Game just stops working at mission 3 end (Tony Marani)

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Game just stops working at mission 3 end (Tony Marani)

Post by TheCam72 » Sun, 29. Aug 21, 03:00

hi guys,

Decided to go back and play X3R - been a while. Anyway, playing through the normal story line and just got to the first crystal mission (white crystal). Followed the Talon through the jumps, fought all the fighters off and got him to drop the crystal.

Now, what normally happens if I remember is that While the camera goes spinning around the crate, your partner collects it and then there's a cut scene of you leaving the area.

Well my game just keeps spinning around the crate and I can't do anything, no keys work, nothing.

Does anyone have a save file from just after this mission?
I really miss my old XP laptop :(

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