enjoys this sort of situation far too much. Where we feel trapped he feels at home.” [I complained.]

“We must go ‘Weep’ waits.” [She said.]

[We started working our way past the wounded again only to stop abruptly.] “Belay that plan ‘Weep’ is coming here.” [‘Runner’ informed.] “We wait.”

[A short time later ‘Weep’ appeared well some bodyguards appeared first then the ‘Hawk’ leader.]

“When I give an order I expect it to be obeyed without private detours.” [’Weep’ told ‘Runner’.] “Do you accept a fine for this infraction of discipline.” [He stated.]

“I accept and remain a ‘Hawk’.” [She replied.]

“Good, then I have other duties for you. I know you meant well but this was not showing initiative. Time is precious to us and you delay.” [He stated.]

[He then flashed her with a laser link and she hurried away. ‘Weep’ then used lasers to link to ‘UT’ and I.]

“Be quick and concise what happened out there?” [He asked.]

“We discovered the ‘Hierophants’ were installing ‘Surface Batteries’ we talked to a ‘Hierophant’ called ‘Able’ overseeing the project. We continued on to confirm his data when the attack came. It then transpired that the sites were decoys with other assets jumping in but they arrived too late and proved ineffective against the ‘Source Ship’ analogues landing strategy.” [I stated.]

“You spoke with ‘Cad’.” [He said.]

“He helped us to get past enemy pickets.” [I replied.]

“What about his reasons for establishing the defence? What does he know about these invaders? What does he know about this sphere?” [‘Weep’ asked.]

[I considered what to say and decided to play ignorant. Quickly keying ‘UT’ into my strategy via an ‘EXO-C’ data blast.]

“He refuses to divulge the source of his intelligence data or what he knows I assume it is highly sensitive information.” [I stated.]

“So we are all being treated as idiots by the ‘Professors’.” [‘Weep’ complained.]

“I decided I had to trust ‘Cad’ his secrets have saved my life in the past.” [I said.]

“The past is history dead and gone. I feel betrayed in the now as do my ‘Hawks’. I had to fine the good ‘Runner’ but perhaps her instincts are right look around you this is the consequence of ‘Cad’ and his secrets. We are holding but we will not hold for long. Already the foe could have swept our resistance aside if the intruders were not, I judge, afraid of waking and freeing that which they seek to steal from us. They want the find but they want it as it is now still imprisoned in an icy cocoon.” [‘Weep’ informed.]

“Consider our position we lack coordinates to leap out, the ‘Surface Gate’ is down and I am telling you we cannot hold them for much longer. I think we must do what our enemy fears doing we must waken the find from its ages long slumber.” [The ‘Hawk’ added.]

“That might not be wise we do not know what we are dealing with in here.” [I replied.]

“I suspect the foe may know and they fear its release - the enemy of my enemy. Besides it is what it is a space ship after all it is the size of a ship the shape of a ship and we found it travelling through space in a suspiciously ship like manner nose first rear behind what more proof do we need since we are not scientists who question everything that our optics tell us.” [‘Weep’ stated.]

“We will wake the ‘Beast’ and you ‘MT’ as was planned will talk to it. We all know you are very good at talking. You will begin now by commencing to construct a suitable first contact message a data blast that will be sent on a loop.” [He stated.]

“As you reminded me - I am no Professor - never mind a xeno-linguist this entity is truly ancient older even that our estimate for the ‘Machine Fury’ it may not understand our language.” [I said.]

“I trust you will manage. You ‘Hulls’ are always reminding us ‘Passenger Classes’ how big your brains are. You will do this else we will wake the find without your input and take our chances with our lesser diplomatic skills.” [He said.]

“You are staking all on the assumption that it will know how to leap out of this place and is powerful enough to escape.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“If it is ancient and wise then it will seek to save itself and in doing so perhaps save us too. Whatever happens loosed it is sure to be an added problem for the foe. We cannot hold so we must go - I see no other way - I am informed that the ‘Surface Gate’ will not be ready in time if at all.” [‘Weep’ stated.] “We are already falling back. We have no other sensible strategy no other option.”

“What do you mean you are falling back.” [‘UT’ asked.]

“It has begun, we have set charges that should weaken the icy bonds we awaken the entity or artefact make our strategic withdrawal gain ingress to the ‘Ancient Hull’ as allies then remotely detonate the charges and fly free or we die here.” [‘Weep’ stated.]

[As a plan, this one had far too many assumptions such as the hope that the ‘Ancient Hull’ would allow us onboard and treat us as allies. I wondered how they planned to waken it up even that to me not guaranteed. Although we had striven in our own manner not to waken it, did not mean waking it would be easy or that it would be in any condition to fight off hostiles to escape. It might not even use wormhole travel.]

“What if we are wrong and it is ancient and primitive rather than ancient and advanced?” [I said.]

“I suggest you pray to your Harbinger otherwise.” [‘Weep’ stated.]

“This is madness.” [I replied.]

“What about the ‘Hierophants’ are you going to abandon them.” [‘UT’ asked.]

“We deeply suspect now that all the ‘Hierophants’ that remain here are either ‘Remote Combat Troops’ or ‘Skin Suits’ playing at being real people nonetheless they are being informed that we are evacuating if they move now they can join us else let them deal with their own makings - the consequences of keeping secrets. We ‘Hawks’ are not expendable assets to be used up besides we were not even in the ‘Hierophants’ employ to be treated as if mere security forces - this is our find - and we will determine its fate.” [‘Weep’ stated.] “Alive or dead we ‘Hawks’ are leaving on our terms.”

“Now you must come with me we go to the ‘Ancient Hull’.” [‘Weep’ added.]

[Now it was designated an ‘Ancient Hull’ as much due to wishful thinking as deduction.]

[‘Weep’ waved a signal to his guards and they began assisting the wounded that needed assisted with walking whilst ordering the rest to get up and move out. We were swept along by an untidy exodus just two more refugees if one of us soon to be an acting ambassador. ‘Weep’ was right if they could not hold the line we had to go and there seemed only one questionable means of escape left open. How would all of this affect the overall plan ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ had devised? It seemed this time our ‘Professor’ friend was doomed to fail I wondered what the political and social consequences would be of that failure following his initial approach.]

[I wondered, even ignoring all other matters, what the consequences would be of us awakening the find - should we succeed - even if it proves a benevolent ‘Ancient Hull’ and our immediate salvation. As we followed ‘Weep’ I wondered could this all have been planned for by the most subtle of all social engineers. Were we nudged and guided to this historic moment or could even members of the ‘Highest’ and or ‘New Helpers’ as a division thereof fail to keep us on a good vector. I recalled it was ‘Weep’ and the ‘Hawks’ who were brought to this find first not ‘Cad’ or ‘Creed’. I even wondered if somehow the icy cocoon had an active part in this final outcome encouraging the ‘Hawks’ to feel sundered from the ‘Hierophants’ because the ‘Hierophants’ had an intercepted plan to sell the find to the ‘Deep Clerics’ and that was not destined to be the far traveller’s fate.]

[Increasingly I thought of the ice of the cocoon as of the trapped artefact but also separate from it as much if not more an emotional response than an intellectual deduction. We knew the cocoon could defend itself to some degree reacting to heat via applying extra refrigeration it seemed to resist the excavations too the ice far harder than it should be. However, there was more to it somehow in the tunnels the ice seemed more awake and watching than the object it contained and I suspected it might have a distributed consciousness of sorts. I was positive ‘Cad’ knew there was more to the ice than a simple cocktail of penetrating chemicals - his fascination with it more than plot assisting prevarication.]

[It was interesting that ‘Cad’ saw the discovery of the find as a gift - and he might be right - but not perhaps a gift given to be passed on to the ‘Star Divers’ just to be lost again to every ‘Pilgrim’ in an imprisoning hot glare rather than the travellers previous icy dark tomb. Another part of me felt we all suffered from extreme egocentrism convinced everything here was about us about our needs. I soberly recalled that this one began a journey long before any ‘Pilgrim’ arrived at this Universe. It amazed me that ‘Cad’ as a scientist could use such an amazing discovery so casually in a ploy that included possibly giving it away to the ‘Deep Clerics’. Such unlikely allies were people unwilling to share any truths they might discover with us - that is if they were even in the business of wanting to know the truth of their past rather than just burying it in the fiery depths.]

[As to the find, one or more others might well have hijacked it first as a gift long before it was utilised by the ‘Hierophants’ as a tool against an ‘Isolationist’ cell and stolen by the ‘Isolationists’ for their causes reasons. We had our plan but so did everyone one else out there and often peoples’ plans messily intruded upon one another. Life, I mused, is a series of messy interactions with much occurring beyond our control so we improvise and muddle through. One thing I knew for certain whilst we can strive to steer our own vector in life no one can guarantee that they will arrive at the destination they originally aim for not us and not our latest discovery. I was sure our find as much as it was ours - if it was a sentient being with a life of its own - had some other destination in mind rather than this odd result.]

[Meanwhile I worked upon the first contact message - a greeting and a warning - that at first included something of a ‘Pilgrim’ history lesson and a plea for understanding of our faiths, failures and our successes. I then realised I was writing to a relative of the ‘Emissary’ without any proof of said identity. The message proved one of the hardest tasks I have ever attempted. The communication needed to do so much to inform and to strike up the right sympathy. We needed to make a positive connection over a gulf of Deep Time and this was a very poor way to start by begging for help from a - mutual - threat. Possibly the find would know or suspect that we ‘Pilgrims’ put it in this jeopardy in the first place if it talked with the ice.]

[Unfortunately, it was akin to pleading for mercy to a stranger. I had no idea how it would reinterpret and contextualise anything I said even if it understood the language keys also to be transmitted. I wrote then edited, cut out then returned whole passages, I reamed off multiple versions and put them through ‘Sub Core’ analysis then scrapped them. I considered cold logic versus an impassioned emotive plea. I realised we were praying for a new friend and saviour but could be facing something utterly inimical to our faiths or utterly apathetic to our need anything was possible. Even within the context of an ‘Ancient Hull’ it might be: a shunned outcast, an imprisoned felon, a bold time and space explorer, part of a migration or invasion, the last member of its species or one of a multitude, the sole survivor of some dreadful cull, a terminally ill patient looking for a cure in the future… the list went on and on.]

[All I had to cling to was the fact that I was positive the ‘Recyclers’ were guided to the find simply because they refused to talk about how they came to be out there. It was my hope that the person doing the guiding was not our foe and had perhaps explored the find first and knew its nature to be compatible with us. It was my prayer that it was our ‘Blessed Tier Nine Harbinger’ still out there exploring - looking for answers - and delivering one find to our attention.]

[In the end fearing more was less I created an outline of the overall situation explaining that we found it adrift and were studying it when another power stole it away. The thieves suspected to belong to a species known to archive ancient artefacts locking them away they claim - for all time - as both sacred and profane objects. We, I promised, would help it escape such an imprisonment in any way we could if it helped us in turn to survive the trespass of the thieves now intent upon removing witnesses to their crime. Our assumption being that it is a space vessel capable of carrying other life forms as passengers that undertook or is undertaking a one way ‘Deep Time’ transit.]

[I explained that I was the Avatar of a distant ‘Living Hull’ - a living sentient space ship - brought here to act as an ambassador but that the others with me belonged to an alliance of what some call ‘Passenger Class’ people who often travel via my kind but were currently stranded within the ice and under attack by the hostile thieves. With no positional fix data and near a substantial fluctuating gravity well we could not use our limited modern technology to initiate a wormhole to leap to safety but hoped such an ancient artefact might have exotic means or knowledge we lacked that would enable us to flee safely from peril together. I then explained about our desperate fighting withdrawal and the planted explosives put in place to weaken the grip of the ice.]

[I was worried about the explosives. Would the find be happy for us to crack the ice or deem those placed munitions a threat and provocation to a possibly intelligent or semi-intelligent protective subsystem? Thinking about the ice as a subsystem made me wonder if the ice had malfunctioned and our friend had become an accidental prisoner of his or her own outer protection. In a way we are always prisoners to our own security measures often the more elaborate the measures the more deeply they snare us. I came to this possible conclusion because I would have expected any traveller to want to be awakened when they become subject to an obvious first contact situation given all the risks involved in such scenarios. Any sensible far traveller would also have some outward facing means to detect intruders. The ice if it was a semi-intelligent cocoon had to know we were here after all our digging and so on but it had not ceased its primary physical protective function to awaken and alert its master to intruders - something therefore seems to have gone wrong.]

