size of the community and the sense of modding

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Post by apricotslice » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 12:59

Ketraar wrote:Signing stuff is also a PITA because you are limited again to vanilla design of the game,.......

About the source code, I recall someone asking about it but iirc there is no answer yet, means there is still hope I guess, since there was not a 'No' either. One can poke ES again in near future.

On a last note: modified players are a minority (there are polls if you feel like looking up the numbers).
3 things there to comment on.

Firstly, at some point, they need to remove those restrictions. imo.

Second, I just did so, in Berndt's thread. :D

3rd, that will change. At some point, vanilla players will be in the minority because vanilla players are the ones who will move on to new games. Its the modified players who are most likely to keep the game alive into the next 10 years range and beyond. imo.

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Post by Ketraar » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 15:13

apricotslice wrote:Firstly, at some point, they need to remove those restrictions. imo.
And how can you assure that the added scripts will not wreck the game? Those limitations are there exactly for that. Users expect that anything signed is working properly and compatible. So that's hopefully not going to change either.

Sometimes things just need effort, not always is "easy" the best way to go.



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Post by apricotslice » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 15:17

I didnt say remove all restrictions. But if its a long used script thats stable and no ongoing issues, then I dont see why it should not be player selectable as an add-on.

Its up to the player as to what defines "wreck the game".

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Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 17:55

I have several TC games on the go at any one time, at present 2 vanilla and 3 with different major mods and scripts. I promise you that I don't sneer at myself about playing other versions when playing any specific type. Why cannot we just generally accept that different versions offer different experiences and options and that we are grown up enough to decide what and when we want to do things - and without stigma too?

I agree that mods/scripts require a level of trust for the author from the user. That is normally based on the Ego signature process, past personal experience of the authors' mods/scripts, or their reported successful use by others on this forum. If I don't have that level of trust somehow, then I probably would not be amongst the first to try something. (Yes I know that someone has to be the first, but some are less cautious or more forgiving than I am.)
Last edited by Alan Phipps on Fri, 28. Jan 11, 17:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nova Scotia » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 17:58

Ketraar wrote:The signing process is hard not because of the standards what the script can do, but how its build. Means scripts have to be written to uphold some vanilla standards, means they need to be looked at thoroughly and tested, short a lot of work. Just a quick note, never ever saw any of you helping out in this process in the past Bonuspack, actually there were a lot of testers missing, as usual.

Signing stuff is also a PITA because you are limited again to vanilla design of the game, whereas modding for modified games give you more freedom, you can go nuts and have ships fly backwards you feel like it. THAT's the spirit of modding, no boundaries (except from darn hardcoded stuff :shock: ).

About the source code, I recall someone asking about it but iirc there is no answer yet, means there is still hope I guess, since there was not a 'No' either. One can poke ES again in near future.

As for any restructuring of the forums for any megalomaniac uberidea, I find it ridiculous tbh. The forums are well organized as they are and given that moderators already have enough to do, I suggest that if anyone wants to do something, better get it cracking with what we got, not likely anything changing regarding structure in near future.

I think like someone said in the past, if you think of an idea, its most likely up to you to do it, everyone else will be following their.

On a last note: modified players are a minority (there are polls if you feel like looking up the numbers).



Self indulging because 90% of the time due to location I use dial up to access the internet but I hope the forum stays the same ,its the fastest loading forum I have ever been to,I be afraid that any change might take that away,selfish I know

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Post by robalexhall » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 18:44

apricotslice wrote:now that the superbox is well and truely out and heading for the discount bins in stores
Where? I can't find it for sale at any price in the UK :(

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 28. Jan 11, 19:24

MegaBurn wrote:For something to happen here requires details, more brainstorming, planning down to small manageable chunks, some organizing, etc...

More ideas:
No, for something to happen here it requires people that have time and motivation to actually do something - this is what works. In general, ideas and discussions are a good thing to start, but you can't just discuss, present your results and say to others: do it.
Also, if you post ideas involving the moderation and devnet stuff, including moderators, parts of the administrators, translators, beta and alpha testers, volunteer developers and so on, keep in mind that these people don't get paid by Egosoft and that they have lifes outside the forum. Also time of the devs is limited.

As an example of what works, I like to mention the new MSCI Reference forum. An idea was posted and discussed. And then in only two weeks a forum was created and users started to work on it. Although not everything could be implemented as expected - planned was a wiki, but due to limited ressources it's only a forum, as usual there are working hands missing, not everyone was confident with every decision made etc. - it works.

