[DiD]Lady of the last day (TC 3.2) [KIA]

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[DiD]Lady of the last day (TC 3.2) [KIA]

Post by Zaitsev » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 09:24

I'll admit it, I couldn't wait. I blame Triaxx2, as his repeated encouragement and praise of my writing skills spur me on. Third time lucky? Hope so ;)

Spoilers? Plenty of spoilers.

Now, with that said ...

Be warned. This story will contain a fair bit of graphical violence and subjects that to some may be unpleasant to read. Viewers discretion is advised.

EDIT: Since the forum is acting a bit screwy and won't let me post any updates in this thread I guess I have to break the news here; The Dragon's Heart was obliterated during an assassination mission, by what appears to be a Hammerhead fired at point blank range. One moment I was coming through the gate and the next ... *beeeee-kaboom!* I'll post the remaining chapters when, or if, the forum will let me update this thread again, but I'm afraid it's over. Too bad, cause I was really starting to like Kayla and her crew.

I might revisit this ... uhm ... in lack of a better word, "version" of the X-universe some day, as there are still lots of stories to be told, but for now I really need something fresh and new. I'll still keep writing, though, so you won't get rid of me that easily


1 - The ghost, the kid and the pirate.

My name is Kayla, and people call me the woman who never cry. They took my tongue, but my voice will be heard nontheless. When I am ready, they will hear me roar!


"I'm gonna get ya, Kayla. Just you wait!"
"No, Kriss. No!" I squealed like a little animal as Kriss Jerigan, the kid next door, gained on me. He grabbed my waist, and we both tumbled to the ground.
"Kriss …" I gasped. "Stop … tickling … me."
"Only if you surrender." I looked at him. He started tickling me again.
"Stop … Okey, okey! I … surrender." He stopped, got off my stomach and helped me up.
"Do you, Kayla Lehane, surr …"

"Hey, Jerigan! Quit playin' with the ghost and come join us on the football field instead!" Toki Salek, the resident jock and jackass, interrupted us and reminded me of the curse that haunted me every day of my life; My looks. You see, my parents were "ringers", born and raised on Ringo Moon. It was a chilling world, shrouded in enternal twilight, and its inhabitants were known for their pale skin and chalk white hair color, often earning them the nickname "ghosts".

"Screw you, Salek!" Kriss yelled back. Then he turned to me. "Don't worry 'bout them," he said, and grabbed my shoulder. I smiled at him, and sent a thought to the stars for giving me such a great friend. We were kind of an odd couple, really. Kriss was your typical rich man's kid, who's parents were loaded to the gills, but he had this crazy idea that he wanted to prove that he was worth something on his own. That's sort of how we became friends, as he, in his own words, 'wanted to go out and find someone who could see him instead of his father's bank account.' So one day he just stood there, with his hands in his pockets and that skewed smile of his, and wanted to be my friend.

I was seven and a half jazura, or a little over ten Terran years, at that time, and all I had ever known was scornful remarks and being called a "frakkin' ghost" all the time. I wish I could say that was the best day of my life, but I didn't trust him. Still, he worked tirelessly to prove that he was worthy of my trust, and when I look back now I think we were both outcasts seeking a kindred spirit. Me for how I looked and him because he was the 'rich kid'. Now six years had passed, and we'd become closer than I ever imagined possible. Me. A 'frakkin' ghost'. And him.

I took his hand and looked him in the eye. Those warm, nut-brown eyes that always seemed to smile at me. He smiled at me. Looked into my own pale gray eyes. For a moment we just stood there and looked into each others eyes. Into each others very soul. He … No …

"I know," I said quietly. "Conquer the world, right?" It was sort of a running gag, that with his father's money and my wits we would conquer the world some day.

Yeah, right.


"Kriss Jerigan?" I turned toward the voice. A wiry man with short, straw colored hair approached us, and he immediately made my skin crawl. He looked … evil. The two men walking two steps behind him didn't do anything to correct that impression.
"Kriss," I whispered. "I don't like this guy."
"Me neither," he whispered back. "Who's asking?" he said to the man.
"Your father sent us. He wanted to see you. You can take the girl with you if you want to."
Now I knew something was wrong. Kriss' father, Bret, would have called or sent his assistant, Jo, to get us if he wanted to see Kriss. He never, ever trusted anyone else to do it, and since Jo was a petite brunette and not some goon …

"So, where's Jo today?" Kriss asked.
"She called in sick," the man said without missing a beat.
"Funny, cause I spoke to her just a quarter of a stazura ago and she looked just fine."
"I don't think you understand." He reached into his pocked and pulled out a small pistol. "You're coming with us."

We both froze for a moment. My mouth suddenly felt as dry as a Paranid desert and my heart started pounding so hard in my chest I was sure Kriss could feel it. I swallowed and closed my eyes, trying to keep my knees from buckling. I could feel my breath as it sped up and became faster and shallower, and my stomach threatened to turn itself inside out at any moment.

"Get them," he barked to the two men behind him. "And keep them quiet."
"The girl too?" one of them asked.
"Yeah. She looks good. She might please him, at least for a while. Besides, ghosts are rare. She might get us a pretty penny in the pit if he doesn't want her."
"Can we have some fun with her?" one of them said as he grabbed my arm with one hand and put the other over my mouth. Something in the tone of his voice made me shiver.
"Not until the boss have had a look at her," the leader said. Then he fished a communicator out of his pocket and activated it. "Five to go," he said. "Get us out of here."

A shimmering, blue glow danced before my eyes, and the next thing I knew I was in some kind of small room. A transporter? I didn't get much time to think about it, because the man holding me dragged me off to a corner and tied me up. Then the whole room started vibrating, and a muffled roar arose from one side. We were on a ship?

"No," I whispered to myself. "No, no, no. This can't be happening!" I started gasping for air, and my throat felt like it had tightened to the size of a straw, threatening to choke me. It felt like I couldn't breathe, sweat was running down my spine like a river and the room started spinning. I felt like my body was trying to turn itself inside out, and I gagged, but nothing came up.

After a while the dry heaves stopped, but I still felt sick. I tried to relax as best I could, but neither body nor mind would cooperate. My stomach felt like I was on the verge of throwing up again, my heart still pounded like a jackhammer and my singlet felt like I had been standing in the rain. My eyes filled with tears, and I cried.

"Easy. They won't hurt us … yet." A quiet voice cut through the darkness.
"K-Kriss? W-wha … Wh … Why …" I stuttered.
"Pirates," he said. "Or maybe Yaki, I don't know." His voice was calm, but he was just as afraid as I was. I could feel it. "They probably took us to blackmail my father. He's one of the hundred richest men in the Argon Federation, so it would make sense."
"B-but … wh … I don't understand …" My brain struggled to process the information it was given. We were being … kidnapped?
"They'll probably take us to their base and then contact my father. After that … I don't know." His voice was filled with this unspeakable sadness, and it just made me cry even more.

In the end I just leaned my head against his shoulder, with the occasional sob making its way up through my throat. It felt like my body wilted, and all my strength disappeared. I started shivering, although the room wasn't cold. My mind was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and I couldn't focus on a single thought.

Then I heard capacitors whine, before a sudden jolt made the ship shake and I knew we had made a jump. But to where? I sighed and started crying again.

After a while it felt like the ship was slowing down, and then we heard the hollow thud as docking clamps latched on to the hull. The two goons came in and dragged us to their feet, then they blindfolded us and pushed us out of the ship. I could barely move and my feet wouldn't carry me, so I got dragged along to whatever destination we were heading for. I heard sounds, but they were distant and muffled. My body felt numb, and it was like I was floating in mid air.

After being dragged for Gunne knew how long we finally stopped. I vaguely registered a hatch opening and someone pushed me forward, resulting in that I tripped over the doorstep and fell flat on my face. With my hands tied behind my back I couldn't break the fall, and I felt a sharp sting in my ribs as I hit the floor. I coughed and gasped for air as my 'warden' muttered "get up" and pulled me to my feet. Then he yanked the blindfold off and pushed me forward. My legs buckled and I fell to my knees.

"Well, well, well … What do we have here." It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, and the image of a tall, muscular man with tattoos covering most of his upper body drifted into focus.
"We got the boy, boss. And a little extra bonus, if you want her." the leader of the trio said.
"Trying to kiss ass again, Poler?" The tall one raised his eyebrows. He spoke slow and softly, and his voice dripped with … I don't know, joy. Like a lazy, content cat who knew he was the boss and that everyone around him would obey his slightest whim. It gave me the creeps, and I felt my throat tighten up again, like I was trying to breathe through a hole no bigger than a pinhead. In the corner of my eye I saw the man he had called Poler throw his hands up in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the boss raised a finger and stopped him.

"Remember, Poler," he purred, "I really hate liars …"
"Y-yes, boss," Poler stuttered. "I-i thought you might l-like her. Girls like her are r-rare, and if nothing else y-you will get a good price for her at the s-slave pit."
"Good boy. They are indeed rare, and this one is exceptionally beautiful too. And young as well." He looked at me. I swallowed and stared at the floor while my mind latched on to one thing; 'slave pit'.