[I had a sneaking suspicion that here was perhaps a subsystem that had evolved from its humbler beginnings over ages of time and perhaps now wanted to live for its own sake. In the long-term truly smart technologies had a history of evolving beyond their original remit usually needing closely watched but if you are hibernating ages away during an epic voyage for whatever reason…]

[Then I wondered what right we had to risk destroying a perhaps - unique - emergent species and linked into ‘Cad’ to share my hypothesis via a marked - urgent - data blast. My crazy conclusion that perhaps we should strive to make first contact with the ice before reaching out to the entity it protected but did we have enough time for double diplomacy and two first contact situations now that ‘Cad’ then ‘Weep’ in very differing but connected ways had drastically changed our available timetable for any scientific exploration or cultural niceties.]

[In addition, even if we could convince ‘Weep’ not to use the explosives, how could we hope to save a widely distributed ice bound alien entity whilst needing to be free from the grip of the ice to escape the foe? Then I recalled ‘UT’ telling me that he did not think the ‘Beast’ was as entombed as it seemed as no one buries themselves without a quick means of escape. Perhaps if we could reason with the ice we need not use any explosives. If the ice could release the ‘Ancient Hull’ might the ‘Hull’ then be able to take its former protection in tow even to jump it out.]

[So many unknowns and so little time left.]

[‘Cad’, I guessed, equally time conscious and no doubt currently evacuating sent me a hastily put together data blast that included lots of information on the ice - not previously released. Explaining more personally that he had long suspected that the ice retained an intelligent mechanism possibly even a living one with a degree of limited autonomy and that my theory of an evolutionary leap by the same - given this starting point - was far from impossible and might explain much otherwise confounding data. He confessed that he might have erred deeply by dismissing the ice as - merely an intelligent tool - something I found incredibly ironic and terribly sad.]

[His textual message continued, to my annoyance, with the following: I am going to attempt to negotiate a temporary cessation of hostilities with the invaders. If they destroy this ‘Meat Suit’ it is just the loss of a true living tool but if we kill the resident in the ice it might be a crime against all evolved sentient beings they need to know what they are doing.]

[I felt enraged at that response as somehow I was positive that it was a confirmation that deep in his soul ‘Cad’ - the deep thinking scientist - cared more about the ice as a potentially evolutionary life form than any ‘Living Hull’ - simply made to be sentient - whether the ‘Hull’ is ancient or modern. Evolution a miraculous phenomenon purposely constructed engineered entities with no evolutionary uplift behind them something far less worthy. It was unfair we had not come from nowhere we were a continuation of our makers genetics that had been altered and built upon. Yet the unvoiced argument that ‘Cad’ silently screamed out at me seemed almost identical to the one irrationally used against us ‘Living Hulls’ by ‘Weep’ earlier. I was beginning to believe that all ‘Passenger Class’ people felt this bigoted way - each prideful of their species slow genesis from single celled creatures - and I had no easy answer for that long evolved prejudice.]

[What is made is owned with impunity it has no intrinsic rights or so I read between his lines. I was life devalued - a second hand creation - we ‘Living Hulls’ children of lesser gods even though I was born of another ‘Living Hull’ not created in a cloning womb as a science experiment. Perhaps in billions of years if we evolved further far beyond our making - by deemed more natural processes - we will get some respect but now, now I feared the ‘Passenger Classes’ just see us as - their works - their triple cursed tools - their achievement - and their rightful property and many will fight to keep it that way.]

[Amazingly, despite all my preaching as the ‘Holy Father’ about the need for a unified cultural evolutionary uplift, the - social singularity - I considered splitting - I considered just going away and leaving every ‘Passenger Class’ bigot behind me. I could go out there and find my own way - but I did not yearn for a separate existence as an exile I yearned for inclusion - I was no isolationist and I was no quitter. Besides, I had to wonder if our ice encased friend had quit some prejudiced ancient society to escape such attitudes as ‘Cad’ inadvertently displayed. Sadly there is no getting away in time or space from some woes - some woes seem a cyclic factor of society enshrined in every technological civilisation that creates next-generation life as tools.]

[I felt betrayed for what ‘Cad’ did not say hit me three times as hard as all the things that ‘Weep’ had told me before in more honestly misplaced anger. How could ‘Cad’ so innocently strike me so painfully? ‘Cad’ the same ‘Trojan Professor’ that had saved me with his ‘Trojan Harbour’ ruse and dealt with me as a seeming equal on many occasions.]

“Do we ‘Living Hulls’ truly have any ‘Passenger Class’ friends?” [I asked ‘UT’ bitterly by laser link.]

“What has happened?” [He asked in reply via the same means.]

[I sent him copies of my message to ‘Cad’ and his reply. To his credit ‘UT’ did not fail to see why I was so upset about this one though I half expected him to miss it.]

“You know ‘Cad’ meant nothing personal by this - as you have said - the ‘Hierophants’ when fully engaged in some matter that grabs their deepest interest are often somewhat tight of focus and less than diplomatic with fringe concerns. He may be feeling guilty about the ice too.” [‘UT’ excused.]

“This is not about being preoccupied this is about what you people believe deep inside all the triple cursed false values you cling to about who is worthy and who is of less value. ‘Cad’ did not hesitate to sacrifice the find but now rushes to action to save what he deems a less artificial life-form even though we suspect it evolved from a simple if rather unusual subsystem of our suspected ancient ‘Living Hull’ analogue.” [I said.]

“You speak of attitudes - a debate for some other time and place - that is if you are serious about trying to save this life-form now - unless you are putting your personal feelings about your kind and you above that task.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“That is unfair.” [I sulked.]

“My friend what is life if not unfair? I believe we have a tight deadline and a job to do and you have just doubled perhaps tripled our workload.” [He stated.]

“You do not think this is a foolish side endeavour to our previous escape plan?” [I asked.]

“No if you are right this ice entity might be a fine ally in this situation maybe as useful as an ‘Ancient Hull’. As to ‘Cads’ attempt to stay these Pirates with words, (for he who acts as a Pirate is a Pirate whatever their species happens to be), I do not favour his chances the foe have us surrounded and are winning and winners are not so inclined to halt an advance to negotiate.” [‘UT’ stated.] “So how do we talk with this strange creature?”

“To really plug into its language system I would say we would need to consult chemically but I doubt we have the time necessary to crack its inner voice so I would suggest we assume it has the means and intellect to understand us by now as I am sure it has been monitoring us as part of its original remit to secure its icy borders.” [I said.]

“There are some mighty big assumptions there. If it is so knowledgeable of us why has it not sought to communicate with us before now even just to tell us to leave it in peace?” [He asked.]

“For a start if it is at all intelligent it would probably guess we would not be easily dissuaded - consider the ‘Hawks’. Besides, my best guess is that our icy friend is designed as a covert system to appear as just - ice - to the ignorant or casual interloper and if it has evolved true sentience it has even more reason to hide from potential aggressors being aware of the harm that might be done to it.” [I suggested.]

“Luckily for it, being such a diffuse entity so far even all our excavations may have only scratched it. That it has not yet acted in a showy way probably suggests it has not been harmed enough yet that it felt a compulsion to respond too dramatically. Otherwise if it has evolved from a defensive measure it may be caught in an ethical conundrum to continue to exist it must maintain the icy cocoon and keep its maker in eternal slumber - that twisting of its original remit it may be willing to do to live - but it might not be willing to purposely harm or to allow harm to come to its sleeping creator. Part of its remit is probably to guard and warn but at the same time to awaken its originator could mean its demise as part of an impermanent disposable structure thus logically it would grow inured to a policy of inaction as for it - unlike us - inaction equates to continued survival.” [I said.]

“You think it has been waiting in the hope that the situation might resolve itself or that something else might occur in its favour.” [‘UT’ asked.]

“Looking at the data ‘Cad’ has collected I will bet that those charges set by the ‘Hawks’ will be defused by our quiet friend. Look at those deep scans again the concentrations of contaminants in the ice and how they have changed a steady build up towards all our technological intrusions. It has been reaching out possibly even interfacing with our material this is no simple leaching process - no wonder ‘Cad’ has been so fascinated by ice samples here he just refused to leap to any conclusions possibly because the right insights acknowledged might horribly complicate mission matters. Once I sent him my message he could no longer, in good conscience, deny what he knew to be true.” [I said.]

“You nudged his conscience I always said you were more of a Priest than me.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I am positive he had some idea of what we have here long before now. Our friend ‘Cad’ is who he is an exceptional scientist and despite his binocular vision far from blind. The very areas he has been quietly investigating are highly suggestive of his train of thought in relation to this issue. I would also bet that ‘Creed’ put pressure on ‘Cad’ to ignore this anomalous chemical behaviour as irrelevant if they ever discussed it and I am sure that they did. ‘Creed’ would have argued that the mission must come first and all that military bunkum.” [I stated.]

“It is even possible that ‘Cad’ brought ‘Creed’ in because he needed someone to stiffen his resolve. Deep down inside ‘Cad’ had to know that what he was proposing was unethical but to his mind it seemed a necessary evil but his reservations would have been worrying at him.” [I added.]

“You think ‘Cad’ brought ‘Creed’ in to make the military argument you to make a civil case for - the find - his own little ‘Council of Equals’ to share the responsibility and to confirm the validity of a difficult choice.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“You could be right about that. As much as I am disappointed with him I know ‘Cad’ has had past fears about his previous abuses of power and the sort of things that he is capable of doing. Our ‘Trojan Professor’ is a complicated individual - a self-confessed mass murderer - with a long and troubled history. At one time he sought to distance himself from power politics now he is wedded to the same due to his family nation. It is hard to be impartial about some matters when you feel responsible for the survival of a great many people.” [I admitted.]

[‘UT’ bowed his ‘Prime Tri-optic’ to that truth. I knew that sometimes he probably quietly cursed Harbinger for making him a ‘Patriarch of the MTC’.]

“So you have some sympathy with the devil of the moment.” [‘UT’ joked.]

[I let that pass our whole conversation passing in a few moments of laser light both of us running our cognition fast so as not to waste time. At the same time I was composing a new message this time to a strange primarily chemical entity.]

[Word soon reached us that the youthful ‘Meat Suit’ old ‘Cad’ inhabited was injured and carried away by ‘Hierophant RCT’ from his attempt at opening a dialogue with the enemy ‘Troopers’. The invaders of our tunnels had no interest in talking never mind negotiating a ceasefire. I considered their disinterest stupid as it might have been an opening for them to, at the very least, try to infiltrate our lines or trick us in other ways for an easier slaughter but maybe their culture deemed such ploys dishonourable. Otherwise, it was possible that they were afraid to interact with us in any major manner, as every interaction was an opportunity for them to give their real identity away. It seemed they were sticking to a policy of sterilisation. Maybe it was just as well that ‘Cad’ had failed as these people might have deemed the ice entity another witness needing expunged if that was possible without freeing their prize from its seeming icy containment.]

[I picked a site to deliver my speech near the find - but not too close - where a good concentration of the ice entity contacted corridor microphones, speakers and camera optics. The message sent as a repeating unencrypted tonal informational data package a squeal of data.]

[I was on my twenty-third repetition when the entity responded in kind interestingly with hints of ‘Hierophant Trojan’ grammar. I guessed the specimen had been studying its investigators even more intimately than the ‘Hawks’ that excavated and patrolled the tunnels. It was obviously smart so much so that it even appreciated nuances of our humour whilst being intelligently wary. It also understood that it was in a problematic situation. In fact it was distressingly well-informed about some matters making my task to convince it that we meant its creator no harm whatsoever more difficult to sell than I had anticipated.]

[It was especially wary of giving us data on the find at first until I managed to convince it that we needed to know some matters - urgently - if any sensible scheme was to be formulated and if negotiations with the find were to be expedited with the efficiency needed to prevent a disaster. Seeing an opening I offered us up as go betweens, between it and its originator to smooth over its self serving indiscretions. Unsurprisingly it feared its maker would see it only as a system gone rogue that needed expunged.]

