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X³: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more additions to the open, free-form gameplay that forms the core of all X series games.

X³: Farnham's Legacy is free to all owners of X³: Albion Prelude on Steam.

Explore a Changing Universe: X³: Farnham's Legacy

Set in the years after X³: Albion Prelude, as the chaos caused by the gate shutdown really takes hold, X³: Farnham's Legacy starts very differently to previous games in the X3 series. Trapped in an isolated area of space, you'll first need to make use of the new exploration features to find your way back to civilisation. Then, once you're there, you'll be able to use the new diplomacy options to help shape your relationships with the factions you find.

Key features:

  • (Almost) Everything from X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude
  • Exploration tools and explorers guild
  • Diplomacy and dynamic relations
  • New drone carrier and armoured transport ships
  • Player headquarters with new advanced facilities
  • A unique and very special new ship
  • Station-building and complex planning services
  • Ship browser and hyperlinked encyclopedia
  • New piracy options and gameplay
  • Real sector ownership
  • Improved logs and graphs
  • Enhanced modding support
  • Lots and lots of smaller improvements!
Note: X³: Farnham's Legacy is not compatible with savegames from X³: Terran Conflict or X³: Albion Prelude.


24.Apr.24 7.00 Public Beta 3 now available
Today we are taking the next step towards the 7.00 release and have published a new beta version (7.00 Beta 3) for you. Thank you for your feedback so far, and for your continued support as we move towards this substantial update for X4: Foundations. Please visit our forum for the full 7.00 changelog overview....

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11.Apr.24 7.00 Public Beta 2 now available
Thank you for all your positive feedback on our 7.00 Public Beta launch last week, and also on our dedicated trailer. Those of you who have been with us for a while know how things proceed from here on out, but for all new X4 pilots, here's a heads up: During the Public Beta phase, we will regularly release new beta versions that fix issues found in the previous version, or improve features. This way, we are slowly but surely working our way towards the release of the final 7.00 update....

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04.Apr.24 X4: Foundations 7.00 La bêta publique est lancée aujourd'hui !
Egosoft est ravi d'annoncer le lancement de la bêta publique 7.00 pour X4: Foundations, marquant une étape importante dans l'évolution de l'Univers X. L'annonce d'aujourd'hui est accompagnée d'une bande-annonce complète présentant certaines des nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations, ainsi que l'univers futuriste qui attend les vétérans et les nouveaux venus. Rejoignez la bêta publique 7.00 et accompagnez-nous jusqu'à la sortie de la version complète plus tard cette année....

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20.Dec.23 Egosoft dévoile l'extension X4: Timelines et la mise à jour majeure 7.00 pour X4: Foundations
  • Embarquez pour une odyssée spatiale sans précédent avec X4: Timelines, la toute nouvelle extension pour l'univers X4.
  • Avec un tout nouveau scénario palpitant se déroulant en dehors du bac à sable X4, préparez-vous à relever des défis colossaux et à faire des excursions inattendues dans les profondeurs du mythe et de l'histoire de la série X.
  • La nouvelle mise à jour 7.00, gratuite et majeure, améliorera votre périple spatial dans X4 grâce à un grand nombre d'améliorations et de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

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30.Nov.23 Celebrating 5 incredible years of X4: Foundations
Time flies when you're navigating the vast expanse of the universe! It's hard to believe, but today marks the 5th Anniversary of X4: Foundations. From distant galaxies to intricate space stations, every moment of this journey has been an incredible experience, made even more special by your unwavering support and enthusiasm....

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