"Look at me, child," he said, oh so softly. My muscles refused to obey, and I kept staring at the floor. My breathing sped up. Short, rasping gasps of air. I heard the sound of chains moving as he rose to his full height and walked towards me. Slowly. His metal-laced boots hit the floor. Clang! One step at the time. Clang! Closer and closer. Clang! He crouched down, put his finger under my chin and lifted my head. At this point I was hyperventilating, my body wouldn't stop shaking and tears covered my cheeks. He grabbed my chin and turned my head, first to the left and then to the right.
"Hm …" I felt like a piece of meat or a new spaceship he considered to buy. "You can't be more than twelve jazura at the most. How old are you?" I didn't answer. I couldn't. "Remember," he whispered in my ear, "I own your ass now and I can either make your life very miserable or very comfortable. Now, answer me, child." I looked at him through the tears and swallowed.
"E-e-eleven jazura a-a-and s-six m-m-m-mazura." I stuttered.
"Now, now. That's no way to address your owner. Try again." He smiled. Coldly.
"E-e-eleven j-jazura a-and s-s-six m-m-mazura, s-s-sir."
"Good girl." He let me go and got back up, then he walked over to Kriss.

"I see you even managed to get the right one this time. Nicely done, Poler."
"Thanks, boss," Poler said meekly.
"So," he said to Kriss, "how much do you think you're worth to your dear ol' Pa!?" He almost spat the word out. Kriss just stared at him for a moment.
"Enough for him to hunt you to the end of the universe if you hurt me," he said. The big man rubbed his chin.
"True," he said. "But how about your little friend over there?" It took a few seconds before I understood that he was referring to me. I looked up just in time to see Kriss turn pale, then the big man flicked his finger at me and the next thing I knew something hit me in the face. Hard.

The muscles in my neck were stretched to their very limit, and I felt something break in my face. It's funny how aware you get in moments like these. Time seemed to almost stop, and I felt my body being bent backwards and hit the floor. I felt the bone splinters in my face grind against each other, I felt the pain spread out through my entire head like fire and I felt my own heartbeat in my cheek. I felt the taste of my own blood in my mouth, and I felt something warm and sticky run down my cheek. The world spun like a merry-go-round, and I had to blink a few times to get my eyes to focus.

I barely had time to get my wits together before I got a boot in my stomach. It drove the air out of my lungs and made me double over, coughing, gagging and cursing.
"Motherfrakkin' …" The next kick hit me in the kidneys, and the pain was so intense I nearly blacked out. I rolled over and ended up as a whimpering heap at the bossman's feet, still trying to catch my breath and keep myself conscious.
"Bastards …" I heard Kriss mutter. "You motherfrakkin' BASTARDS!"
"Easy, kid." Big boss gave me a boot in the ribs, and I groaned. "Blowing your fuses isn't going to help either of you." Then he seemed to lose interest and turned toward me instead. "Put the kid in the brig and let him cool his heels for a while." He waved at his goons. "But leave the girl, I want to have a … word with her." Even in my state I picked up the emphasis he put on 'word', and it made me cringe.

"A shame to waste such a pretty face," he said as the goons left. Then he grabbed me by my singlet and dragged me to my feet. "A shame indeed …" He mumbled while he ran his fingertips over my swollen cheek. It made me wince and I pulled away.
"Now, now. I'm not going to hurt you." He grabbed my hair with the free hand and ran his fingers over my lips. "Much." He looked me in the eye while he licked the blood off his fingers. I gagged and was on the verge of throwing up in his face. I wanted out, but I knew I couldn't break his grip. I felt empty inside. All that was left was this feeling of loneliness and pure, utter despair. Like a bottomless pit that swallowed everything and left me in a black, empty void.

I looked at him with my good eye. Tears were running down my cheeks again.
"P-please," I sniffled. "L-let me go …"
"Hm … Maybe I will, but not today. You're leverage for our friend in the brig. Besides, you're so …" He inhaled sharply through his teeth. "… beautiful." He pulled me in close enough for me to feel his breath on my cheek.
"Beauty, little one …" He ran his fingertips down my throat, over my breasts and down my stomach … Way down. "Beauty is a thing I appreciate very much." His hand slipped between my legs.
"No …" I whispered, but to no avail. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stifle my sobs, waiting for the inevitable.

"But then again, purity is also appreciated." He removed his hand and let me go. I dropped to my knees and let go of the breath I suddenly noticed I had been holding.
"Bastard …" I whispered under my breath.
"Mmm … Be careful. I don't appreciate purity that much." He sat down in his chair again. "Poler!" he roared. "Get your ass inn here!" The thin man came rushing through the door.
"Yes, boss?"
"Throw her in the brig with the kid. We'll let ol' pa worry for a while before we contact him."
"Will do, boss."

Then he grabbed me by the neck and dragged me away.
Last edited by Zaitsev on Wed, 16. Jan 13, 07:00, edited 6 times in total.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Zaitsev » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 09:24

List of mods and scripts I use

X-tra Shippack 2.01
Capture station v1.0
CMod 4.15
CODEA + Associated scripts
M7M Missile launcher
Missile Defense Mosquito
Ship Hotkeys
Anarkis Defense System
AI Ammo cheat
Aldrin asteroid pack - 4
Enhanced Briefings
No Complex Tubes
Missile safety
Pirate Guild
Show pirate/yaki ranks
Xtra Jobs
Yaki Armada
Advanced hyperdrive
Cheat package
EQDock R&D
Improved Races
Marine repairs
NPC Bailing addon
Salvage Claim software
Salvage command and NPCs
Improved boarding

I also added a few tweaks of my own, mainly by giving the Pteranodon, Falcon Hauler, Valhalla, Shrike and Falcon Sentinel a tiny speed boost. I don't think it's going to be unbalanced in any way, just make them a bit more useful and a little less boring to fly.

Note: MARS will be tested, but I'm not sure if I want to use it yet.


Conditional DiD - Excluding gate crashes, autopillok stupidity and bugs/glitches I might encounter. I may also reload from a previous save if I run into any plot bugs.

Only military ships, that is TM, M6, M8, M7, M2 and M1 may use the P2P jump drive, and only M7, M2 and M1 may use energy-free P2P jumps. All others have to use e-cells to fuel the jump drive.

Be as self sufficient as possible when it comes to weapons, shields, missiles and equipment.

No repair laser except on personal fightercraft. Kayla is a warrior, not a mechanic. Everything else have to be repaired either by marines or at a shipyard. With some instructions and practice she might be able to repair a TS, but that's it.

More rules might be added along the way.


Current goals: Exploring, getting enough money to pay the Yaki and fully arm the Hyperion by any means necessary.

Overall goals: Capture the pirate base in Brennan's Triumph and find Terrel.

Misc. info

Game: X3TC 3.2

Start: Bankrupt assassin, modified via cheat package.

Starting assets: Hyperion Vanguard.

0 credits.
Last edited by Zaitsev on Tue, 9. Oct 12, 01:39, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 12:25

Interesting start. Safety tip for you though. Stay clear of Xenon, at least until you're flying a frigate.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Libelnon » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 17:21

Crimson skull, eh? They seem to be getting around a bit, seeing as I built them as a pirate faction for Pieces of Eight...

Anyway, that's a real interesting start, so I'll be looking out for this one. Love to see where you take it, Zait.
Sorry, were you expecting a witty one-liner?

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Post by Zaitsev » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 18:32

Triaxx2 wrote:Interesting start. Safety tip for you though. Stay clear of Xenon, at least until you're flying a frigate.
I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises :p
Libelnon wrote:Crimson skull, eh? They seem to be getting around a bit, seeing as I built them as a pirate faction for Pieces of Eight...

Anyway, that's a real interesting start, so I'll be looking out for this one. Love to see where you take it, Zait.
Ups ... :oops:

Guess I was so eager to write this I forgot to check with the creator if it was ok for me to use them. Sorry about that, I'll remove it *puts self in the doghouse*
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 18:53

Actually, I admit that in addition to wanting to see more of your writing, I have the ulterior motive of wanting you to write so to distract from my current writers block.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Libelnon » Tue, 11. Sep 12, 20:20

Zaitsev wrote:Guess I was so eager to write this I forgot to check with the creator if it was ok for me to use them. Sorry about that, I'll remove it *puts self in the doghouse*
Don't worry about it, I'm actually kinda pleased at the way it's starting to proliferate a bit. Nothing better than a bit of universal lore that everyone uses, makes DiDs seem like they actually take place in the same universe with everyone's different twists on it.

Just a little niggle, though: Yaki are typically the slavers, and the Crimson Skulls are a pirate faction based in Brennan's Triumph, Hatikvah's Faith, and the areas inbetween, with loyalists all over Argon space. Not saying they wouldn't take to kidnapping and slavery, jus' saying that they aren't Yaki.

Or at least, that's how I've portrayed them. Kirlack may have other ideas, and the Skulls are a pretty intrinsic part of his DiD. Not that that makes that much difference, everyone's free to write their own stories.

half@Triaxx2 (aimed at you because you're the one in charge of the DiD list) - that does give me a bit of an idea though. Perhaps we could set up a thread devoted to in-factions, guilds, and other common figures, etc, and really start to build a host of DiDs which use the same concepts. I think it'd be awesome to have the Crimson Skulls pop up in a few other DiDs than my own, and-... I'm getting carried away. But hey, if you like the idea, drop me a message and I'll pass on some ideas.
Sorry, were you expecting a witty one-liner?