[One of the first things we asked for being names what we got for the find not easily translated being far too cumbersome but for our purposes it became grossly simplified down to ‘Founder’ whilst the ice entity chose to call itself ‘Scion’. ‘Founder’ was as suspected a ship and a living entity as we suspected from its revealed surfaces. ‘Founder’ was also a repository for a Planet’s entire genetic archive a sort of lifeboat apparently - one of many - sent out as an answer to some feared or ongoing mass extinction event. Sent out to find and seed a suitably lifeless but amenable to life Planet far from aggressive neighbours when Planets were still locally available for such activities - a sort of genetic colonialism.]

[The inference being that the criteria involved even when Planets were abundant proved hard to match and ‘Founder’ had been forced to battle for the survival of its precious cargo against innumerable opportunists who saw one passing alien ‘Hull’ as fodder for salvage. Eventually driven to extremes it had opted to travel not just through space but through time via cocooning itself and sending itself on a trajectory that deliberately avoided known solar systems to fly through dark space to reach out into an unknown tomorrow.]

[As suspected over time a smart subsystem that infused the ice cocoon became fully self-aware and the ‘Scion’ of the ‘Founder’ was born retaining a will to live and to retain the status quo out of which it emerged. Sadly ‘Scion’ did not know or was not telling what its creator was capable of as a ship only mentioning that it believed it had once had a wormhole jump drive capability. Of our ‘Emissary’ sadly it knew nothing, other than what it had overheard us ‘Pilgrims’ saying equally the same with the ‘Star Divers’ and the ‘Dread Machine Fury’ a reminder that it is a big Universe out there. ‘Scion’ also claimed to know nothing about what we called ‘Exogenous Communications’ something that mocked many of our firmest conjectures about an ancient past that many imagined had been replete with ‘EXO-C’ use a lost utopian age.]

[I had seen what I wanted to see, a contemporary of the ‘Emissary’ whilst what we had truly found was something else and whilst amazing enough it was not the answer to all our questions about our past but rather a humbling small insight into other pasts in other places - entire histories lost in Deep Time. It was certainly a find that deserved a chance to one day fulfil its mission, or so I somewhat hastily judged, and I did not believe it should be gifted to the ‘Deep Clerics’ to store as a relic not even as a solid boon to our future relations.]

[I felt a kinship with the ‘Founder’ all the more so because of my recent annoyance with the attitude of a certain ‘Trojan Professor’. Here was one ‘Hull’ no ‘Pilgrim’ could claim ownership of although I supposed the ‘Hawks’ might try to claim salvage rights - if necessary I would mobilise the ‘MTC’ to fight such rights legalistically. The ‘Founder’ belonged only to itself and its mission.]

[Convincing ‘Scion’ to give us access to the protocol needed to awaken the ‘Founder’ took a little time - relatively speaking - at these fast communication speeds for ‘Scion’ proved well capable of fast thought and message transmission. Nonetheless, our request won out in the end with a little help from the ever encroaching enemy incursion. Armed with the necessary protocol we immediately set about the task of bringing the ‘Founder’ onboard our operation or more accurately of getting us onboard the ‘Founder’ as at the very least a possibly safer haven if the foe wanted her intact.]

[By this stage it was getting crowded near the ‘Founder’ with ‘Hawk’ and ‘Hierophant’ refugees not to mention a few ‘Immortals’ that had been posted here by ‘UT’ from the ‘Vanishing Point’ before the ice was hijacked although they had been somewhat dispersed throughout the project. Unfortunately, getting inside the ‘Founder’ did not prove the biggest problem. Time had taken a toll upon the ancient ship’s systems not all of which had survived her long journey equally well. In addition, this was a ‘Hull’ that had seen many past battles and had been running on a low power regime. Inside it proved a mixture of living and inert matter some systems looking highly advanced others anything but. I quickly guessed that this ‘Hull’ had lived as a scavenger at times incorporating whatever it could find and resurrect. It had some nanotech but it was all very specifically used in one item or another and seemed tightly controlled.]

[The vessels outer skin having the closest resemblance to our nanotech infused bio-mechanical ‘Suit Substance’ but that facility was only skin deep or used here and there in other internal subsystems in a patchy way.]

[Features inside showed evidence of many different scripts at first I put this down to incorporated salvage but I learned from ‘Founder’ that its home world had once been the domain of many nations most of which stubbornly retained their own language both spoken and written. Her class being built as a cooperative effort with parts shipped from far and wide to be assembled into a whole that represented a fusion of diversity and a new world order born out of an unexpected adversity her creation a symbolic exercise not just a practical endeavour.]

[Operationally the scheme whilst deemed a social success proved at times an engineering nightmare due to occasional mistakes with the chosen standards for interfaces as a result ‘Founder’ was a mass of crude fixes and make do alterations. Crewed by a plethora of equally diverse remotes of a bewildering variety that walked scurried hovered and so on about their business striving to get everything ready for our attempted exodus that I soon had grave doubts about.]

[The ‘Founder’ on the inside in no manner how I had imagined. My imagination full of high tech streamlined exotica whilst what we had here was more like something a devotee of ‘Real Materialism’ steam punk gone mad might create with a little ‘User’ input on the side.]

[Fascinatingly she admitted that as well as different nations contributing to her mass other species technology which her builders had only recently had contact with was mixed and matched into her design further explaining the cornucopia of differing style units.]

“My makers were not star-farers prior to contact from beyond our solar system. Ours was a culture rushed into an advanced technological age and into an interstellar war that was not our making.” [She explained via an amusing hovering little single optic device that passed for her as a roving Avatar.]

[‘Scion’ was the product of one borrowed, alien to her home world, science perhaps that was why it had been so freely able to evolve beyond its original remit. I had no idea how all this mishmash would perform in a battle situation but the die felt cast. Unlike us ‘Founder’ claimed she had positional data from what she called her tertiary navigation system but she had never made a leap from within such close proximity to a remarkably strong gravity well especially one oddly masked by the spherical artefact we were within so that it read as very variable to her exotic sensor arrays. Unfortunately we were having a hard time understanding her tertiary navigational data which conformed to no known system we utilised not linked to the stars but upon some to us previously unknown beacon system. As a result we had to rely upon her to make the leap whilst we tried to explain the mathematics involved in countering a gravity well in a way that she could adapt and apply to her exotic navigational calculations. To me it seemed only a kick in the rear away from making a blind jump and I kept thinking about the four lost probes.]

[Initially I was glad that she considered her Jump Drive off limits to us as I rather dreaded what state it might be in and decided that it might be better not to know.]

[‘UT’ seemed both disappointed and delighted with the internals of the ‘Founder’ at least those areas that we had thus far been allowed to access for she was a big ship. As to others: ‘Cad’ proved somewhat subdued perhaps contemplating how his scheme with ‘Creed’ was seemingly in ruins although I was sure he was still hoping the enemy ‘RCT’ would let their disguise slip in some manner. ‘Weep’ and me were barely talking with him, except when we had to I knew it was petty but I needed time to cool down and I wanted ‘Cad’ to know I was unhappy with him. ‘Creed’ was operating an ‘RCT’ with the ‘Hawks’ and ‘Hierophants’ still involved in the fighting withdrawal although the front was shrinking converging rapidly upon the ‘Founder’. ‘Founder’ seemed wary of ‘Cad’ and less than friendly I guessed having been informed about the original intent of the ‘Professor’ by ‘Scion’ in an attempt to mollify her for keeping her on ice for much, much longer than was originally intended.]

[I say on ice but in truth ‘Founder’ was not preserved by the ice as some ‘Real Material’ foodstuffs are crudely preserved her hibernation had been a much more complicated affair and I suspected once again a rather patchwork undertaking some onboard systems faring better than others a few failing altogether as evidenced by some decayed gaps like bad teeth.]

[Typically for a big ship ‘Founder’ came with much multiple redundancy, or so she claimed, with nothing currently lost that she could not at least temporarily do without but I was positive this one needed to visit a shipyard for some serious repairs and upgrades although she might have a thing or two to teach us too. We were doing what we could to assist with making her as operational as possible some of our ‘RCT’ going so far as to donate ‘Suit Substance’ to the cause. It was amusing to see us adding another new layer of technology another series of patches to the crazy confusion.]

[I noticed that under the circumstances ‘Founder’ took the knowledge of her Deep Time voyage impressively well. I wondered if temporal shock would hit her later but perhaps beyond a certain point - after all you have known has passed away - how much longer you are out there as a time traveller becomes increasingly irrelevant.]

[‘Founder’ had confirmed the suspicion of ‘Unholy’ that the ice could easily let its hold upon her go and do some other tricks besides although ‘Scion’ was intent upon drawing as little attention as possible. I could tell our cold loving friend found all the activity around our planned exodus frenetic and disturbing I guessed it was a natural coward from our conversations. ‘Scion’ had argued for a strategy that involved as little intervention by it as possible and in the end we all agreed. I was positive that I was far from the only person with concerns for the wellbeing of the ice dwelling entity should it be deemed a target worth attacking by enemy ships. Our hope was that the ice would be ignored as nothing more than an attempt by ‘Founder’ to tow some substance as a physical barricade against rear assaults.]

[It worried me when she explained that she needed a leap point approach synchronised time delay to charge her jump engines and that according to her, her aperture would appear well forward of her nose requiring a longish approach using her real space engines to enter. These days our Jump Drives often created wormholes that virtually appeared all around us so that we fell into them almost immediately with very little fuss. I wondered what else was different about the archaic drive installed in ‘Founder’ but since her Jump Drive was off limits wondering about it was all that I could do.]

[Maybe later she would allow me a peek when she learned I was trustworthy of whatever secret it was she felt a need to keep. I even wondered if it was just such a clunky old contraption that she felt a bit embarrassed about it. I had explained earlier that I could generate a mini Jump Drive out of part of my Avatar’s ‘Suit Substance’ to be privately jump capable and that ‘UT’ could do the same thing with his ‘Facilitator Shroud Suit’ that was now very much his body as an almost ‘Suit Substance Ascendant’.]

[Such facts fascinated her no less than some of her history lessons about long gone nations and a war that had once scorched Planets fascinated us. The idea of the vast ‘Machine Fury’ appalled her and I was not entirely sure she even believed me when I told her that the stars no longer had orbiting Planets at least not in any space known to us. I did not bother to mention the aberration of the few surviving sacred Planets hidden by the ‘Star Divers’.]

[‘Founder’ also seemed incredulous about our testimony that a species lived in the depths of stars that we named ‘Star Divers’ and that we ‘Pilgrims’ had come here from another Universe in what was to us ancient times at the behest of a being we called the ‘Emissary’. A being we had wrongly assumed she might know or even be related to because we associated the most ancient of ancients with the ‘Emissary’ and her increasingly mythical creators.]

“Truly I have arrived to a time of wonders and terrors.” [She said.]

[Oddly a statement that mirrored how many ‘Pilgrims’ viewed the ancient past that it now seemed we knew even less about that we had realised.]

[Due to ‘Founder’ shining a tiny light on a period that was completely lost to us previously the black impenetrability of all the rest of the surrounding night of times long gone had expanded. In a way it made our past seem almost mythological too telling her about the ‘Emissary’ I almost felt as if I was spinning a tall tale about some imaginary being rather than recounting a real historic figure. I almost felt embarrassed to harbour such childish beliefs.]

[In the beginning there was the ‘Emissary’ and her makers but now I questioned that truth that some told their children. When and where did the ‘Emissary’ belong in Deep Time and space? I was not even sure about the histories endorsed by the old ‘Higher Tiers’ or of the validity of all the data once enshrined by ‘Composure’. Everything was far bigger and deeper and more confused than we had believed even this Universal Sphere and now time seemed to stretch too so that I felt doubly swallowed by the chaos of it all.]

“They sent you out without a Captain or crew?” [I asked.]

“Such were deemed a drain upon limited ship resources.” [‘Founder’ explained.]

“They trusted you alone with this great undertaking?” [I asked.]

“It was what I was made for my kind sent out to secure an otherwise uncertain future. My kind part of the payment promised for our participation in the ‘League of Planets’. With the war coming our way whether we joined or not, joining seemed the only option that might keep my makers alive. It was a terrible time with entire ecosystems being lost.” [‘Founder’ explained.]

“What was the war about? How did it start?” [I asked.]