So, basically a working procedure should be (from my point of view): Post one (!) idea, see if people like it and discuss it. Try then to collect volunteers who have time, motivation and / or knowledge to do something. Check then, maybe with the help of moderators, admins or egosoft staff, if it's possible to realize. And then finally start doing it. And don't be upset if there goes something not the way you accepted, or the team decides something you don't like.

Earlier you wrote the following.
MegaBurn wrote:Failing that I could take the initiative...but I'm just a lurker here, I watch and instigate change, no one knows me, and I would rather not be known...
And that's imho exactly the wrong attitude. You've said that you have knowledge in creating sites / forums or the like, if I understood you correctly. And you want a better presentation of scripts and mods. So, why not creating such a site? With the features that are important from your point of view. Present it to others, ask for their oppinions, change something on your site. Finalize it and see if you can encourage people to actually use it. Same for most other things.
MegaBurn wrote:Even still, there must be more to it than balance or technical issues, there are a lot of mature stable scripts without a meaningful impact on balance. What is the root of the problem? Authors not submitting scripts due to a disregard for or lack of awareness about having their scripts signed? Egosoft policy? Some mix thereof? What can be done about it?
I think the bonus pack is pretty much dead for X3:TC. Reasons for that are different. One of the most important ones is that most of the users don't understood and still don't understand the community aspect of the bp. Some people still think it's a wish list for scripts, so post an idea and Egosoft will write a script for it. Others do believe that suggesting an already made script is enough. While doing something, like testing the available scripts, posting feedback about it and so on, are things that only rarely were done.
But the bonus pack was and is or should be a community project. So, we users (that include vanilla and modified players) work together to get the bonus pack. So, basically a scripter provides a script, Egosoft employees or team members of the signing team help to bring the script to stable state (so, it can be finally signed) and all other users who want the bonus pack help testing.
Another reason is probably the alienation between vanilla and modified players. At least I noticed that in the german forum. For many vanilla players each modified player is a *cheater*, while modified players can't accept that someone might have fun with the game without scripts and mods, as well.
apricotslice wrote:Ok, most of those are my own scripts, which will never be signed, because they are "unbalanced" in some way. But the people who use them dont care because they make the game less frustrating and more automated.

And the bottom line is, a happy player.

I think Egosoft should be signing any stable script that people want in the vanilla game, and the only criteria for rejection is being unstable, still in development or constantly tweaked.
No changing of the signing rules is needed for that, just teach those players common sense. The player has to accept that there will always be some glitches in the game or rather that he always has to decide between things he could have or not. So, if he thinks a script is useful but still wants to have certain vanilla things, he has to decide what he want more. It's that simple.

Edit: typos.
Last edited by X2-Illuminatus on Sat, 29. Jan 11, 19:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MegaBurn » Sat, 29. Jan 11, 11:20

Seems I misjudged the nature and severity of the problems here, to continue this would be a futile effort. For my part a violation as for the community harm none it would not (ol'Yoda'ish :D ). So be it, at least this variety of "stagplacency" can serve as a case study for use elsewhere, back to lurking...

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Post by apricotslice » Sat, 29. Jan 11, 11:37

I have to agree on one point.

It doesnt matter how good you are at creating sites. The activity is here. Anything not here, only gets a tiny lookat from those here.

I've been through this on another high volume site. I suggested change, was told it wasnt going to happen there, invited to create my own, I did so, site got zero traffic. It didnt so much as die, as never got born.

Off site doesnt work. If it cant be done here, there isnt any point in doing it. (Unless you seriously want to do it, and dont care what traffic it gets).

Superbox is on the shelves here in Australia. Local EBGames store has it.

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Post by Observe » Sat, 29. Jan 11, 12:38

apricotslice wrote:It doesnt matter how good you are at creating sites. The activity is here.
That is true, and it speaks to the issue of community fragmentation. Over the years, I've noticed several things happening around here:

- Mod teams separating themselves from the community in the name of "secrecy".
- External sites trying to "capture" members away from this main site.

As far as I'm concerned:

- Secrecy does not promote a healthy community
- This site will remain primary
- In general, this site runs well, and doesn't need fixing

Personally I'm not interested in high-minded schemes designed to demonstrate intellectual prowess, and spewing forth a lot of words without rolling up of sleeves and stepping into action, amounts to nothing more than diarrhea of the mind.

As already stated by others, if you have an idea, you need to see what you can DO about putting it into action. That's the way it works!

[EDIT] In other words, can't we all just get along, and enjoy our hobby together? No need to compete with each other!
Last edited by Observe on Sun, 30. Jan 11, 05:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by dienadel » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 05:29

Ok, sorry if this has already been mentioned, after the 3rd page I started reading super-fast maybe I missed it.