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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 12. Sep 12, 12:32

Triaxx2 wrote:Actually, I admit that in addition to wanting to see more of your writing, I have the ulterior motive of wanting you to write so to distract from my current writers block.
Ah, the old writers block. So that's where it went :p You might not want to read this, though, as I think I went slightly off my rocker here.
Libelnon wrote:Don't worry about it, I'm actually kinda pleased at the way it's starting to proliferate a bit. Nothing better than a bit of universal lore that everyone uses, makes DiDs seem like they actually take place in the same universe with everyone's different twists on it.

Just a little niggle, though: Yaki are typically the slavers, and the Crimson Skulls are a pirate faction based in Brennan's Triumph, Hatikvah's Faith, and the areas inbetween, with loyalists all over Argon space. Not saying they wouldn't take to kidnapping and slavery, jus' saying that they aren't Yaki.

Or at least, that's how I've portrayed them. Kirlack may have other ideas, and the Skulls are a pretty intrinsic part of his DiD. Not that that makes that much difference, everyone's free to write their own stories.
Yeah, well ... I thought of that afterwards and realized I wasn't really sure how I was going to fit it into my story, so what faction these guys belong to is still up for debate. It might be the Skulls, some other pirates, Yaki or something completely different. That's the disadvantage of making up the story as I go along, I guess :p

Now for an extra bit of

Warning! The following chapter contain some very graphic scenes. Viewers discretion is strongly advised.


2 - Mad men and the grim reaper.

"Kayla! You're …" Kriss stopped mid sentence as Poler untied me and threw me into the holding cell. His cool demeanor had all but vaporized, and he looked at me, worried. He reached out for me, but I pulled back. He looked away.
"Kayla, I'm sorry …" He swallowed. His eyes were filled with tears, and it hurt me more than all the beating in the world to see him like this. Suddenly all my pain and fears were gone and I reached out and pulled him close.
"It's gonna be all right," I whispered. "Just don't hug me on the left side for a while." I could feel him smile.
"Deal," he said, trying to hide a sniffle. "How about the right side?"
"That will work," I said. He put his arms around me, and for a long time we just sat there in silence, holding each other. It felt like we were in a warm, soft bubble, safe from the horrors that awaited on the other side of the door. I don't know how long we sat like that, but in the end I started getting dozy. I don't know if it was the hit I'd taken or if it was just getting late, but I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

I had such wonderful dreams. I dreamed that we were back on Argon Prime and that none of this had happened. It ended abruptly with the door literally being kicked open.
"Up!" Poler roared as he came into the holding cell. "The boss want to see you!" His goons came in and dragged us along. I wondered why they hadn't bothered tying us up or blindfolding us, and for some reason it made me worried.

"Ah, our guests have arrived." the boss said as they pushed us inside. I noticed that he looked different. He had a shirt on and he puffed on a big cigar. The smell made me dizzy, and I guessed it was space weed. "Poler," he said, "would you be so kind as to call up our mutual friend. And have the … tools ready, just in case." Poler disappeared for a few minutes, then came back with a bag. He put it down at the door, then he pulled out a data pad and typed in a few commands. A screen lit up above the bossman's chair, and Jo appeared.

"Jerigan Industries, how may I help you?"
"In many ways, I'm certain. Put me through to your boss."
"I'm sorry, do you have an appointment?"
"No, but I have something that belong to him." He signaled the goon holding Kriss, and he pushed him over to the bossman. Jo turned pale and her jaw dropped.
"Uhm … Just a moment." She tried to hold it together, but it was easy to see she was upset. She swallowed and patched the call through.
"What!?" Bret growled. Then he obviously saw who it was, and his eyes narrowed. "You …!" he said in a voice that had suddenly turned so cold it could have frozen the seas of Argon Prime solid.

"What do you want, Terrel?"
"Oh, not much," the bossman said. "Just … oh, ten percent of your fortune." Bret actually grinned. It was a joyless smile, but a smile none the less.
"Are you frakkin' insane!? Wait, I already know the answer to that."
"Joke all you want, but unless you want me to start sending you pieces of your kid via messenger drone I suggest you listen, and listen hard." Bret's eyes turned to steel and brimstone.
"If you hurt him, all you're gonna get is the best mercs money can buy. And they won't come for tea and biscuits."
"Oh, hurt him. You mean like this?" He pulled what looked as a phase pistol out of a holster he had strapped to his back and pistol whipped Kriss across the temple, making him drop to the floor. I looked at Bret and swallowed. If he had been able to jump through the screen and strangle the man, I'm pretty sure he would have done it.

"Relax, Bret." Terrel said. "I ain't stupid. I'm not going to hurt my bargaining chip now, am I? Someone else's chip, on the other hand …" Terrel signaled at the goon holding me, and he dragged me over. At the same time he lifted Kriss up and gave him to the other goon. Bret blinked in surprise.
"Kayla …?"
"I've done my homework, Bret. You and the Lehanes are close, both private and as business partners. If I hurt Kriss here I'll get the business end of a disintegrator rifle, but if I torture the kid of your best friend … Now, that's a whole different ball game, isn't it?" Bret gulped.
"No … No, Terrel. You frakkin' bastard, NO!" Terrel grinned. It was a fierce, bestial grimace, and I involuntarily took a step back.

"You know you're gonna want to watch this," he said. "The human animal in all its terrible glory. You want to turn away, but you can't. You want to kill the link, but you can't. What if I do something horrible to her? What if she breaks something …" He raised his hand in a nonchalant twirl, and Poler grabbed one of my fingers. I heard the dry, sickening snap of bone breaking before I felt it. Then I screamed.

"Oh, that sounded painful." He grinned. I was hanging limp in the arms of the goon, sobbing. My brain struggled to process what had just happened. Bret looked like someone had bled him dry. "You want to do something, don't you?" Terrel inhaled sharply through his teeth. "But you can't, can you? And just think about it, when this is over you'll have to go over and tell your best friend that you watched some lunatic torture his daughter. How does that make you feel, Bret?"

Bret Jerigan stared at the screen. His mouth worked, but no words came out. Terrel continued.

"You know it's not your kid, so it shouldn't be your problem, but still … How are you going to live with yourself, Bret? Besides, she could have more accidents. What's that old saying again? If you can't take the heat …?" He rolled up my singlet, took a drag off the cigar and pressed the ember against my stomach. The sizzling sound mixed with the smell of space weed and burnt flesh. My body writhed in pain, and I screamed. Again.
"Just say the magic word, and I'll stop." He looked at Bret. "Mmm … Maybe. In the meantime we'll hang her out to dry. Poler, if you wouldn't mind …"

The next thing I knew a pair of manacles were placed around my wrists, and then I was dragged to some sort of board where he hooked the manacles on to a pair of wires and lifted me off the ground. I whimpered and twisted as my shoulders were suddenly forced to carry the full weight of my body, but to no avail.

"What was it Fortune 500 said you were worth? Some sixty billion credits? Ten percent would be around six billion then. What say I force you to watch my boys inflict six billion credits worth of pain on her, eh? But first, let's make completely sure she doesn't go anywhere. Poler …?"

Poler walked over to the bag and fished out some sort of pistol-like tool. In my clouded state of mind it took me a second before I recognized it …

"This is a nail gun," Terrel said, and gave Bret a crooked smile. "I think you know how it works." Then he pressed it against the palm of my hand and pulled the trigger. The magnetic accelerator fired and drove the nail through my hand and into the board behind me. I wanted to scream again, but I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. All that came out was a stifled sob. Darkness nibbled at the edges of my consciousness, and my eyes rolled back into my head. I couldn't breathe, and I cried uncontrollably. It felt like he had driven a white hot poker through my hand, and now he did the same on the other side. My entire body was fighting to get my brain's attention, and the message was clear; Pain! It flooded every corner of my mind, and in mere moments it had taken over.

"Hey." Terrel slapped me in the face. "Stay with us. I want our spectator to see the grand finale." I struggled to focus. My brain was desperately trying to sort out the chaos and keep me conscious at the same time, and it was failing at both.
"Stay, I said." I heard a slight hum, then my back arced and all my muscles locked up. Stun gun. The nails through my hands just made it worse, and for a moment it felt like every nerve of my body was being dragged through boiling acid. I blacked for a moment and came to again as my chin hit my chest.

"B ... b ... as ... tar ... d" I whispered under my breath.
"I think she still has some spirit left," Terrel said. "Let's see if we can't remove that. Now, pay attention." I felt the cold metal of the electrodes against my skin as he moved the stun gun over my body.
"Hm ... Should we go up high ..." He held the stun gun against my breasts, and I swallowed. "... or should we go down low?" He ran it down my stomach. I caught a glimpse of that bestial grin again moments before my whole world burned out in white. It was pain beyond pain, and when he finally let go I passed out again.

I came to again as he threw a glass of water in my face. Every nerve was fighting for attention again, and I barely managed to keep myself awake. My eyes kept rolling into the back of my head, my shoulders were aching, and my hands and entire lower body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't focus, and I just saw the silhouette of a grinning face before me.
"Y ... ou ..." My voice was just a whisper, and it broke before I could finish the sentence.
"What was that?" I suddenly felt a spark of anger. For a moment my vision cleared up, and I spat him in the face. I didn't think. I wasn't able to. I just did it.