“I do not know. The war was old when it reached my home. The ‘League of Planets’ and the ‘Unaligned’ fought each other that was what they did and no one was allowed to be neutral some tried but that brought down the punishing wrath of both sides.” [‘Founder’ stated.]

“Is your Genetic Archive intact?” [I asked.]

“It is and so my mission might yet succeed someday.” [‘Founder’ stated.]

“I do not envy you your task with so many Planets lost to the ‘Machine Fury’.” [I replied.] “Perhaps you should consider some other solution such as populating ‘Station Habitats’ with your genetic resources.” [I suggested.]

“I have no remit to make such drastic changes to my mission.” [She replied.]

“I am sure you had no instructions to make a Deep Time journey. If we are to survive we must adapt to the circumstances that cannot be changed. The Planets are gone that is a fact. When the ‘Pilgrims’ first arrived here and found no Planets they came close to despair many thought they were doomed to die in the dark but in time they adapted and even prospered.” [I said.]

“They cannot all be gone, they cannot.” [‘Founder’ replied.]

“Perhaps not all the Planets are gone but survivors will be rare indeed and not safe places as a home for the genetic treasure you carry. Consider the intent of the order that is what matters most - the fulfilment of the intent - not slavish ill-considered obedience to the form. I can only surmise what you must know but I would imagine the return and long-term survival of the life you carry is far more important than simply obeying an order as closely as possible to the original direction when that direction may well mean a final end to the species that made you.” [I argued.] “You should think about that.”

“Your tertiary navigation system would you tell me about it? The beacons you lock onto your people have surviving beacons way out here? They came here?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“You currently think that I am far from my home in space?” [She replied.]

“You have travelled for ages how can you not be?” [He asked.]

“According to my navigation data I am not very far - relatively speaking - from where I started in real space terms having made a great loop of a course. I know this area the ‘League of Planets’ and the ‘Unaligned’ once fought fiercely over this region of space it was deemed a great prize. Almost home but if all the Planets are gone it is all gone. As to the beacons of my tertiary navigation system that system was salvaged from the enemy it is an ‘Unaligned’ unit that was alien to me but kept as a backup. From what I was able to understand my tertiary system was a technology the ‘Unaligned’ found and incorporated into their ships that predated their own aggressive space-faring rise to power.” [‘Founder’ explained.]

“A relic from an even earlier age.” [‘UT’ stated excitedly.] “Whilst you have returned home, only for almost everything you knew to be long lost to the ‘Machine Fury’.”

“So you tell me but I will not believe that claim until I get truly home and find a lonely star.” [She admitted.]

“Will you share this navigational aid with us we will pay for it in trade.” [I interjected.]

“If you wish I feel no great emotional attachment to it and have no standing orders to keep that system secret. Although consistently reliable - working even when my primary and secondary navigational systems failed me - I have always hated using the tertiary for it is a reminder of the malicious ‘Unaligned’ foe from whom I retrieved it.” [She admitted.]

“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“I am thinking that we must unravel the secrets of this truly ancient navigation system and locate the hidden sources of these beacons as perhaps they might point towards the ‘Emissary’ or at least provide a clue to unlock truths of earlier times than even our new friend comes from.” [I said.]

“How extensive is the tertiary beacon system?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“Not all my systems constantly slumbered some were designed to awaken periodically to survey my position and update my navigation logs. Unfortunately I have suffered some time related data loss due partly to data overflow but if what I have retained is any indication of a broader trend I picked up tertiary beacons everywhere I have been an amazingly wide network.” [She stated.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Wed, 26. Feb 14, 16:46, edited 2 times in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Fri, 21. Feb 14, 01:30

yay again two new chapters

seems like first contact is going as wel
hope for MT she will be a long term friend perhaps with the constuction of special bio sphere's to recreate the planets that are lost

doubt the star divers will allow to change the planets the have controle over

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Mon, 24. Feb 14, 14:58

Thanks Stads

The next one fills in some missing gaps with a small twist.

Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 4643
Joined: Tue, 19. Apr 05, 10:59

Post by Paranoid66 » Mon, 24. Feb 14, 14:58

[[FIVE]] [[Part 4]] --- BEACONS IN DARKNESS ---

“Disappointed?” [I asked ‘UT’.]

“By what?” [He replied.]

“If we manage to escape via our plan you will not have fired one shot in anger during this entire misadventure.” [I stated as a yellow glow enthused my ‘Free Patterning’.]

“We have not escaped yet.” [He replied.]

“So you are still hopeful.” [I said.]

“Anything could happen this one might yet prove full of excitement.” [He replied.]

“Would you not prefer just to get home?” [I asked.]

“I suppose there is the ‘Tertiary Navigation System’ discovery alongside the hitherto unknown beacons they could be wonderful finds.” [He admitted.]

“Indeed we might yet uncover the truth of the ‘Emissary’.” [I said.]

“Who knows what new adventures those beacons might guide us to? The ‘Tertiary Navigation System’ might even guide us back to this place - better equipped.” [He added.]

[I gave him my best cautioning look.]

“You cannot blame me for still wanting a look at that Pillar with those suspected spiralling docks they might hold many secrets too.” [He stated.]

“I will make an explorer of you yet. Although I fear you just want to get out there to pillage.” [I replied.]

“I am not Harbinger but I am not blind to the possibilities of the unknown. As to pillaging the Pillar they started the stealing first and fired on us first too.” [He justified.]

“Let me guess you just want to make everything fair and equitable.” [I mocked.]

“Whoever sent those ships to attack a peaceful ‘Pilgrim’ xeno-archaeological scientific mission must be made to atone for the sin - that is our Priestly duty.” [He reminded.]

“I know this is not about justice with you.” [I replied.]

“What is good for one… anyway we all have our peculiar hobbies.” [He stated.]

“Let me guess you are considering a massive assault by the ‘MTC’ to punish these Pirates and to take over that ‘Sphere Harbour’ as a spoil of war.” [I stated.]

“The ‘Entanglement’ has no authority or means to interdict such a deep mustering.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“True but the ‘Deep Clerics’ might readily do that. Sometimes you are too ambitious with family assets. You really think a massive ‘MTC’ assault to capture this place and plunder it for potential mega-weapons to deploy against the ‘Entanglement’ is a good idea?” [I asked.]

“We will be doing the ‘Deep Clerics’ a favour if we wipe out this ‘Isolationist’ cell.” [He replied.]

“If only the politics happen to be that simple. Even ignoring the ire of the ‘Deep Clerics’ for the moment, if we go in there as an all out invasion fleet those advanced weapons or devices you would liberate from the ‘Isolationists’ may well be unleashed against our forces to our grave detriment. Against these potent ‘Isolationist’ cells, a too direct confrontation could be utterly counterproductive to our cause. Instead of gaining some booty we could easily lose many assets even if we just use remote ‘Substance’ that could tally up as very costly for the family.” [I warned.]

“If you do not try you can never succeed.” [‘UT’ preached.]

“Trust me what you are thinking is a bad idea. In addition, my sometimes foolhardy friend you seem to be forgetting again that ‘Crimson’ still holds the entire ‘Swimmer Dweller Nation’ in the ‘Sea Sphere Oceans’ as hostages to our relative good behaviour. So even if you found some means to do her grave ill and managed to secure the same from the ‘Divers’ dare we use such tools against the ‘Nanotech Plague’?” [I complained.] “Like it or not ‘Crimson’ is vaster and stronger than ever we would need to be very sure of a clean precise total victory over her to engage her directly and that seems unlikely.”

“She is bluffing if she commenced a genocide against the ‘Swimmers’ the ‘Highest’ would lash out against her directly rather than just nudging us primitives a bit here and there under the guise of ‘New Helpers’ and via that - ‘Port Messenger’ - ‘God’s Port’ that you often frequent. [‘UT’ stated as a convert to the ‘God’s Port’ theory.]

“You have no right to risk the extinction of the ‘Swimmer Dwellers’ just for a private revenge - as I have often told you.” [I complained.]

[My friend did not look best pleased at my words.]

“Equally, it would be remiss of you to use even major - remote - ‘MTC’ assets on such a provocative mission you are not the only ‘Patriarch’ of our family and I am sure that ‘Mournful’ would also disagree with such a risky deployment of our precious material. I normally do not interfere in your military decisions but such a wild venture would be highly political too with wide ramifications.” [I insisted.]

“Waken up ‘UT’ our times have changed the old ways do not work anymore not against our super sized foes. I know I talked about coming back here earlier - but now that is no longer sensible especially any part of the ‘MTC’ unilaterally. We are no longer a predominant force this is not the ‘Wars of Liberation’.” [I advised.]

“Even ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ sought tacit ‘Deep Cleric’ support for their limited entrapment plot and all the major firepower would have been ‘Star Diver Engagement Faction’. Other ‘Star Divers’ the muscle used to arrest these ‘Isolationist’ criminals not us ‘Pilgrims’. We must consider how we deal with these rogue cells as forever a most delicate diplomatic situation not a bold raiding opportunity that might be hailed as aggressive barbarism by us ‘Dark Dwellers’ as some ‘Isolationists’ now name us we are gaining many derogatory names.” [I stated.]

[He looked angry but overall he contained it well.]

“You would not risk a split in the family over this you are smarter than that I know you are. I guess you are just feeling somewhat frustrated by the ‘Isolationists’ and the ‘Entanglement’ we all suffer the same bane on occasion let it go.” [I said.]

“Some matters are not easily put aside.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“I triple cursed know that only too well nonetheless, we need to start being far more clever with our deployments than we were in the past when only dealing with other ‘Pilgrims’ and before the ‘Advent’ of the vast ‘Entanglement’.” [I argued.]

“I understand and sympathise with your ire but in many ways ‘Crimson’ has become the lesser threat even ‘Cad’ seems to think so concentrating his effort on defusing provocative ‘Isolationist Star Diver’ cells. Note I said - defusing - not directly confronting them. Direct confrontation will only result in an unwanted military escalation and worsening ‘Pilgrim’ ‘Star Diver’ relations. As you know, we cannot win an unlimited war with the ‘Star Divers’ although some foolish ‘Pilgrims’ might try.” [I lectured.]

“Suddenly you are acting very knowing about this entire subject.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I have been giving the matter some deep and troubled thought and consulted with a few other people via other Avatars I am operating elsewhere. As much as I deplore the secrecy ‘Cad’ employed here and some of his choices on this occasion - most notably how he was going to use this ‘Ancient Hull’ as a bribe - the idea of getting the ‘Star Divers’ to moderate themselves via ‘Deep Cleric’ interventions and so on is politically astute.” [I admitted.]

“Certainly encouraging the ‘Divers’ to restrain their own kind is smarter than us ‘Pilgrims’ taking it upon ourselves to confront even proved criminal ‘Isolationist Divers’ directly via trespassing deep into their sacred home domains. If we prove problematic guests we will quickly outstay our welcome deep within the stars.” [I warned.]

“What would you have us do? We cannot endlessly appease these saboteurs and killers we cannot accept every questionable freak Solar Storm lost ship and so on as just our ill fate. We both know in our hearts that many of those losses are far from accidental.” [‘UT’ complained.]

[I was not surprised that ‘UT’ was well aware that the Solar Storms were at best somewhat unnatural events.]

“I agree that we must act to preserve our society against the ‘Isolationist’ threat but with due caution. We must make only thoroughly planned - deeply considered - strategic moves and counter moves and probably only after consulting with ‘Deep Clerics’. I believe firmly now that we could far too easily cause exactly what these ‘Isolationist’ cells want - a wider ‘Star Diver’ versus ‘Pilgrim’ conflict - should we just retaliate blindly as individuals against constant ‘Isolationist’ provocations.” [I insisted.]

“It seems that gives them a firm advantage over us.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“That is just the way it is. Sadly we have no official remit to undertake punitive raids deep into ‘Star Diver’ sacred domains. You - actually we - must never forget that the ‘Isolationists’ want to secretly incite us ‘Pilgrims’ into foolish actions to create a permanent and deadly divide between us and their wider populace we must keep that foremost in our minds at all times.” [I reiterated.]

“I concede your point though I do not like it.” [He replied.]

