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[script] ADAMS - ITT (v4)

Posted: Sun, 5. Oct 08, 23:52
by (----____JEFF____----)
  • Advanced Defense and Management Systems - Improved Turret Tactics
    (ADAMS - ITT)
  • Always found it hard to choose between "Missile Defense" and "Protect me"? Or perhaps "Attack all" would be a better option if it would shoot down missiles? Well this script will solve those problems.
    Advanced Defense and Management Systems proudly present their first product, Improved Turret Tactics (ITT).
    This system is an upgrade to the existing turret commands to upgrade existing features and add new.
    There is no need to install any new software in your ships, the existing software will automatically be upgraded to the new standard.
What it is:
  • It's a AL plugin that replaces the default turret commands with new ADAMS - ITT commands. Any ship in sector (the sector the player is in) that uses any of the default turret commands will be updated to ADAMS - ITT. That includes all your ships as well as AI ships of other races. It doesn't do OOS ships because turret commands don't have any impact on the outcome of a fight and can't be changed anyway.
  • To use ADAMS - ITT on your own ships you don't have to do anything, except using the default turret commands. So if you want to use ADAMS - ITT Missile Defense just run it like you normally do, the default Missile Defense. There is only one thing you should know and that is that the busier a sector is the longer it can take to replace the default command with ADAMS version of it. So it's a good idea give all turrets their commands and then jump to the sector you want to go to.
General features added:
  • Three of the default turret commands are updated with the current version (1). These are: Protect, Missile Defense and Kill all enemies.
    All three commands will shoot down missiles aimed at you or any other ships that belong to you. They target enemies the same way (you or your other ships).
    Additionally they all have "Attack Forecasting". That means that the turrets will look at ships nearby (15Km range) and scan them to see who or what they target and if their intentions are to attack or not. This should give you an advantage when facing those nasty Pirate surprise attacks ;)
    Now you might wonder if this doesn't make all commands very similar. Well the difference is in the priorities. Missile defense is still the best to use against missiles because it gives them priority over all other possible targets. The other two will only shoot down missiles if there's not much else to target.
    Kill enemies now has more priority for ships that actually attack you or your other ships, but it will still attack enemies that didn't fire a single shot at you.
    Protect is a bit more conservative than Kill enemies, but it will bite back if someone has evil intentions ;) It won't attack any enemy, just the ones that target/attack you or any of your other ships. This makes it a good option if you don't want to pick fights with Pirates, unless they attack you of course.
    The specific features are described in the following part, notice that it also includes the original features. Red ones are removed features and green ones are added features. White ones where already there and are left in.
Command specific features:
  • Protect command:
    • - Attacks any ship that has opened fire on you
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) you
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) your ships
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to you
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to your other ships
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to ships of other races you're friendly with (allies)

      - Attacks your current target
      - Retargets if the current target is destroyed, not a enemy or out of range
    Missile defense command:
    • - Shoots down missiles aiming to you
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to your other ships
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to ships of other races you're friendly with (allies)

      - Attacks any ship that has opened fire on you
      - Attacks your current target
      - If the main command is an attack command, Attack any enemy
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) you
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) your ships

      - Retargets if the current target is destroyed, not a enemy, out of range or if another missile is aiming at you
    Kill enemies command:
    • - Attacks your current target
      - Attacks any ship that has opened fire on you
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) you
      - Attacks any ship that has targeted (for attack) your ships
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to you
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to your other ships
      - Shoots down missiles aiming to ships of other races you're friendly with (allies)

      - Attacks any enemy that gets in range
      - Retargets if the current target is destroyed, not a enemy or out of range
Download: Installation:
  • Very easy, just run the .spk and it will be installed. In game you'll get a message in your log telling you it has installed and which version it is.
  • Should be as easy as installing, just run the .spk and in game you'll get a message which will tell you to what version you updated. In order to complete the update you have to jump to another sector (you can immediately jump back if you want).
  • Is also very easy, just remove the files.
  • I have tested it and I have not experienced any conflicts or other strange stuff, but if you notice anything strange that could be related to this script, please let me know so I can take a look at it and (probably) fix it. That means it's compatible with all scripts and mods I tested it with and most likely everything else that's out there as well ;)

    Code: Select all

    Command slots:
    <t id="958">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_58</t> - ADAMS - ITT: Protect All
    <t id="959">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_59</t> - ADAMS - ITT: Missile Defense
    <t id="960">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_60</t> - ADAMS - ITT: Attack All
    Text file:
  • Cycrow, Gazz and UniTrader for answering my questions and advising me about scripting on the Egosoft forums, as well as Egosoft it self for making the game ;) And Whimsy for his excellent Exscript editor, it's a real blessing to just type the commands and copy blocks of code instead of single lines ;)

Posted: Mon, 6. Oct 08, 00:58
by ITFUncleDave
Sounds good - I'll give it a whirl. :wink:

Posted: Mon, 6. Oct 08, 10:02
by (----____JEFF____----)
alright ITFUncleDave, have fun ;) To anyone who's using/testing this script I'm really curious about the performance hit, at least if notice anything. My pc is quite new and overclocked and haven't experienced any performance hits jet, but if your pc is low or mid range you might notice problems when I don't. Just let me know and I'll have a look at it ;) Also if anyone has any ideas for features, again just let me know ;)

Posted: Wed, 8. Oct 08, 23:32
by (----____JEFF____----)
Small update to v2. When ADAMS missile defense was running it would stop firing at enemies after it shot down a missile, before shooting any missiles everything was fine. This is fixed now, so please re-download (same link as before ;).

Posted: Sun, 12. Oct 08, 14:42
by (----____JEFF____----)
Alright, another update, to v3. apparently the turrets of bailed ships (without a pilot I mean) would still fire after the pilot left. I now fixed that.