The response was swift and brutal, as he pulled a knife and ran it through my chest. I felt the cold metal inside me, I could hear the gurgling sound as the blade pierced my lungs. Almost immediately my mouth filled with blood, and my stomach turned itself inside out. The taste of acid mixed with the taste of blood, which made me gag even more. My breath turned into a slow, wheezing sound and I watched, strangely detached, as a red rose blossomed on my singlet. Then I felt something warm dripping down on my chest, and I looked down. Red …? I coughed. More red. Mixed with pink foam. I vaguely remembered screaming, but it wasn't my voice. It was someone else. Someone I couldn't remember ... Then my head fell forward and the world went dark.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Wed, 12. Sep 12, 13:51

Yes, you do appear to be somewhat off your weasel, but it's well written so it's okay. Added both this and Eye of the storm 2 to the DiD list.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Godani » Wed, 12. Sep 12, 20:44

Interesting, will keep tabs on this :)
"Eventually we must leave Earth--at least a certain number of our progeny must as our sun approaches the end of its solar life cycle. But just as terrestrial explorers have always led the way for settlers, this will also happen extraterrestrially. Earth is our cradle, not our final destiny."
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, The Way of the Explorer, 1996

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 12. Sep 12, 22:56


I'm enjpying this immensely.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 12. Sep 12, 22:56


I'm enjpying this immensely.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Zaitsev » Mon, 17. Sep 12, 07:16

Triaxx2 wrote:Yes, you do appear to be somewhat off your weasel, but it's well written so it's okay. Added both this and Eye of the storm 2 to the DiD list.

Yeah, you gave me mental images of myself riding a giant weasel. I laughed so hard I think my neighbors believe I'm insane. Again.

@Godani & shaun bergin: Thank you, both of you.

Dang, I think I might get performance anxiety from all this praise (j/k)
Well, time for another update then.


3 – A star with no tomorrow.

"Nnnh …"
I felt like I had somehow awoken ahead of my consciousness, and now I had to drag it kicking and screaming into the light. It turned out to be a really stupid idea, as every part of my body jumped my mind at once and tried to tell it how bad they were feeling. My finger hurt, my shoulders were sore, my head spun at the slightest movement, my cheek was still throbbing, my belly felt like it was on fire and I had this sharp, stinging pain in my chest. I also had this nasty taste of blood and acid in my mouth. Like …

"No!" The memories came flooding back, and I remembered everything. I sat up, and the world immediately responded by lurching sideways and going into a tailspin. I slumped back down on … on … Where was I, anyway? I looked around as much as the world allowed me to. I was on a bed of some kind. There was some strange equipment on my left side, but other than the spotlight above me the rest of the room was too dimly lit for me to make out any details. I rubbed my face with my palms and tried to think. W-wait … What the …?

I looked at my hands. Apart from the star shaped scars in my palms they were fine. And my cheek … And … My hands sought the spot where I'd been stabbed. Nothing. I rolled up my still bloodstained singlet and looked, just to be sure my other senses weren't deceiving me.

"So, you're awake. My nanites did their job, then." A voice came out of the darkness. I didn't see who it was, but I instantly recognized the voice.
"Terrel," I hissed.
"Correct," he said as he stepped into the light. I sat up and supported myself on my elbows. "I must say, that spirit of yours is stronger than I thought." He grinned at me, some sort of twisted, insane parody of a smile. "Too bad your friend and his pa can't see this. They both think you're dead. Well, technically you were dead for some five mizura, but that's beside the point. I think your friend had a little breakdown when he watched you die, and his pa … Well, it's been a while since I saw a grown man cry. It did put him in a rather …" He inhaled sharply through his teeth as he had the habit of doing. "… generous mood." I felt this inexplicable anger build as he went on. He had hurt Kriss. He had hurt Bret, and he had hurt my family.
"And now they all think you're dead, which means you're all mine." He reached out and cupped my cheek. I cringed and pulled back.
"I will never be yours, you motherfrakkin', twisted son of a …" He slapped me in the face, hard enough for me to feel the taste of blood again.
"What foul language for such an innocent, young girl. Tsk-tsk-tsk. Girls like you shouldn't use such words." The grin disappeared and he looked at me with disdain. "Do something about the noise problem, will you?" He was obviously talking to someone I couldn't see.
"With pleasure." A squat, balding man stepped out into the light. "Toki, Gram, hold her down." The two apes who had been with Poler when they took us came into the light and grabbed my arms.

"This might be a bit crude, but I like it." He held up a scalpel in front of my eyes. My stomach turned into a knot and I started fighting to break free. I twisted and trashed, but it was no good. They were just too strong.
"Now, hold her head still," Squat said. "I don't care what you do, just hold her still."

The two goons put their full weight on me, and I was completely stuck. My cheeks were wet with tears as they grabbed my chin and pulled my head back. Panic started to set in, and I found myself wishing I would pass out. Then he started to cut.

First came the pain. Then the taste of blood in my mouth and the feeling of being drowned. Then the sickening, crunching sound of cold steel cutting into my flesh. I wanted to throw up, but then I would probably drown in my own puke. I begged the stars to pass out at this point, but my body was so hopped up on adrenaline that I couldn't.
"There," Stocky said after a while. "Now the noise problem is gone, and this will ensure that she doesn't bleed to death." He held up a syringe with a silvery liquid and injected it in my arm. It felt like liquid fire in my veins. Terrel grinned at me again.
"I'll leave you alone with your thoughts, then we'll see what we're going to do with you." Then he left too, and I was all alone.

As the door slammed shut I gave in to the knot in my stomach and spent the next five minutes throwing up and coughing up blood. Then I laid down on the bed and just wanted to die. Except for the fact that the bastard would probably revive me again if I did something stupid. I felt … Like someone had taken a part of my soul and ripped it out through my chest. It was pain. Emptiness. Pure, pure despair. Shame. Loneliness. Kriss had watched me die, as had his fater. By now my mom and dad would probably know too, and the thought of returning to them a mute … A cripple … All my plans down the drain. I would be a bloody freak. I couldn't …

I lost it. I curled up on the bed and cried until I had no more tears left. My world, my life, was destroyed. My parents thought I was dead, my best friend had watched me die … My dreams … My entire future … Taken … Stolen from me. By some … I lacked the words to describe him. I just felt this anger, this white hot fury rage through my body, as if the flames of hell itself had flared up in there and now threatened to burn me up. I couldn't bear it! I grabbed the closest thing I could get a hold of and threw it against the wall. Then I found a chair hidden in one of the corners and proceeded to trash the place.

"Congratulations, Kayla," I thought to myself as my anger slowly went away. "You managed to kill a chair. And the bed." I threw the rest of the chair away and slumped down on what was left of the bed. It just felt so … I don't know, futile. My whole life was gone, the people I held dear thought I was dead and what little I had left was at the mercy of some psychotic nutcase who changed his mind and mood faster than other people changed their socks. Frak.

Exhaustion eventually got the best of me, and I nodded off on the train wreck that had once been a bed. In my dreams I was back home, laying on my back and looking at the stars. Kriss was there with me, and we just laid there in total silence. Our hands sought each other, and we moved closer and closer to each other. He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me, and I felt this warmth inside. Then he pulled me in, and …

"Get up!"
I must have jumped at least half a meter into the air. It was Poler, and he had roared loud enough to wake the dead. I was sure I was going to have a heart attack. Stars! Then Terrel came in.
"Well, what do we have here." He grinned at me in his usual way. "Girls misbehavin', eh?" I was about to call him something that would have earned me a slap again, but nothing came out. No words, no sound at all. It hit me like a ton of bricks, like my mind had secretly hoped that it would be all right again. That it was all a bad dream, that I wasn't really mute. I felt like crying again. Then the anger flared up.

"Watch it," Poler said in mock fear. "I think the kitten is angry."
"Then the kitten needs a leash." Terrel said, looking down his nose at me. I just glared at him. Then Poler grabbed my arms from behind and chickenwinged me.
"I know just the place for you," Terrel said as he rolled up my singlet. "After we put this on you we're going to send you to the Underworld." He held up some sort of belt with a small box on it, which he strapped around my chest.
"The Underworld?" Poler said and snorted a laugh. "I bet she won't last more than a mizura."
"Care to make that official?" Terrel said.
"You're on, boss. Five hundred credits."
"Deal." Then he turned to me.

"Now, I bet you're wondering what we have strapped around your chest. The answer is simple, it's a leash. If you misbehave we'll pull on the leash …" I heard a faint, high pitched whine, then it felt like I had been hit by lightning. My body flopped like a fish on land, and I fell to the floor like a sack of delaxian wheat.
"If you misbehave badly," he continued, "we'll pull a little harder …" It felt like someone had stuck two white hot awls in my kidneys, and I struggled not to pass out. "And if you try to leave this station without permission, tamper with it or go anywhere you're not supposed to it will kill you. If that happen I might not bring you back, so watch it." The 'leash' deactivated, and I just glared at him again while I slowly rose to my feet.
"Now, give me your hands." he demanded. I hesitated long enough to hear the capacitors on the leash charge again, before I, reluctantly, held out my hands. He had Poler slap on a pair of handcuffs and ordered me out of the cell, and I wondered where this was going to end.