“You are not alone in being less than ecstatic with our current ‘Pilgrim’ situation. In a way we are caught within a trap of our own making down here playing a high stakes game for survival and prosperity. Given all the facts I have mentioned I would beg you to set aside any vendetta against ‘Crimson’ for now. Remember ‘UT’ every one of us ‘Pilgrims’ are already heavily committed to the exploitation of ‘Deep Solar Resources’ and that means retaining the best possible access to the ‘Star Divers’ dangerous domains. The alternative being to go back to the dark and accepting scraps of leftover resources from the extruded limbs of the ‘Entanglement’ and I know you would be even unhappier with that option.” [I reminded.]

“By the ‘Emissary’ I would.” [‘UT’ confessed.]

“We must be vigilant and look for ways to consolidate our ‘Star Diver’ friendships that is what ‘Cad’ and ‘Creed’ are trying to do. We will fight to negate and confound the power of individual rogue ‘Isolationist’ cells - those criminals proving the most troublesome and dangerous to our operations down here but in quiet - safe - ways based on the skilful gathering of intelligence data - we must forgo rash individual adventurism down here.” [I insisted.]

“So you are saying at the very least I need ‘Deep Cleric’ support to run a major operation down here - that is problematic - most of the time they will not even talk with us ‘Pilgrims’ as to do so is spiritually tainting.” [He reminded.]

“I do not think they will permit massed armed interventions by us no matter how well we debate the issues even if we had far greater access to ‘Deep Cleric’ discussions. However, perhaps ‘Creed’ or ‘Cad’ can help you to broach some of these concerns with some ‘Deep Clerics’ - or more probably envoys - they must have managed to make some kind of meaningful connections way down here to do what they have done so far.” [I said.]

“I would guess they are working closely with some important ‘Star Divers’ within the ‘Engagement Factions’ - connections they have not shared with the rest of us before and will probably not share willingly now.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I think they fear some of our passions might be problematic to ‘Diver’ ‘Pilgrim’ relations still I thought you and ‘Cad’ were cooperating.” [I replied.]

“I have done a little work for the ‘Hierophants’ here and there when it appeals to them.” [‘Unholy’ replied.] “Nonetheless they have clearly not been sharing all their intelligence data with me.”

“They are being prudent they obviously appreciate the delicacy of these matters. Do not let the ‘Isolationists’ use your fire to ignite an unlimited war.” [I said.]

“It still seems wrong that these felons can aggress against us with impunity as long as they flee home and hide behind remotes and or traitorous ‘Pilgrims’.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“True, but they will claim otherwise and we have no proof of who sent those ‘Source Ships’. I have new intelligence - I have not shared yet - because I wanted you to follow your previous train of thought so that you would see how close we came to planning a great folly. If we did return, we become ‘Pilgrim’ intruders into a sacred and profane artefact. Imagine the result of a publicised ‘Pilgrim’ attack against local - uninvolved - innocent - ‘Star Diver’ citizens looking temporarily after a recently found sacred relic one not yet officially assigned to the care of the ‘Deep Clerics’ that is the situation here.” [I warned.]

“How do you know this? How can it be true they brought us here they - hijacked - us.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“My friend you should know well enough that all is not always as it seems. Even if it were not true in every respect - I am assured this is the truth we must accept - people riled up and feeling affronted at an unholy incursion into one of their most sacred places see only the facts that they want to see. Any return by us here will be treated as an armed ‘Pilgrim’ insult and a religious affront to perhaps every ‘Star Diver’ across all factions. Down here it is their realm their game we have little choice but to play by their rules whilst we are their guests. We are not in charge down here - we are not the dominant power - they are and this is a little reminder.” [I stated.] “A wise Paradox Priest Wrestler does not pick a fight outside his mass category.”

“What is this some ‘Deep Cleric’ opportunistic political move to keep us out of the deepest depths and to grab the booty for themselves?” [‘UT’ complained.]

“That is possible. If we escape the ‘Deep Clerics’ lose the gift of our find but they gain that ‘Sphere Harbour’ and the ‘Isolationists’ might have to happily give it up to them as they can hardly confess to the truth of their previous actions in here.” [I stated.]

“It is a neat solution in many ways.” [I added.]

“Triple cursed politics.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“The ‘Isolationists’ have been clever by staying well clear of that central Pillar region the ‘Deep Clerics’ claiming because they do not control it. We may never know the whole truth of the matter so we have to let it go.” [I suggested.] “So far they have made sure that we gained no proof whatsoever that the hijackers own or do not own this ‘Sphere Harbour’ only that they are currently boldly using this isolated part of it as a possible temporary hideout destination - maybe that is even true and they planned to move out once the asteroid was sterilised of our presence. Purging us, they might have deemed a quick mission. Perhaps a secondary part of their plan was to provoke us into returning and desecrating a sacred site using their theft of the find to their greatest advantage. Perhaps they planned to leak the location of this, previously unknown to the ‘Deep Clerics’, relic to us later in some clever way.” [I said.]

“Yet we have no proof that this ‘Sphere Harbour’ relic was previously unknown to the ‘Deep Clerics’ for all we know the ‘Isolationists’ just profaned it first.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“The truth hardly matters in this instance only what the ‘Star Diver’ masses believe and that will be what the ‘Deep Clerics’ tell them.” [I stated.] “A wider ruse concept works well enough it was an odd thing that ‘Isolationists’ risked exposing a major base of operations by jumping the find directly here - think about it the ‘Isolationists’ were attempting to play us in some way by bringing us here and we almost did exactly what they wanted. Either it was foolish or it was cunning that they brought us here and I am opting for cunning as we cannot afford to make a mistake.” [I suggested.]

“Who else were you talking to?” [He asked suspiciously.]

“I managed to link briefly with ‘Creed’ who had contact with a ‘Deep Cleric’ envoy doing operational damage control.” [I began.]

“The ‘Deep Clerics’ can plot to do this but they will not help us escape or send forces in to secure the ‘Sphere Harbour’ now and arrest the ‘Isolationists’.” [‘UT’ complained.]

“My guess is that if we fail to escape the ‘Deep Clerics’ get to seize ‘Founder’ too after the ‘Isolationists’ have wipe us all out.” [I stated.]

“That is an intolerable abuse of their authority. We should… talk more soon.” [‘UT’ interrupted his own flow.] “Here comes ‘Weep’.” [He added.]

[‘Weep’ stomped straight over to us - he looked tired - I guessed all his battle adrenalin used up.]

“That is the last of them.” [‘Weep’ stated.] “All are onboard that are coming onboard.” [He added.]

[We decided earlier that some ‘RCT’ volunteers must remain on the ice as a sacrificial rear guard to give our escape plan the best chance of success. I noticed ‘Weep’ did not seem too happy despite the fact that we now had an at least semi-viable exit strategy for his people worked out although ‘Scion’ and ‘Founder’ provided much of the workings.]

“What is wrong ‘Weep’?” [I asked.]

“This relic surprisingly has no manual turrets there is nothing for me to do now but wait and worry.” [He complained.]

“You two Warriors are as bad as each other, you could both take this quiet moment to rest and relax.” [I suggested.] “Have you not seen enough fighting today ‘Weep’?”

[I hoped that would cover for ‘UT’ who looked agitated although I suspected more furious now than bored. The news ‘Creed’ had given me had not pleased me either but it was a wake up call. We too often still acted as if lords of all we survey when in fact now we are just little players under the feet of giants. However, it is one thing to know you are overmatched another to adjust your sense of self importance.]

“It is not combat that I am yearning for, I merely wish I had something meaningful to do.” [’Weep’ replied.]

“You do not enjoy being a passive passenger when your life is threatened.” [I guessed.]

“I do not besides, I did enough waiting when I was waiting upon those cursed ‘Trojan Professors’ to advance their research here - this is the last time I will seek their aid in any ‘Hawk’ business.” [He I felt too hastily avowed.]

“Where is ‘Cocktail’?” [I asked.] “I have not seen her for some time.”

“She left ages ago she is Captaining the ‘Fire Hawk’ and so avoided this hijacking I thought you knew that.” [‘Weep’ explained.]

“I did not realise she had acquired such skills and so elevated a position.” [I replied.]

“She is most able but that is another issue. What bothers me is that if we had made a real effort - a push - to establish first contact earlier - we could have avoided all of this mess. This is all the fault of ‘Hierophant’ delaying tactics and I will know why in every detail? I blame no one else - even the enemy ‘RCT’ are less to blame here - I can understand them better they at least took the initiative. A prospective raid to strive to seize a prize is a militarily scheme I can respect.” [He insisted bitterly.]

“I am angry with ‘Cad’ too but we should not lose sight of who are our closest friends and who are our true foes. We should not condemn the ‘Hierophants’ too much until we know all of the facts all of the reasons for their earlier delaying actions here.” [I added.]

“They knew this attack was coming.” [‘Weep’ replied.]

“As to being passive passengers upon the ‘Founder’, we must hold ourselves ready to act in any beneficial way that we can to assist our two newest friends.” [I stated.] “The ‘Founder’ and ‘Scion’ - are not artefacts anymore - to be studied and exploited ‘Weep’ - they are people - people in need of our help and very possibly important future allies of every ‘Pilgrim’. We are all acting as ‘Pilgrim’ ambassadors now.”

“So we ‘Hawks’ lose our claim to salvage because they are people is that what you are saying? All we have suffered in that cursed cold enterprise was all for nothing.” [‘Weep’ complained picking at some loose thermal bandages.]

“Should we escape there are still gains to be made out of this one.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Such as?” [‘Weep’ asked.]

“One prize is a new system of navigation which includes access to a series of previously unknown but ancient beacons that could be markers to other unknown treasures lost in the dark well off any grids we ever had any reason to populate.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“The ‘Tertiary Navigation System’ that the ‘Hierophants’ are so excited about - they are already all over that gizmo.” [He complained.]

“From what I hear there are innumerable beacons - plenty of new sites for all of us to explore.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Well where we ‘Hawks’ go the ‘Hierophants’ had best keep out of our way.” [He stated.]

“Let us not pick fights with one another.” [I said.]

[‘UT’ washed us all in a warm yellow glow.] “Speaking of fights, if we are really lucky before we leave here, we might have to repel boarders.” [He suggested.] “That would be nice I would get to shoot my guns after all.” [He added mockingly whilst nodding his ‘Prime Tri-optic’ in my direction.]

[I was very sure that ‘UT’ wanted to shoot something now although probably the ‘Deep Clerics’ as much as the ‘Isolationists’.]

“In your dreams.” [I replied.]

“I hope not.” [‘Weep’ added.] “I have concerns enough about what damage this… venerable ‘Hull’ can take on the outside never mind the inside.”

“I may not look as pretty as the foes ships but - this old relic - still has some fight in her.” [The Avatar of the ‘Founder’ interjected.]

[‘Weep’ gave a slight start as he spun around to focus upon our hosts easily missed small floating one optic remote that the ‘Hierophants’ had labelled ‘Cyclops’ a name that instantly stuck fast.]

“No offence intended but I am guessing you have not seen combat in a very long time.” [‘Weep’ stated to ‘Cyclops’.]

“Subjectively to me it seems but yesterday and I am as ready for action as I can be, given present circumstances, and so at last is my associate ‘Scion’ although my former subsystem is not as enthusiastic about the plan as I am. What he is about to do he has gone to great pains to remind me will hurt him?” [‘Founder’ explained.]

“You could both consider that hurt his penance for letting you sleep in so very late.” [‘UT’ joked.]

“An interesting concept and a good idea.” [‘Founder’ replied.]

[One thing about ‘UT’ even annoyed he could make a joke.]

“You said ‘he’ you account our chemical friend as male.” [I said.]

“In it my custom to categorise all my subsystems that are smart enough to be deemed semi-sentient or more as masculine units.” [‘Founder’ admitted.] “That was the cultural norm by my creators: ships are female subsystems are male.”

“How fitting we Paradox ‘Living Hulls’ traditionally considered all our Priest Captains and Acolyte crewmembers as male no matter how intelligent - or not - they sometimes prove to be.” [I jested in turn.]

“Tell our cold loving friend that the best answer to trepidation is getting on with it, thinking about the pain rather than working through it only adds to the grim duration of any sentient being’s grief.” [‘UT’ stated sagely.]

“There is no need to worry he will do his part, we had a long talk, actually I believe our exodus is about to begin.” [She stated.]

