Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

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Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by fipmip » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 04:47

We've all been here before. New X release, same devs likely doing the same things wrong. in approximately 4 days this forum will be a river of salt.

i recommend not preordering or buying on release day, and watching previews of the game before deciding to buy. as with any game really, but this one especially so.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by DaMuncha » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 05:05

Just like rebirth I have allready decided that Ill buy it. If it comes with bugs it'll eventually be patched.
Just... another... bug.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by ZombiePotatoSalad » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 05:12

That's... a rather harsh thing to say. Yes, it will have bugs, but I don't think it will be so broken as to be unplayable.

I preordered October 1st, and I will stick with this game, bugs or no bugs. Bugs get fixed in time. Just like people advocating patience before its release, you should also show patience after release, as Egosoft works to fix the problems that arise.
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by fcth » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 05:41

fipmip wrote:
Tue, 27. Nov 18, 04:47
We've all been here before. New X release, same devs likely doing the same things wrong. in approximately 4 days this forum will be a river of salt.
I haven't found these games to be any buggier than anyone else's. One painful crash in X2, one plot-breaking bug involving #deca in TC, but otherwise, reasonably solid. For me, XR performed fine (aside from being a little wonky with the controls), it just wasn't fun, which was a whole other mess, and much harder to fix with some patches (though some stuff like changing the highway minigame seemed so simple and obvious you wonder why they didn't do it much sooner).

In any event, it's entirely fair to hold off on pre-ordering, but I also don't think there's any reason to assume that the game will be an unplayable mess at launch.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by reanor » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 05:43

If I am not mistaken the game has been tested now for a few months. I have hopes that this release may be different in a way that there will be fewer bugs, but I want to believe this more than it is true. We've all been burnt with X games, why not be burnt with another one? :lol: As pathetic as it sounds, I have higher hopes for X4, not sure why though. I speculate on my own hopes. :roll:
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Spectre01 » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 05:56

Not my first rodeo with egosoft and won't be the last. They pretty much is the only dev making this kind of games (space eco simulator). And I will fully support this niche game by any means. Already pre-ordered.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by JSalzbrunn » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 06:36

Its the first time Egosoft dont have a publisher but is self publishing. So nobody is forcing them to release a half baked product like it happened with X-R. This time ES set the release day without any other company pressurizing. So i am really faithfull It might become the most bugfree release of a X-Game we ever experienced.
If not i dont care much. ES is known for squeezing bugs as soon as they are able to. :wink:

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by vadiolive » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 07:10

I mean as egosoft support i dont care if get bug or ot - i alred pre order and dont going get refund

But they manage get bugfree , for sure going take alot peoples still on fance , pick nice market share from NMS/SC/ED that can boost their budget or even expand team
its why i said 2 moth ago , its like golden oportunity to egosoft this kind influx money going realy expand game or just me notice they realy try space legs and people want this , except they dont have enough resource yet to make do rigth

:) its why bugfree and 60 fps beyond anything is good pick
is kind late but next time release fews "bechmark" that can run our pc and make dynamic unvierse scale based in our Setups to game aim stable 60 fps in long term in any situation but well its just fews things cross my mind
I see mass traffic same time say cool its give me imersion , same time damm its going screw up our fps probably be some first mod to take off like X-R

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Tomonor » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 07:25

We understand your concern, and you have truly spooked us with this thread.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Arvel » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 07:27

Not having a publisher doesn't mean there aren't other factors capable of forcing them to kick a product out the door early. For example, they need to be able to pay wages, etc. so if a game needed another few months in the oven but their finances wouldn't last that long they might not have much choice except to release and work on patching the game afterward. Games aren't made in a vacuum, so only a hobbyist indie developer can actually work on perfecting a project indefinitely.

In any case, I feel the important thing is whether the underlying game is actually worth playing. Egosoft has a pretty good track-record for supporting their games post-launch (unlike a certain other developer, that continually re-releases a game that's a decade old while including bugs that plagued it at launch and were patched by the player community), so even game-breaking bugs won't be the end of the world so long as the core game is fun.

A rocky launch will hurt sales to people outside their core audience though, so I hope for Egosoft's sake that the game's launch goes as smoothly as possible.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by DancingPengiun » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 08:34

Kinda expected as long time lurker. Maybe not for newcomers or misinformed.

However I do like to point out that this time:

Not as much hype in comparison with XR.
Hopefully not as busted as XR since its carryover engine this round.
Hopefully not as much salt to hug the forum server to death. :wink:

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by spacecoyote99 » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:17

I'm hyped for released, bugs be damned. We're releasing on a much more mature engine this time, what we've see of the interface changes (Rebirth's biggest remaining failing imo) I like. Yeah there will be bugs, it's a niche game from a small team.

I'm not expecting anything seriously game breaking this time, but even if there is Egosoft will sort it out as they always have.

aside: someone made a new account just to "warn" everyone about X4's release. That's some dedication.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Vanir » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:39

fipmip wrote:
Tue, 27. Nov 18, 04:47
We've all been here before. New X release, same devs likely doing the same things wrong. in approximately 4 days this forum will be a river of salt.

i recommend not preordering or buying on release day, and watching previews of the game before deciding to buy. as with any game really, but this one especially so.
You may well be correct.
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Billynomates » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:46

repatomonor wrote:
Tue, 27. Nov 18, 07:25
We understand your concern, and you have truly spooked us with this thread.