After being dragged through half the station we stopped in front of a rust red door with the words "Abandon all hope." scribbled across it. Poler opened it and tossed me inside, and curses flowed through my mind as I tried not to end up with my face buried in the floor.
"New meat, Warron!" he yelled before he shut the door. "Have her ready in two mizura." A middle aged man came into the room.
"New meat, eh. Hrmf. Looks a little young for a pit fighter." My mind immediately latched on to that word. Pit fights were brutal one-on-one matches, where the opponents often fought to the death. They were illegal, but word had it they were popular among pirates.
"Well, let's get those things off of you." He fished a key out of his pocket and unlocked my handcuffs. "Now, who are we dealing with?" I gave him a puzzled look. "Well, speak up," he prodded. I gave him an exasperated look and pointed at the bandages around my neck. "Oh." He sighed and looked away. "A 'noisy' one, eh … Guess this will have to do, then." He fished an old, filthy data pad out of one of his pockets.
"So, let's try this again. Who are you?"
Kayla, I typed.
"Just Kalya?"
Kayla Lehane. I sighed and felt the big, empty hole in my soul grow bigger.
"Well then, Kayla Lehane. Let's get you ready."

Two mizura later I was all taped up and not ready at all. I had never hit a person in my life, much less fought one. My heart was racing like that of a hummingbird, I was covered in sweat and I wanted to run as far away as I possibly could. The door behind me said otherwise, and the only way out was into the pit. I gulped and stepped forward. A hatch slammed shut behind me, sealing my only exit. The lights were turned on and revealed a circular arena some fifteen meters in diameter, encircled by a wall that was about two and a half meters high. Behind the walls were rows upon rows of benches, and they were crammed full of pirates. They started cheering, and I just wished the floor would open up and swallow me. I didn't think my heart could beat any faster, but apparently it could. My mind was all over the place, and I had so much adrenaline flowing through my veins that my hands were shaking.

"Good evening, and welcome to the show!" Terrel's voice boomed out of the speakers spred around the arena. "Tonight we have a new participant in out little game. Her name is Kayla Lehane, and she has shown a lot of spirit. Let's see how that spirit fare against … Leo Poler!" The crowd went totally nuts as a familiar face appeared from another hatch. I closed my eyes and swallowed. He looked … different. Like he somehow belonged here and not in a suit doing Terrel's bidding. I didn't like that thought one bit.

We started circling each other, carefully watching each others moves. Then he made a sudden lunge and took a swing at me, which I barely avoided by throwing myself to the side. I landed on my stomach and got the wind knocked out of me, and gasping for air I was an easy prey. Poler rushed in and kicked me in the side, sending me tumbling across the arena floor. I somehow managed to use the momentum to get my feet underneath me, but the damage had already been done. It hurt to breathe, and moving my left arm sent flares of pain through my side.

He came at me again, and this time I didn't manage to get out of the way fast enough. His fist connected with my chin, snapping my head to the side and threatening to knock me unconscious. I somehow managed to stay conscious, but I bounced off the arena wall and hit the floor. Hard. My vision blurred and I had trouble focusing for a few moments, and those few moments were all he needed.

I got a boot in my solar plexus, driving what air I had left out of my lungs. I doubled over and clutched my stomach, and got repeated kicks in the ribs as a reward. I felt several ribs crack on both sides and instinctively tried to roll out of the way. My broken ribs immediately protested to that move by sending white hot lightning bolts of pain through my ribcage and up my spine, and for a moment I was gone. I came to just in time to get a kick in the face, and almost passed out again.

Somehow I found the strength to make it to my feet, and also tried my best to hit Poler as he paced around me. Bad idea, as he grabbed my wrist, twisted me into the ground and put me in an armlock. I then heard my right arm break, and the pain made me see white sparks.

I rolled away and got back to my feet again, more out of pure stubbornness than anything else. It was hell. My head spun, my ribs hurt like hell, I had trouble breathing and coughed up blood, and my arm was hanging limp by my side. My knees threatened to give in at any moment, and I had to lean against the wall to stand upright. Poler grabbed my by the hair and dragged me out in the middle of the ring. There he turned us both against Terrel's seat, and the leader looked at me with his ice blue eyes.

"You know you're going to die if he gives you the thumb down, don't you?" Poler whispered in my ear. I swallowed and waited for what had to come. The pirate extended his hand, holding his thumb horizontally. At first it looked like he was turning it up, which made the crowd boo, then he turned it downward which made them cheer. Then up again, sparking more booing. If I'd had a voice I would have told him to get the frak on with it, but right now all I could do was wait ...

Thumb down! In one swift movement Poler twisted my head to the side, and time seemed to slow down. I heard my neck snap, my body immediately went numb and I felt like I was standing on top of a mountain that could crumble any moment. I cursed the stars and swore I would kill them both, before the mountain came crashing down and the world slowly drifted out of focus.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 17. Sep 12, 11:14

Great writing, but it's starting to stagnate rather quickly. If I wanted to watch someone die repeatedly, I'd try to hug a KM2 in a Kestrel.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Zaitsev » Mon, 17. Sep 12, 14:55

Thanks, and don't worry. The repeated deaths are over, and since I'm itching to start playing this I'll probably fast forward a bit, tie up the loose ends and get on with the action ;)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 17. Sep 12, 18:34

Finally. :P Can't wait.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 3. Oct 12, 21:28

I think I need an off-button for my imagination... Now, I did manage to avoid more detailed death descriptions, but the "fast forward to the action"-bit didn't go quite so well. I also found it a bit difficult to get the wheels turning as Kayla is very different from the characters I usually write, but once I got into the character ... Well, let's just say that Newton's first law of motion applies to imagination too. So instead of one neat little chapter I ended up with three instead :p


Note: I used white color and italics to try and distinguish what Kayla was writing on her data pad from the rest, as I felt that quotation marks looked a little stupid. If you have problems seeing it, let me know and I'll change the color to something a little more visible.


4 – The lives of lost dreams.

"… but she has suffered severe injuries. A total of twelve rib fractures, a ruptured lung, internal bleeding, a broken arm, a dislocated elbow and a concussion. Frankly it's a miracle she was able to stand up, I …"
"No protests. Five tazura. Do it."
Slowly drifting into this world again, the first thing I noticed was the voices of Terrel and this Warron-fellow. They were obviously discussing me. How 'sweet'.

I sat up as Warron walked into the room.
"So, you're awake. How are you feeling?" I grabbed the data pad laying on the table next to me.
Like hammered shit, I wrote, something that managed to draw a smile from him. Then this inexplicable sadness crept in over him.
What? He read it and sighed.
"The boss wants you ready for another fight within five tazura. Apparently he likes your 'spirit', and I'll admit you got some talent. However, getting you in fighting condition in that short amount of time ..." He shook his head. I felt the rage burn again, and suddenly I knew I had an opportunity to gain the means to get the only thing I had left – revenge. I picked up the data pad again.

Do it, I wrote. He gave me a look that contained exasperation and the same sadness I had seen a few moments ago. It made me wonder what his story was for a sezura, but I decided not to poke. He scratched his head.
"But that's going to take …" I met his eye, then pointed at the data pad.
"Alright," he said. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

To make a long story short he pushed me further than I thought humanly possible. I trained and practiced six stazuras a day, learning basic fighting stances, blocking, takedowns, striking techniques, kicking techniques, positioning, arm locks, leg locks … I'm sure you get the picture. In addition to that he pumped me full of nanites that would increase my recovery rate hundredfold, essentially compressing a jazura of training into five tazura, and what little sleep I got was spent in some gizmo that enhanced the effects of my training and made my brain and body learn faster.

On the sixth tazura I stood in the small room leading out into the arena again, waiting to be released. My heart was still racing and I still felt the adrenaline flow through my veins, but this time around I had at least some clue as to what I should do. Now I just had to deal with the concept of hurting another human being. Or whatever he had in store for me this time.

The hatch opened, and I stepped into the arena. My mouth felt dry and my heart beat so hard I could actually hear it. My opponent was already waiting, and far, far away I could hear Terrel's announcement and the crowd going wild. They didn't matter, however. Right now my entire mind was focused on my opponent, a dark skinned Argon who was standing in the middle of the arena flexing his muscles. Hm, no Poler? Maybe he thought he had beat me and didn't want to get his hands dirty again. Whaddafrakever.

The Argon spotted me and stopped flexing. Then he gave me the dirtiest grin I had seen in a long time and raised his hands. Me, I was still trying to sort all the information in my brain and make something useful out of it. Stance, how to block this, how to counter that, when to move forward, when to attack, when to pull back … Damn it, Warron. Too much info!

He made the first move and threw a punch that would probably have smashed my face had it connected. Instead I leaned slightly to the right and used my left arm to deflect it just enough for it to hit nothing but thin air. Then I grabbed his wrist and pulled him off balance, which sent him tumbling to the floor. He rolled through and got back to his feet again, giving me a very surprised look.