I also did some testing and the results were quite nice ;)
I spawned a titan with flaks and 20 hostile eclipses and 2 centaurs, the results for that test with ADAMS vs. without ADAMS were not earth shattering. They were very similar. Then I gave the titan a few escorts, but that didn't change much either. I think it's because all the other ships stay too far away from the titan.

So after that I spawned a centaur Mk3 (XTM, beefed up version of the regular centaur). with 10 eclipses vs. 2 normal centaurs and 15 eclipses. The centaurs ran attack all on their turrets and all the eclipses ran missile defense on their turrets. This test really showed what the advantages of ADAMS - ITT are. In the test with normal turret commands the centaur Mk3 got beaten or heavily damaged, while in the test with ADAMS the centaur Mk3 survived the battle with just 5-10% hull damage.
Also I saw no missiles hit the centaur Mk3 with ADAMS, but without ADAMS a few missiles made it through the HEPT fire to do some serious damage to it.

Edit: Two updates on one day ;) This time it's no bug fix though. I added three commands, so you can see ADAMS is running on a turret. The commands are NOT in the turret menu for selection, they appear after you activated the normal command (for example, missile defense) taking the place of where you normally see what command is running on a turret (for example, "Command Turret Missile Defense [Tur.M.D]"). The new command slots and text file I added are on the first post in the compatibility section. The new commands and text file shouldn't cause any conflicts, I choose them using the library sticky in this forum.

Posted: Mon, 27. Apr 09, 10:58
by starsearcher
Awsome.I will try this at once. i see its a been a wile since this topic was "fresh", but im just picking up my X games again,and needs to re install all the good stuff on my new computer,hehe. So, thanks m8, and cheers. :D
PS: Please excuse my poor english grammar,im from Norway so i dont know any better :roll:

Posted: Tue, 13. Oct 09, 01:36
by Wizlawz
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

link is dead?

Posted: Sun, 25. Oct 09, 19:11
by (----____JEFF____----)
Hi Wizlawz, sorry for the late reaction :oops: I don't come here very often anymore, I spend most of my time at TXU :)
Anyway the link is indeed dead, my host got shut down a few weeks ago and I've yet to find a new one. Hopefully I have the link up tomorrow or sometime further on this week.

Posted: Sun, 25. Oct 09, 19:48
by The_Lost_Marauder
I guess it works with XTM, am I right?
Oh, when you set the turret to "protect", how can your script recognize if a pirate ship is coming after me or just flying toward my direction (ie because behind me there is the gate which the enemy ship wants to jump in)? :?

Posted: Sun, 25. Oct 09, 22:34
by Wizlawz
(----____JEFF____----) wrote:Hi Wizlawz, sorry for the late reaction :oops: I don't come here very often anymore, I spend most of my time at TXU :)
Anyway the link is indeed dead, my host got shut down a few weeks ago and I've yet to find a new one. Hopefully I have the link up tomorrow or sometime further on this week.

ahhh ok. what is TXU? could you just pm me a link to it or email it to me?
(lol sorry didn't mean to sound so secretive with the pm thing)

Posted: Mon, 26. Oct 09, 21:05
by (----____JEFF____----)
TXU stands for The X Universe, it's a website/forum much like you have here at egosoft ;) But because I'm also working on XTC (Xtended Terran Conflict) I spend most of my time in those forums as the development forums are there.

@ The_Lost_Marauder: well the script checks for enemies in the area. If it sees one it will look at what it's target is. If that target is you or any other friendly then it will open fire when he comes in range.
I don't know how much you know about scripting but you can take a look at the script if you want to, I can't stop you from doing that anyway :P
From a player point of view you could see this as a cheat as the player normally can't see the target of a ship. But I figured, a player is usually able to see if a pirate is coming after him or not so my script should be able to do that as well ;)
As for XTM compatibility, I developed it with XTM installed so it should be totally compatible ;)

Edit: Apparently my site still isn't online :evil: So I decided to also upload it to Megaupload ;)

Edit2: Good news! My site is back online again, so the link should work again :D

Posted: Sat, 14. Nov 09, 16:41
by Aragon Speed
Jeff, have a word with Moko, you can host at TXU. ;)

Posted: Mon, 16. Nov 09, 20:59
by (----____JEFF____----)
Well I've got it hosted at two places now, so that should be enough for now ;) Anyway, good to know I can host them at TXU ;)

Posted: Sun, 19. Sep 10, 19:42
by kargenc

my all command( in all ship) going to ADAMS-ITT when i set my turrets to ADAMS-ITT, and save and load a game?

what am i wrong?

Posted: Fri, 5. Aug 11, 18:40
by Peanutcat
Compatible with MARS?

Posted: Fri, 5. Aug 11, 19:13
by (----____JEFF____----)
Peanutcat wrote:Compatible with MARS?
Yes, it should be. It only replaces the default commands, mars adds new commands so they shouldn't interfere.

Posted: Fri, 5. Aug 11, 22:06
by Peanutcat
What in the bloody hell.... says the pachage is for TC in the plugin manager?!?!

Posted: Fri, 5. Aug 11, 22:19
by (----____JEFF____----)
Ok that's the first time I've heard that. Maybe I set something wrong with the plugin manager settings, but it should work fine (so you can ignore the warning if that's an option, if you can't ignore it I can look into it).

Posted: Fri, 5. Aug 11, 22:55
by Peanutcat
Yeah i could install it anyways.. i can show u what i mean... i'll post a screenshot in a few minutes


Okay.. posting img was waaaay to big.. so posted URL instead

Oh and as i said, it works perfectly fine to install just looked weird and thought u shud know...

Re: [script] ADAMS - ITT (v4)

Posted: Thu, 14. Sep 23, 10:35
by aandrasandras
Is there an updated download link?