Canceling my car insurance right away.
@ repatomonor +2 I have just cancelled my holiday of a lifetime too, however nothing to do with bugs just so that I can unofficially test the game for the next 12 months to make sure it's up to scratch for my genuine X players of the past and present. :wink:

Pretty bold statement from you OP/Troll -2 can you substantiate your comment as a beta tester it would then have some credence, but if you just made this post because you are personally concerned then I would suggest you refrain from pre-ordering until you satisfied for sure. If this is purely based on your experience from X-Afterbirth then sir you are a long way off the mark, this Vulkan engine has been running since XR and they had the opportunity to test it on XR and they have already said in their videos that they have a complete game already so you are just scaremongering here imo.

The fact that you just created this account today and have only made one post shows you are just a Xenon troll! Be interesting to see you return after release and then update your concerns, though I doubt that will happen that's if you have the balls of course!!! :rant: Over!
Last edited by Billynomates on Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Drzator » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:52

We all have popcorn rdy, i think drama will be much smaller then in XR. Only donkey go 2 time on ice... (not sure if donkey wokrs in englsih).

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Perahoky » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 09:59

Guys, how would you feel if you write hours days weeks months and years on a game which is nearly on release, and now there a some dudes writing stupid stuff about it? Making the game much worse than it is or would be?

If there ARE desastrous errors, you can blame somebody, but not if there is nothing to blame cause its not released yet.

And i think, the way is the target, not the single point (the release). If there are bugs: deal with it! Bugs are fixable.
Bad design like in xrebirth is much more problematic than bugs.

And egosoft is one of the very single devoloper studios who extend fix and devolop a game long time after the release.

Goto EA and tell them they should fix SimCity or fix Soundbugs or activision creating a game which is not "Call of duty" with copied animations, textures, weapons, stories.
They dont fix old games, but shut down servers and sue people and player who rewrite the server code or mods to make old games playable.
Edit: call of duty is not EA, my fault.

If you were a devoloper, you would know how hard it is, especially in a small team.

And dont forget: its a german team.
Most of the interviews are based in german, so news about the game were mostly reported in germany.
And you can watch the livestream of egosoft from 2017 at XCON.
Last edited by Perahoky on Tue, 27. Nov 18, 10:16, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by Alee Enn » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 10:05

fipmip wrote:
Tue, 27. Nov 18, 04:47
... same devs likely doing the same things wrong.
How about giving them a chance to learn from their mistakes? From what I've seen, they have learned. Will it be perfect on day 1? No, of course it won't, no game is, but I believe it'll be better than Rebirth was and maybe even better than my favourite game of the series, X3TC. I am excited to find out.
fipmip wrote:
Tue, 27. Nov 18, 04:47
... in approximately 4 days this forum will be a river of salt.

i recommend not preordering or buying on release day, and watching previews of the game before deciding to buy. as with any game really, but this one especially so.
This forum is more sensible and less toxic than at least two other game's communities I've known. I have a lot of respect for people on this forum, and only those who come in now will be spreading salt. Most of us have been here several years and are familiar with Egosoft. A few bugs won't bother us.

Oh and if we all waited for someone else to show us gameplay, we'd be waiting forever. Someone has to test the waters, and I for one will be doing so.
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by BigBANGtheory » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 10:28

I'm both calm and optimistic this time, I personally feel that Egosoft has understood and done what it needed to do. When its come to making those harder choices they appear to have scaled back the scope of the game in favour of quality which again I think is the right answer because if the base game is right then the expansions will be sought after and it just a question of how fast can they arrive.

I can understand the cynicism from many people and would be in that camp too were it not for some genuine changes we know are coming, changes that tbh I was hoping to see in X3:TC but had to wait.

There is undoubtly going to be drama thrown at X4 from past events but if X4 is good and stands tall on its own merits then the good will overcome. Of course if it is a pile of spanners then it is what it is a showcase with no substance but I don't think that will be the case.

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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by EmperorDragon » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 10:38

Well, I bought X3 on day one and it was broken, same with Terran Conflict. Never regretted my purchase.
Then I preordered X Rebirth, no regrets either.
And yes, X4 will be a day one purchase as well. Only reason I did not preorder is because I am stuck with mobile internet for the moment and will hopefully be sorted come Friday.

If it's broken on release, I'll just give it a month or so to get patched up, and then enjoy it anyway.

Only annoyances was not being able to play them properly right from the start but, as I said, never any regrets with an X game, it always ends up super awesome - even Rebirth.

If I can get hold of physical retail copies one day, I'll re-buy both Rebirth and X4 to add them to my collection. I used to be a big-time games collector before Steam killed off the retail industry.
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Re: Just a reminder this game will be busted on release

Post by bl3ek » Tue, 27. Nov 18, 10:38

Is the OP trolling?

I've already got an accountant, not sure I need another one, but thanks anyway.

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