[TOOL] [TC/AP/MODS] RobCubed's X3Snapshot Tool (Portable Mod Install Backups)

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[TOOL] [TC/AP/MODS] RobCubed's X3Snapshot Tool (Portable Mod Install Backups)

Post by RobCubed » Wed, 23. Nov 16, 01:02

RobCubed's X3Snapshot Tool v0.2a (11/22/2016)


Download Links:
.Net 4.5.2 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downloa ... x?id=42642 (Required, unfortunately no Windows XP support)
X3Snapshot Tool https://github.com/RobCubed/X3Snapshot/releases - READ BELOW FOR INFO!

WARNING - this is VERY MUCH in Alpha. It's worked fine for *me* across multiple computers. Feedback is welcome. Also, the source is available at http://www.github.com/robcubed/X3Snapshot . If you want to dig in to it yourself, feel free. Don't point and laugh too much at the code, it's a one day hackjob. I spent a quantifiable amount of time on this project writing this post, hah.

If there's any real interest (or real problems that need fixing) I'll touch it up more.

What does this do?
In the simplest terms, it has a list of the files that should be in the base installations of X3:TC, X3:AP, and the bonus packs. Any files that aren't in those groups are saved and packaged into a zip. Any files that ARE in those groups but are modified are *also* saved. Later on, you can unzip that file into a clean installation of X3 and everything should work exactly the same!

In only slightly more complex terms, I grabbed the MD5 hashes of all the files that are included in the default Steam installations of X3:TC/AP/bonus packs. Then I compare them.

Also, this could *technically* be used for ANY game. Just look in the md5-hashes folder, tab delimited - file path from the root, tab, then the MD5 hash. It'll look for those files. More applicable here though is that if I disappear and there's a new patch from Egosoft on one of these games, this would be completely updateable. So you're not reliant on one person in case a fix or something happens, however unlikely.

Why would I use this?
If you mod hop a lot like I do, or if you play on multiple computers like I do, this should be helpful.

Having a nice backup that doesn't take over 10GB before you start adding extra mods is nice. Updating multiple 10GB+ installations across multiple computers is a pain.

Also, I have a nice install of Litcube's + IEX + some other stuff that works nicely, and I wanted to give it to a friend to try (who already owns TC/AP). Guiding him through all the mods - since I didn't entirely remember how to do it - was a pain. This let me pack up the files and send them over without (A) sending a 13-14GB file and (B) without *pirating* anything!

Known/Potential Problems
SHOULD work fine with GOG and other versions besides Steam, but I don't know. GOG it will detect the EXE as modified every time, I'm sure. Not a problem really, but it will pack your EXE along with the mods.

If anybody with a non-steam version - a CLEAN, FRESH install of the game, NO MODS - wants to run this and send me the InstallRequirements.txt file that's generated in the zip, I could get the MD5 hashes for those versions and add them to the list so they're skipped in the future.

I don't know how it'll work with Cycrow's Plugin Manager, I don't use it for my current games.

Save games will need to be managed on your own. I am afraid to mess with that too much, especially since Cycrow's already does and it swaps files around when you're changing your installs already.

Don't store the ZIP files in your X3 directory, please. If you do that, the next time you run it, it will pick up that file as well and add it to the package.

Okay, enough talk, how do I install and use this?

Installation is easy. Just download and unzip wherever you want.

Running the tool

1. Run the included X3Snapshot.exe tool.
2. It will ask you where your modded game is. If you have multiple installs, make sure to select the right one. Make sure to select the main directory, NOT the addons folder.
3. It will then ask you where you want to save the ZIPPED file to and name it. It defaults to X3Snapshot.zip in your Documents folder. I would recommend naming the zip file something you'll remember.
4. Confirm, and it will run. It will take some time to scan your game directory for new files + file changes. (60 seconds or so for Litcube's install on an SSD with an i5 6600k, so if you're on a slower PC give it time).
5. It'll then compress and package the modified files. This will be VERY quick (for people running mostly scripts), to a while (Litcube + IEX took my PC at least 5 minutes, I think).
6. Done!

Restoring a X3Snapshot zipped mod package

1. Open the zip file and read the "InstallRequirements.txt" file. It should include what it expects, ie. which version of XP:TC/AP and which official bonus packs (if any).
2. Use a CLEAN INSTALL! If you don't use a clean install, you could be adding mods on top of mods.
3. Unzip the zip file DIRECTLY into the X3:TC folder. The folder that holds the X3TC.exe and X3AP.exe (if applicable).
4. Run your game!

Planned features
I don't know, maybe not a terrible interface.

Fixed image - under 100kb and 640x480
Last edited by RobCubed on Wed, 23. Nov 16, 14:01, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by RobCubed » Wed, 23. Nov 16, 01:03

Saved, just in case?

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Wed, 23. Nov 16, 09:31

Great idea. :) :thumb_up: Added to Tutorials and Resources sticky.
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Post by darkslimus » Sat, 10. Dec 16, 12:09

Exactly the tool I need, and sure it was specially done for me, the release come just For my birthday :D

I will try it immediately !


So I have tested your program ... it work fine but it would be long with major mods

Some suggestions for a better use:

- a config option would be a good improvement.
I've two folders with two major mods and search the folders once for the install once for the zip emplacement would be boring when you have an atypical sorting for your folders
I like when things are nice sorted so for example in my case my modded games are in c:/games/X3TC/moded/XTC/Terran Conflict in the folder XTC I have a list of script used in different folder like Installed|need fix[not tested|...
So if we can have a config xml file to point path to c:/games/X3TC/modded/ at start up would be fine. and the same for the extracted zip to point to z:/bck/games/X3TC/moded/Snapshot ... it would save some time

- the possibility to import originals language related files into the zip file.
In my case I'm french (that explain my random english) and some off my moded install are in french (NHTC mod) and some in english (XTC mod). I have a steam version and i must change manually the instal or redownload for each new install the language version(about 250Mo)... I'm living in a country where internet acces is payed at the Go and it would be far more expensive than when I was living in France so for me it would save a lot of money ;)

- last but not least the possibility to choose the zip format and option for better compress time or lighter final file. On a laptop space is a real problem and in my case it's hard to find an external HD ... I must make 400 km on waste roads for that and not sure to find something ^^

I think an xml config file would be a very good thing if you don't wan't to do a GUI

Thanks a lot for your tool he is very helpfull for me ...

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Post by Spectre01 » Sat, 10. Dec 16, 20:35

Great tool! Will try it.

btw, does it also package files that isn't related to the game? Because I have couple .txt under my modded TC folder that I made to remind myself what some files that I edited to. Will this also package those files as well?

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Post by darkslimus » Sat, 10. Dec 16, 21:43

It take all files who are not original X3TC/AP files ... so your txt files would be enpacked too

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