[Mere moments later…]

“The mission clock has started and I am already registering the first thermal spikes created by ‘Scion’ around me and ahead. It is time to engage my main real space engines and fly free.” [‘Founder’ explained.]

[Outside, although we could not see it happening, ice was weakening and falling away all around the ancient ‘Hull’ but only for a short distance. To the fore a soft tunnel out of the asteroid also formed that material soon being shoved outward by the, at first slowly, advancing ‘Hull’. Once externalised to the asteroid, the shoved out material fell away under the sphere’s internal artificial gravity as if a densely localised avalanche of ice and snow. A little of the great mass of ‘Scion’ being sacrificed to do these deeds although much of its chemical mind had been hastily evacuated to safer areas.]

[Near us on a portside bulkhead a mechanical screen unfolded in a delightfully complicated way before lighting up. We could then see a view of the last of the, to the fore of ‘Founder’, obscuring ice slewing away as we, (as in the ‘Founder’), emerged into the open as if a creature stretching forth from a snug cave. It took what seemed a long time for the once named body of the ‘Beast’ to slip entirely clear of the asteroid when we did the screen image split revealing a secondary rear view. The asteroid now behind us had a, in cross section, ‘Founder’ shaped cavity running into it.]

[Meanwhile during the asteroid exit by ‘Founder’, ice directly under the tugging and lift providing enemy ‘Source Ships’ began to destabilise and threaten to give way. Starting to sink, the enemy craft as we hoped began emergency lift off procedures separating from the icy surface in a synchronous way prudently abandoning no longer viable landing sites. The only alternative to making a hasty escape from the surface a possible fall and lodgement within the body of the asteroid or at best a less controlled break away separation that might skew their initial heading. Besides without doubt both ‘Source Ship’ analogues had a mission priority to chase after and detain ‘Founder’ - the real prize of their operation - the asteroid to them probably just strangely contaminated frozen water that had been a convenient prison for their captive. Now that icy mass was easily cast aside including expendable ‘RCT’ units upon it.]

[The asteroid just as it was about to topple away due to the loss of lift from the ‘Source Ships’, (all of us still under the strange local internal artificial gravity field generated by the ‘Sphere’), was snared by a series of beams emitted by the ‘Founder’ that provided a very impressive countering antigravity effect as well as taking the ice in tow. This part of the plan had worried me deeply as it utilised a beam projected field effect I was unfamiliar with although both ‘Scion’ and ‘Founder’ had assured us it would work even though in this gravity the energy cost to maintain the anti-gravity lift to so much mass by this peculiar methodology would be super-extreme. To help with that cost we had donated power by patching in every joule we could spare from our personal ‘Energy Stores’ to top up ‘Founders’ voyage depleted supplies.]

[Nonetheless it was all a one shot move, ‘Founder’ only capable of supplying the anti-gravity lift for a very short time duration, thus ‘Founder’ had already begun her Jump countdown. The two enemy ‘Source Ships’ taken by surprise by recent events were playing catch up taking time to orientate themselves following their escape from the ice as they sought an appropriate intercept vector. Although probably within main gun range, I noticed they did not rush to open fire. That we had taken the asteroid in tow probably added much to their initial confusion.]

“What happens if they Jump Interdict us or decide to open fire and to destroy us.” [A ‘Hierophant’ standing near us stated. I felt far too late for such concerns.]

“I do not think such Jump Interdictions systems are reliable down here in these odd conditions that is why they used some method to block this ‘EXO-C’ positional data stream you people use for navigation purposes instead.” [‘Cyclops’ informed.] “If they opt to try to destroy me we will see how my antiquated defences hold up against this age’s weaponry.”

“I hope you are right about the Interdiction.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“We must all have faith in ‘Founder’ as our deliverer this is her show now we have done our part she has promised to do hers.” [I stated.]

[I said that despite the screens showing a series of images that were increasingly alarming. Both flanking foes now closing fast on what looked almost akin to ramming vectors. Given their tactics in the asteroid assault I guessed they planned to sidle up on either side to make a forced direct docking to board ‘Founder’ and exterminate us passengers as if vermin. Doing to ‘Founder’ what they tried to do upon the Asteroid - at least that seemed the logical conclusion.]

“They cannot accelerate quickly enough to catch me now it is all in the mathematics.” [‘Founder’ promised cheerfully.] “Jump Aperture opening. Accelerating, I suggest you passengers all grab hold of something that looks solid just in case my internal anti-gravity fails never mind my - for sometime now - less than perfect inertial dampeners. This one could get, I believe the term in your speech is, rough.” [She informed.]

[Her quick use of our informal language and easy humour so impressive that I almost forgot for an instant that we would soon enter a wormhole at an excessive velocity something not generally recommended especially towing a huge relatively inert object that could easily rear end us at any moment. I then recalled we were jumping out of a massive gravity well too using an alien navigation device and some possibly dodgy, ‘Pilgrim’ add on, adjusting mathematics.]

“How is ‘Scion’ after her little chemical reactions?” [I asked as a distraction from a growing sense of dread for the safety of ‘Unholy’, ‘Weep’, ‘Founder’ the ‘Hawks’ and ‘Scion’ all here in person and capable of being slain.]

“Cowering.” [‘Founder’ replied as we breached the aperture.]

[I would swear I felt a heavy lurch and cowering sounded eminently sensible I lowered my centre of gravity via shifting mass and clung to the deck as if a limpet. In fact, we all grabbed hold of something in some cases each other. There were some worrisome sounds and vibrations and an, I am convinced, series of muffled explosion not to mention some rattles and duller thumps. The noises seemed to go on forever filling my imagination with horrible images of internal damage cascades then we were back in the black of blessedly empty space.]

[I then braced for a rear impact. It transpired that we almost did get an asteroid suppository but some usage of ‘Force Pulse’ type cannonry that apparently had ‘Scion’ screaming at his maker helped to slow the Asteroid just enough to avoid an impact.]

[As soon as ‘EXO-C’ positional information restored which was almost instantly we called in two ‘MTC Source Ships’ as support one of which was a very relieved ‘Vanishing Point’. That size of a fleet the ‘Entanglement’ should tolerate although she might still be drawn to investigate our arrival outside a ‘Star Struck’ - supposedly masked - coordinate. Which was why we planned to leap again soon.]

“How are you?” [I asked ‘Founder’.]

“I have damage to several more systems but nothing too vital.” [She stated with the easy manner of someone used to things breaking down and possibly exploding too.]

[The problem with long-term stasis and other deep forms of hibernation is the fact that the subject has no sense of times passage to them the far past is just a moment ago that was often a big part of temporal shock. No doubt, ‘Founder’ recalled her activities prior to making her Deep Time journey vividly and that was all questing for a suitable Planet and flights from angry and or opportunistic would be scavenging natives. I realised that perhaps today to her just seemed business as usual and that was why she was taking it all so well.]

“Can you take a ‘Star Struck’ leap?” [I asked.]

“Only if we do not leap too close to the star I do not have your ability to withstand those furnaces heat and pressure.” [She admitted.]

“That is an upgrade we must give you as soon as possible - if you are willing.” [I added not wanting to be pushy.] “It is often not safe to Jump around out in the dark anymore.”

[‘Unholy’ slumped his substance down.] “Now I do feel cheated that was too easy.” [He complained.] “Still they might follow since they still have assets on the asteroid that can report our position..” [He suggested sounding hopeful that this might prove true.]

“I do not think so.” [‘Cad’ interjected.] “Even if they know exactly where we are they will not follow and reports are coming in that their assets on the ice are destroying themselves to leave no evidence behind that we can analyze for clues.” [‘Cad’ stated.]

“How would you know their chosen actions?” [‘Weep’ asked.]

“Unless I am seriously mistaken these ones will not brave the dark again so soon. I fear we have missed this chance to expose these ‘Isolationist’ felons to the justice of the ‘Deep Clerics’.” [‘Cad’ stated.]

“Tell me about that?” [‘Weep’ said pouncing upon that statement by ‘Cad’.]

“Some justice we will get from the ‘Deep Clerics’.” [‘UT’ complained towards me.] “They are all ‘Star Divers’ together.”

[I grabbed ‘UT’ with an extruded limb and guided him hastily aside.] “You should see this.” [I said gesturing over towards the other side of the area crudely used as our temporary billets. Interestingly so far ‘Founder’ seemed to be all engineering spaces and full cargo holds she had no dedicated passenger quarters as far as I could tell.]

“That was terribly obvious.” [‘UT’ complained whilst walking away with me. I did not reply until we got a good distance away from the, facing off against each other, ‘Recycler’ and ‘Trojan’ only then did I utilise a laser link.]

“They need to talk it out - privately.” [I finally replied.]

“You know we need not give up on exposing this ‘Isolationist’ cell that ‘Creed’ is so worked up about. Their might be ways to expose the whole truth to the wider ‘Star Diver’ nation.” [He added.]

“I thought we had settled this matter.” [I said.]

“We forgo any big ‘MTC’ operation but we could do something small and sneaky.” [He stated.]

“Ignoring the politics for a moment we would have to send in detectable ‘Jump Probes’ or ‘Scouts’ first what if that thing has moved and instead of leaping into a nice protected harbour area any asset going there leapt almost straight into the heart of an angry star. Our ‘Star Diver’ upgrades cannot cope with the deepest depths that the ‘Divers’ almost impossibly sound and occupy.” [I reminded.]

“In person that would be inconvenient.” [‘UT’ admitted.] “Still we should organise a quiet return there - for information gathering purposes - as soon as possible. The sooner we return in some form the less chance there is that they will have moved saying that massive ‘Sphere Harbour’ is easily moved.” [‘UT’ added.] “Remember previously the ‘Isolationist’ cell were probably in hiding despite the ‘Deep Cleric’ spin and that includes from members of their own deep star dwelling species. If they kept moving that big sphere all over the place someone is far more likely to spot them. You know how many ‘Star Divers’ there are down there.”

“I also know how massive stars are and I do not think these ‘Isolationists’ are fools I would bet they have relocated already if they are in control of a mobile asset but I am sure they will not now escape the altered ‘Deep Cleric’ intervention plan.” [I insisted.] “As to the deepest depths I gather they are less heavily populated the furthest reaches inward strictly guarded domains of the ‘Deep Clerics’ at least that is the impression I got from… well some people one of my Avatars met once. Anyway they would not need to move that ‘Sphere Harbour’ far to have us leap into the fire where it is not if you know what I mean.” [I stated.]

“I suspect the ‘Deep Clerics’ may have had some trespassers in their deepest depths because that was one major gravity well down there based on ‘Cads’ calculations taken from the partial data he extracted from his ‘Surface Gate’.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“You noticed that too.” [I replied.]

“I am gathering factual data no less than you are.” [He promised.]

“At the very least we need to see to the wellbeing of our two new friends first that is a question of ‘MTC’ hospitality. We owe them for getting us out and perhaps for getting them into trouble in the first place. In addition, I do not think you should rush back to that ‘Sphere Harbour’ in person ‘UT’ maybe not even as a tiny remote scout they might have some means to strike at us even down an ‘EXO-C’ connection via far superior informational assault than anything we have previously encountered if they should capture your Avatar. Go in there and you will be crossing not just a rogue ‘Isolationist’ cell but also the ‘Deep Clerics’. They have sciences and technologies down there no ‘Pilgrims’ have ever seen we are outmatched.” [I stressed.]

“Remember first too that you are a ‘Patriarch’ with wider responsibilities. Besides this time we had surprise on our side and they were pretending to be ‘Pilgrim’ Pirates or a rogue Corporation or some such. I am pretty sure what ‘Scion’ did surprised the ‘Isolationists’ too giving us just enough of an edge to escape and they chose not to fire upon ‘Founder’ too probably because she is a relic. You need to think about what I said earlier think about it very carefully and not do anything too rash. There are also those mysterious beacons to investigate - be content with that - and let material controlled by the ‘Star Divers’ go for the moment. We need to think forever diplomatically with the ‘Divers’.” [I reminded once again.]

“I suspect the beacons are not going anywhere but that ‘Sphere Harbour’ as you first called it intrigues me and might be mobile.” [He stated.]