Another swing, and another miss. Or so I thought. He managed to trick me and his other fist hit me in the solar plexus, driving the air out of my lungs. I veered backward and used a few precious sezuras to catch my breath, sezuras that I didn't have as he grabbed my shoulders and drove his knee into my ribs. The force actually lifted me off the floor, and I fell backward and slammed into the arena wall.


Time seemed to slow down again as he raced toward me, obviously hellbent on smashing my face in. Thoughts flooded my mind. Memories. Everything I had. Everything that had been taken from me. Family. Friends. Dreams. All because this grinning idiot that sat high above the arena floor didn't know how to control his impulses.


Cold, calculating fury.

Shaking away the cobwebs, I bared my teeth in what felt like an animalistic, feral grin. Something snapped, and if I couldn't get my hands on Terrel I would sure as hell make his dog pay. As the dog came running I threw myself out of his way at the last possible second and used a drop toehold to drive his face into the wall. His head bounced off the wall like a basketball, and he fell flat on his back as I swept my feet underneath me and ended up in a crouched position.

I was up and running before he had finished bouncing, and used all my strength trying to drive my foot through his ribcage. It didn't work, but I was rewarded with a sickening crunch and a yelp. Let's see how you like being on the receiving end for a change!

He rolled over and got up, clutching his side and shooting angry looks my way. I barred my teeth again and waited for him to come, which he did. He was more careful this time, though, so I had obviously earned some respect. Or it could just be that he was worried I would target his injured ribs, which I had planned to do anyway. I would probably lose if this turned into a slugging match, so I had to play dirty if I wanted to keep my head on my shoulders.

Trying the old sucker punch again, eh? I wasn't going to bite twice, and I made him regret it as it left his side wide open. I hit his ribs with a right hook and he groaned and veered off to my left clutching his side again. Time to finish this.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID! I got too eager, and he hit me with another one-two combo before delivering a kick to my ribs. I managed to roll with the kick and absorb some of the force, but it still hurt like hell. Damn it. It ended up costing him more than it cost me though, as he now got too eager and ended up introducing his chin to my elbow. His head snapped back and he hit the floor like a meatsteak cahoona, and I followed up with another kick to his ribs.

"You … little … unh … witch!" he muttered as he slowly rose to his feet. If I had been able to I would probably have shot something back, but right now a condescending look would have to do. It had the desired effect, namely making him mad. It was one of the first things Warron had taught me, that a little anger might be helpful but a lot could easily lead to stupid decisions. Again I waited for his move, and he rushed me in a way that indicated he was getting frustrated. I was just a little girl, right? Someone who would be easy to beat, then he could go back to where ever he belonged and reap the rewards. Right? He took a swing at me, but it was clumsy and not well aimed. I locked his arm, put my left shin behind his right knee and used the back of my hand to push against his throat, sending him on his back flopping like a fish. Then I went back to the waiting game.

Yeah, I was trying to add to his frustration, and if the amount of curses he was spitting out was anything to go by I think I succeeded pretty well. He tried again, and this time he was just throwing punches left and right without caring whether they hit or not. I'll admit I was taken aback a bit by the flurry of punches, and although I managed to block or evade most of them he still managed to land a few solid hits in my face plus a couple of kidney shots that sent me down on one knee. He seized the opportunity and followed up with a kick that would have taken my head clean off if it had hit properly. Lucky for me I managed to bend backwards and dodge his leg, but it was damn close.

Trying to create some distance I rolled backwards and got my feet underneath me, then dove forward over his leg as he lined up for another kick, rolled through again and had taken a few steps away before he knew what was happening. Then I grabbed his neck from behind, used my weight to pull him off balance and at the same time rammed my knee into his kidneys. He groaned, his eyes rolled back and I'm pretty sure he was out of it for a moment. I got on top of him, grabbed his throat and was ready to finish it. Terrel gave me the thumbs down, signaling that he wanted me to kill the man, and I was just about to strike when he came to.

"D … on't …" he gasped. I looked into his eyes. I saw fear, but at the same time he would probably have finished me had the tables been turned. At that moment I don't think I've ever felt more sorry for another human being, even if he had tried to take my head off less then a mizura earlier. Everything from my head down to my toes did its best imitation of a breaking wave, and I had to concentrate to keep my lunch down. Far away I heard booing from the crowd, and the whine of a charging weapons capacitor.

"I'm sorry," I thought. Then I hit him in the throat with the edge of my hand, crushing the windpipe and the arteries carrying blood to his brain. I watched as he gasped one last time, before the light in his eyes died and his last breath escaped his lungs. A single tear made its way down my cheek as I let him go and stood up. The crowd gave me a thundering ovation, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there and go far, far away.
"My deepest respects, my child," Terrel announced through the speaker system. "I knew you had the …" He inhaled sharply through his teeth as he had the habit of doing. "… spirit." It felt like he was mocking me, which only made me feel worse. I bowed to him as I had been told to do, then I ran out of the arena and spent the next stazura in the bathroom where I alternated between throwing up and crying uncontrollably. When I finally got out of there I was totally exhausted and felt like shit, so I headed straight to bed and tried to get some sleep.
Last edited by Zaitsev on Wed, 3. Oct 12, 22:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 3. Oct 12, 21:50

Round five, comin' up.


5 – Black heart, red sun.

That was the first of many fights to come, but I never forgot his face. Warron kept pushing me, and thanks to his tutoring my skills improved rapidly. He also became a sort of father for me, taking care of me and looking after me. I grew fond of the old man, and I think he did the same even if he didn't show it. I also learned that he was just as much a prisoner as I was, although with a little more freedom, and that Terrel just kept him around because he needed someone to train new fighters and Warron was the best. Terrel, on the other hand, kept giving me stronger and better opponents, and although I won most of my fights I rarely escaped unscathed and some of them had more … unfortunate endings.

Terrel was 'nice' enough to bring me back every time, and my life turned into an endless routine of training, eating, sleeping and fight once every wozura. I soon lost count of how many fights I had been in, but I figure they would number in the hundreds. According to the rumors pirates came from far and wide to see the 'ghost of Brennan's Triumph' decimate another opponent, and I became quite the attraction. If anything it made me feel even more like a freak than I had on Argon Prime. I was a human being, not some bloody circus attraction. Then Terrel decided to up the ante …

"Guess someone upstairs has noticed you, kid," Warron said as I walked into the training room for my morning routine. "You've been assigned to weapons training after lunch." I gave him a puzzled look as I headed for the treadmill to warm up.
"Only those who are regarded as the best of the best get to fight with weapons. Now don't get any fancy ideas, you're restricted to blades and such so you're not gonna be able to shoot your way out." I gave him a disappointed look. "It also means you're going to get a couple of new coaches to help you out, so look sharp, kid."

Frak. Just what I didn't need. I was happy with Warron. Or … Well, as happy as I could be given the circumstances. It would of course be nice to do something new for a change, but I kind of liked training with 'my' old man. It made me feel … safe, in a world where my expected lifespan depended on the whims of some grinning psychopath who seemed to go with what tickled his fancy the most at any given moment. The thought of getting my hands around his neck one day kept me going, though.

So, after running for a quarter of a stazura, lifting iron for half a stazura, agility training, close quarter combat drills and getting myself a bowl of that sludge they called 'food' down here I went to see Warron. Weapons training. Meh. I was doing just fine beating the crap out of people the old fashioned way, and according to Warron I was now the fighter with the most consecutive wins in this arena. Maybe that was why they wanted to change things up, to make it 'exciting' again?


Alright, let's see what he has in store for me.

As I entered the room I had been told to go to I immediately noticed two silhouettes in the room, in addition to Warron who was standing at the door. One about my size, but probably forty pounds heavier than me, and a massive one easily measuring some two and a half meters. Then they stepped into the light.

Uhm, I wrote on my data pad as I nudged Warron. That's a paranid … Warron just looked at me and nodded, and obviously didn't share my worries. I was going to learn how to handle Gunne knew what, from a creature over twice as heavy as me and three quarters of a meter taller than me. Not to mention that he, she or it was strong enough to throw me across the entire arena with one hand. The other one was a Split, another candidate for the 'do not trifle with'-list. Twice as strong as the average human male, half the reaction time and better senses, agility, balance and coordination. Also, the males were aggressive bastards who would beat the snot out of you if you looked at them funny. Oh, the excitement …

"Kalya, this is Almanckosset and Lo t'Fer. They are going to train you in the handling of a Split jatra and the Paranid short sword, among other things." I just stood there and stared at them, and felt really, really stupid.
"Now, bow down," Warron whispered in my ear. I just looked at him. "It's a sign of disrespect if you don't, and although Lo's my friend I'm pretty sure he'll whoop your ass all the way into next wozura if you don't show him the proper respect as a Split warrior."
Okey, okey, I wrote back and followed his example. "Good girl," he whispered with a smirk on his face.
Funny, Warron.
"I have my bright moments." He kept that smirk as he straightened up and pushed me toward the two. The Split said something about 'ghova wahab amedha', and I think the Paranid actually laughed. It made a deep, rumbling sound and its mouth twitched, but I honestly had no idea if it was amused, pissed, exasperated or if that was the Paranid equivalent of a yawn.
"Be nice, Lo." Warron said to the Split. "You know what she's capable of." The Split looked at me with a blank expression, then cocked his head slightly and nodded once.
"We shall see," he said. "We shall see."