I think you're missing one big point. You're looking at the wrong number. 4000 may or may not be disappointing, but it's the time you should be focus on. One month?

What is one month for a game like this? I bought games that I managed to finish in less than 16 hours, (Ghost Recon AW2 to name one), and I haven't really felt the need to replay it.

X3 is much different (I would say X, but I haven't played X and X2).

I've started over at least three times in X3R, each time on average longer that 16 days (real time playing) for sure. Plus one with XTM, many days there too. And now I've started one with plain TC, switched to some "balancing" MODs (SRM+CMOD4+some scripts). I think it was like 6 months ago, and I'm nowhere close to say "ok, I'm done with this one let's start over again".

I really appreciated the XTM MOD for X3R, and I was eager for XTC to be released, but hey, everything happens at X3 pace... when I say "eager" I mean it may take a few *months* before I get bored with this game and start a new one with XTC. It just popped on top of my list "which MOD will I try next time?"

Did you really expect people to switch to XTC so fast? If they are X players, you can bet they have an ongoing game, and that can take months to finish.

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Post by Trickmov » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 10:59

The discussion about download-numbers is pretty much finished - no point in repeating the arguments - the discussion in here went into a completly different direction ;)

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Post by apricotslice » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 11:05

Trickmov wrote:The discussion about download-numbers is pretty much finished - no point in repeating the arguments - the discussion in here went into a completly different direction ;)
Successful threadjack imo. :D

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Post by Roguey » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 12:47

hi there,

I just found this post and wanted to add my two cents.

I am finding a similar situation as you guys - low activity with mods.

In my X3 mod there was a lot of activity. I am many people posting messages (either here or my forum), people wanting to test the mod and even a few modellers gave their time to develop some great ships, from PJM, killertide, Crip67, =DC=Shadow. This project had a lot of interest.

It took a long while for me to get around to making a TC mod (I was some-what hesitate making a mod for TC). I finally started to work on the TC mod, this time I had no help apart from testing and killerrog making me some load screens. Things seem somewhat quiet.

My counters on both mods are showing around 700'ish downloads, although on the X3 mod this only includes the last version of the mod. My youtube videos show a completely different picture: X3 videos 2,000-9,000 views each, whilst my TC video 690 views.

I do appreciate each view, comment and download!

I used to run a C&C site a long time ago, that used to post community news. Not long ago asked if anyone could help with this, and got no response. The reason I asked for this is because there are none (if any) sites for X3/TC which report community news (ie. Today the mod team abc have release their new mod xyz). My list of community scripts/mod also never gets added too.

I do not know how you see my site - a big, medium or small site. I have seen a 50% increase in hits recently.... but, this is mainly due to web-page optimization, in-which google is sending more traffic to the site. I am seeing around 500+ unique hits a day on X3 and TC parts of the site, from that 1-3 active members a day (which is low, why I asked Observe if anything went well cos I am wondering if something is broken).

I agree this is the main site. It worries me a bit about ego's latest news.

How are your sites holding out? if not already, id like to link exchange with X3/TC sites, so we hold together.
If there anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Last edited by Roguey on Sun, 30. Jan 11, 12:58, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by apricotslice » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 12:51

What is their latest news ? I havent seen anything.

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Post by Roguey » Sun, 30. Jan 11, 16:41

*sigh I was trying to be serious :(

I like to know how everyone was going.
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Post by apricotslice » Mon, 31. Jan 11, 01:10

It worries me a bit about ego's latest news.
Not having seen anything, I wondered what it was that was worrying you.
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Post by Roguey » Mon, 31. Jan 11, 11:11

oh I thought you were taking the p from:
ie. Today the mod team abc have release their new mod xyz
I meant this peice of news, is like trying get people to follow ego:
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Post by apricotslice » Mon, 31. Jan 11, 11:19

I hadnt seen that. I dont use either.

It actually annoys me a bit that some people spend more time on such sites than they do in forums such as this. When its the sites creator, its a worry. Then they tend to announce things on facebook and forget about their own sites.

Anything to advertise the game and get people interested, but just so long as they dont lose sight of the fact that here is where the action is. If facebook and twitter are pushing people here, then alright, bring it on.

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Post by X2-Eliah » Mon, 31. Jan 11, 11:21

Err, the twitter feed is right in the top spot of Egosoft's main page, and there is a special forum section - whatever's posted on twitter is instantly displayed on both of those places. You don't need to use twt/fb themselves to know about the news, you just need to look a bit beyond the S&M forum section :roll:

Me ends offtopic.

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