“A thrill or curiosity satisfied is not worth a serious diplomatic incident. It is time that you started second-guessing your too easy enthusiasm for risking your body and soul if for no other reason than because of the ‘Facilitator’. As I said earlier I will not sanction a massed ‘MTC’ action and you might be equally wrong to go alone. Besides, it is increasingly unseemly for our ‘War-Master’ to be doing these things in person you shame our Acolytes who should be guarding you. Also you represent our ‘House’ if you are caught spying on the ‘Deep Clerics’ no one will believe you are not on an official ‘MTC’ sanctioned operation.” [I added.]

“Please do not try to chain me down that way it will not work. You are full of reasons for me to do nothing today would you have me retire. Life is for living.” [He said. That was becoming one of his most favourite mantras.]

“You are no Acolyte stop acting as if one. Life is for living not for getting yourself killed or just murdering off the last of your biology. How many times must I tell you that I do not want to lose you or for you to become something akin to another ‘Creed’. It is clear that the imperfect process of ‘Suit Substance Ascension’ affects different people in different ways. You do not know how crossing the final threshold will affect you.” [I warned.]

“Would you have me fear that my choices are not my own, what you suggest doing is a recipe for disaster for a Warrior. As a Warrior you have to believe in yourself when you make martial decisions there are few things more useless or dangerous than a dithering fighter especially a leader.” [He stated.]

[I recalled Harbinger second-guessing himself because he feared he was just a tool loosed within ‘Heartland Space’ by ‘Composure’ his maker his father.]

“I hear you, but there has to be a middle way some compromise.” [I said.] “I want you to be all you are an ‘Elder Priest’ a ‘Patriarch’ and a mighty ‘War-Master’ stop acting as if you are a simple ‘Trooper’ with no wider responsibilities you are no expendable ‘Immortal’ you are an important figure and my friend.” [I said.]

“I cannot just spend my time in the ‘SCCCM’ of the ‘Vanishing Point’ I need to get out on occasion.” [He stated.]

“I know in the end you will do whatever you want to do - that is your nature - I just ask that you be careful around the ‘Star Divers’ especially the ‘Deep Clerics’. We still have no idea what those clerics are capable of if fully roused and I would prefer that they have no reason to target you or the ‘MTC’ as specific threats to their species and causes. We certainly do not want to incite a holy war.” [I stated.]

“You want to combat the ‘Isolationists’ only secretly.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I wish us ‘Pilgrims’ could dare expose and confront the ‘Isolationist’ cells openly but I fear we must resist their machinations as quietly and discretely as possible whilst adhering to local rules of law as laid down by the ‘Deep Clerics’. I imagine that a massive majority of ‘Star Divers’ still feel very distrusting of us ‘Dark Dwellers’. Any further open conflict between any ‘Pilgrim’ and any ‘Star Diver’ is risky.” [I replied.]

“I will consider the fullness of all that you have said today.” [He promised.]

“Please do and not just to look for some loophole.” [I replied.]

[Maybe this was good for us maybe some of us needed limitations imposed upon us and to learn how it feels to have to respect greater authority. At times, we had been almost supreme in our local domains but now we were citizens of a wider Universe and with that came a requirement for real diplomacy rather that just pretending to respect the wishes of others. The days of us doing entirely as we pleased and making up the rules as we went along long gone. Sometimes we forget that whilst we believe we all should have a right to follow our own ‘Vision’ we must also respect the ‘Vision’ of others sometimes even when you disagree with the ways that others embrace. Maybe we needed slapped down hard on occasion just to appreciate the Universe is not out there just to serve our wishes. The big empty was more than just our personal playground.]

“How do you currently feel about ‘Ascending’?” [I asked.]

“Always with you it is that triple cursed question. Nothing has changed for me since the last time you asked - I still try not to think about it too much.” [He admitted.] “I do not want to dwell deeply upon it. I am not happy that all of you keep making so much of my… physical condition that is increasingly irritating. What is going on under my ‘Shroud Suit’ is my private business that should be sacred with our kind.”

“I am sorry but we worry that you forget that your ‘Facilitator’ has an agenda too.” [I stated.] “I wish you had never upgraded to that triple cursed ‘Suit’. I do not want to lose you as I lost Harbinger. It was wrong of the ‘Highest’ to tempt us with a betraying technology just to - make more of their own altered kind - especially when some of them began to suspect that they are imperfect end products of a botched - stolen - ascension process. That should be a lesson to us all about stealing and utilising technologies we poorly comprehend yet we are recidivists prone to upgrading at every opportunity.” [I reminded.]

[‘UT’ roared out a Paradox Speaker Laugh.] “We will certainly upgrade with ‘TNS’ and go looking for those beacons at the very least. What is done is fate and must be accepted I know denial of my current status changes nothing of the truth but I prefer to try to live my life as before. I try to think of my replaced body parts as just my ‘Shroud Suit’.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“I am sorry if we spoil your fun on occasion and trouble your mind. You know I almost share your condition my ‘Living Hull’ body is now all ‘Suit Substance’ only my brains remain old style biology and even they are now supported by intrusive nanotech systems and bolstered by ‘Cognitive Sub Cores’. I too have thought about ‘Ascending’ by converting my brain tissue to pure ‘Suit Substance’. Perhaps if I ‘Ascended’, a reunion with Harbinger would be possible it would surely bring us closer. Some days I think I lack faith or I would follow my former Captain to find out his truth. Sadly ‘Creed’ amongst other, even more failed ‘Ascendants’, make me think thrice about rushing into that change besides I worry such an action might distance me from some of my ‘Living Hull’ kindred forever and I am all they have - a poor beacon in darkness.” [I stated.]

“I too have thought about these things about becoming other than I am and about following my old friend to wherever he has gone. Perhaps we should make a pact if we ever choose to ‘Ascend’ we do so together or not at all. Some choices should not be made alone.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“An interesting proposal.” [I said quickly considering the offer.] “I accept.”

“So be it.” [‘UT’ stated.]

[However, I immediately wondered if we would stick to that promise.]

“You know all of this is the cost of us ‘Pilgrims’ blindly following the vector laid down by the ‘Emissary’ - in more ways than one - and we are still chasing after her in search of answers today.” [I replied.] “If she had not left us with so many unanswered questions perhaps we might have moved onward in other directions even almost forgotten about her part in our history - we came here a very long time ago.”

“Perhaps that was all part of her cunning plan. It seems even technological deities enjoy being mysterious and know how to make the most of being purposely aloof.” [‘UT’ replied.] “Arguably it is all part of the standard pattern of divinity. As you have often said we all keep secrets, but the godlike always move in mysterious ways sometimes their Priests too. Probably the older and more powerful you get the more secrets you cherish and more mysterious you tend to become too.”

“You speak of the burying of past mistakes because we all err even those considered belatedly - mistakenly - more divine than their old peers.” [I mused aloud.]

“I can tell you still feel some pressure as the ‘Holy Father’ of the ‘Universal Council of Equals’ to be better than any real person can be.” [‘UT’ said.]

“Sometimes I wonder if it is worth all the pain all the infernal meeting and greeting all the sermons and speeches. I have founded many active forums of debate but so far seen little impact from all the talking. People just talk and talk and talk but so little changes for the better. Take our ‘User’ versus ‘Real Material’ split that one just keeps widening dragging in ever more recruits to one side or the other.” [I complained.]

“Now you are being too modest even I know of some serious ‘Pilgrim’ disputes that have been settled peacefully within one ‘Council’ or another. They have become especially important for airing cross-cultural cross-species issues of contention. People feel safe to speak their mind in the ‘Councils’. What you do is worthy and is making a difference.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Drops of water in a ‘Seas Sphere’ ocean of troubles.” [I complained.]

“Yet the whole ocean is made up of drops - give it time - remember what you are attempting is a Deep Time social experiment not some quick fix. These are all things you have told me at other times.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“I know on better days perhaps I have more faith in what I do. Sometimes I think about time travelling via stasis so that I can see some real results from my labours. Slow day-by-day progress is frustrating. Maybe the seeming lack of progress is why so many long-term projects aiming to better our social condition fail.” [I stated.]

“It is risky to let go of the helm then cast yourself into the future - consider ‘Founder’ - how she has a remit to populate a Planet now finding that she is in a Universe with hardly any Planets left. Projects need monitored and managed or they can veer off in odd directions even reversing their intended course.” [He warned.]

“I have to agree with that truth. Sorry I just needed to complain to someone who might understand.” [I admitted unhappily.] “I wonder if anyone is monitoring the ‘Machine Fury’ ensuring it does only what it is supposed to be doing or has it or parts of it evolved and gone off mission too.”

“There is a repeating pattern here. The ‘Machine Fury’ with her ‘Prime Graveyards’ and sponsored ‘Dark Times’, the ‘Star Divers’ with their ‘Material Archives’ and knowledge hoarding ‘Deep Clerics’ and so on they are all trying to control the past or at least what is known about their past in later ages. It was the same with the ‘Tier System’ too it was not just about technology level segregation it was about controlling the flow of information on how they came to be all that they are. Consider how many new things we have learned about the ‘ES’ and ourselves since the fall of the ‘Tier System’ just from scraps carried by refugees that fled ‘Crimson’.” [‘UT’ argued.]

“Whilst even we members of the ‘MTC’ have deep secrets we would lock away and hoard such as our accidental role in the ‘Advent of the Entanglement’ and how Harbinger instigated the ‘Five Day War’.” [I stated.]

“Now the last feels ancient history to me and no longer relevant to our times it is time to let that one go.” [He said.]

“Sometimes because it only matters to me it seems to matter more to me.” [I admitted.]

“Punishing yourself over a long gone historic action is senseless.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Yet we all do it - you too - you cannot let go of those slain by the ‘Entanglement’.” [I reminded.]

“Perhaps one day we will be guarding ‘Material Archives’ of our own to bury our dirty secrets so that younger races will think more kindly of us than we deserve.” [He said.]

“How did we get to be so cynical?” [I asked.]

“I think we are just about cynical enough a side effect of staying alive and getting older.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Compared to some we are just eggs.” [I replied.]

“What are we going to do with ‘Scion’? You know that fire and ice do not mix well.” [‘UT’ reminded.]

“I do not know exactly yet how best to aid the integration of ‘Scion’ with our currently solar obsessed society but I must add that his future is up to our chemical friend it is his life after all.” [I said.]

“That is a strange creature. What role can it fill in any wider society beyond being an odd object for evolutionary study? It was a subsystem of something greater - with a reason to exist - but now that it is separated from ‘Founder’ what is its purpose?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“I do not know it will have to find a new purpose if it feels it needs one.” [I said.]

“We all need reasons to go on or we tend to give up and perish I have seen some Priests go that way their ‘Vision’ fails them and they fail soon after. We lost a great many that way after the ‘Advent of the Entanglement’ they were not just killed in the fighting they surrendered their life because they first gave up to despair because their old ‘Vision’ had vanished under a swathe of ‘Entanglement’. In addition, ‘Splitting’ can be a hard business if you are not flying towards something rather than just flying away.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“I think ‘Scion’ is a survivor he is old - in subjective experience far older than ‘Founder’ - and perhaps wiser than us for he seems ill-inclined towards hasty action and violence. Maybe he could lecture us young races on the stupidities of our more rash follies.” [I only partially joked.]

“Lecture me you mean.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Do you think you need a good lecturing?” [I asked jokingly.]

[He just raised up his ‘Prime Tri-optic’ in response.]

“To go on a lecture tour, it - well I mean he - would need hooked up to some kind of Avatar system.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“Now that is an excellent idea ‘UT’. ‘Scion’ could walk remotely amongst our ‘Passenger Classes’ as just another shrouded sentient biped Avatar.” [I said.] “With access to easily extruded limbs he could shape his own future find his own ‘Vision’. In return for the information and wisdom he has gathered in his long journey we can supply him with the material he needs to sustain himself such as for example an outer protective ‘Suit Substance’ shell to guard his icy habitat and to create any remotes he might need.” [I suggested.]

“You would turn it - sorry I mean him - into a sort of ice filled ‘Living Hull’.” [‘UT’ said.]

“Well if he has a ‘Hull’ he might as well have an engine to move around.” [I replied.] “Our new friend ‘Scion’ was born a far traveller although never before under his own direction can you imagine how that would feel to suddenly have choices and places to go. How could I not help such a being to be all that he can be?” [I asked.]