"What about you, Almanckosset?" Warron said to the Paranid. "You think you can get something useful out of her?" The feeling that he was teasing me slowly crept in, and I glared at him.
"Hm … Human females are inferior to their men," he rumbled. "And men are not worth much either," he added. Warron snorted and stared at him for a moment, before his face cracked in a broad grin.
"Alright," he said. "Let's get this show on the road."


So, over the next mazura I learned basic stances, movements and techniques, and repeated them ad nauseam. Then we finally moved to the real stuff, and I learned the classic Split knife combat style, Paranid sword fighting, fighting with staffs and sticks, and my favorite; the arian da'rije, which roughly translated to 'heaven's lance'. It consisted of an oversized spear tip, some twenty five centimeters long, attached to a slightly curved shaft about sixty centimeters in length. Or so you would think. If you turned off the spatial compressor the shaft expanded to about two meters, making it a very versatile weapon. I fell in love almost immediately, and the fact that it gave me much needed increase in range and leverage against large opponents wasn't exactly a bad thing either.

I proved equally good with my lance as I did with my fists, so Terrel saw it fit to bring in more than one opponent. Pretty soon I had to fight two, three or even four people, and he even tossed in a Split from time to time. Lo's help proved invaluable here, as he mercilessly drilled me in the use of my other senses, focus and spatial awareness. In the end he had me fight both him and Warron blindfolded, and although I took a few hits I managed to give as good as I got. It was a really strange feeling, and a skill that helped me tremendously when I had up to four guys who all wanted to put my head on a stake.

The cage. The crowd screaming their heads off. Terrel's voice. The feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins. I had lost count of how many men I had killed or maimed in that arena a long time ago, but it still made my heart beat a little faster every time I was about to enter. Would I survive the night? Would Terrel finally grow tired and stop reviving me if I died? In a way I hoped he would, because I had definitely grown tired. Training, fighting, meaningless killing day in and day out. The only thing that kept me going, apart from the ever waning hope for revenge, was Warron, Lo and Almanckosset, or 'Al' as I called him. Much to his dismay, I might add. This bunch of misfits had become family, or at least as much of a family as this place would allow, and one of the few things I could rely on in a world that could change at any moment. Right now I had other things to worry about, though. Like who, or what, awaited me at the other side of that door.

No …
The door opened, and none other than Warron was waiting for me on the other side. It felt like my heart dropped to the bottom of the universe, and I cursed that grinning idiot to my right along with every star I knew. We looked at each other, and I think my eyes told what my voice couldn't. I didn't want to do this, and I knew he didn't want to either.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome." Terrel's voice echoed through the arena. "In red corner we have the infamous 'Ghost fo Brennan's Triumph', and in the blue corner we have none other than our own Warron Danar. Quite a surprise, wasn't it?" If looks could have killed he would have died on the spot. "The pupil against the old master. I wonder who will win. Is it going to be the old warrior or the infamous ghost of Brennan's Triumph?" I could hear the glee in his voice, and I felt like climbing up there and beat the snot out of him. Then kill him slowly, just to revive him and do it all over again.
"I think she's angry, people. I suspect she wants to …" He inhaled sharply through his teeth. "… hurt me. So, to make sure we do get a proper fight here tonight I've arranged for a little … incentive. If you would both take a look at the screen over there …"

A large screen lit up and after a bit of static images started flipping across the screen. It showed a holding cell, with Almanckosset and Lo strung up on some sort of rack. Then the image changed and showed a cross hair aimed at what appeared to be a woman. Then she turned around, and I instantly recognized her.
Mother …
The grip around my lance grew so tight my knuckles turned even whiter than they normally were. Then that filthy lowlife maggot started talking again.
"That's right. I suppose you can guess what I'm about to say, but I'll say it anyway. If you do not fight you will have to watch your friends die. Then you will die yourselves. As for that ringer on the screen that's our lovely little pet's mother. If she doesn't give us her best she'll have to watch her friends die, and watch her ma's brain being splattered across four corners of the compass in wonderful slow motion. So I'm hoping you'll give us your best."

Words can't describe how I felt at that moment. I had a million thoughts and feelings in my head at the same time, and they were all competing for my attention. I wanted to roll up in a ball and cry, hit a wall til my knuckles bled, scream my head off – not that I could – and see how far I could make it up that wall before that grinning maggot decided to fry me. Had I been able to speak I would have given him all the nasty words I knew, followed by a twenty five centimeter adamantine blade up where the sun never shine. Then I would let him be impaled by his own body weight, and then I would get really nasty.

"Now," Terrel continued, "let's see if the student has surpassed her master." I closed my eyes and took a breath, swearing that if I survived this I would hunt the bastard down and kill him. Then I walked toward Warron and extended my hand. He took it, and for what felt like an eternal moment we looked into each others eyes. His was filled to the brim with the same wast sadness I had seen the day after the fight against Poler. Then it hit me. He had done this before. I swallowed the lump in my throat and a single tear found its way down my cheek. That …
"Good luck, kid." he said quietly. "Maybe it ends this time," he added, as if he had read my mind. I nodded slowly and let go of his hand, then I made the Split signs for 'No mercy'. He gave me a single nod.
"No mercy, kid."

I stepped back and drew my lance, activating the biometric circuit and extending it to its full length. Warron pulled out a chain whip, and in the back of my mind I couldn't help but giving him credit for his choice of weapon. It would help him negate my range advantage, he could easily trap me and that thing could really hurt me if he managed to land a hit. The only advantage I had was that they were notoriously difficult to wield, so if he screwed up it could hurt him as well. I didn't think he would, though. From what I had seen he was a thoroughbred warrior, one who would not accept failure neither from himself or from others. Frak.

We started circling each other slowly, each waiting for the other to grow impatient and attack, or make a mistake. A thousand thoughts were churning in my head as we circled each other. What if I had to kill him? What would happen to Al and Lo? What about my mom? It cost me, as Warron seemed to notice something was going on and took advantage. The whip lashed out and hit my arm, leaving a bloody stripe.

Frak! The crowd went totally bonkers.

"Keep your head in the game, kid!"

Alright, if that's the way you want it. I contracted my lance and made a dash forward. As expected the whip came flying, and I rolled forward and to the side and expanded the lance again, hitting him in the ribs. Al had warned me the first time I used it, and he'd told me to be careful so I didn't accidentally 'bash my own face in' as he had so elegantly put it. It exerted considerable force when it changed shape, and judging by the look on Warron's face I had landed a solid hit. I didn't have time to celebrate though, cause the whip was heading my way fast. I dove forward, rolled around and got to my feet in one motion, then I spun around to face whatever he had in store for me. I knew I couldn't pull that trick again, so I just hoped it had done enough damage to slow him down a bit.

Not so. Both him and the whip seemed to defy gravity as he came flying toward me. I instinctively raised my lance to block the attack, which resulted in the whip coiling around the shaft and hitting me across my back. I winced and hesitated long enough for him to land another hit, along with a kick in the back that sent me nose first into the arena floor.


C'mon, girl. Use your frickin' brain. I ignored the pain and the feeling of blood slowly running down my back as I rolled out of the way of another attack and kipped back up to my feet. He was close. I just knew it. The countless hours I had spent sparring blindfolded with Lo kicked in, and I could feel him. I raised my lance just in time to catch the whip, and used it as a pole to introduce his face to the soles of my boots. He didn't seem to like it one bit, and when I followed up he barely managed to deflect the tip of my lance before it ended up inside his ribcage.

He did avoid it, though, and the counterattack came without hesitation. I was way too far inside his reach, and paid the price when the tip of the whip grazed the right side of my face, from the eyebrow down to the middle of my cheek. I repaid him by using his thigh as a stepping stone and plant the flat side of my lance in his back, sending him veering forward and almost losing his balance.

That's right, let's see how you like the taste of floor.

He was back up and at it in an instant. Taking to the offensive he swung his whip ahead of him in a figure eight-fashion, driving me backwards. Frak, I would end up against the wall if I didn't stop this, and then it would be game over. Alright …

As he took the next swing I stepped into his reach and caught his whip on my lance. Then, as he pulled it free I followed the movement, put him in a headscissors takedown and sent him tumbling. Kind of ironic that he should fall for a move he had taught me. Anyway, I was on him like a gadfly on an argnu's ass, but once again he managed to block my attack. I twirled my lance around and would probably have put the butt of it through his stomach if he had been there, but luck seemed to be on his side and he managed to roll out of the way. I spun around and attacked again, but the tip of my lance slammed into the floor where his chest had been mere moments before. Frak, the old man was fast. Now, where …

Behind me! I spun around to face whatever he had in mind, but I was just a hair too late and was rewarded with another bloody stripe across my back.

Bloody, motherfrakkin' limpwristed chelt-wanker …

I unleashed a flurry of attacks and landed several hits, driving him back against the wall. He managed to block most of it, but he took some serious damage before I was forced to back off. I stared at him and barred my teeth, smelling a victory. The old man wouldn't go down without a fight though, so we ended up trading blows for Gunne knew how long. It was like a praying mantis against a goliath beetle or something. Big and powerful versus fast and agile. A deadly dance, where the first one to trip up would pay with his or her life. Eventually, though, he started to slow down. I had landed a few more solid hits and he'd had more close encounters with the tip of my lance than I'd had with his whip.

"Alright," I thought as we circled each others again. "Time to finish this." I pretended to go for another headscissor and tricked him to raise his whip, then I went for a bodyscissor instead and mowed him down like a scythe. He hit the floor hard, and for the first time during the fight he lost his whip. I rolled over and put my knee on his chest, holding the tip of my lance against his throat. He looked at me, then closed his eyes and waited. A tear found its way down his cheek. I started choking up myself, and for a moment there I froze. This man had been like a father to me, and now I held his life in my hands. Or rather Terrel's hands. I swallowed, then looked up at the maggot.

Thumbs down. The old man smiled and then gave me a slight nod. I looked at him, then at the screen showing my mom in the cross hairs of some unknown assassin, and Al and Lo trapped somewhere in the bowels of this place. Then I swallowed and raised my lance.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Eye of the storm - book 2 Inactive
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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 3. Oct 12, 22:06

And round six.


6 – Dance with the devil.

I was about to kill one of the few friends I had when I heard a distant 'boom' followed by flickering lights and the whole place shaking. More impacts followed, and the lights flickered again.
"Angels!" someone shouted, and suddenly the arena turned into complete chaos. People were screaming and running in all directions, then the whole place went dark. It only lasted a few seconds, before the emergency lights kicked in and enveloped the place in its dull, red glow. Everybody seemed to have forgotten about us, so I took the opportunity to help Warron back to his feet and started looking for an exit.

There. What ever had happened had obviously disabled the locks, so we pried the door open and crawled back into the locker room.
What was that all about? I wrote on my data pad as more impacts shook the station.
"Angels," Warron replied. "Argon strike teams. Top secret. Rumor has it they do the Argon government's dirty work, like rooting out pirates who has become too powerful for their liking."
How do you know this? It had tickled my curiosity.
"Well, I wasn't always a prisoner. But that's a story for another time. Right now we need to get out of here, and fast." He gave me a worried look.
They aren't here to take prisoners, are they? He gave me a sad smile, then shook his head.
"Smart kid. No, they're not."
Then let's move.
"Agreed. If we're lucky …" His voice died mid sentence, then he got up and headed for the door leading to the rest of the station, or 'Topside' as we pit fighters used to call it. The locks were deactivated here too, and the door was halfway open. We approached it slowly, each waiting for the gizmos strapped around our chests to start beeping. Nothing happened.

We looked around as we entered the hallway. I heard the sound of disintegrator rifles and phase pistols being fired from one end, and a strangely familiar sound coming from the other end. Could it be …? I pointed at the source of the sound and signaled Warron to follow me.
"… Kaa'nooekha danaares." Paranid language. From what I had picked up from Al it meant something like 'death to the unholy ones'. It was followed by the sound of meat against meat, a muffled grunt and something hitting a bulkhead. Hard. As we peeked around the corner I saw Al and Lo fighting a band of pirates, and for a moment I just watched. There are many stories being told about the Paranid's strength and brutality in battle, but this was the first time I actually saw a Paranid fight. Or … 'Fight' might be a bad choice of words. He was tossing pirates around like they were rag dolls, and most of those who got hit stayed down permanently. Lo wasn't exactly bad either, and proved that the Split were indeed deadly warriors.

It seemed the odds were about to change, though, as a hatch opened and two pirates came out waving their phase pistols around. They told Al and Lo to stop fighting or get shot, and both of them reluctantly stopped and raised their hands. I looked at Warron, then I quietly walked up behind the nearest pirate and kicked him in the back of the knee. He fell like a sack of scruffin fruits, and I put my lance through his throat as the other one turned around to find out what the hell was going on. As he raised his phase pistol a huge hand grabbed him from behind, and he started screaming as Al lifted him clean off the floor. The screams ended in a wet, sickening crunch, as the Paranid crushed his skull like a Three Worlds melon and dropped the carcass on the floor.

So, I wrote on my pad. Where to now? According to Warron we have a strike team on our hands, and judging by the amount of gunfire we can hear from the other end of this place I think it's safe to assume they won't take any prisoners.
"That way," Al rumbled and pointed at the hatch where the two armed pirates had emerged. I gave him a puzzled look. "Says 'docking bay' on hatch," he explained and looked at me like I was stupid or something. Since no one had any better suggestions it was worth checking out, and with the gunfire closing in the options were getting fewer by the mizura.

"Look at that!" Warron showed a very rare moment of enthusiasm as he pointed at the ship that was docked just outside the window.
"Hyperion Vanguard," Al said. "Very rare. Only few prototypes exist. Very capable ship."
"Can anyone fly it?" Lo asked. I raised my hand. 'Flying' might be pushing it a little bit. I had five jazura of flight training under my belt before cozy man Poler came along, and I hadn't forgotten everything. I hoped. Anything was better than staying here or risk getting shot, though. Or worse. There was only one problem. Two guards, clad in black and carrying very big guns.

Let me, I wrote on my pad. I had spotted a maintenance walkway running next to some ventilation pipes, something I figured I could use to my advantage. I got Al to give me a lift and started inching my way toward the two men guarding the dock. Easy now …

I made it without being detected, and waited til they were in a good position. Then I swung myself over the railing and dropped down to the floor. The one in front of me twirled around with his gun ready, but a quick combo hitting the spleen, the musculocutaneous nerve and the throat artery paralyzed his arms and made him drop to the floor like a brick. They weren't pirates, so I was reluctant to kill any of them. Besides, if Warron was right it could make our lives really difficult if we made them our enemies. The other one got a more primitive treatment than his buddy, in the form of six feet of teladianium/adamantite alloy expanding at twenty five meters per second and hitting him in the solar plexus. He gagged and cursed, but a choke hold put him out of commission pretty quick.

As he went to sleep I was about to signal the rest of the gang when I felt it. Someone behind me. Close. I shrunk my lance and pointed the tip at whoever was standing there just as I got a phase pistol against my temple. I turned around slowly and looked into a pair of azure eyes, and a beautiful, pale face surrounded by long, red hair. A girl. Couldn't be more than a couple of jazura older than me, but the stripes on her shoulders made her look important. For a moment there we stood and stared at each other. Woman against woman. Pistol against lance. Then the first soldier started coming to, and something strange happened.

She looked me in the eye and then removed the pistol from my temple. A trap? I still had my lance against her throat, and if she even looked at me funny I would make sure to splatter both her and her dogs all over this place. She looked like she meant business though, as she took a step back and gave a nod toward the ship. Frakkin' weird.

Anyway, I signaled the rest of the gang and we shuffled aboard. The ship was empty apart from the four of us, and I think the big chief and her dogs were to blame for that. Whatever, I didn't really give a rat's ass. Now, let's see … Flight control, throttle and rudder … Navcom online, mainframe online, reactor functional …

Mainframe. I looked at it. The date. 766:30:12. They had held me captive for five jazura. Five years! Alright, calm down. We need to get out of here. Deep breath. Deep breath. Concentrate.

Things hadn't changed all that much since I had taken my flight lessons, and I remembered enough to get us moving. It was wobbly to say the least, but it worked.

Now we had one itty-bitty problem. We were in a pirate sector, in a stolen pirate ship, in the middle if a raid. I don't think we could have drawn more fire if we had painted the entire ship to resemble a bull's eye. Our shields dwindled like water on the surface of Paranid Prime, so I opened up the throttle, headed for the nearest gate and crossed my fingers. I didn't have time to write orders as I was a little busy flying this hunk of junk, so I just pointed at the turret controls and looked around with 'pretty please?' written all over my place. Warron took the hint and manned the rear turrets, keeping missiles and curious fighters off our backs long enough for us to make it to the gate. Phew. Sometimes I did miss my voice.

Now we had another problem. We were in a very hot ship, we had no money, everyone tried to shoot us on sight and we probably had a pretty healthy prize on our heads already. Not to mention that none of us should even be alive. Blast.

With bounty hunters on our tails around the clock and no safe haven because they all feared the pirates would come for them if they helped us, we ended up selling our souls to the devil. That's why I'm staring out into a sector called Weaver's Tempest right now. That's right, the Yaki were willing to shelter us. For a prize, of course, and since we were kind of broke we had to work for them to pay off our debt. That, and they took a couple of the CIGs we were carrying.

So, since I could tell the front end of a ship from the back end I was put on fighter patrol. Al became a navigator, Lo became a security officer and Warron proved to be talented in electronics and hacking in addition to a vast military knowledge, so he ended up training ship crews. He also made the choker I'm wearing, which allows me to speak. I could probably have gotten regenerative treatment somewhere, but knowing these guys my guess was that it would have cost a fortune. Besides, I wanted something to remind me of what that d'hak rhyel had done to me. I think I've spent a little too much time in Lo's company …
Last edited by Zaitsev on Tue, 9. Oct 12, 01:31, edited 1 time in total.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Eye of the storm - book 2 Inactive
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Post by Triaxx2 » Wed, 3. Oct 12, 22:33

Finally! Action!
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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