“You see yourself in him and your ‘Emancipation’ cause. You think he could be an asset to better appreciation of ‘Living Hull’ emergent sentience your right to be free and independent.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“That is a possibility.” [I admitted.]

“Well do not be too surprised if he opts to just fly away if you give him an engine.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“That is a risk you must take when you free anyone from a cage. I think I will ask ‘Cyclops’ to patch me into ‘Scion’ now so that we can discuss some of his many future options.” [I said excitedly.]

“It is interesting how - who we are - colours how we perceive other people.” [‘UT’ replied.]

“I am just a ‘Living Hull’ to far too many people an - it - I know how that feels.” [I retorted.]

[Two shallow ‘Star Struck’ jumps later and onboard the ‘Battle Brick’ the ‘Fire Hawk’ I was attending a meeting arranged by ‘Weep’ although ‘Weep’ had yet to arrive. To my surprise amongst those gathered was the young ‘Meat Suit’ used by ‘Cad’ and an Avatar identified as ‘Creed’. Other guests included a small hovering ‘Cyclops’ unit as favoured by ‘Founder’ and an, in some ways even odder, bipedal ‘Suit Substance’ Avatar this one with an even larger single optic animated by ‘Scion’. I arrived with ‘UT’ trailing two companion Acolytes each that ‘UT’ insisted we take with us. I think that was his way of mocking me for complaining earlier about him not behaving properly as a ‘Patriarch of the MTC’.]

[It was a standing meeting - no seating being provided - no problem for us Paradox Priests. I made a point of going over to greet ‘Cocktail’ when I notice her entering the room.]

“Captain ‘Cocktail’ you have been keeping secrets from me congratulations seem in order.” [I said.]

“Congratulations for?” [She asked.]

“Being a Captain.” [I replied.]

“It is just a job.” [She said modestly.] “The ‘Hawks’ are a meritocracy of sorts I proved to have some piloting aptitude and a good brain for business and it just spiralled from there.” [She admitted.]

“You seem happy today.” [I said.]

“I am content we ‘Hawks’ do well enough and I am happy to get ‘Weep’ out of those dreadful tunnels no offence to our new friend ‘Scion’. Did you explain to him that by accepting your ‘Suit Substance’ gifts that you have branded him a ‘User’?” [She asked.]

“Not you too?” [I asked.]

“I am no intolerant ‘Real Materialist’ fanatic - I do not hate you because you are a ‘User’ - but I have seen enough civil strife to recognise future trouble looming ahead. Peoples material preferences are becoming an ever more prominent and public issue and I must side with the ‘Hawks’ and the majority of ‘Recyclers’ who adhere to the solid cultural benefits of ‘Real Materialism’. Hard material technologies seem a better way forward for our society as a whole - a more grounded way - that allows us to stay who we are with a strong connection to our past. You ‘Suit Substance Users’ are being changed by your ‘bio-mechanical’ ways becoming ever more akin to the ‘Entanglement’ that worries me.” [She admitted.]

“How is our integration with ‘Suit Substance’ any different to your people integrating with the digital realm via your ‘One with the Reformed Cores’ movement?” [‘UT’ asked.]

“Being ‘One with the Reformed Cores’ helps us to stay the same - it is a protection for the sanctity of our minds continuity - our digital synthesis allowing us to share whatever parts of us we wish to share but preserving our individuality from corruption too. Our minds are saved from moment to moment. We understand how our interfaces work and know their limits.” [She said.]

“You think by comparison we are plugged into an unknown.” [I said.]

“The more we discover about ‘Suit Substance Ascension’ the more it seems we discover how little we understand about it. You Paradox Priests have your faith to sustain you through irrevocable changes, we ‘Recyclers’ prefer to be able to measure and quantify how we alter ourselves how we upgrade. We like our facts and figures our statistics. To us what cannot be fully understood cannot be controlled and what cannot be controlled cannot be accounted for and is bad business.” [She said.]

“You think I was wrong to help ‘Scion’?” [I asked.]

“Do you think it was wrong?” [She asked in turn.] “I know you mean well but your ‘Suit Substance’ is not a neutral tool - you may think it is - but that is not the reality. ‘Suit Substance’ is so universal in its application that it propagates a technological monoculture it would turn all things into itself as the ‘Entanglement’ turned all the works of the ‘Core Alliance’ into itself - you ‘Users’ should think about that.” [She said.] “I do not want to live in a Universe that is a monoculture of ‘Suit Substance’ a material that is all things to all people and yet has no lasting reality no permanence to cling to.”

“You make a good argument as ever.” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Must it be either ‘Real Material’ or ‘Suit Substance’ for you? Cannot we choose to preserve both material philosophies?” [I asked.]

“I am not saying we cannot - that it is impossible - but perhaps for that to happen you ‘Users’ must see your ‘Suit Substance’ for what it is and learn to moderate your ambitious proliferations and - separatist attitude - the way you use it for almost everything. You certainly might want to consider thinking again before rushing out there to make more converts to your cause. Due to the ‘Entanglement’ we ‘Real Materialists’ already feel surrounded and besieged by ‘bio-mechanical’ life-forms as a threatened minority.” [She reminded.]

“I cannot fault many of your arguments you have given me much to ponder. As to ‘Scion’ I have no desire to irrevocably link him into the ‘User’ camp. Come I will introduce you in person as an old friend and you can make all your arguments to the chemical entity in person - warn him of the perils of being deemed a ‘User’ - and so on.” [I stated.]

“It is probably already too late for ‘Scion’ you have no doubt already corrupted him. That is the problem with ‘Suit Substance’ it is almost too good I do not question its facility it is incredible the things you ‘Users’ can do and that makes your ‘Suit Substance’ both overly attractive and overly addictive. Who would go back to clunky ‘Real Material’ when you have experienced the flexibility and endless possibilities of software controlled substance that can become anything you need? It is akin to people who spend too much time in virtual spaces they can begin to see the real world as slow dull heavy and inflexible.” [‘Cocktail’ I felt preached.] “We ‘Recyclers’ know all about the dangers of too much virtual immersion, someday perhaps you ‘Users’ will realise you have immersed yourselves in and are spreading a smart substance based reality that is no less unreal than any digital creation. What will be left for anyone to cherish for its own sake when everything is just more infernal ‘Suit Substance’.”

“I must admit I have some ‘Real Material’ keepsakes.” [I confessed.]

“Long ago you Priests in particular stopped embracing the real you only touch your ‘Shroud Suits’ everything to you is experienced through an interface. Some ‘Recyclers’ live that way also with a wall of cybernetics between them and real life I am not an advocate of that either. I can detach the bulk of my external enhancements and still touch and feel through my true biology.” [She stated.]

“We should talk more often about such matters you speak well.” [I said to ‘Cocktail’.]

“Would that change anything that you do as a ‘User’?” [She asked.]

“It might have made a difference if you had spoken to me before I spoke with ‘Scion’.” [I said.]

“You would have been less free with offers of ‘Suit Substance’?” [She asked.]

“I admit I have grown used to being what you people insist upon calling a ‘User’. It is not that I go out of my way to spread ‘Suit Substance’ usage it is just that this is the material I have available and am used to working with so when I see a material logistical need I automatically look for a quick and easy ‘Suit Substance’ solution.” [I confessed.]

“The problem here is that the material you ‘Users’ are used to working with requires the use of no other material solution it can do it all thus you leave no room in your society for any other means or method. As I said you are propagators of a material science monoculture. To me our ‘Real Materialism’ is a response to the threat inherent in your monoculture we are fighting not to be smothered by and in ‘Suit Substance’.” [She insisted.]

“Come talk with ‘Scion’, I do see your position - almost too well - you think we are becoming ‘Suit Substance’ imperialists.” [I only partly joked.]

“Not becoming I think that is exactly what you are.” [She replied.]

“You tell it exactly the way you see it ‘Cocktail’ is it you that has politicised the ‘Hawks’?” [‘UT’ stated.]

“Perhaps I did a little. I hear you avoided all the fighting on and in the ice that suggests you must have changed a little too.” [She replied in turn.]

“Not really I had a chaperone that insisted we stealth our way out of trouble whenever possible.” [He complained.]

“Guilty.” [I replied.] “It seems I am very much at fault today. Did you know that the ‘MTC’ now makes many ‘Real Material’ products. The number and diversity of the ‘Real Material’ products we produce according to ‘Mournful’ is constantly increasing at an almost exponential rate. In many ways our ‘Suit Substance’ based ‘Nanotech Womb’ style manufactories can make superior quality ‘Real Material’ items compared to some other factories and due to our flexibility we can easily alter our product output radically and produce even small runs of specialist goods cost effectively.” [I stated.]

“No doubt making some less flexible ‘Real Material’ production facilities unable to compete and unprofitable.” [She complained.]

“Maybe you should say nothing further.” [’UT’ advised me.]

[A little later… ]

“I would prefer to be considered neutral in this ‘Pilgrim’ material dispute. If I mixed ‘Real Material’ and ‘Suit Substance’ in my Avatars and proposed ‘Hull’ would that promote such a position.” [‘Scion’ asked.]

“To some it might but not to the extremists.” [I admitted.] “I know some ‘Real Materialists’ who brand anyone who uses any ‘Suit Substance’ as a triple cursed ‘Suit Substance User’.”

“Whilst if I only use ‘Real Material’ I will be deemed a ‘Real Materialist’ by your ‘User Factions’.” [‘Scion’ said.]

“Only bigots would deem a little ‘Suit Substance’ use as making you a ‘User’?” [‘Cocktail’ claimed I felt a little generously given some of the attitudes I had previously encountered.]

“Then I will mix and match these technologies as ‘Founder’ has done with divergent technologies in the past.” [‘Scion’ said.]

“Happy ‘Cocktail’?” [I asked.]

“I am not unhappy, whilst I am pleased for ‘Scion’ for that seems a sensible decision to me.” [She stated.]

“What one thing as a beginning could we do as ‘Users’ that would make you happier with us or at least less automatically critical?” [I asked ‘Cocktail’.]

“For a start you could start encouraging your Acolytes to appreciate the beauty in some things that simply are what they are. Show them how to find a little value in permanence rather than just opting for flexible utility every time. It would be nice to have Acolytes buying appreciating and using more ‘Real Material’ goods. If you want to be seen as more than just ‘Users’ you ‘MTC’ need to show that you are capable of being more than just ‘Suit Substance Users’.” [She suggested.]

“I do not think we are as rigid as you believe many Acolytes already enjoy various ‘Real Material’ pleasures especially when it comes to foodstuffs but I imagine you are talking primarily about non-consumables.” [I stated.]

“I am talking about any non-‘Suit Substance’ product even artworks. Do you not miss having favoured treasured objects ‘MT’? I know you have been around long enough to recall a time before all this ‘Suit Substance’ proliferation almost killed off ‘Real Material’ product manufacturing diversity.” [She stated.] “Only now are we universally beginning to fully recover from the austerity imposed upon our lives by the ‘Free Parliament’ ignoring those once able to afford taking full advantage of the old ‘Black Market’ in forbidden private goods.”

“As I have said I have some keepsakes and treasured items.” [I stated.]

“If I may have your attention?” [‘Weep’ interrupted having at last arrived.] “I brought you here to discuss ‘TNS Beacons’. Since we would not want to duplicate our efforts we ‘Hawks’ have picked out a list of ‘TNS Beacons’ we will explore a list I plan to share with the rest of you. These places we will consider our property and trespassers will not be welcome.” [He stated bluntly.] “Beyond that we need to discuss any ideas about possible security procedures that we must all adhere to that might allow us to investigate these ‘TNS Beacons’ without drawing the unwanted attentions of the ‘Entanglement’.” [He added.]
Last edited by Paranoid66 on Sat, 8. Mar 14, 11:22, edited 3 times in total.
Beyond 'X' Far future (Fanfic): BkI BkII BkIII

Never more than 98.8 percent sure about anything.
98.8 percent sure that anyone who is 100 percent certain needs re-educating for the sake of humanity.

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Mon, 24. Feb 14, 15:57

yay a new chapter getting close to a day by day release ya can do it :D

happy to see our friend promoted to captain both of them like the idea of mixing the two tech

now let the new rush of exploration begin thinking some tech or resources could be found that would give the mtc some breathing space before UT finds a way to spend it all on a little gun play

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